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CHICAGO * BOSTON * LOS ANGELES * SAN FRANCISCO Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1941-42 Editorial Stafff Emile Gel . . Alvin Dann . David Lachenbruch Jay McCormick Hal Wilson Arthur Hill . Janet Hiatt . Grace Miller . Virginia Mitchell I Daniel H. Huyett James B. Collins Louise Carpenter . Evelyn Wright . . . .Managing Editor Editorial Director .. . . City Editor . . . . Associate Editor Sports Editor Assistant Sports Editor Women's Editor . . Assistant Women's Editor . . . . Exchange Editor Business Staff Business Associate Business . Women's Advertising . Women's Business Manager Manager fanager Manager .~m. NI'GHT EDITOR: CHARLES THATCHER The editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. A Plan For Peace In The Americas . . NEWSPAPERS and press associations labeled it "a gigantic war produc- tion plan for the Western Hemisphere," but it can easily develop into a gigantic peace plan, 'not only for this hemisphere but for the whole world. According to the Associated Press, a plan for the all-out war effort of this hemisphere was revealed by- an official of the Department of Commerce on Wednesday. It calls for relaxa- tion of all tariffs, introduction of an interna- tional exchange currency, a special labor pro- gram, pooling of shipping, nationalization of all airlines in South America, a guarantee of vital exports from this country to South America, a statistical union, and American financing of war projects and new port facilities in the hemisphere. Obviously, the plan is intended as an emer- gency measure to strengthen the nations fight- ing Hitler. It contains, however, some of the prerequisites for a lasting world peace. Cer- tainly if it proves successful as a war plan and if, as reported, other nations outside of the' Western Hemisphere enter into the agreements, it must be considered as a possibility for the post-war settlement. Perhaps discussion about peace terms is pre- mature, but it should be remembered that all the nations of the world will expect a concrete peace plan from the Allies as soon as victory is won. This plan cannot be merely a temporary solution of the world's ills. It must offer a last- ing guarantee. ONE of the greatest stumbling blocks to any such final readjustment is the economic barrier with its competitive economies and its tariff wars. The elimination of tariffs and the facilitating of international exchange, as the reported plan proposes to do, would go a long way toward conquering that barrier. It seems likely, now that Argentina has appar- ently agreed to cooperate with her sister repub- lics, that the Pan-American Conference will adopt this proposal when it is offered. Such an action will be revolutionary'in world history. Nev- er before has any group of nations determined upon cooperation to any like degree.- It will shine through the darkness to promise the op- pressed and hapless peoples of the world that something is going to come out of this war after all. The hemispheric plan has brought the hazy generalities of "world federation" and "world unity" down to reality. No doubt such a far- seeing idealist as President Roosevelt sees the potentialities of these proposals. He can prob- ably visualize the day in the not-too-distant future when similar agreements will link all nations. The Western Hemisphere war plan represents a great step toward a lasting world peace plan. - George W. Sallade Germany's Mineral Resources Some long-cherished American illusions about our own natural supremacy and the compara- tive poverty of our have-not adversary, Ger- many, were dashed by a report, made public recently, of the Federal Bureau of Mines. The Reich, it finds, is "surprisingly well sup- World Federation And Post-War America. "THE 'THIRTIES' will go down in history as a decade in which people were afraid to act." In a recent lecture here, Dr. Gregory Vlastos, noted professor of philosophy, made the fore- going statement. According to Dr. Vlastos, the Chamberlains, the Lavals, the Daladiers were representatives of a people who did not act be- cause they had no faith in their ideal-democ- racy. All this brings to mind the question, "What's going to happen after the war?" What we ask now is: are we going to say after the war, "Brrr it was a nasty dose. We're glad that's over," and then settle back comfortably into our own red, white and blue rut? Or are we going to remember the murderous trick that was played on us by our elders, our elders who sneer at the 'younger generation'? Are we going to remem- ber the bitter lesson of the twenties? We think every Aherican should start think- ing now about the peace. For one thing, we realize that the United States can never again hope to be an independent nation. If there is to be any sort of