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January 24, 1942 - Image 5

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1942-01-24

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24, 1942


Children's Play
Will Be Qiven
Twice Today




'March Of Dimes' Has Helped
Eleanor Brooks Fight Paralysis

The newest Tlaeatre Arts presenta-
tion, "The Princess and the Swine-
herd" will have two performances at
1:30 p.m. and at 3:30 p.m. today.
This play is the third in a series of
children's plays given by the Theatre
Arts, and directed by Mary Ellen
The play is an adaptation from an
old fairy tale and was arranged for
children by Gwendolen Seiler. It is
the happy story in which the princess
marries a swineherd who is a prince
in disguise.
Jim Bob Stevenson, '43, will play
the role of the king in the play while
the queen's part will be taken by
Maida Steinberg, '45. Nancy Cory, a
high school student, will play the role
of the princess who is the heroine
of the story, and Scott Lowe, Grad.,
will be the swineherd.
Assisting Miss Wheeler in the di-
rection of the play will be Sally
Walsh, '43. Virginia Appleton, '42,
chairman of the Theatre Arts com-
mitee, is assited by Veitch Purdom,
'42, and Marjorie Storkan, '43. Pay
Goldner, '42, and Kay Jones, '43, are
in charge of costumes, while Sally
Walsh, '43, will be bookholder and
Charlotte Noble, '43, will handle pub-
Cynthia Davis, '42, and Jean Sollit,
'42, are in charge of scenery; pro-
grams are arranged by Dorothy
Schloss, '43, and Marjorie Teller, '43,
while the financial committee is un-
der the care of Jane Honey, '43. Art
work is directed by Mary Pate, '43.
Collecting properties is the respon-
sibility of Marallyn MacRitchie, '43,
and Alvira Sata, '42, is in 'charge of
ushering. Make-up is in the hands
of Kay Gladdin, '42; Joy Wright, '43,
has care of the music, and Mildred
Radford, '42, is head of the dance
New Club Basketball
Will Meet Feb. 17
In Barbour Gym
"Puttin' 'em right in the basket"
will -be the motto of the newly or-
ganized Club Basketball, which will
meet for the first time at 4:15 p.m.
Tuesday, Feb. 17, in Barbour Gym-
nasium, Betty Steffen, '42, in charge
of the group, announced.
Anyone interested in participating
is asked to sign up on a paper which
is on the bulletin board at Barbour
Gymnasium. Games are to be
played from 4:20 p.m. to 5:40 p.m.
Tuesday and Thursdays.
There will be five teams, which
will be composed of women who are
experienced basketball players and
who enjoy playing for fun. Each
team will have 10 players, one mem-
ber of which will captain the group.
Those women who have been chos-
en to head th'e teams are: Arlene
Ross, '43; Obeline Elser, '45; Helen
Garrels, '43; Virginia Johnson, '43,
and Nancy Bereaw, '43. Anyone in-
terested in Club Basketball, who has
not been contacted is urged to sign
up in Barbour, or contact Miss Stef-

-Courtesy Ann Arbor News
Shown above is Eleanor Brooks displaying her art work which has
helped her to happily adjust herself in life.
* * * *

