PAGE FOUR THE MTCHTAN DATTY WEDNE~SDAY, OCTOBR 1. 1941 1 ll1 81 1 V A 1\ L Cy .i. L J.. " 1 uvaiaa . iI fV i/i)lilV 1, 1JY1 J. The Michigan Daily I . * Reprinted l >,fBy Request By TOM THUMB i Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Published every morning except Monday during the University year and Summer Session. Member of the Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of republication of all other matters herein also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second class mail matter. Subscriptions during the regular school year by carrier $4.00, by mail $5.00. REPRESENTED FOR NATIONAL ADVERTI3NG BY National Advertising Service,Inc. W College Publisbers Representative 420 MADISON AVE. NEW YORK. N. Y. CNICAG * BOSTON * LOS ANGELES * SAN FRANCISCO Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1941-42 Emile Geld . Robert Speckhard Albert P. Blauste David Lachenbruc Alvin Dann Hal Wilson Arthur Hill Janet Hiatt Grace Miller Virginia Mitchell Editorial Staff . . . . Managing Editor S . . . Editorial Director yin. . City Editor .hAssociate Editor . . . . Associate Editor . . . . . Sports Editor . . Assistant Sports Editor * . . .Women's Editor , . . Assistant Women's Editor . . . . . Exchange Editor Business Staff Business Manager ' . Assistant Business Manager . Women's Advertising Manager * . Women's Business Manager Daniel James Louise Evelyn H. Huyett B. Collins Carpenter Wright NIGHT EDITOR: BILL BAKER, The editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. Conversation At A Bar" . A MAN SAT DOWN at the bar in a cheap beer joint. "One beer," he said. The bartender slid a beer down the coun- ter. The man paid him and contemplated his beer for a long long time. He wore a pair of unpressed grey trousers and a blue work shirt. His face was creased and sweaty and his dark whiskers showed through his skin. All in all he looked like the typical Ameyican, or as close to a "typical American" as anyone can come. The bartender spoke to him finally. "Them Rooshians are puttin' up a good fight, but I don't see how they can last much longer." "Hmph, I been thinkin' about the Reds, too. Funny what good friends they are now, when just a year ago they were supposed to be sabo- tagin' and doin' everything they could to help the Nazis." "Yeah," replied the bartender. "But it's O.K. when you figger that we ain't got no sympathy for 'em, but we happen to have the same ene- mies." "Sure, that's O.K. I don't like 'em either. But how come everybody was tellin' us how bad they were before, an' now they turned so good all of a sudden? I seen a bunch of pic- tures in a magazine showing how fine life is there, when a couple of months before the same magazine dammed the Godless Russians. Are they fooling us now? Or were they handing us a line in the old days about the Russians being rats?" "Well, of course we've got to cooperate with them. After all, they're fighting our battles." "I don't know whether they're fighting our battles or not. I don't know enough to know whether we can keep out or not, but there's one thing I just can't get out of my head; and that's that somebody's been tooling us and telling us things that ain't true, or else they are now." "Well, it's all for the defense." "Sure, but what'll they tell us after the war? Will they tell us they were only kidding and that the Russians really are rats? If Russia wins will we fight Russia? Or will they say the Russians are angels and we ought to invite 'em over to tea?"4 "I dunno, bud, and I ain't much interested." "Remember all the fuss about Finland-the little democracy? I don't get that either. Now they're saying that Finland never was a democ- racy, and Finland's on the side of Germany. Who's giving us this line, anyway? I heard a guy speak in defense of Russia against Finland and he was mobbed and put in jail. Now they don't let us speak in defense of Finland. Who's putting stuff over on us?" "Aw, forget it. Have another beer." "O.K., but do you remember Spain?" "Well sure. That's the country where they speak Spanish, ain't it?" "Well, everybody was for the rebels long ago in Spain, and the people against 'em they called reds and fascists and everything. How come now that the rebels won we find out Hitler's running the country?" "Calm down, calm down. Here's your beer." "This sure is one hell of a mixed up world. I suppose any day now we'll discover that the United States is on the side of Germany, or that Tew Vrk has been given to Australia." On Monday, September 22, before an audience of more than 1,700 incoming freshmen, Prof, Philip Bursley of the romance language depart- ment, and director of orientation activities, quoted an ex-Daily staff member as an example of "sloppy thinking." A man should think like he lives, he