THE MICHIGAN DAILY SATUE - rr AU41gan Da " I ly --. li Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Published every morning except Monday during the University year and Summer Session. Member of the Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of republication of all other matters herein also reserved., Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second class mail matter. Subscriptions during the regular school year by car- tier $4.00, by mail $5.00. AEPRESENTED FOR NATIONAL ADVERTIING DV National Advertising Service, Inc. College Publishers Representative 420 MADISON AVE. NEW YORK. N.Y. CHICAGO * BOSTON. Los ANGELES * SAN FRANCISCO Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1941-42 Editorial Staff 0 Emile Ge16 . . . . . . Managing Editor Alvin Dann . . . . .Editorial Director David Lachenbruch . . . . City Editor Jay McCormick . . . . Associate Editor Hal Wilson Sports Editor Arthur Hill . . . . Assistant Sports Editor Janet Hiatt . . . . . . Women's Editor Grace Miller . . . . Assistant Women's Editor Virginia Mitchell . . . Exchange Editor Business Staff Daniel H. Huyett . . . Business Manager 'James B. Collins . . Associate Business-Manager Louise Carpenter . . Women's Advertising Manager Evelyn Wright . . Women's Business Manager NIGHT EDITOR: EDMUND GROSSBERG The editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. French Canadian Paper Not Representative . . . REQUENTERS of the University Li- brary's periodical room during re- cent weeks may have come upon the French- language weekly newspaper, Le Nationaliste et Le-Devoir.-If they read it and believed what they read, they now have a completely false impres- $ion of the true feelings of the majority of French Canadians. Editorials in the Montreal publication, while pro-Vichy are anti-American and even anti- British. They also display anti-democratic ten- dencies. .The paper represents an extremist, minority section of French Canadian .opinion. It opposes the teaching of the English language in schools in the Province of Quebec and advo- cates a separatist state for Quebec. With the controversy over conscription again coming to the fore in Canada, Le Nationaliste et Ze Devoir has taken to crusading against this necessary war measure. Its columns have been filled with statements upon statements calling for the rejection of any such movse. It implies, that French Canada will under no condition ac- cept compulsory military service. IN THE LAST WAR conscription was literally forced on the French Canadian population. At one time machine gun barricades lined the streets of Quebec. This war it is different, how- ever. Papers like Le Jour, another Montreal weekly, regard conscription as a necessary evil. They realize that Canada is in the war not only to aid her mother country but to preserve the Canadian way of life. The largest French Can- adian daily paper, Montreal's Le Canada, has attacked the uncompromising attitude of Le Na- tionaliste et be Devoir on numerous occasions. The great danger, of course, is that we Ameri- cans will be misled into believing that this small but vociferous minority that controls Le N4tion- aliste et Le Devoir expresses the sentiments of French Canadians. Some may even accuse them. of harboring views that hamper the Dominion war effort. FORTUNATELY, the more than three million French Canadians are wholeheartedly be- hind the Dominion of Canada's war effort. They, with the editors of Le Jour, Le Canada and other progressive papers are fully awake to the threat to the democratic way of life. The anti-demo- cratic forces operating among them are noisy but lack definite popular support. French Can- ada is as solidly in the Democratic Front as the United States. -George W. Sallade Col. ul hienberg's AcquitC d A court-martial at Columbus, 0., has found Col. H. C. Kress Muhlenberg, retiring Air Corps officer and former commander of Hickam Field, Hawaii, not guilty of violating the articles of war. The charge against him was that he had unduly criticised the military operations of the Government in a talk before the Curtiss Flying Club, following the attack on Pearl Harbor. Col. Muhlenberg's acquittal is a good sign. It means that the Army is going to think twice before it invokes severe penalties on officers who state honest opinions based on what they believe to be the truth. It recognizes that there is room for disagreement ad that 1o one has The Reply Churlish by TOUCHSTONE FEW NOW ARE WE, the contemporaries of old Denis Flanagan, he of the vagrant ways, the excesses of beer, the hammers and sickles drawn on houses of worship. Life, may I say to those of you who remember, and understand, just hasn't been the same since Dennis went away. The old Wunsch, who now makes marks on an attendance chart for Modern Drama, as well as basking in the sunshine of his idol's smile, the old Wunsch I say, would remember, with poignance, old Deniss. J. Clisbee Allen, and the Skipper Loud, who have been called dandy fellows by old Flan, and who now read the law at Lincoln's Field Quadrangle, studying to be barristers, they remember the Irish. The Con- nell girl, she who looms