real world federation after the war, we must be a part of it; and to be a part of it, means that we must be prepared to give up some degree of our independence. Inevitably this suggestion brings down many cries that we must maintain our own rock- ribbed American spirit of Americanism. But just what is this spirit of Americanism? To us, it is nothing more than democracy. And if we are to have any faith in our own ideal, if we are to have the courage of our convictions, we must be prepared to share democracy. We must be prepared to subordinate ourselves to the whole. This is world democracy. Many people look upon Europe with suspicion and talk vaguely of the new world. But after all, who do we think we are? We're not God's chosen people. We're simply fortunates who have had some of the advantages of democracy. After the Revolutionary War, the thirteen states formed a union with very little that bound them except a common enemy. We have that now. In all events, we must shake off this indiffer- ence of the thirties. We cannot be, as Lillian Hellman says in "The Little Foxes," 'people who stand around and watch.' Harry Levine >. * Why Not Die? It's Cheaper By TOM THUMB ANYBODY who has about $350 in cash can make himself a cool half million in Ann Arbor. All he has to do is rent one of those old dingy deserted houses with broken windows, that you see at regular intervals in this town, buy some second-hand iceboxes down at Claude Brown's, collEt the flimsiest excuses for beds (any old pallet will do) and rent out apartments at $50 to $100 each (plus utilities) depending whether they are one or two rooms. A real estate agent told me today that. (I quote) "In all my 20 years experience in Ann Arbor, this has absolutely been the worst as far as getting apartments is concerned." The reason I know about this is because I'm trying to find an apartment-without bugs, please. I've been answering the ads in the pa- per, but I find that you have to answer the minute the paper comes off the press (I go down to Huron Street and get the first one printed in the afternoon). I answered an ad (Three rooms, plus utilities, no stove, near cam- pus) at about 6:30 one night and found that 80 people had seen the apartment ahead of me. It seems that the bomber plan at Ypsi is one of the contributing complications, as the men are overflowing into Ann Arbor to look for living quarters. In fact, one smart Ann Arbor landlady (I can think of a much less printable synonym) has four Ypsi men sleeping in one room for $10 each per month! A POINTER when looking for an apartment- Studio couches have two sides-a soft one and a hard one. Feel both sides before you say to the landlord: "Here's $75 for the first week's rent-how many miles is it to campus?" When you finally do take an apartment, the landlord usually gives you the following spiel: "The bathroom is two floors up and it's only shared by seven other families; the garbage is collected every October; the kitchen window is broken, so keep the shade down; this stove doesn't come with the apartment; there is an extra fee of $2..50 per month for electricity; there are no closets but you may put your clothes in the cellar; if you have trouble getting your radio to work wait till the doctor down- stairs turns off his X-ray machine; you'll find that the living room doesn't heat up, so you can just stay- in the kitchen when it gets cold; now. if you'll just sign this three-year lease -" And brother, you better sign and sign quickly, if you don't want to live, in the gutter. No use complaining, because they can always get some other tenants. Why, I understand that the gopher-holes in the Arboretum are renting for $27.50 a month. ONE local apartment house has an ad in the paper saying, "1, 2 and 3 room apartments. Waiting list only." I inquired how long I would have to wait to get a 2-room apartment. The manager scratched his head. "Wal," he said, "we have a waiting list of 175 people who are waiting to get on the waiting list." "And how many people are on the actual clhe Drew Pe"so ad d RobettS. Aeu WASHINGTON-Five men and one woman had secret undercover hands in John L. Lewis' bombshell proposal that the AFL and CIO reopen the peace negotiations that he broke off two years ago. They were: William Hutcheson, Roosevelt-hating, vet- eran head of the AFL carpenters. George Meany, bulky AFL secretary-treas- urer, who is ambitious to become head of the AFL, or a combined labor organization, and is willing to play ball with Lewis to attain this goal. Daniel Tobin, AFL teamster boss, a sincere advocate of AFL-CIO peace. Dr. John Steelman, director of the U. S. Conciliation Service, who is on close terms with Lewis. It was Steelman who awarded Lewis the closed-shop in captive mines last month and a year ago supported him in his knockdown fight