said, otherwise he'll live like he thinks. The material under discussion was an article by Mascott, columnist on last year's Daily, in which he gave his frank comment upon the ed- ucational, system. Since Professor Bursley's quotations from this column were partial, and since I have had many inquiries regarding Mas- cott's particular brand of "sloppy thinking," it is only fair to the author to reprint his column in full, without editorial comment. (Mascott did not, as Professor Bursley suggested, write this column "during a hangover"). If this re- print stimulates several letters to the editor regarding the education we're getting here, it will have accomplished its purpose. It follows, with- out comment: * * * "ON FIRST IMPULSE I would like, on gradua- tion day, to pick up my textbooks and throw them as powerfully as I could, right smack at the center of the center door of Angell Hall. In that gesture I should finally be able to express my disgust at the failure of the University to turn out thinking students. In that futile, foolish pitch I would articulate my contempt for an educational system which swallows adolescent children from the high schools and disgorges them unspoiled and unchanged after four years of so-called higher training. "When I look at the gigantic buildings of Michigan, when I watch the thousands of stu- dents filing merrily along, blankly oblivious to any purpose which could give their day-by-day existences meaning and direction. I feel a murky, black despair. Where can one start, what can one change, how can one overcome the all- Civil Service Union Takes A Stand . . . F high cost of living, increased staple, prices, and wage lag repre- sent a menace to industrial labor, then these earmarks of inflation are the difference between life and poverty to the average civil service worker. His much-prized stability of income has become an anchor, holding him down in a rising tide. Therefore it was with these basic factors in mind that the State, County, and Municipal Workers of America, a C.I.O. union, summarized their convention held last week in Lansing. Their resolutions, while of major importance to government employes, should be noted by every laborer in America. The convention's major debate opened over the questionoftbarring Communists, Nazis and Fascists from union office. The ban, recom- mended by the Pontiac local, was dropped and the union unanimously adopted a resolution against "Red-baiting" and discrimination on the basis of political beliefs. THE SIGNIFICANCE of this resolution lies in its adherence to a half-buried cause. Com- mittee investigations such as those now being conducted in Washington and New York are pat- ting a shovel on freedom to teach, freedom to talk, freedom to write, and freedom to organize. But the Lansing convention, peculiarly vulner- able through its attachment to the government, has refused to back down. Its action will be called communistic (by those so isolated that they are ignorant of Russia's entrance into the war), uncooperative, visionary and, damn it- un-American. The union has stuck its neck out, and decapitation is its most probable fate. Therefore the record of this past Lansing convention cannot be considered a neon sign of the times. Such resolutions are not the trend of organized labor in America. The A.F. of L. has willingly given up its rights in the interests of national defense, and seems destined to be- come a social club entertained by such amusers as Willie Bioff and George Scalese. However there are still anachronisms such as this civil service group which are able to remind us &f that which was, and may be, but certainly is not. IF the convention had been willing to close its minutes with this resolution, then its Lan- sing meeting would have been of no more than passing importance. But its treatment of a much more permanent question, the right of civil servipe men to collective bargaining, also deserves notice. President Flaxer, in express- ing the union's stand, declared that the doc- trine of "strikes against the government consti- tute insurrection" had no place under a de- mocracy. This is another credo which is an odds-on favorite to rebound at any given time in the future. An extension of such a ban to all labor would be the probable result of its establish- ment in the government service. Capital's sit- downs (the Kearny Shipyard, and those 20,000 oil cars) would be ignored in the witch-hunt on organized labor. These resolutions will not be the policy of this country. They stand, as lonely as an Iowa isolationist, while the rest of the nation re- minds itself to forget them. - Dan Behrman ably got the police out looking for me." The man turned around and walked out of the bar. permeating indifference which sabotages Spring