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January 25, 1942 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1942-01-25

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VOL. LI. No. 88



Cagers Crush
Buckeye Five;
Varsity Beats
OSU Mermen'
Capt. Cartmill Paces Five
To 53-39 Victory; Tank
Squad Triumphs, 50-34
Quintet Gives Best
ShowingOf Season
A victory-hungry Michigan basket-
ball team went scoring mad last1
night in Yost Field House and smo-
thered a hard-fighting Ohio State
squad beneath an avalanche of bas-
kets, 53-39.
Led by Capt. Bill Cartmill who
scored 17, points, the Wolverines took
a 9-7 lead with about ten minutes re-
maining in the first half and never
slackened their torrid pace until the
final whistle had blown.
In winning their second Big Ten
victory in seven starts, the Maize
and Blue cagers took the opening
jump, exchanged the lead two times,
and then went on to take a 27-16 lead
at halftime.
It was the curly-haired Michigan
captain himself who started the fire-
works going by taking the tipoffI
dribbling through three Buckeye1
players and sinking a one-handedc
push shot from about 15 feet out.
With the score 11-10, Cartmill scored
two buckets in quick succession to
boost the Wolverines' lead to five
points and give them added confi-
Leo Doyle, Wolverine guard who
(Continued on Page 3)
Martin, Patten Star
In Swimming Contest 1
Lifting the lid off its 1942 home
season, Michigan's rampaging swim-
ming team completely submerged a
strong Ohio State crew, 50-34, in the
Sports Building Pool last night to
run its undefeated streak to 32 con-"
secutive dual meets.
The Wolverines stroked their way
to first place in all but two events,
as junior Jack Patten, winning both
the 220 and 440 freestyle races, gar-
nered individual scoring honors with
a total of 10 points as well as un-1
officailly cracking the Big Ten 220f
But in spite of Patten's singular
brilliance, the spotlight of the entire
meet was focused on the diving con-
test which brought together the three7
foremost collegiate divers in the
country, Charlie Batterman and
Frank Dempsey of Ohio State and
Michigan's own T-Bone Martin.
Martin Stages Comeback
And when the ripples had settled
in the pool, Martin, who came from'
behind when the optional dives werer
called for, was the winner with 417.1
points to Batterman's 404.6 and
Dempsey's 389.8.
Except for one brief splurge, the
Maize and Blue ace trailed the Buck-
eye stars until the eighth dive out of
the required ten. Then the close-knit1
senior turned the tide of the battle.
For it was that eighth dive that
won for T-Bone. Ten points arrears
Dempsey and seven behind Batter-
man, he poised himself rigidly on the
back end of the board as Coach Matt
Mann announced a front one-and-a-
half gainer with a tuck would be
T-Bone's next attempt.
With the crowd straining forward
Martin expanded his barrel chest,
strode forward and soared off the

edge of the board to enter the water
without as much as the smallest of
splashes. When he emerged the
judges' cards had already flashed and
T-Bone held a lead which was never
As for Patten, not enough can be
(Continued on Page 3)
Michigan Wrestlers
Defeat Findlay, 26-6
The big secret about the Findlay
college wrestling team was finally
brought out into the open yesterday
afternoon at Yost Field House and
as far as the Oilers are concerned
it might just as well have remained
in the closet.
Michigan won 26-6.
But don't let that score make you
think the Findlay lads are a flock of
rag dolls. A huskier grappling out-
fit would be hard to find in these
parts, but the small Ohio school's
matmen lacked just enough in exper-
ience and finesse to miss scoring
heavily against Cliff Keen's tricky

Uruguay, Peru Break
Final Ties With Axis

President's Inquiry Board Bares
Irrefutable 'Dereliction Of Duty'
As ause Of Pearl Harbor Debacle

Latin-American Comproi
Other Countries Expe,
RIO DE JANEIRO. Jan. 24.-VPl)-
Uruguay and Peru severed diplomatic
relations tonight with Germany, Italy
and Japan, putting into swift and
dramatic effect terms of a compro-
mise anti-Axis agreement reached
by all the Western Hemisphere re-
publics at the Pan-American Confer-
ence here.
The action of the Montevideo and
Lima governments was announced a
few minutes before Sumner Welles,
U. S. Undersecretary of State, told
the conference that "we have already
met with the utmost measure of suc-
cess in attaining the objectives we
The two Latin American countries
thus gave pointed emphasis to Welles'
further declaration in an address to
the conference that "we can truly
say this has been a meeting of deeds,
not merely words."
Brazil, Bolivia, Ecuador and Para-
guay are expected to follow the lead
of Uruguay and Peru and observers
here were predicting that by the end
of next week Argentina and Chile
would be the only Western Hemi-
sphere countries maintaining diplo-
matic ties with the Axis powers.
Uruguay's decision to break with
the Axis was announced by Foreign
Minister Alberto Guani upon receipt
of word from President Alfredo Bald-

