TuE: f r: JANVARY27, I9PP
Cornell Offers
Engine School
Scholarships, Fellowships
For Graduate Students
Scheduled At Ithaca
The College of Engineering of
Cornell University has announced
several John McMullen Graduate
Scholarships, paying $900 a year, and
a number of other fellowships and
scholarships for graduates of ac-
credited colleges for the academic
year of 1942-43.
Other awards, in addition of the
McMullen Graduate Scholarships, are
listed as follows: in civil engineer-
ing, the Elon Huntington Hooker
Fellowship in hydraulics, with a sti-
pend of $150 a year, the McGraw
Fellowship of $400 a year and free
tuition, and a University Graduate
Scholarship, of $200 a year and free
The following scholarships will be
offered in mechanical engineering;
the Sibley Fellowship, which consists
of $400 a year and free tuition, and
the Edgar J. Meyer Memorial Fel-
lowship, also $400 a year and free
The Charles Bull Earle Memorial
Fellowship of $400 a year and free
tuition will be offered to students in
the field of electrical engineering.
The McMullen Graduate Scholar-
ships may be held in any of the four
general fields of civil, mechanical,
electrical, or chemical engineering.
Applications for these scholarships
should be sent to the dean of the
Graduate School of Cornell Univer-
sity before March 1. Application
blanks may be received direct from
the Graduate School Office in Itha-
ca, N.Y.
Mike ife
One of the better known of the
University broadcasts this year has
been the 9 a.m. Saturday "Youth in
the News" program.
News items furnish material for
these half-hour dramatizations in
which outstanding young Americans
in the fields of government, educa-
tion, defense, history and science are
the principal characters. The sketch-
es, written by University and exten-
sion course students, have been direc-
ted by Don Hargis, guest director at
Morris Hall.
Though Director David Owen's
show, "Of Legal History," heard each
Tuesday at 3 p.m. over WJR will
have to make way for a new defense
series during the second semester,
it will be remembered as a highly
successful program, for this is the
second year that a series of this type
was used.
Ellie Terretta, Grad., creator of last
year's legal series, also authored this
semester's show. The scripts, writ-
ten in conjunction with the Michigan
State Bar Association, revealed the
private lives of men famous in Eng-
lish and American law courts, among
them the stories of Henry II, Henry of
Bracton, Edward Coke, John Mar-
shall and Daniel Webster. The State
Bar has a permanent library of "Log-
ical History" recordings.
Members of Prof. Waldo Abbot's
radio script writing class (speech
187) have produced all of the plays
for the "Heroes of Medicine" series,
on the air each Thursday at 3 p.m.
over WJR. Mr. David Owen, origin-
ator of the "Jack Armstrong" and
"Skippy" programs, has directed this
series, which will be continued next
semester, while Ray Gerson, '43, by
virtue of his "mature voice" has done
all the narrating.
Bomb Even Digs Grave To Bury Bus
works of Mozart, Copland and Mah-
ler in the concert to be given this
afternoon in Hill Auditorium.
The program, scheduled to begin
promptly at 4:15, is complimentary
to the public.
Organ Rtecital: Mr. Barrett Spach,
Organist and Director of Music of
the Fourth Presbyterian Church, Chi-
cago, will appear as guest organist
Wednesday afternoon at 4:15 in Hill
Auditorium. The program will include
works of Buxtehude, Clerambault,
Bach and Franck.
Although the recital is open to
the general public, small children
will not be admitted.
Student Recitals: The following re-
citals will be given in Lydia Mendels-
sohn Theater by students of the
School of Music in partial fulfillment
of the requirements for degrees:
Choon Cha Lee, Pianist, Saturday,
January 31, 8:30 p.m.
Wanda Nigh, Violinist, Sunday,
February 1, 4:15 p.m.
John Wolaver, Pianist, Sunday,
February 1, 8:30 p.m.
James Merrill, Pianist, Monday,
February 2, 4:15 p.m.
Helen Westlin, Violinist, Wednes-
day, February 4, 4:15 p.m.
Margaret Martin, Soprano, Wed-
nesday, February 4, 8:30 p.m.
James Wolfe, Pianist, Monday,
February 9, 8:30 p.m.
Thomas Wheatley, Violinist, Wed-
nesday, February 11, 8:30 p.m.
Corning EWila
Anatomy Research Club: The next
meeting of the Anatomy Research
Club will be held on Wednesday,
Jan. 28, at 4:30 p.m. in Room 2501
East Medical Bldg.
Di. R. Dean Schick of Ohio StateI
University will present a paper en-
titled "Simulation of Pregnancy
Changes in the Mouse \Tagina."
Tea will be served in Room '3502
from 4:00 till 4:30. Everyone I-
terested is cordially invited.
Governor Predicts
Congress Will Act
WASIINGTON, Jan, 20. -. :P) -
Governor Murray D. van Wagoner
predicted today quick Congressional
action which he hoped would ease
Michigan's unemployment problem
due to the war program.
He said after conferences with de-
fense officials and members of Con-
gress that it was possible that Con-
gress would approve by Feb. 1 an
emergency appropriation of $300.-
000,000 requested by President Roose-
Sel( for the care of workers jobless
because of conversion of industries
-- - from civilian to defense production.
Episcopal Students: There will be A special session of the Legislature
a celebration of the Holy Commun- on Feb. 9 will be asked to increase
ion at 7:30 Wednesday morning in state unemployment compensation,
Bishop Williams Chapel, Harris Hall. now a maximum of $16 a week for 18
Breakfast will be served after the weeks, unless the federal appropria-
service. tion is made by that time.