Parleys and Student Senates, peace rallies and protest meetings, which permits an outmoded curriculum to persist in its ineffectiveness, which allows incompetent teachers to prattle away their ill-digested and disorganized subject matter, which carries along with the utmost nonchalance a time-wasting, if harmless, system of extra-curricular inactivities." Thus two years ago did a previous Dailyman write his valedictory, indicate his disgust with his four years of education. And we, in this, probably our last column, can only censure his summation because we feel that it is not bitter, not savage enough. * * E ARE BITTER at the University of Michi- gan (and at all the whole education system) because in the hour of democracy's greatest struggle the University has not taught us democ- racy. We are bitter at the engineers and law- yers and we have already expressed that bitter- ness. We are bitter at the social scientists be- cause they stick to their false ivory towers, learn- ing their petty specializations, loving their petty details, failing to attempt any correlation be- tween their respective fields, failing to strike out, to demand action consistent with their research. Our social scientists have no guts, no imagina- tion. The history of the U.S. and the world in the past few decades proves the point. Our apa- thetic student body, lit students et al., who re- fuse to participate, who take no action in per- petuating democracy and seeking its betterment, are the result. Our chaotic world, fast going to hell, is par4ly the world our supercilious social scientists have not really tried to destroy. * * * NOR HAVE WE HERE LEARNED HONESTY. I personally never learned honesty from the extreme leftist groups who double-crossed me and many others at any time it was expedient for them to do so. Their word was just as value- less as that of some of the goody-goody boys in the clean white shirts and well-pressed home- spun-looking suits who proclaimed their faith in a democratic god and then would blandly violate their word and solemn promises in the name of political tactics. But they too got much of their education from some university officials who would state that some particular action is not even contemplated when it has already been passed and officially decreed. Possibly this column is not specific enough- but if anyone cares for specific instances, I can cite them endlessly. Possibly this column is not too rational, possibly badly organized, but it is sincere-and sincerity is a little known trait when we see hypocrisy practiced by almost ev- eryone including the President of this country. We refer you to Walter Lippman's recent column on that score. IF, HOWEVER, we are incoherent, blame it on the sheer. deep, bitter hate we have for the hypocrisy practiced by many in Ann Arbor and blame in on the disillusionment created by an educational system that has so apparently failed (look at the present state of the world) that does nothing to improve itself and that main- tains its smugness, its pettiness behind the very same walls that hold in and smother ideas and action rather than create them. So today we write our last column and thus bid farewell to The Daily which has been to a very large extent our college education. The Dailymen are a swell bunch of boys and girls. The only trouble with them is that the poor fools actually believe in democracy and wish to express that belief with sincerity. And those who know democracy only as a name, a catch- all for perpetuating their petty tyranny, try to suppress active youth in their legitimatedesire to understand and better the sordid world in which they unfortunately live. OMY NAME is Samuel Hall, Samuel Hall, Samuel Hall. And I hate you one and all, You're a bunch of muckers all. Damn, your hide. The last little ditty is addressed to the people who are too stupid to see that the world is falling apart and that the status quo, both in educa- tion and economics, cannot be maintained be- cause it has failed, miserably failed, failed in a bath of tears and in an era of hate, blood and iron. It is addressed to those who talk in plati- tudes of "maintaining free economic enterprise" and "individual liberty" when free economic en- terprise and individual liberty died when un- regulatgd capitalism began creating the world in its own image. It is addressed to those who in the name of freedom wish to destroy freedom. * * * NOSTALGIA for the University of Michigan, and Ann Arbor. Some, yes. For the good times, for the beer; for some swell people whose friendship we will always cherish, for all the screwy things we've seen and done. I hope I die laughing. 