THE MICHIGAN DAILY WEDNESDAY, a 41, LGTT C RS Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Published every morning except Monday during the University year and Summer Session. Member of the Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of republication of all other matters herein also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second class mail matter. Subscriptions during the regular school year by car- rier $4.00, by mail $5.00. REPRESENTED FOR NATIONAL ADVERTISING SV National Advertising Service, Inc. College Publishers Representative 420 MAotsON A~vE. NEW YORK. N. Y. CHICAGO *"BOSTON ".op ANGELES * SAN FRANCISCO Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1941-42 Editorial Staff ' Emile Gel6 Alvin Dann David Lachenbruch Jay McCormick Hal Wilson Arthur Hill Janet Hiatt Grace Miller Virginia Mitchell I Daniel H. Huyett James B. Collins . Louise Carpenter Evelyn Wright Bus . . . Managing Editor . . . .Editorial Director . . . . . City Editor . . . . Associate Editor . . . . Sports Editor Assistant Sports Editor . . . . Women's Editor Assistant Women's Editor . . . . Exchange Editor siness Staff . . . Business Manager . Associate Business Manager . Women's Advertising Manager . Women's Business Manager NIGHT EDITOR: GLORIA NISHON The editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. Let's Look At The Record,. . SINCE the issue has been brought up as to the fault or blamelessness of the State Department for some of the events which have occurred recently, the most general inspection of the department's record should answer the question with finality. To go through the record of the State Department step by step would require a complete study of United States foreign policy, but selection of one or two ex- amples of. State Department diplomacy will throw some light on the matter. FIRST, let us examine the question of Spain. Following the victory of fascism and the in- stallation of General Franco as dictator, Spain promised to be good and act independently and with forbearance. But newspapermen who left the country told of ever increasing censorship of the news, of the influx of Nazi propaganda, methods, the Nazis themselves, and of the whole- sale slaughter of the revolutionists. The State Department was aware of the situa- tion, they knew of the growing unrest and terror in Spain through the misgovernment of Gen. Franco. And more than this, they were well aware of the swing of Spain towards the Axis. Yet they fought for a sizeable loan to Spain for "rehabilitation." They saw to it that Spain re- ceived the loan, accepting Franco's promise that the money would be used for domestic purposes. The .General had gone back on his every prom- ise before, but he got the loan. Or better yet, let us look at the relations of the State Department with respect to Japan. Stories of how the Federal Bureau of Investiga- tion was forced to release Japanese spies through State Department pressure have been generally circulated by reputable sources. These stories have never been denied by the State Department. THE STATE DEPARTMENT has been appeas- ing Japan for many years, and even when the restrictions against the sale of Japanese goods went into effect, the State Department was immediately set to figuring some way of continuing trading. The State Department has consistently carried on a policy contrary to the expressed desires of the American people when they thought that something could be gained through appeasement. But to try and fail seemed to have made no impression on them, they proceeded to try again. In the face of absolute proof by tIhe F.B.l., reporters whose observations have been consistently reliable, and the wishes of the people of the country, the State Department has carried on its own pri- vate appeasement policy. Or again, we might look at the record of the State Department in regard to the admission of refugees to this country. It has been charged by several reputable publications that a large group of anti-fascists have been refused admit- tance to the United States, with no actual basis for denying their entrance to the country. Cer- tainly we hear of men such as Thomas Mann or Albert Einstein, but there are literally thousands of other men, less famous, but just as sincere in their ideals of freedom and democracy who have not been permitted to enter America. But until the war the number of German naval ex- perts attached to consulates was ridiculously out of proportion to the needs of the actual work of the consuls. S ThE .