To Follow


Choir To Give
Season's First
Public Concert
University Music Group
Will Play Tomorrow
In Rackham Building
The University Choir under the di-
rection of Prof. Hardin A. Van Deur-
sen of the School of Music will pre-
sent its first public concert at 8:304
p.m. tomorrow in the Assembly Hall
of the Rackham Building.
Organized early this fall, the choir
has been broadcasting for the past
12 weeks at 9 a.m. Sundays over sta-
tion WJR, Detroit, and from 11:15
to 11:45 a.m. Tuesdays over Detroit's
frequency modulation station, W45D.
At the present time it includes 65
student members.
The choir has appeared before the
Michigan School Music Conference,
the Rotary Club and the Church Con-
ference. During the second semester
it will perform in Play Production's
opera, Cavalleria Rusticama, by Mas-
Included in tomorrow's program
will be a piano selection played by
John Wolaver, '42SM. Hewill play
Piano Sonata in C Major by Mozart.
Wanda Nigh, Grad., accompanied on
the piano by Uarda Foster, Grad.,
will play three violin solos. Her pre-
sentations are Pavane by Ravel;
Havanise by Saint-Saens; and Per-
petua Mobile by Novacek.
The University Choir will open the
concert with the Star Spangled Ban-
ner. It will also sing three 16th cen-
tury Latin motets. They are Ador-
amus te, Christe by Palestrina; Ave
Maria by Arcadelt; and Agnus Dei
by Morely.
The program will be concluded
with a group of five choral songs:
We Have No Other Help by Arkhan-
gelsky; Cherubin Song by Glinka; O
Lovely Heart by Sir Hugh Robert-
son; In the Night, Christ Came
Walking by Nobel Cain; and Dark
Water, a Negro Spiritual, by Will

omir at Montevideo. Peru's action
followed within a few minutes.
"The Uruguayan government for
a long time has felt that it ought
to break relations with the countries
of the Axis," he said. "We awaited
this conference to take final action."
Argentina, whose insistence re-
sulted in the weakened compromise
solution for a diplomatic rupture
with the Axis further emphasized her
individualistic stand today by an-
nouncing she would flatly refuse to
accord non-belligerent status any of
the United Nations except the United
The Buenos Aires government on
Dec. 13 recognized the United States
as a non-belligerent, thus opening
her ports to unlimited stays by U, S.
Two Jap Ships
Sunk By Guns
Of U. S. Fleet
Philippine Forces Dig In
For Last Ditch Effort
To Stave Off Invaders
(By The Associated Press)
The United States Asiatic Fleet,
in a major encounter with a Japan-
ese convoy sank two and perhaps
three of the enemy vessels, damaged
others with torpedo and gun fire,
and escaped without damage and
only four casualties-minor injuries
to three and serious injuries to a
The attack on the convoy was made
by a flotilla of destroyers who struck
swiftly, and without warning, the
Navy Department said. The de-
stroyers presumably are based in the
Netherlands East Indies after suc-
cessfully escaping a trap set by the
Japanese about Manila at the out-
break of hostilities.
An American Army communique,
issued by the War Department in
Washington, indicated that Gen.
Douglas MacArthur is making a last
ditch fight against the overwhelming
number of Japanese invaders on the
Batan Peninsula of Luzon Island, in-
cluding shelling by Japanese war-
ships off the Luzon Coast.
Notice of the attack by the war-
ships was believed in reprisal for the
superior gunnery of American artil-
lery, which thus far has been able
to hold off the attacks of the Jap-
There was no new word either of
Japanese troop activity in Burma,
where the Thai-supported Japanese
last were reported 26 miles from
Moulmein, or of fresh landings in
the long chain of islands lying north
and east of the Australian main-
It was over Rangoon that hard-
bitten American and British pilots
blasted an entire Japanese bomber
formation and four of its escorting
fighters out of the skies, to raise to
32 their two-day bag of raiding
Taking off from jungle-camou-
flaged bases in Borneo, Dutch Army
bombers for the second straight day
bedevilled a Japanese invasion fleet
headed for the once-rich oil port of
Balik, Papan, now left in ruins by
the Dutch to keep its stores out of
Japanese hands. This time their
bombs capsized a large transport and
scored hits on two other ships, mak-
ing their score 11 ships hit in 48
hours without the loss of a single

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With War Minister Francis M. Forde's announcement that Japanese forces had landed at Rabaul (1),
in New Britain, at Kieta, and had gained several footholds in New Guinea, feverish preparations were begun
for the mobilization of Australia's man-power. Jap troops were also reported at Bougainville in the Solo-
mon Islands (2), 300t to 900 miles northeast of Australia. In a broadcast, Forde took the view that the whole
war might be won or lost in the Pacific.
Australia Ap peals For ,ShipSPlanes
A s C o mp l e t e Mo b i l i z a t i o n I s B e g u n ( o ' h a n a a r c lf f . .J « A . . « . . . . . i . .i L . H

Fifth Annual
Music Clinic
Meeting To Make Decision.
On Required Numbers
For State Festival