e sse
Other Members
Of Committee
Are Announced
Assistant General Chairman
Will Be Constance Gilbertson;
Alvira Sata To Be Music Head
Jane Criswell, '42, has been chosen
to head this year's Assembly Ball
central committee as general chair-
man, Jean Hubbard, '42, president of
Assembly, announced yesterday.-
Aiding Miss Crisswell in prepara-
tion for the dance, which will be
held March 6, are Constance Gilbert-
son, '43SM, as assistant general
chairman; Alvira Sata, '42, music
chairman; Helen Kressbach, '44, in
charge of tickets; with Mary Lou
Knapp, '43SM, assisting her.
Publicity Heads Named
Aiding Miss Criswell in prepara-
Bernstein, '42, will be co-chairmen
of the publicity committee; Jean-
nette Klotz, '44, and Sarah Corwin,
'43, will take charge of patrons;
Gertrude Inwood, '43, will manage
finance; Miriam Dalby, '44, is to be
chairman of the program commit-
tee, and Florence Light, '44, will head
plans for the decorations.
Miss Criswell is a resident of
Stockwell Hall, and has worked on
the Theatre Arts Committee of the
League, JGP, was a transfer orienta-
tion adviser this year, and is active
in Play Production work.
Miss Gilbertson also lives in Stock-
well Hall, and has worked on Sopho-
more Cabaret, '40, Assembly Banquet
ticket committee, last year's Assem-
bly Ball, and is assistant music chair-
man of JGP. A resident of Martha
Cook, Miss Sata has been active in
Play Production work, has worked
on the Social Committee of the
League, Sophomore Cabaret, JGP,
and was an orientation adviser this
Activities Are Listed
The tickets chairman, Miss Kress-
bach, lives in Jordan Hall, and was
general chairman of last year's Frosh
Project, worked on Sophomore Caba-
ret this year, and works on the Thea-
tre Arts Committee. Miss Knapp is
a resident of Betsy Barbour, and is
active in Choral Union, the Univer-
sity Orchestra, and the Social Com-
mittee of the League. She has also
worked on former Assembly Ball
and Banquet committees, and is a
member of this year's J-Hop com-
Miss Raskey, the publicity chair-
man, lives in Mosher Hall, and is a
sophomore tryout on the women's
staff of The Daily, and has worked
on Frosh Project, Sophomore Caba-
ret, and the Assembly Banquet. Her
assistant, Miss Bernstein, is from a
League house, and is a member of
the Assembly Board, works on the
'Ensian staff and Play Production.
Live In Mosher Hall
Miss Klotz lives in Mosher Hall,
has worked on the ticket committee
of this year's Assembly Banquet,
Sophomore Cabaret, and is active in
Red Cross work. Her assistant, Miss
Corwin, also lives in Mosher, and is
on the Assembly Board, is active in
Play Production work, and is in the
University Orchestra.
A resident of Jordan Hall, Miss
Inwood is a student assistant there,
a tutor, worked on the Assembly
Banquet ticket and decorations com-
mittees, and the finance committees
of Frosh Project and Soph Cabaret.
Miss Dalby, in charge of programs,
comes from +Stockwell Hall, is on
the Assembly Board, and has worked

on Frosh Project, Candy Booth,
Merit Committee and Theatre Arts,
and won the activity award for
sophomores this year.
Two Radio Dances
Will Be Held Today


Syretha Squires Tells Of Floating Hospital,
Public Health Program In Newfoundland

A pioneer in an out-post island ist
Miss Syretha Squires, R.N., director
of nurses in the Newfoundland De-
partment of Public Health and Wel-3
fare, who is now a guest at Stockwell1
Miss Squires began her work as a]
public health nurse in the virgin soil
of Newfoundland four years ago with
two nurses to assist her. Today she
directs 105 nurses in a far more gen-l
eralized health program which co-1
ordinates public nursing with mid-'
wifery and includes 14 20-bed cot-
tage hospitals scattered throughout
the island. Most of these hospitals
are electrically lighted and steam-
heated, and are run by two registered
nurses and three students. Each
building is equipped with an iron
lung donated by Lord Nuffield.
Note Education Lack
Because of the great lack of health
education or education of any kind,
for Newfoundland has only denom-
inational schools and only a few can
afford them, 200 people out of every
100,000 suffer from T.B. For that
reason the paying of only a small
yearly fee per family for medical
care is a great boon to them.
The good ship "Lady Anderson"
must not be slighted in this account,
for Miss Squires is very proud of her
floating hospital, which is staffed
constantly with a doctor, nurse, cap-
tain and crew. "It's a beauty," she
said pridefully. Work on the boat is
very hard, two years being the most
Ushers To Sign Up
Ushering committee of Theatre
Arts is to sign up now for the Child-
ren's Theatre plays. The lists are in
the Undergraduate Office of the
League; and one play will be given
two performances today.

that is asked of any nurse. "They
either develop a sea-sickness psycho-
sis or they come to me with their
rouge all washed off and beg for a
transfer," she added.
However, whether on the boat orl
plane, or dog sled, nurses have plenty
of hardships and emergencies to cope
with, for beyond the ordinary heavy
duties that nurses have toward these
people in the adventurous occupa-
tions of whaling, sealing and fishing,
there are the rugged 4,000 miles of
coast line where thick fogs and heavy
storms reign. Nurses have been
known to be snowbound in some
backwoods settlement for two weeks
at a stretch.
Denies Danger
We asked Miss Squires if she had'
any narrow escapes, and she gave
us a masterpiece in understatement.
"Oh, nothing very exciting has hap-
pened. I was thrown into the water

a couple of times, and the horse and
sleigh I was riding fell through the
ice once." We heard from other
sources, however, tales of emergency
surgery and praises of Miss Squire's
courage and skill.
At present, the nurses are busy
with war duties, as refugees from
torpedoed ships keep coming in and
war supplies flow out. Some of our
American men are stationed there
also, and Miss Squires says that many
of them could use our Red Cross
sweaters in that cold climate. How-
ever, during her informal after-din-
ner talk in the Stockwell lounge re-
cently, she warned against taking on
too much work, as there was no sense
in becoming over-tired. "My advice
to you young things is to stick to your
studies," she said, "this is no time
to flunk. Put on the brakes, do
what you have to do, well, and your
chance will come."