wxith commercial coal oper- ators. Secretary Frances Perkins, who has made such a howling botch as head of the Labor Department that she is frantically anxious to chalk up some spectacular achievement and sees an AFL-CIO agreement as offering that chance. Senator Burton K. Wheeler, America First champion and intimate political pal of Lewis. OF THE SIX, Hutcheson had the biggest hand in Lewis's surprise move. A few years ago the two men were fierce enemies, after exchang- ing blows at a CIO convention. But they were reunited in 1940 by their mutual hatred of Roosevelt. After Lewis's sensational bolt-to-Willkie broad- cast, Hutcheson wrote Lewis a hurrahing con- gratulatory letter. Later they held several secret pow-wows that aroused conjecture in inner labor circles. Two days before Lewis sprang his peace scheme, he and Hutcheson had another secret talk. The day after this meeting, Hutcheson, at- tending a session of the AFL executive council, had himself made a member of the AFL's peace committee, which had been inactive for two years. Also, when Lewis' letter was delivered to AFL president William Green at the Satur- day afternoon meeting of the council, Hutcheson hastily departed, saying he couldn't wait to dis- cuss the proposal as he had to catch a tarin Through With CIO BEHIND Lewis's sudden passion for AFL-CIO peace are two things: (1) He is through with the CIO. (2) He is out to purge from organized labor ranks the Commy-fellow-traveller elements who not so long ago were his closest allies and the backbone of his strength in the CIO. Lewis washed his hands of the CIO after its recent annual convention. In 1940 the CIO slapped him down when the rank-and-file re- fused to follow his demand that they desert Roosevelt and vote for Willkie. Lewis swallowed this rebuff, but he didn't forgive it. When the 1941 CIO convention again cuffed him resound- ingly by repudiating his isolationism, he decided to find newer and greener fields for his burning personal ambitions. In the CIO the prospects were that he would remain a minority voice. But if he could put over an AFL-CIO unification, Lewis would again become a mighty "king maker," with the strong possibility that in a few years he might make himself the big boss of the combined organiza- tion. Or Secretary of Labor. Or Vice President of the United States-his great secret ambition. Lucky Absence IT WAS INEVITABLE that the money issue would pop up at the Dies committee's closed- door hearings on fascist and anti-racial activi- ties, for most of the witnesses were supporters of Father Coughlin, clamorous crusader against "international bankers." However, Representative Jerry Voorhis of Cal- ifornia, member of the committee, is glad he was absent when the question finally did come up. It was injected explosively by an official of the National Workers' League, a Detroit group which has been disseminating anti-Semitic lit- erature and propaganda against the President's defense policies. While being questioned, the witness suddenly began waving his arms wildly and shouted: "You fellows ought to go after the interna- tional bankers. They're the real enemies of the country. We've got to change our money system and substitute direct credit if we want to solve our economic problems. Unless we reform the money system . .. SUDDENLY the witness stopped, swept the comittee table with a pointed finger, and without lowering his voice, inquired, "Which one of you is Congressman Voorhis?". There was a loud howl of laughter at this attempt to put Voorhis on the spot. Luckily for the Californian, a leading congressional advo- cate of monetary reform who indignantly re- jects the support of Coughlinite elements, he was attending another committee meeting. waiting list?" I asked him. He scratched his head again. "We limit the waiting list to 500." "Oh," I said, "and how many 2-room apart- DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN FRIDAY, JANUARY 23, 1942 -VOL. L. No. 86 Publication in the Daily Official Bulletin Is constructive notice to all members of the university. Notices New Registration Dates: Students will register for the second semester on February 5, 6, and 7 under the same alphabetical schedule as was previously announced for February 12, 13, and 14. Shirley W. Smith Income Tax: On or about Febru- ary 1 the University Business Office will mail to each member of the staff a copy of U.S. Treasury Form No. 1099 showing individual earnings from the University for the 1941 cal- endar year, provided such earnings exceed the minimums set for married and single persons respectively. There is now available at the Infor- mation Desk in the Business Office, Room 1 University Hall, to those who have not received such forms through the mail, a supply of U.S. Treasury Forms 1040 and 1040A for filing re- turns. Consultants