great and awesome on the society pages, though I am not acquainted with her because I have known but two or may- hap three Delta Gammas during my speckled career here, she too may find now and then a lump in her throat as memory calls once more to mind good old Denny. A few more perhaps, Johnny Rookus, who now drives a hack for the love of the game, one Art Hill, sports writer and marine, Joseph Walker, unclassified, Gene Grib- broek, soon of the briny deep, and myself - we are those who remember what we sometimes refer to fondly as "those days" when fine Flan- nagan was hereabouts. NOW DENNES, because he has always resented the fact that I cannot spell his name cor- rectly, or for some other reason perhaps best known to himself, has not seen fit to write me a letter lo these many weeks. I have decided to "beard the lion in his den," and write this letter now to old Flanhagan, printing it thus because I know he resents such gestures, and be- cause he will perhaps write me a hoy there whutcha doing? letter in return, berating me for my lack of good taste. Also I feel obligated to speak for us all, us whom he left'behind, for to- night I, and many other nights, all of us, are lonesome for the sight of Our Own Dennes. You will excuse this undue display of your name, oh Flainigen, but tonight there are few to talk to, few even to villify, and backward through the years I have travelled in my mind's eye to those days ere you had gone to Gehenna and 52nd Street, to those blazing days beneath the scorching Ann Arbor sun, to those cold blue nights in the sharp wintery air of Ann Arbor, and to those interminable dreary hours, unable to leave the bivouack, seated on a campstool all through the rainy season in Ann Arbor, and as might be expected of a man who has been sep- arated from an old safari mate, I miss you, Denis. Irv Guttman just walked in, he is working for a chain of department stores, the names of which I cannot print here, but he too sends his best, Flahn. Hill is here too, and he doesn't know what to write a sports column about, but sends his best too. Seems almost as if the magic of your name has called them once again to the rallying spot, as it was in the old days when we rode hell bent for leather, the sharp olasl of our hooves ringing out through the still night, and echoing back to us from far off hills, as though another troop were advancing to the fray. N OTHING MUCH in the line of news, old Falnigan. We got another issue of Perspec- tives out last Sunday, but it was hard to read aside from the ideological material contain- ed therein, inasmuch as person or persons un- known forgot to proof diverse pages, which brought down Norman Anning on my head as per schedule, and did cause the author of the page 12 article to wax wroth. Burns has some 200 pages done on his novel, and on mine I have 18 not counting the graph I had to cut. You have by now read about the finals and the Memorial Day commencement coming up, as I understand you are still as always a faithful and kindly reader of these pages. Had a card from Swados about reviewing his sister's book, which I will do if you see him and tell him to send me a copy, as I have lost the card. Maybe if things break right here I will get to the Big Town, and we will form a Colony, except Swados is living in Brooklyn, and you know what that makes him, as well as the political clash between you two. My best to him, and Billy, anal to Joe Gies if you see him. Tell them I asked about them, and that things are also not the same since they went away. In my own slovenly way, I'm afraid I am getting old, Flagganan. I hope you will write me, even adversely. It gets lonesome here sometimes, although people try hard. Most of my friends are professors. So long until soon. The Washingiton Merry "Go-,Round By DREW PEARSON and ROBERT S. ALLEN WASHINGTON-Representative Adolph Sab- ath, chairman of the House Rules commit- tee, got an earful of cheering news about plans for succoring war-hit little business during his talk with the President. The President told the Illinoian that two measures are in the works: (1) "Spreading out" of war production by mandatory sub-contracts to the thousands of small firms being forced to the wall because of material shortages and curtailment of civil- ian goods production. (2) RFC "distress" loans to enable such firms to finance additional facilities needed for war work. The President told Sabath that going to the rescue of little business will be one of the first jobs tackled by Donald Nelson in his new capa- city as war production czar. Nelson is ideally equipped for this job, the President said, be- cause of his sympathetic attitude toward the problems of little business men growing out of the war emergency. "T'lhe little fellow h l as real Fric-11d ii 1i LCTT6R S TO THE EDITOR Why Tag Days? To the Editor: ATTENTION: All organizations launching "tag days" and drives for funds. According to front-page items appearing in The Daily of the last few days, I see that a group of various qampus organizations is sponsoring a four-day drive to sell ten-cent defense saving stamps and booklets. This is a noble