T HE MIC R IG A N DAILY WEDNESDAY, J ANUARY 28, 1942 New Battleship That Brought Churchill To U. S. Aid Committee Will Sponsor Soviet Movies Double Bill Includes Films By Quentin Reynolds; Will Start Tomorrow Sponsored by the Ann Arbor Com- mittee for Medical Aid to the Soviet Union, a double feature program, featuring Quentin Reynolds' film, "One Day in Soviet Russia," and the Russian picture, "Musical Story," will start at 8:15 p.m."tomorrow in Rack- ham Lecture Hall. Reynolds who wrote and presents the narration in his film has been acting as a war correspondent from that country. He was the only spe- cial newspaper attache from the United States at the military conver- sations in Moscow. The picture was made in one day by 97 cameramen scattered all over the land. Almost every phase of Russian life is de- picted, touching upon the industrial, agricultural, artistic and medical. The picture "Musical Story" in- cludes scenes from such operas as "May Night," "Prince Igor," and "Eugene Onegin." This film is pre- sented by the opera stars of the Soviet Union. The latest Soviet War News will also be presented in this program. The pictures will take place in the Rackham Lecture Hall Thursday through Saturday. Tickets are avail- able at a local book store and the Michigan League. All those interested in entering a cooperative house next semes- ter should arrange for an inter- view by calling Owen Schwamm at 2-2143. Union Book Exchange To Open Good bargains in used textbooks may have the books which they wish and excellent opportunities to sell to sell picked up at their fraternity, them will be available to all students sorority, dormitory, or cooperative when the Book Exchange opens Feb. without necessitating a trip to the 7 in the South Lounge of the Union. Exchange. Student run and strictly a non- Booklists for all schools will be profit organization, the Exchange is available so that students may be designed to help students save money sure of having their texts before on their textbooks., Owners may classes begin. The books are guar- name their own prices and the only anteed to be the right ones for the cost is a slight deduction for the course selected. operating expenses of the Exchange. The Book Exchange was a great A new pick-up system will go into success last year, doing more than effect this year, whereby students $1,000 worth of business. .. I The new British battleship Duke of York dug into the Atlantic swells as it brought Prime Minister Winston Churchill to the United States for his recen t c(iference with President Roosevelt. Six of the ship's big guns (left) are swung outboard. It was revealed that the 35,000-ton craft actually was in service only when the Admiralty announced that the York had tak en Churchill on his trip. C one Go Cites Qualiications For Genuine By CHARLES THATCHER "Real leadership makes men want to follow." That's the opinion of Col. W. A, Ganoe of the military science de- partment, and the way in which he has popularized himself with the ROTC in the few weeks he has been here proves that he is not only right but that he believes in practicing what he preaches. It didn't just happen that way. Colonel Ganoe has made a hobby. of relationships with subordinates and employes for 22 years, and he is just as sure now as he was then that you must "take an individual interest in the men under you" if you are to succeed as a leader. Follows Old Theory Nor is this his opinion alone. Such military immortals as Washington and von Steuben, such industrial greats as Heinz, preached and prac- ticed the same theory-and were equally successful, as history will at- test. Von Steuben went so far as to say that a company commander should "know every man under him by name and by character." That's a big or- der, Colonel Ganoe, admitted, but he's already set out to know every man in the advanced corps, and is succeeding admirably. "A productive personality is like money," he philosophized. "You have to spend it in order to make it. But it is also unlike money in that the more you spend, the more you have." Self-importance is the key to al- most everyone's emotions, Colonel Ganoe pointed out. It is not egotism, but it is the thing which above every- thing else motivates our actions. "Play up to a man's self-importance, and he is yours," he advised. "Never be 'too busy' to see a sub- ordinate or employe," he stated. "Sat- isfying that one man will build mor- ale in your entire organization. Use exact logic and forget about your own emotions when weighing a decision. And above all, if you're wrong, admit it!" Another cardinal sin to a real lead- er is fault-finding, according to Col- onel Ganoe. "You are after correc- tion, not punishment," he observed. "Wait until a man does something Daylight Saving Presents Complications To State LANSING, Jan. 27.-(P)--Byron L. Ballard, legal adviser to Governor Van Wagoner, said today he has found added complications in the problem presented by the new federal daylight saving time law. Ballard declared in a letter to Rep. James I. Post, even if the legislature should change the entire State back to a Central Standard Time basis, railroads and other interstate com- merce facilities still would have to advance their schedules an hour to comply with the federal law and would be an hour ahead of other clocks. Leadershipe well and then compliment him so highly he'll keep on doing well, rather than keep after him for the things he does wrong." It was also noted that general cor- rections are to be avoided in favor of individual corrections, made in pri- vate. A general correction creates a sense of injustice' in those who are already doing the thing correctly. "Feelings are all that count," Col- onel Ganoe concluded. "It may sound like a Sunday School sermon, but the application of the Golden Rule will bring better results than any other policy for dealing with the men under you. Wrote Army History Recently transferred to campus as head of the military science depart- ment, Colonel Ganoe has written a history of the U. S. Army and served as Army editor of the Encyclopedia Britannica. While collecting information for the history, he discovered certain traits common to all the military leaders who were loved by their men. This discovery led to an investigation of industry, and the same traits were found there. His 22-year study of the subject standing him in good stead, Colonel Ganoe has spoken before many in- dustrial groups on the topic of "In- dustrial Relationships," and recently addressed the campus chapter of the Army Ordnance Association on the subject. Auto Titles Released LANSING, Jan. 27.-(P)--Orders permitting release of certificates of title and license plates for motor ve- hicles purchased and delivered prior to January 1 today were sent to branch offices by the Department of State. F-. i K, " Stringr Bon-bon dishes . . Candle sticks . . . Sugar and creamers . C IBL C R 308 South State - Established 1904.V 0 I I I ,iT Eli AMY Tl NO DANCE 'ro r' ti.._ .. ._._ _. 1 Ieg uar em 2)ea ancei I GYM SUPPL GYM SLlITS SWEAT SUITS SOCKS SHOES IES , , Oft galaria, januarti3 2Jrida J 2ebrary, &awx/a1a 27etrtj7 ~tI THE BEST IN SPORTING GOODS I I I is