for assisting individ- uals in making up their returns will be at the two downtown banks from February 18 to March 16. Home Loans: The University In- vestment office, 100 South Wing, will be glad to consult with anyone con- sidering building or buying a home or refinancing existing mortgages and is eligible to make F.H.A. loans. Faculty, School of Education: The January meeting of the faculty will be held on Monday, January 26, in the University Elementary School Library. Tea will be served at 3:45 and the meeting will convene at 4:15 pem. To the Members of the Faculty of the College of Literature, Science, and the Arts: The fourth regular meeting of the Faculty of the Col- lege of Literature, Science, and the Arts for the academic session of 1941-42 will be held in Room 1025 Angell Hall, January 26th, 1942, at 4:10 p.m. The reports of the various com- mittees have been prepared in ad- vance and are included with the call to the meeting. They should be re- tained in your files as part of the minutes of the January meeting. Edward. 11. Kraus AGENDA: 1. Consideration of the minutes of the meeting of December 1st, 1941 (pages 778-780), which were dis- tributed by campus mail. 2. Retirements of (a) Professor Bradley M. Davis (b) Professor Jesse S. Reeves. 3. Introduction of new members of the R.O.T.C. units. 4. Consideration of reports sub- mitted with the call to the meeting: (a) Executive Committee, prepared by Professor J. E. Dunlap. (1) Proposal for partial credit. (2) Examination schedule. (b) University Council, prepared by Associate Professor C. C. Craig. (c) Executive Board of the Gradu- ate School, prepared by Professor C.1I S. Schoepfle. (d) Senate Advisory Committee on University Affairs, prepared by Professor A. S. Aitin.1 (e) Deans' Conference, prepared by Dean . H. Kraus. 5. Consideration of the summer and fall programs of study. 6. Problem of the Instructor. 7. The University Libraryand for- eign publications, Director W. G. Rice. 8. New Business. 9. Announcements. Teaching Departments Wishing to Recommend tentative February grad- uates from the College of Literature, Science, and the Arts and the School of Education for Departmental Hon- ors should send such names to the Registrar's Office, Room 4, U. Hall before February 4, 1942. Robert L. Williams, Assistant Registrar The Hopwood Contest for Fresh- men: All manuscripts to be entered in the Hopwood Contest for Fresh- men should be left in the Hopwood Room, 3227 Angell Hall, by 4:00 p.m. on Tuesday, January 27, instead of January 30 as stated in the printed regulations. R. W. Cowden, Director of the Hopwood Awards Dark Glasses Return: We would appreciate the return of any dark glasses which have been borrowed from the Health Service. The pur- chase of dark glasses is becoming increasingly difficult and our supply is low, so these borrowed glasses are needed. Warren E. Forsythe, M.D., Director All Students, Registration for Sec- ond Semester. Each student should plan to register for himself during the appointed hours. Registration by proxy will not be accepted. Robert L. Williams, Assistant Registrar School of Education, Graduate W' GRIN AND BEAR IT ~ "' .._- L 4 . l~ I~' 41 O bwl . t , 1-2 ; ~1 92 Chi w. 'th1 AlRsKR A - / \ \ '_ ___ t . a ° w _yrnr \\ M MM"" f. I "What if I am the only one in the club that you can lift? How will I ever learn first aid if I have to be the casualty all the time?" By Lichiy x{ { , x Registration Material: School of Music, School of Education, School of Public Health, College of Litera- ture, Science, and the Arts: Students should call for second semester reg- istration materials at Room 4, Uni- versity Hall, as soon as possible. Please see your adviser and secure all necessary signatures. Robt. L. Williams, Assistant Registrar Registration Material, College of Architecture. Students should call for second semester material at Room 4, University Hall at once. The Col- lege of Architecture will post an an- nouncement in the near future giving the time of conferences with your classifier. Please wait for this notice before seeing your classifier. Robert L. Williams, Assistant Registrar Doctoral Students expecting de- grees in May: Because of the change in Commencement date and the shortening of the second semester, doctoral theses will be due in the office of the GraduateSchool April 6 instead of April 20 as previously an- nounced. This change in date is necessitated by the time required for committee members to read theses and set ex- aminations. Committees are urged to read theses as early as possible so that examinations can be set in time for the names of graduating students to appear in the Commencement pro- gram. C. S. Yoakum, Dean There will be a very important short meeting for all people inter- ested in teaching, either now or dur- ing