gesture, and I heartily believe that we all should take part in the defense campaign whether by buy- ing ten-cent stamps or $18.75 bonds. There are those of us who have already started saving booklets or who have purchased bonds and who will not wish to buy the ten-cent stamps. It seems to me unfair'and very unwise to discrim- inate by the use of tags these latter persons, especially as their contributions were made not for the purpose of flaunting their benevolence and patriotism in the face of the rest of the public. By all means, carry out the drive, but eliminate the tags. While on this subject, I should like to say a few heart-felt words on the subject of tag days in general. I will not dispute the worthiness of the causes represented in any case. However, the frequency of charitable demands is exceed- ing reasonableness and the limits of our purses. There is a considerable group of undergraduates' graduate students, and young staff members whose incomes are scarcely sufficient to cover the essentials of decent living, and who are about driven to the point of launching a tag day in their own behalf by the demands of give, give, give! To enumerate only a few of these: Community Fund, Old Newsboys' Fund, Star Commonwealth, Disabled Veterans, Red. Cross, Infantile Paralysis Fund, Tuberculosis Fund, Galens', U. of M. Camp Fund, U. S. O., and now defense saving. I repeat, all worthy causes! Yet, how many persons who give to these cannot 'afford to go to camps (or to send members of their families), who do not get proper medical attention because they are afraid they cannot meet the costs, and who themselves are not properly clothed and fed? To me, it seems more important to practice charity at home and keep one's self and family off the re- lief roles, instead of adding more victims by the embarassingly-publicized methods of collecting money. GIVE, if you can and all you can afford! But don't make life miserable by hounding every persons who does not wear a tag by accosting him on the average of every 100 feet for four days! And why tags at all? -- L. A. Gillilan, (Research Fellow) MUSIC DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN I SATURDAY, JANUARY 24, 1942 VOL. LII. No. 87 Publication in the Daily Official Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the University. Notices New Registration Dates: Students will register for the second semester on February 5, 6, and 7 under the same alphabetical schedule as was previously announced for February 12, 13, and 14. Shirley W. Smith Income Tax: On or about Febru- ary 1 the University Business Office will mail to each member of the staff a copy of U.S. Treasury Form No. 1099 showing individual earnings from the University for the 1941 cal- endar year, provided such earnings exceed the minimums set for married and single persons respectively. There is now available at the Infor- mation Desk in the Business Office, Room 1 University Hall, to those who have not received such forms through the mail, a supply of U.S. Treasury Forms 1040 and 1040A for filing re- turns. Consultants for assisting individ- uals in making up their returns will be at the two downtown banks from February 18 to March 16. To the Members of the Faculty of the College of Literature, Science, and the Arts: The fourth regular meeting of the Faculty of the Col- lege of Literature, Science, and the Arts for the academic session of 1941-42 will be held in Room 1025 Angell Hall, January 26, at 4:10 p.m. The reports of the various com- mnittees have been prepared in ad- vance and are included with the call to the meeting. They should be re- tained in your files as part of the minutes of the January meeting. Edward H..Kraus AGENDA: 1. Consideration of the minutes of the meeting of December 1st, 1941 (pages 778-780), which were dis- tributed by campus mail. 2. Retirements of (a) Professor Bradley M. Davis. (b) Professor Jesse S. Reeves. 3. Introduction of new members of the R.O.T.C. units. 4. Consideration of reports sub- mitted with the all to the meeting: (a) Executive Committee, prepared by Professor J. E. Dunlap. (1) Proposal for partial credit. (2) Examination schedule. (b) University Council, prepared by Associate Professor C. C. Craig. (c) Executive Board of the Gradu- ate School, prepared by Professor C. S., Schoepfle. (d) Senate Advisory Committee On University Affairs, prepared by Professor A. S. Aiton. (e) Deans' Conference, prepared by Deals E. H. Kraus. 5. Consideration of the summer and fall programs of study. 6. Problem of the Instructor. 7. The University Library and for- eign publications, Director W. G. Rice. 8. New Business. 