I., I1



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Buy Them Now!
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316 South State Street


There is no little red schoolhouse
for Eleanor Brooks, 19-year-old in-
fantile paralysis victim, but that
doesn't mean she doesn't attend
Miss Brooks became stricken with
the dreaded disease in 1935 and it
was a few years later that people
noticed she was a talented artist.
When she regained the use of her
hands, she began taking lessons in
drawing and clay modeling. She has
progressed so rapidly in these few
years that critics predict a fine fu-
ture for this girl who vows any suc-
cess she may have will be through
the efforts of the National Founda-
tion for Infantile Paralysis.
Dimes and dollars collected from
residents of Washtenaw County have
made it possible for Miss Brooks to
have a special tutor twice a week.
Mrs. C. D. Sellards, former art in-
structor at Ann Arbor High School,
began her bi-weekly visit to the
Brooks' home on Mary Street in
October, 1940. She found her apt
pupil was interested in almost every
medium of art.
Miss Brooks is equally talented in
water colors, oil, fresco, and clay,
work. Her interest in art has helped
her to adjust herself in life. Many
of her paintings are life studies. For
this, she calls upon her father,
mother, three bothers, and sister to
pose for her.

Completely crippled while in the
eighth grade at Tappan School, Miss
Brooks would be a sophomore at the
present time if she were able to at-
tend the University. She has made
an unusual recovery from poliomyel-
itis for her hands are perfectly cured.
This disease will strike any part of
the body and often the healing must
take place in the early stages of par-
Besides her art work, Miss Brooks
keeps herself busy reading and listen-
ing to current events over her short-
wave radio. She is learning to knit
and hopes to soon be able to help our
boys with a sweater or pair of socks.
This month the National Founda-
tion for Infantile Paralysis has start-
ed its "March of Dimes" campaign.
Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts, and civilian
defense workers are all doing their
share to contribute to a worthy cause.
Soon to be inagurated is a plan in
which the National Association of
Theaters will take part. Booths will
be placed in the lobbies and pictures
will be shown depicting the serious-
ness of this dreaded affliction,
This year, the student body of the
University will not take active par-
ticipation in the campaign because
of confliction with the examination
schedule but you can contribute ten
cents to the National Foundation and
save another courageous Eleanor
Brooks from the handicaps of this
dreaded affliction.


\\ \


You Too Can Pr(

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)f it by
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UP TO. ..50%
i Iowever, the most impressive thing about
it is the quality of the fur coats. They are
superb from a standpoint of style, work-
manship and richness of pelts. And when
you think of the scarcity of imported pelts
and rapidly rising prices, it's a golden
opportunity which you should not miss.

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While the rest of us will be buried
in our books today, two brave houses
will be 'cutting a rug' or two.
Delta Sigma Delta will hold an in-
formal dance from 9 p.m. to midnight
at the chapter house. Dr. and Mrs.
Donald Kerr and Dr. and Mrs. Homer
E. Faust will chaperon.
Chaperoning the Xi Psi Phi affair
will be Dr. and Mrs. G. Barrows and
Dr. and Mrs. Calvin Kiffer. This
house will have an informal radio
dance from 9 p.m. to midnight.
Elise Eileen Reeder
To Be Wed Monday
A picturesque little church in
Montecito, Calif., All Saints, By the
Sea, will be the scene of a wedding
Monday. At a morning ceremony,
Elise Eileen Reeder, daughter of Mrs.
Harold Wiley Reeder of Detroit, and
the Country Club Manor in Los An-
geles, and Robert Alfred Allmand,
of Highland Park, will be married.
The bridegroom-elect flew to the
coast Tuesday, and with the bride-
to-be motored to Santa Barbara the
next day to complete plans for their
Miss Reeder attended Marlborough
School and the University where

