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January 22, 1942 - Image 6

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The Michigan Daily, 1942-01-22

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TilUiSDA , JAiN-CltRiY 22, 19-x

__________________________ I I

1 i

Dr. McKhann
Predicts Polio
Epidemie Here
Paralysis Outbreak Is Due
During 194243, Says
Authority On Pediatrics
Group Needs Funds
An infantile paralysis outbreak is
predicted for Michigan during 1942-.
43, by Dr. Charles McKhann chair-
man of the Department of Pediatrics
and Communicable Disease.
The disease, characterized by de-
generation of nerve structures and'
resulting in paralysis and possible
deformity, travels in this area in two
or three year cycles. 1940 was an
epidemic year and taxed state fa-
cilities to the utmost. According to
Dr. McKhann, "Polio has been in-
creasing both in incidence and in the
areas of the country involved for the
past ten or twelve years."
Funds Neededk
These gloomy facts make clear the
urgent need for raising funds for
treatment of this prolonged and cost-
ly disease. Fifty per cent of the
money 'raised in each community
goes to the National Foundationfor
Infantile Paralysis, which uses this
sum for the promotion of research.
Recently the Foundation granted
$40,000 to the University for the pur-
pose of creating facilities to train
virologists and study virus diseases.
The other 50 per cent is retained lo-
cally tonfinance cost of diagnosis
treatment, equipment and educa-
tional service for school-age patients.
Efficiency of the, polio campaign is
seen in the cost cf its administration
-less than one per cent of the total
intake. -.
Contrary to custom, University stu-
dents are not sponsoring their own
infantile paralysis campaign this
year, since the new examination
schedule conflicts with the date of
the drive. However, students will
have ample opportunity to contribute
through the local campaign.
Coin Boxes Set Up
To supplement the proceeds from a
musicale scheduled Jan. 25 in the
Hussey Room of the League and tag
day on Jan. 31, coin boxes have been
placed in all public buildings. Stu-
dents may also send their "March of
Dimes" donations to the committee
office, 301 First National Bank Build-
Pastors' Meeting
Comnpie tes Work
In Final Sessions
Concluding the three day Pastors'
Conference, three morning sessions
were held yesterday, including the
regular morning Forum, a final gen-
eral session, and closing the Confer-
ence, a worship.
The Forums included discussions
of worship, Christian fellowship, re-
ligious education, and preaching.
Forums on worship and preaching
met yesterday with members to the
Church Music Conference which was
held in conjunction with the minis-
ters' gathering.
The other two Forums discussed
"Christian Education and World Re-
construction" led by Dr. F. E. John-
son, and "What Fellowships Are Do-
ing," led by Mr. Glen Weimer, Mr.
Frank Littel, and Mr. Owen Geer.
At the general session held in the
Rackham Auditorium, Prof. W. M.
Horton delivered the last of his four
addresses titled, "The Method of Our
Salvation-A Contemporary Church

Closing the Conference, The Rev.
Owen Geer conducted worship at
11:30 a.m. His subject was "The Real
look better
for it.
nA A n n D CI(

Japs Pushing Toward Singapore
0 25
AR ' ''*-.
Blows by advancing Japanese fell hard in a 30-mile sector of Ma-
laya's west coast in drives that carried to the Batu Pahat and Yong-
peng sectors (a %row, 1). On the east coast, invaders penetrated to the
vicinity of Endau (arrow, 3). Tokyo claimed 20,000 Australians were
cut off in Segamet area (2) and that advance Japanese details reached
a point only 18 miles from the causeway across Johore Strait (4) to
Singapore Island. Singapore itself was bombed.
Russell Howland Joins Guest
Conductors Of Concert Band