9. Announcements. Faculty, School of Education: The January meeting of the faculty will be held on Monday, January 26, in the University Elementary School Library. Tea will be served at 3:45 and the meeting will convene at 4:15 p.m. Automobile Regulation: Students may obtain permission to drive over the registration period and the week- end of the J-Hop through the follow- ing procedure: Apply in advance at Room 2, University Hall, for a parent signature card which is to be sent home for the written approval of parents. Upon presentation of this card properly signed and filled out bearing the make, type and license number of the car to be used (desig- nate whether car license plate is for 1941 or 1942), a permit will then be granted for the period beginning Thursday, February 5, at 8:00 a.m. and ending on Monday, February 9, at 8:00 a.m. Cars may not be brought into Ann1 Arbor before February 5 at 8:00 a.m. and must be taken out before 8:00 a.m. on February 9. Students who have regular driving permits are automatically extended this privilege. Office of the Dean of Students The Hopwood Contest for Fresh-= men: All manuscripts to be entered in the Hopwood Contest for Fresh- men should be left in the Hopwood Room, 3227 Angell Hall, by 4:00 p.m. on Tuesday, January 27, instead of January 30 as stated in the printed regulations. R. W. Cowden, Director of the Hopwood Awards The deadline for the Hopwood manuscripts in the spring contests has been changed from 4:30 p.m., Wednesday, April 22; to 4:30 p.m. Monday, April 13. R. W. Cowden Teaching Departments Wishing to Recommend tentative February grad- uates from the College of Literature, Science, and the Arts and the School of Education for Departmental Hon- GRIN AND BEAR IT I4 ti'~ ow f _ ! '-tKg U. S Ptf', .('Ail fitRe 'S /- r / _' , , :: : . . I "Maybe their home movies do have a patriotic theme-but that scene of then counting their bonds and stamps looked like plain bragging to me!" G I TOI , ROTH STRING QUARTET Quartet in D Major, Op. 76, No. 5....... Haydn Quartet in .F Major ...................... Ravel Quartet in A minor, Op. 41, No. 1 .. Schumann The world renowned Roth String Quartet last night inaugurated the second of Ann Arbor's Annual Chamber Music Festivals in the Rack- ham Auditorium with one of the most beautifully played concerts Ann Arbor has ever been host to. It was with sincere satisfaction that we saw that this new musical endeavor would be continued this year, for the plight of chamber music in this country at the present time is, unfortunately, rather sad. Of the thousands 'of concert-goers who know well the themes of most of the great orchestral works, and can name a dozen sym- phony orchestras and their conductors, only a handful know even one string quartet. And what makes this situation all the more deplor- able is that this most neglected, and even de- spised, medium is the highest form of music we possess. This statement will probably meet with a storm of protest, yet it is the truth. There are two invincible arguments to support it. First, and paradoxical as it may seem, is the very sim- plicity -of the string quartet, which limits the composer from the start in his means of ex- pression. He has not the various timbres, the range and volume (and the collection of ear- splitting noise-conjurers usually found in the timpani section) of the modern orchestra. He has but 16 strings to utilize. Therefore his music, his thematic material and its development, must be absolutely pure; it must have meaning and depth or its sterility will be at once apparent. Because of its very nature the string quartet is its own judge of the music it is asked to per- form: If the music be false the medium will be incapable. Secondly, every great composer, almost with- out exception, from Haydn through Mozart, Bee- thoven, Schumann, to Brahms, has reached his highest development in the string quartet. Not only in the form itself, which with every com- poser has attained its fullest expansion and cap- ability of expression in the string quartet, but in the utterance of their most sublime feelings and thoughts, their deepest and most subtle expres- sion, have the great masters found this medium the ultimate after figuratively bleeding dry all other instrumental media. A eulogy of the Roth Quartet here would be useless, for perfection speaks for itself. I can only say that last night's concert was the finest ensemble playing I have ever heard. Each mem- ber of the quartet an individual artist of the highest calibre, they form together an ensemble so perfect in its functioning as to seem one huge instrument. Absolute unison marks their every attack, every phrase, every dynamic change, and even the slightest mordent in a Haydn quartet; (hei'r balance, flexible and .hanging with the demlands of the ISic, i: __e= complete or Absent from Examination on grade-report-sheets give also in- formation showing the character of the part of the work which has been completed. This may be done by the use of the symbols, I(A), X(D), etc. E. A. Walter Students and Faculty, College of Literature, Science, and the Arts: The attention of students and facul- ty is called to the following regula- tion o the College: It should be noted that a report of X (Absent from Examination) does not guarantee a make-up examina- tion. An instructor must, in fairness to those who take the final examina- tion at the time announced for it, give make-up examinations only to students who have a legitimate reas- on for absence. E. A. Walter Dark Glasses Return: We would appreciate the return of any dark glasses which have been borrowed from the Health Service. The pur- chase of dark glasses is becoming increasingly difficult and our supply is low, so these borrowed glasses are needed. 