President Roosevelt suggested the
Faculty Alumni Dance will be held appropriation in order to assure
at the Michigan Union on Wednes- workers up to $24 a week for 26
day, January 28, 9:00-12:00 p.m. weeks.
- - ---------
Cleaned and Blocked
This unusual view of a bus nosed into a huge bomb crater on a
London street was made after one of last year's heavy night air raids,
but the picture was just released for publication. It was sent by radio
from London to New York.
Your Dime Contribution Means
Victory Over Infantile Paralysis
for only a39c
"We believe that victory over in-
fantile paralysis, most dreaded
scourge of childhood; is possible,"
claimed Dr. Max Minor Peet, profes-
sor of surgery and Chairman of the
Committee on Education of the Na-
tional Foundation for Infantile Par-
"Our hopes are not based on senti-
ment-the pull on our heart strings
when we see a crippled child, but
are built on hard scientific facts-
new facts, new discoveries of the sci-
entist whose work you have made
possible through your support of the
National Foundation for Infantile
"Do not be disappointed when I
state that no* cure, no no even a clue
pointing in the direction of a cure,
for paralysis has been developed.
Such a possibility is, of course, always
before us. Hundreds of experiments
have already been made and thous-
ands more will be undertaken in the
hopes that some chemical combina-
tion will be found which will render
harmless the virus of poliomyelitis
once it has entered the body."
The results obtained in the treat-
ment of the pneumonias, of strepto-
coccus, staphycoccus, and gonococcus
infections with the use of sulfa dugs
suggests that these and related com-
pounds might be used in the preven-
tion or possible cure of virus diseases.
So far over 100 compounds have been
used, but with negative results. How-
ever, there are still more, than 1000
yet to be tried.
"A great advance was made," said
Dr. Peet, "when a certain strain of
the virus isolated from a child dying
at Lansing produced infantile paral-
ysis, not/alone in monkeys (whose ex-
pense made extensive experimental
work prohibitive), but in cotoon rats
and in white mice. Now thousands
of experiments with hundreds of
complex chemical compounds cquld
be made."
Formerly, it was thought that the
disease could only enter through the
nose, but recent experiments have
shown that the virus can enter the
central nervous system by way of the
alimentary tract. This summer
brought definite proof that the virus
may be carried by the common house
fly. Flies collected in a number of
communities were found to carry the
disease. The virus has now been
found in the stools of patients suf-
fering from the disease, and also of
apparently normal children and
adults and in sewage.
"Thus the possibility of combating
poliomyelitis by public health mea-
sures, as has beendone for typhoid,
seems reasonable," Dr. Peet con-
Future English
Written specifically for future
English teachers and incorporating
the most highly recommended study
methods and material arrangement,
the new textbook of Prof. Albert H.
Marckwardt of the English depart-
ment, has recently been published
and adopted for use on this campus.
The text, entitled, "Introduction
to the English Language," is for stu-
dents in the third and fourth years,
of college and is written in such a
style as to be readily adaptable to
whatever amount of time allowed for
its study.
Professor Marckwardt says that
the book is not intended as an orig-
inal contribution to present linguis-
tic knowledge. "It is designed, rather,
to present on a college classroom level
a synthesis of the most important re-
sults of linguistic investigation and
grammatical speculation," says the
The material in the text is ar-
ranged in an unusual manner but
with a definite purpose in view. In-
stead of starting with ancient Eng-
lish and proceeding to modern, Pro-
fessor Marckwardt reverses the order
and presents the study of modern
grammar first.
The Tuesday evening concert of
recordedmusic in the Men's Lounge
of the Rackham Building at 8:00
tonight will be as follows:
Bach: Violin Concerto in D Minor;
Joseph Szigeti. Sibelius: Symphony
No. 3 in C Major; London Sym-
phony. Handel: Concerto No. 1, in
B Flat Major; London Philharmonic.
Brahms: Variations on a Theme of
Hayden; Bartlett and Robertson.
Ann. Arbor Art Association: A com-
prehensive showing of all phases of
work of theMichigan Art and Craft
Project of the Works Administration,
represented by photograph and a
number of representative actual
works in ceramics, textiles, furniture,
etc. Rackham galleries, 2-5 and 7:30-
9:00, through January 31, except
Sunday. Open to the public.
College of Architecture and Design:
Photographs taken by J. Stuart Gil-
dart, DD'43, are being shown in the
ground floor corridor cases, Archi-
tecture Building, through January 29.
Open daily except Sunday, 9 to 5.
The public is invited.
Sigma Xi Lecture: Professor Fred
J. Hodges of the Department of
Roentgenology will speak on the sub-
ject, "Medical uses of the Cyclotron,"
before the Michigan Chapter of Sig-
ma Xi, tonight at 8:00 in the amphi-
theater of the Rackham Building.
Members may invite guests.
Events Today
Dr. M. W. Senstius of the Geology
Department will speak on "The Ec-
onomic Importance of the Nether-
land East Indies" tonight at /7:30 in
Room 2054 Natural Science.
Episcopal, Students: Tea will be
served for Episcopal students and
their friends at Harris Hall this
afternoon, 4:00-5:30.
The Play Reading section of the
Faculty Women's Club will meet
this afternoon at 2:15 in the Michi-
gan League.
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