the coming year, in the Natural SS cience Auditorium today at 4:15 p.m. Bureau of Appointments and Occupational Information Summer Camp Work: The Bureau of Appointments and Occupational Information has received many calls for camp counselors and administra- tors, and urges all students and faculty members interested to call at the office, 201 Mason Hall. There are opportunities for coun- selors for three camps in Maine- one boys' camp, one girls', and one adult camp. Seniors or graduate students, alumni or members of the faculty, are preferred. Couples., with or without a family, will be consid- ered, if both have a contribution to make to camp life. Interviews will be held in Ann Arbor the early part of February; application blanks may be obtained at the Bureau. An organization having twelve camps in the east has openings for twenty five men to serve as coun- selors of various activities. Inter- views can be arranged in Ann Arbor. Further information may be ob- tained at the Bureau of Appoint- ments, 201 Mason Hall, hours 9-12 and 2-4. Bureau of Appointments and Occupational Information The University Bureau of Appoint- ments has received information of the announcement from Harvard School of Dental Medicine for the National Scholarship in dental medi- cine. Further information regard- ing admission for consideration may be obtained from the bulletin which is on file at the Bureau of Appoint- ments, 201 Mason Hall. Office hours, 9-12 and 2-4. The University Bureau of Appoint- ments has received notice from the United States Navy, Sppervisor of Shipbuilding,. that the Navy is in need of qualified Junior Engineers. Courses in steel structural design, mechanical engineering design, or electrical engineering design are necessary requirements. Further in- Anthropology: Prof.,M. Titiev will not be on leave of absence but will teach courses next semester as indi- cated in the College Announcement This notice supersedes the informa- tion in the Supplementary Announce- ment. Seniors and Graduate Students who wish to be eligible to contract to teach the modern foreign languages in the registered Secondary Schools of New York State are notified that the required examination in French, Spanish, German, and Italian will be given here on February 13. No other opportunity to qualify will be offered until August, when Summer School attendance is a prerequisite for ad- mission to the examination. Those who wish to take this examination should notify Professor Pargment (100 R.L.) not later than January 28. University Extra-Curricular Cours- es in Defense Work: Registration for extra-curricular defense courses will be held February 5-7 inclusive in the social director's office at the Michi- gan League Building. Please do not attempt to register before this time, Concerts Roth String Quartet: The Univer- sity Musical Society will present the Roth String Quartet: Feri Roth, Vio- lin; Rachmael Weinstock, Violin; Julius Shaier, Viola; and Oliver Edel, Violoncello;' in the Second Annual Chamber Music Festival in the Lec- ture Hall of the Rackham Building, as follows: Tonight, 8:30: Quartet in D major by Haydn; Quartet in F by Ravel; and Quartet in'A minor, by Schu- mann. Saturday, 2:30: Quartet in D ma- jor, Tschaikowsky; "Rispetti e Stram- botti" by Malipiero; and Quartet in G minor, by Boccherini. Saturday, 8:30: Quartet in D ma- jor by Mozart; Four Preludes and Fugues by Roy Harris; and Quartet in F major by Beethoven. Tickets, (including tax): Season $2.75 and $2.20. Single concerts $1.10. May be purchased at the offices of the University Musical So- ciety in Burton Memorial Tower, or in the lobby of the Rackham Build- ing one hour before the beginning of each concert. Charles A. Sink, President The University Symphony Orches- tra, Thor Johnson, Conductor, will present a concert at 4:15 p.m. on Tuesday, January 27, in Hill Auditor- ium, in which the works of Mozart, Rimsky-Korsakoff and Mahler will be featured. Although the concert is open to the public, smill children will not be admitted. Exhibitions Ann Arbor Art Association: A com- prehensive showing of all phases of work of the Michigan Art and Craft- Project of the Works Administration, represented by photograph and a number of representative actual works in ceramics, textiles, furniture, etc. Rackham galleries, 2-5 and 7:30- 9:00, through January 31, except Sunday. Open to the public. Lectures American Chemical Society Lec- ture: Professor H. Mark of the Poly- technic Institute of Brooklyn will speak on "The Elastic Properties of High Polymers" today at 4:15 p.m. in Room 303 Chemistry Building. The public is invited. Events Today Coffee Hour: All students are wel- come at the Student Religious Asso- ciation Coffee Hour held in the Lane Hall library from 4:00 to 6:00 on Friday afternons. ,.. - ;\ . _. -_ / *DC4