Climaxed by a concert to be given
by the University Concert band un-
der the direction of Prof. William D.
Revelli, the fifth annual instrumental
reading clinic which opened here yes-
terday will close at 5:45 p.m. today.
Members of the Michigan School
Band and Orchestra Association will
open today's program with a 9 a.m.
meeting to select state music festival
required band numbers by popular
vote, basing their decisions on the
pieces played by the University band
and the Holland High School band
Final Readings
Following this session, the Univer-
sity band will appear to give a final
reading of those pieces selected as
festival contest numbers to conclude
the morning portion of the program.
Clarinetist Gustave Langenus will
make his final appearance at the
clinic at 1 p.m. when he conducts his
discussion of "How to Improve Your
High School Clarinet Section," after
which percussionist August Helmecke
will wind up the clinic with his ses-
sion on "The Percussion Section of
the Band.''
Appearing on yesterday's program,
in addition to Mr. Langenus and Mr.
Helmecke, were Roy Harris and Erik
Liedzen, both nationally famous com-
posers who will appear as guest con-
ductors at the University Band's 4:15
p.m. concert today.
Holland Band Plays
Under the direction of Eugene
Heeter, the Holland High School band
was present at the clinic yesterday,
and played the class C and D num-
bers while the University Band pre-
sented the class A and B selections.
Held in conjunction with the clinic
for the first time this year was an
exhibit of the latest compositions,
secured through the cooperation of
various music publishing houses.
In addition to appearing as con-
ductor of the University Band, Pro-
fessor Revelli is also chairman of the

(By The Associated Press) Curtin declared in a broadcast heard
MELBOURNE, Australia, Jan. 24. by CBS in New York.)
-Australia, who has sent her sons The draft of a second urgent mes-
to fight in Malaya, Libya and Eng- sage to President Roosevelt and
land sent a second urgent appeal to Prime Minister Churchill was sent
London and Washington today for following a review of the situation
planes and ships and began mobiliz- by the war cabinet and chiefs of staff
ing all able bodied men for the possi- of the military service who were said
bility of "the battle of Australia being to have presented detailed requests
fought right on our beaches." for specific military equipment, par-
Australia's feverish preparations ticularly bombers, fighter planes and
were begun as War Minister Francis naval units.
M. Forde announced that Japanese Replies had not yet been received
forces had landed at Rabaul, in New from an earlier appeal to Washing-
Britain, at Kieta, on Bougainville in ton and London.
the Solomon Islands, and had gained In a broadcast, Forde took the
several footholds in New Guinea view that the whole war might be
This string of islands is 300 to 900 won or lost in the Pacific.
miles northeast of Australia.
Forde announced that home defense - B U L L E T IN -
units were being mustered immedi-
ately throughout Australia and that OKLAHOMA CITY, Jan. 24.--P)
the drafting of married men under -Lieut. Gen. Walter C. Short de-
the age of 35 and unmarried men clined tonight to comment on find-
under 45 was being accelerated. ings of a special commission which
Even aliens and refugees will be re- , accused him and Admiral Hus-
quired to volunteer within two weeks band E. Kimmel of dereliction of
or be drafted under forthcoming reg- duty preceding the surprise at-
ulations, it was said. tack on Pearl Harbor.
("Should Japanese aggression
come to this country, Australia will is for vigilance
duplicate the British policy of 'every V Beware of all ills;
village a strong point, every town a We can cure Polio
fortress, and every man, woman and If you pay the bills.
child a soldier'," Prime Minister John

First Free Concert:

His Cup Runneth Over:
The House That Harmon Built'
SeesGenial T. D.H. Play Host

Wise-cracking and mugging like
Mickey Rooney, Thomas Dudley Har-
mon opened the doors of "The House
That Harmon Built" last night and
played host to more than 50 of the
people who helped put him where he
is, or jumped on the bandwagon while
he was on the way up.
The gum-chewing football great
who wisely played his post-football
cards for a neat profit, built the $17,-
000 English colonial as a permanent
home for his parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Louis A. Harmon, formerly of South
Bend. Ind.

rounded last night by rows of sleek
convertibles and mud. Part of the
front yard, yet in the well-ploughed
cornfield stage, ended up on the new
carpets but no one seemed to care.
The big names who couldn't come
sent their congratulations by tele-
gram. Just about all of the U. of M.
coaching staff-including Yost and
Crisler-were in and out all eve-
ning. Everett Crosby, Bing's brother,
came in with apologies for Bing's
unavoidable absence.
Not content with just building the
house, the contracting engineer was
there to finish the job as a volunteer

University Band Will Present
Three Guest Conductors Today
Coupling no less than three guest
conductors to an already attractive
program, the University Concert
Band under the direction of Prof.
William D. Revelli will present its
first free concert of the new year at
4:15 p.m. today in Hill Auditorium.
Spotlighted will be the appearance k
of nationally known composer and
conductor Roy Harris, who will take
the podium to conduct the band in
his "Cimarron." Mr. Harris is now
working on, a concerto for piano and
band, the first work of its kind, to be
dedicated to the University band.
Versatile Erik Liedzen, teacher,
conductor, accompanist, composer
and arranger, will be number two !s
guest conductor today, presenting
both his own composition "Debon-
naire Overture" and his arrangement
of the Finale to Dvorak's "New World

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