State Teachers
To Meet Here
In Conference
Fourth Annual Mid-Winter
Convention To Consider
Problems Of Education
With schools and the teaching pro-
fession faced by many perplexing
problems and uncertainties in the'
war crisis, educators from all over
the state will convene here Saturday
for the fourth annual mid-winter ed-
ucational conference sponsored by
the School of Education.
Under the guidance of Prof. George
E. Myers of the education school, an
all day conference beginning with
9:30 a.m. registration in the Rack-
ham Building and including a lunch-
eon and afternoon conference at the
League has been planned.
In conjunction with the educa-
tional conference T. Luther Purdom
and Gertrude Muxen of the Bureau
of Appointments and Occupational
Information have planned to hold the
annual guidance conference. which
will present reports and discussions
of problems of teacher employment,
adjustment and use of guidance pro-
Regular Saturday morning classes
in the education school will be used
to demonstrate educational studies
by holding roundtable discussions of
the completed work under the lead-
ership of the instructor. There will
also be a special presentation of
techniques in the field of visual edu-
The luncheon scheduled for 1 p.m.
in the League will feature a talk by
Prof. A. B. Mays of the University of
Illinois on the subject "Development
of Industrial Arts, Vocational Guid-
ance and Vocational Education."
The theme of the afternoon con-
ference to be held in the League Ball-
room will be a symposium on "Fron-
tier Problems in Vocational Educa-
tion and Vocational Guidance."
Nazi Announcer Slips,
Betrays Open Secret
NEW YORK, Jan. 21.-(R)-NBC's
listening post tonight reported the
following embarrassing moment for
the announcer on the Berlin radio's
"News in English" program:
"In the course of heavy fighting in
Malaya," said the German anouncer,.
"the Italians lost considerable ground
er-I beg pardon, the Australians
lost the ground!"

Torpedoes Jap Ship

TecihnicFinally Appears Today;
Features On Defense Are Listed

The Michigan Technic wlii go on"
sale today!
At least so the editors promise, but
after mechanical difficulties for two
successive issues, delaying publica-
tion a day each time, there are just
grounds for suspicion.
Heading the list of articles in the
January issue of the engineering col-
lege magazine is "World's Largest
Bomber Plant," an inside story of the
Ford Willow Run plant .now being
constructed in Ypsilanti, written by
Keith L. Smith, '43E.
Col. H. W. Miller of the engineering
drawing department joins the list
of Technic contributors this month
with his story of the history and de-
velopment of artillery entitled, "Rev-
olution in Artillery." Third contribu-
tor this issue is William 0. Jacobs,
'44E, with his "Miracle in Concrete,"
a story of Grand Coulee Dam.
In its regular feature department
"The Technic Presents . . ." Lieut.
Col. H. W. D. Riley of the military
science department, Henry "Hank"
Fielding, '42E, and Robert "Bud"
Keetch, '42E, as persons worthy of
introduction to the engineering stu-
dent body.
Newest of The Technic's depart-
ments is "The Technic Rambles,"
which will this month take its read-
ers behind the scenes in the physics


Lieut. John. D. Bulkeley (above) I
was in command of the fast motor
torpedo boat credited by the Navy
with running a gauntlet of machine
gun fire into a Philippine bay toj
torpedo an unidentified 5,000-ton
Japanese ship.
(.- ______________ -
MIiclliga(I's ROTC
Rifleinen, Outshoot
Tog IoaTai
The postman brought good news
to the University ROTC Rifle Team
yesterday in the form of results re-
ceived from the University of Iowa'
which credited the local team withI
a surprise 1,834 to 1,810 victory over
the Hawkeyes in a postal match
fired last week.
Leading the Michigan squad in the
match was Saul Warshaw, '43, fol-
lowed by squad captain Verne C.
Kennedy, '42E, Richard O. Jones,
'43E, Robert Erhlich, '43E, and James
Sheldon, '45, firing scores in that
Also fired last week, although the
results have not yet been obtained,
were postal matches with the Uni-
versity of Chicago, Utah State Agri-
cultural College, and Rose Polytch-
nic Institute, while the team will
shoot it out with last year's Big Ten
champions, Minnesota, in the match
scheduled for this week.
Coaching the Michigan squad isI
Lieut. L. W. Peterson, assisted by
Sgt. D. G. Bonnewell, both of the
military science department.