Division at Catherine
The Rev. Henry Lewis, Rector
The Rev. Frederick W. Leech, Student
The Rev. John G. Dahl, Curate
George Faxon, Organist and Choirmaster
8:00 A.M. Holy Communion.
10:00 A.M. High School Class.
11:00 A.M. Kindergarten, Harris Hall.
11:00 A.M. Junior Church.
11:00 A.M. Morning Prayer and Sermon by the
Rev. Henry Lewis.
4:00 P.M. H-Square Club, Harris Hall.
5:00 P.M. Adult Confirmation Class (Young
people's class at 11 a.m. Saturday).
6:00 P.M. Evening Prayer.
Sunday, 7:30 p.m.-Episcopal Student Guild
Meeting, Harris Hall. Round Table Discus-
sion on "The Failure of Skepticism" led by
Dorothy Briddon, Doris Kirk, and Tom John-
Tuesday and Friday, 4-5:30 p.m., Tea, Harris
Wednesday and Thursday, 7:30 a.m,, Holy
Communion, Chapel, Harris Hall.
William P. Lemon, D.D., Minister
Mark W. Bills, Director of Music
Franklin Mitchell, Organist
9:30 A.M. Church School. Classes for all age
groups. Mr. and Mrs. Class meets in Piggott
10:45 A.M. Morning Worship. "For Our Salva-
tion" - sermon by Dr. Lemon.
10:45 AM. Nursery during morning worship.
6:00 PM. Tuxis Society will have Eleanor
Barker for the devotional leader. The third
t lk in the series on "Comparative Religion"
will be on "Judiasm" by Uric Bronfen Bren-
6:00 P.M. Westminister Student Guild supper
and fellowship hour. Dr. Frederick H. Olert
of the First Presbyterian Church of Detroit
will speak on "God's World-Order. How Will
It Come?"
8:00 P.M. Sunday Evening Club for graduate
and professional men and women.
State Street between Washington and Huron
Ministers: Charles W. Brashares and
J. Edward Lantz
Music: Hardin Van Deursen, director
Mary Eleanor Porter, organist
9:30 A.M. Student Class. Wesley Foundation
Assembly Room.
10:40 A.M. Church School for Nursery, Begin-
ners, and Primary Departments. Young child-
ren may be left in these departments during
worship service.
]1-4n A l WMr\nhi .Servi.'i tr .Brasares' sub-

409 S. Division St.
Wednesday evening service at 7:30.
Sunday morning service at 10:30, subject:
Sunday School at 11:45.
Free public Reading Room at 106 E. Wash-
ington St., open every day except Sundays
and holidays from 11:30 until 5 p.m., Sat-
urdays until 9 p.m.
Location: State and William Streets
Minister: Rev. Leonard A. Parr
Director of Student Activities: Mrs. Vera
Bucknell Thompson.
10:45 A.M. Services of public worship held in
Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre of the Michigan
League. Dr. Parr will preach the siermon,
entitled "The Far Horizon."
3:30 to 5:30 P.M. Open House in the church
parlors for all the members of Iie church,
Tea will be served.
5:30 P.M. Ariston League, high school group,
in Pilgrim Hall. A panel discussion will be
held on the subject, "How Can a High School
Age Student Prove His Patriotism Now?"
Supper will be served.
Tuesday, 4-5 p.m. Student Tea in Pilgrim
sponsored jointly by
Zion and Trinity Lutheran Churches
Zion Lutheran Church,
E. Washington St. at S. Fifth Ave.
10:30 A.M. Church Worship Service. Sermon,
'"Walking in the Light of God" by Vicar Cle-
ment Shoemaker.
Trinity Lutheran Church,
E. William St. at S. Fifth Ave.
10:30 A.M. Church Worship Scrvice. Sermon,
"The Transfigured Lord and our Lives" by
Rev. Henry 0. Yoder.
Lutheran Student Association,
Zion Lutheran Parish Hall, 309 E. Washington
5:30 P.M. Association Meeting.
6:45 P.M. Forum Hour with Prof. Leonard
Gregory speaker "The Lutheran Church and
its contribution to Music."
Place of meeting: Second floor, Y.M.C.A.
Building, 110 N. Fourth Ave.
10:00 A.M. Lord's Day, January 25. Bible study.
Subject: "The Temptation of Jesus."
11:00 A.M. The morning worship will include a
sermon by Garvin M. Tors, minister, on the

The Difference

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"C _i'W







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