>1&ATE' DEPA r'lrTNT5 easement TO THE EDITOR Coercion, Chaos To the Editor: Mr. Protetch's recent letter regarding my for- mer remarks in your columns appears to be another objection to the plan for federal world union on the grounds that any kind of post-war political settlement must make use of coercion. His remarks seem to join issue with my earlier statements at three points. FIRST, that some form of coercion is essential in all human communities is well-established. The principal distinction here is a difference of kind: On the one hand is coercion of law, which requires all individuals to obey the public will; on the other is coercion of arms by one political group against another when their interests ap- pear to be in conflict. The former acts against individuals; the latter against political groups. The former acts with the approval of all except the law-breaker; the latter arises from disagree- ments among law-makers. Relations between the United States government and the citizens of 48 states illustrate the former; relations among the governments of sovereign states il- lustrate the latter. American politicians during the last 150 years have probably not been vastly wiser than Euro- pean statesmen, and yet America has grown rich in a period of remarkable political stability while Europe has suffered from a series of de- structive wars. My point is that Europe's con- flicts of the past have now become the world conflict of the present due to the new inter- dependence of the world's peoples. SECOND, Mr. Protetch refers to "the chaos which we call our world," but makes no at- tempt to answer my contention that that chaos has arisen from the, irreconcilability of "reason- able natures, peace, and armed force." His simile between international relations and an American athletic contest may be a good one, but supports the very idea he is attacking! Ap- plying his simile, we see at once that "an inter- national referee" is needed, rather than allow- ing the "team" that can rally the most effective weapons to dictate the terms under which the next "game will be played. Third, it would be foolish to argue over defini- tions. By "police power" I mean an exercise of coercive power by the federal world state, not by "representatives of each world state" as Mr. Protetch says. Its constructive purpose would be to maintain civil order in areas of the world where that may be necessary until forms of gov- ernment satisfactory for admission to the feder- atiop can be set up. THIS TYPE of police power is, then, similar td a civilian police force, not similar to an in- vading army of artillery, dive bombers, and flame throwers. It would not be a foreign army of occupation, but would represent the interests of all world citizens, including the "policed." A few weeks ago a conference in Washington adopted a "united nations" front to oppose the Axis. If they are successful, these nations will some day face the alternative of cementing their war-time union or of dis-uniting and again try- ing to subdivide the world on the pious-sounding basis of self-determination. The question at that time may well be whether the preservation of world peace is as respectable a reason for union as was smashing the Axis. - Micromegas Success To the Editor: We wish to take this occasion to express our sincerest thanks to the many students, faculty members, townspeople and merchants for the cooperation and interest they have displayed in making our bazaar for Russian War Relief a success. The contributions in the way of cloth- ing, books, records, paintings and other objects were sold, and the funds that we obtained will be used for the purpose of securing some of the sorely needed medical supplies. The several hundred dollars that was raised will be used in the following manner: FOR 3,150 Sulfa-Compound tablets, enough to help save the lives of forty-five persons suf- fering from any sort of streptococcus infection; For 23 pounds of Iodine Crystals or more than 46 gallons of Iodine for wound dressing; For 60 ounces of Quinine Sulfate, enough to cure 45 persons suffering from malaria; For 360 ounces of Novocain solution, suffix ciant for 720 doses of local anaesthetic; For 360 ounces of Phenobarbital, enough seda- tive for post-operative procedure on about 50 patients. All arrangements have been made to deliver supplies to their destination. Shipping facilities are being provided by the Russian Government with the full cooperation of the United States Shipping Authorities. Pending establishment of its own representatives in the U.S.S.R., supplies will be distributed by VOKS, Society for Cultural Relations with Foreign Countries, according to instructions from Russian War Relief, Inc. WE REALIZE that while the scorched earth hurts Hitier, it also hurts the Russian peo- ple to burn their own homes. That is why we have organized a committee in Ann Arbor to raise funds that will provide the embattled Soviet peoples with some medical supplies, cloth- ing and other necessities in this period of great distress. Again we wish to thank the many individuals of Ann Arbor who have made it possible for our community to share in this work of aiding the victims f 71 d'i'e.rll e Drew Pedrs% RobertAS. AIe WASHINGTON - The hard-hitting Truman committee hasn't got around to the matter yet, but some hot sensations are in store when the committee digs into the dollar-a-year-man hand- ling of the power phases of the war production program. For years one of the hottest issues in Wash- ington has been the Power Lobby. It has been repeatedly investigated, and several years ago, after fierce legislative battles, the Federal Power and Holding Company laws were enacted to curb the lobby. The Truman