and chemistry laboratories to pri-
sent the story of Gunther Kessler.
the University's glass-blower.
Made a defense issue through the
two feature articles, this issue will
further carry out that theme with its
cover picture, a shot of the new 60-
ton heavy tank being produced in
the United States, and the editorial
entitled "Students for Defense."
Sales will be made over the Arch,
in front of the secretary's office,
West Engineering Building, and in
the lobby of the East Engineering
Building. December issues will also
be on hand for those who neglected
to buy them before vacation.
Civic Orchestra To Give
'An Evening Of Ballet'
"An Evening of Ballet" the annual
production of the Ann Arbor Civic
orchestra and a local dancing studio
will be presented tomorrow and Sat-
urday at 8 p.m. in the City High
School auditorium.
More than 100 dancers will take
part in a series of stage acts, which
were written and arranged by Mrs.
Sylvia Hamer, director of the dance
studios. A forty-piece orchestra un-
der the direction of Prof. Joseph
Maddy of the music school, will pro-
vide the dance music.
A special suite of Chopin compo-
sitions entitled Chopiniana has been
included in the program.
Ride at
Free Transportation
to and from stables
Every Friday
Call 2-3441

Roy Harris, Erik


To Lead Fifth Annual
Music Reading Clinic
An already imposing list of guest
conductors for the University Con-
cert Band's coming Sunday afternoon
concert took on a third name yester-
day with the announcement that
Russell Howland of the School of
Music would also be on hand to con-
duct the band in some of his own,
"Pastorale," a selection written by
Macklin and arranged by Mr. How-
land, will be presented as part of the
4:15 p.m. concert. Mr. ' Howland
worked with Macklin for seven years
before coming to the University.
New to the faculty this year,
though thrice a member of the sum-
mer faculty, Mr. Howland has done
considerable arranging and compos-
ing, including a composition entitled,

"Mood Mauve," well known to band
Now engaged in instruction of
woodwind instruments,. Mr. Howland
claims that his ambition is to "be
ablekto devote more time to creative
Already announced as guest con-,
ductors for the concert are composers
Roy Harris and Erik Liedzen, who
will come here for the fifth annual
instrumental reading clinic to be held
Saturday and Sunday.
Additional support will be given
the clinic by Gustave Helmecke, for-
mer bass drummer with the world-
famous Sousa band, and August
Langenus, well - known clarinetist,
both of whom are coming to appear
on the clinic program.
In addition to its appearance at
the concert Sunday, the University
Band will present the class A and B
numbers at the clinic, while the Hol-
land High School band under the di-
rection of Eugene Heeter will be here
to play the class C and D selections.

Flying Cadet Board
To~ End Stay Here
Here today and gone tomorrow-
in other words this is the last day
the Army Aviation Cadet Examining
Board will be in town to enlist appli-
cants for both flying and ground per-
All young men between the ages of
18 and 26 are eligible to enlist for
flight training regardless of their ed-
'ucation. Candidates must pass rigid
physical and mental examinations at
the Health Service where the Board
will bestationed. All men enlisting
now will be given furlough to the end
of the first semester.
Criminal Pays Price
LOUISA, Ky., Jan. 21.-(l)-Far-
mer Tom Miller boasts of receiving a
price of $4.53 each for his hens. En-
tering his hen house, Miller dis-
covered 30 fine fowls gone and a
pocketbook containing $136.

















t I

Announcing .. .


Coming to you in two big editions-on sale follow-
ing the first evening of the Hop, with pictures of
everyone attending this gala affair, an entertain-
ment directory, and many other items of interest
to all.


r A M AA _mM - Ask__u



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