3 : CM But all the pleasant things are drowned under the welter of dishonesty and disillusionment that we've seen in Ann Arbor and in Washing- ton. We probably shall soon enter a war in which we have no understanding of the peace we desire, in which we cripple the democracy we are seeking to save. We've said before "You can't put democracy on ice." We say agin that when we enter this war by signing a blank check, with no aims and purposes revealed, we will have lost all hope. Hopes for democracy. RobeitS. Ale WASHINGTON-Not many people noticed it, but a unique thing happened i n the Capital the other day-something which in the mem- ory of veteran newsmen never has happened before. The Vice Presi- dent of the United States issued an extremely important statement on his own stationery, ousting General Maxwell as head of the Export Con- trol Office and replacing him with Milo Perkins of the Agriculture De- partment. This statement marks a very sig- nificant change, which, without any hullabaloo, has taken place in the relations between the President and Vice President of the United States. Probably it is the most significant change since the days of the Found- ing Fathers when Vice President John Adams succeeded Washington as President, and when Vice President Thomas Jefferson later stepped into the shoes of Adams. Since then Vice Presidents have not usually succeeded Presidents except in case of death. Nor have the rela- tions between the President and Vice President been particularly import- ant, except, as in recent times, for a definite lack of cordiality between them. Vice President Marshall, who served with Woodrow Wilson, was famous chiefly for his remark: "What this country needs is a good five cent cigar." Vice President Dawes became fam- ous for his rows with Coolidge and for having slept-perhaps purpose- ly-through an important Senate vote when Coolidge needed him. Charlie Curtis, who never got along any too well with Hoover, became famous for his social row over whe- ther his half-sister Dolly Gann should sit ahead of Alice Longworth at dinner. BY AND LARGE, the Vice Presi- dents of the United States have been figureheads who presided over the Senate, were the champion din- ers-out of the Capital and knew less about White House policy than the average news columnist. The Presi- dent, fearing potential rials, gave them almost nothing to do. But since the inauguration of Jan- uary 20, 1941, this has gradually changed. Vice President Wallace not only has been an active and very co- operative member of the Roosevelt cabinet,but more and more the Pres- ident has called upon him to hel iron out important administrative snarls, particularly in nationalnde- fense, until now instead of being a diner-out, Wallace is definitely the No. 2 man in the Roosevelt Admin- istration. Relations between the two men are close, cordial and confiden- tial. They operate as a perfect team. Duchess Of Windsor THE WASHINGTON VISIT of the Duke and Duchess of Windsor smoked out a story that has lain long untold. Some time ago, rumor had it that the Duchess was expecting a child. A newsman who heard the rumor was asked by his office to check on it. So iey aouted out the Duchess's equerry and put the ques- tion very frankly. This proper gentleman was shock- ed at the thought of having to get the answer to such a question, but he did his duty. He came back with this statement: "Her Grace wishes to reply that before she is allowed to have a child she must obtain the consent of the British Parliament, and-hmm-she will be damned if she'll ask them." professors are enabled to leave their ivory towers while the incompetent ones rae fired. WE'LL HAVE TO MAKE DEMO- DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN GRIN AND BEAR IT (Continued from Page 2) ;illey's office, 2211 Angell Hall, at 1:00 p.m. today to decide on hours for the class to be held. English 297: Students who have elected my section of English 297 will meet today, at 4:00 p.m. in Room 3216 Angell Hall, to arrange hours. E. A. Walter Students in my section of English X97 who have not already decided apon a time for the weekly confer- mnce should come to my office, Room 3227 Angell Hall, today, Thursday, .r Friday morning of this week be- tween 9 and 11. I By Lichty VM Iblp IYM rr Ir IIiY "That's the beauty of our marriage, Slug! Helen lives her life and I live mine!" R. W. Cowden Mathematics 13, Section 3 and Mathematics 53, Section 3 (College Af L.S. and A.) will meet at 10 o'clock, will exchange classrooms, Mathema- tics 13 meeting in 403 South Wing, and Mathematics 53 meeting in 402 South Wing. Mathematics 120, Life Insurance Accounting, will meet Thursday, 3:00- 5:00 p.m., in 3201 Angell Hall. Mathematics 327, Seminar in Sta- tistics. Meeting to arrange hours to- day at 12 noon in 3020 Angell Hall. Concerts Choral Union Concerts: The fol- lowing concert attractions will be heard in