'Warren E. Forsythe, M.D., Director The University Bureau of Appoint- ments has received notice from the United States Navy, Sppervisor of Shipbuilding, that the Navy is in need of qualified Junior Engineers. Courses in steel structural design, mechanical engineering design, or electrical engineering design are necessary requirements. Further in- formation may be obtained at the University Bureau of Appointments, 201 Mason Hall. Office hours, 9-12 and 2-4. Bureau of Appointments and Occupational Information Summer Camp Work: The Bureau of Appointments and Occupational Information has received many calls for camp counselors and administra- tors, and urges all students and faculty members interested to call at the office, 201 Mason Hall. There are opportunities for coun- selors for three camps in Maine- one boys' camp, one girls', and one adult camp. Seniors or graduate students, alumni or members of the faculty, are preferred. Couples, with or without a family, will be consid- ered, if both have a contribution to make to camp life. Interviews will be held in Ann Arbor the early part of February; application blanks may be obtained at the Bureau. An organization having twelve camps in the east has openings for twenty five men to serve as. coun- selors of various activities. Inter- views can be arranged in Ann Arbor, Further information may be ob- tained at the Bureau of Appoint- ments, 201 Mason Hall, hours 9-12 and 2-4. Bureau of Appoontments and Occupational Information The University Bureau of Appoint- ments has received information of the announcement from Harvard School of Dental Medicine for the National Scholarship in dental medi- cine. Further information regard- ing admission for consideration may be obtained from the bulletin which is on file at the Bureau of Appoint- ments, 201 Mason Hall. Office hours, 9-12 and 2-4. Academic Notices Physics Colloquium on Monday, January 26, at 4:15 p.m. in Room 1041 Randall Laboratory. Dr. Earle K. Plyler will speak on "Infra-Red Absorption Spectra." Bilogical Chemistry Seminar will meet on Monday, January 26, at 7:30 p.m, Room 319 West MVedical Build- " Foration and Naumof By Lichty English 1, Final Examination, Jan- uary 30, 10:30 a.m.-12:30: Arthos, 6 A.H. Bacon, 2203 A.H. Baum, 25 A.H. Bertram, 25 A.H. Boys, N.S. Aud. Calver, N.S. Aud. Copple, N.S. Aud. Engel, 25 A.H. Everett, 231 A.H. Faust, 231 A.H. Fletcher, 1035 A.H. Fogle, 205 M.H. Garvin, 2029 A.H. Green, 205 M.H. Greenhut, 1025 A.H. Haugh, 1025 A.H. Helm, 1025 A.H. Hockett, 1035 A.H. Martin, N.S. Aud. McClennen, 35 A.H. O'Neill, 4203 A.H. Peake, 35 A.H. Schroeder, 101 Ec. Taylor, 101 Uc. Thein, 2231 A.H. Tilford, 403 A.H. Walker, W, Phys. Lect. Weimer, W. Phys. Lect. Weisinger, W. Plays. Lect. Wells, 231 A.H. English 1, make-up examination for unavoidable conflicts, Saturday, January 31, 7:15 p.m., 2225 A.H. English 2: Ogden, '2203 A.H.; Stibbs, 202 W. Phys. English 190, Junior Honors: Mr. Weaver will be in his office for spe- cial conferences on Tuesday, January 27, from 2:30 to 3:30 p.m. Mathematics 54, Calculus H, Dr. Hopkins' section, secondtsemester, Ilisted in the Supplementary, An- nouncement of the Literary College, is intended for Engineering College students, and should not have been listed in this Announcement. Liter- ary College students electing Math. 54 the second semester and desiring this class at 9 o'clock, should elect Section 1 in the Literary College, meeting in 405 South Wing, Profes- sor Coe. Doctoral Students expecting de- grees in May: Because of the change in Commencement date and the shortening of the second semester, doctoral theses will be due in the office of the Graduate School April 6 instead of April 20 as previously an- nounced. This change in date is necessitated by the time required for committee members to read theses and set ex- aminations. Committees are urged to read theses as early as possible so that examinations can be set in time for the names of graduating students to appear in the Commencement pro- gram. C. S. Yoakum, Dean I shall not be on leave in the sec- ond semester. R. W. Cowden Seniors and Graduate Students who wish to be eligible to contract to teach the modern foreign languages in the registered Secondary Schools of New York State are notified that the required examination in French, Spanish, German, and Italian will be given here on February 13. No other opportunity to qualify will be offered until August, when Summer School attendance is a prerequisite for ad- mission to the examination. Those who wish to take this examination should notify Professor Pargment (100 R.L.) not later than January 28. Required Hygiene Lectures for Wo- men-1942: All first and second sem- ester freshmen women are required to take the hygiene lectures, which are to be given the second semester. Upperclass students who were in the University as freshmen and who ,did not fulfill the requirement are re- quired to take and satisfactorily com- plete this course. Enroll for these lectures at thtime of regular classi-