the Sixty-Third Annual Choral Union Concert Series given arner the auspices of the University Musical Society in Hill Auditorium. Grace Moore, Soprano, October ,22. Emanuel Feuermann, 'Cellist, Oc- tober 30. Cleveland Symphony Orchestra, Artur Rodzinski, Conductor, Novem- ber 9. Giovanni Martinelli, Tenor, and Ezio Pinza, Bass, November 18. Chicago Symphony Orchestra, Fre- derick Stock, Conductor, November 30. Bostona Symphony Orchestra, Ser- ge Koussevitzky, Conductor, Decem- ber 10. Robert Casadesus, Pianist, Janu- ary 19. Minneapolis Symphony Orchestra, Dimitri Mitropoulos, Conductor, Feb- ruary 3. Joseph Szigeti, Violinist, February 19. Vronsky and Babin, Pianists, March 3. All concerts will take place at 8:30 p.m., except those by the Cleveland and Chicago Symphony Orchestras, which will begin at 3:00 o'clock in' mittee meeting tonight at 7:30 in the Michigan Union. All committee members are asked to attend. Scabbard and Blade meeting to- night at 9:00 p.m. in the Union. Im- portant that all members attend. Alpha Phi Omega will meet in the Union tonight at 8:00 instead of 7:30. Union Membership cards will be issued from 7:15 to 9:00 p.m. today and Thursday of this week at the Student Offices. This is intended primarily for graduates and others who cannot come for their cards in the afternoons. Freshman Discussion Group: "We Changed Our Minds as Freshmen," a panel discussion by Sophomores, sponsored by the Student Religious Association at Lane Hall tonight at 7:30. All freshman women are required to attend the Assembly Tea today, from 3:30 to 5:30 p.m. in the Michi- gan League Ballroom with their ori- entation advisers. Be sure to come in plenty of time for the talk by Dean Lloyd at 5:00 p.m. Transfer women are urgedI to attend also. Orientation advisers for freshman women: Your orientation reports are due today. Leave them in Miss Mc- Cormick's office in the League or turn them in at the ballroom door at the Assembly Tea this afternoon. The Lutheran Student Association will hold its Bible study hour at the Michigan League tonight at 7 o'clock. Coming,..Events The R.O.T.C. Drum and Bugle Corp will meet Thursday, October 2, at 7:30 p.m. in the R.O.T.C. Hall, Headquarters Building. All Basic stu- dents who are interested in joining the Drum and Bugle Corp, and who have knowledge of drumming, bug- ling, or experience as a drum-major, please be present. Plans will be made for the coming season. Attendance does not obligate ypu to join. Varsity men's glee club try-outs on Thursday at 7:30 p.m. in the glee club room, third floor of the Michi- gan Union. All old members of the Varsity, members of last year's fresh- man club, and all others interested in trying out are urged to attend. The freshman club will meet every Tuesday at 4:30 p.m. in the Varsity glee club room. Transportation Club will meet Thursday, October 2, at 7:30 p.m. in 1213sE. Engineering Building. All interested persons are invited. International Center: Special classes in English for foreign stu- dents: The special classes in English for foreign students are to be organ- ized next week. Foreign students wishing to improve their English should enroll in the office of the Cen- ter before Saturday, October 4. These courses are not for credit. The French Round Table of the International Center will meet Fri- day evening, October 3, in Room 302, Michigan Union, at 8 o'clock. Mme. Vibbert will speak on "Marcel Proust." This round-table last year gave a group of French-speaking !I CRACY MEAN SOMETHING. the afternoon. Freedom of speech and press meant The attention of the public is re- very little to the, people when they spectfully called to the fact that be- never had the economic means to ex- ginning today in accordance with press themselves. We'll have to reg- the provisions of the new Federal Tax ulate our industries by having our Law, a tax of 10 per cent will be add- government go into competition with ed to the price of all tickets. them in an attempt to find a "yard- -Charles A. Sink stick" and in a test of "survival of the fittest." We may have to go even Events Toda further. International Center: The program But let's have the courage to experi- of recorded music which is to be ment and the sensitivity to build in played tonight from 7:30 to 9:00 at the interests of the people. We may the Center is as follows: seek Utopia, although, we know we Enesco's Roumanian Rhapsody; cannot find it as yet. But we can Dvorak's Slavonic Dances; Tschai- try and in that attempt, we shall un- kovsky's No. 1, B Minor, for piano doubtedly progress far beyond the, rotten stage in which we find our- and Orchestra. selves now. Similar programs will be given every Wednesday night at the Center 'PHIE FOOL tries to climb the mole- during the semester. The programs