committee has confidential in- formation that today this lobby is more power- fully entrenched in the capital than ever before. FOR MONTHS, it has been operating directly inside the government, formulating and run- ning the Power policy of the OPM, which was until last week the key war production agency. The OPM Power Division is not only manned with utility officials, but they are still on the payrolls of private power companies. In other words, while presumably working for the govern- ment, they are actually paid employes of the utilities. After being deluged with complaints that the utility-ruled OPM Power Division was secretly aiding independent rural power co-ops,, the House Appropriations committee questioned J. A. Krug, head of the division, on these charges. Krug defended his staff, but the committee, unconvinced, ordered him to submit a detailed report on his dollar-a-year assistants, including the amount of salaries they are drawing from utility companies while working for the govern- ment. TWO MONTHS have elapsed since Krug prom- ised to produce this important information and so far he has not done so. All the committee has received was a cagey letter from John Lord O'Brian, former corpora- tion attorney who is OPM general counsel, giving a list of the Power Division's personnel, but has nothing about their private salaries. However, the little information O'Brian did disclose speaks volumes. It shows that no less than 18 key officials in Krug's division are dollar-a-year and "WOC" (without compensation) men, who are still on private fttility payrolls. Langer's Fate THE FATE of Senator William Langer, recom- mended for expulsion by the Senate Elections committee, depends on one thing: Whether the Senate decides it takes a two- thirds or only a majority vote to oust him. If the verdict is a majority vote, then the stocky, cigar-chewing North Dakotan's goose is cooked. If it's two-thirds, then he is probably safe. A secret poll showed a definite majority of the chamber agreeing with the Elections com- mittee that Langer is unfit to sit in the Senate. But there are enough doubtful senators to make the outcome of the contest uncertain if it is de- cided that a two-thirds vote is necessary to un- seat him. Actually, Langer's fate will be decided by a majority vote, because the Senate's stand on which rule applies will be decided by such a count. LANGER contends that since he was seated when he presented his credentials last year, it requires a twothirds ballot to oust him. The opposition denies this, pointing out that he was seated "without prejudice." It is contended this means that the Senate expressly left open the door for future consideration of his eligibility and that his status, therefore, is the same as a newcomer seeking admittance to the chamber. This argument will be settled by the Senate by a majority vote, so that this vote, in effect, actu- ally will determine whether Langer is allowed to remain in the Senate or is sent packing. Fahe Coghli hA gan 'HE PHRASE, Pearl Harbor, has already be- come the rallying cry of a united America. Public and press have ceased carping and settled down to winning the war-with one notorious exception. Father Coughlin's "Social Justice," while grudgingly admitting the necessity of fighting, continues to snipe at the government, Congress, Britain. and Russia. The December 22 ismie published two weeks after the Japanese attack, was Packed with pas- sages of hostility. After blaming the bankers and politicians for bringing on the war, the rabble- rousing priest paid a tribute to the Japanese, made a thrust at Hollywood, and printed a poem about youth wallowing in gore. Merry-Go-Round A WASHINGTON air raid warden called the Office of Civilian Defense to ask what kind of tape should be used for taping windows in event of a raid. The amazing answer was, "It depends on what kind of bombs are dropped" .. . New York air raid wardens are complaining that every order they receive is countermanded five minutes after it is given. . . FCC's foreign broad- cast monitoring service records, translates and analyzes between 600,000 and 900,000 words of foreign broadcasts every day ... Navy Secretary Knox has a bust of Theodore Roosevelt on his desk . . . Uruguayan Ambassador Juan Carlos Blanco has an autographed photo of Theodore Roosevelt on his desk . . Bakers in the Army Quarterma ster .Cor'ps are exPerimenting with "tonito bread," made by a.ddiifni tomato i'nie' DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 21, 1942 VOL. LI. No. 84 Publication in the Daily Official Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the University. Notices Cancellation of Student Tea: The Student Tea scheduled for this after- noon will not be held. New Registration Dates: Students will register for the second semester on February 5, 6, and 7- under the same alphabetical schedule as was previously announced for February 12, 13, and 14. Shirley W. Smith Automobile Regulation: Students may obtain permission to drive over the registration period and the week- end of the J-Hop through the follow- ing procedure: Apply in advance at Room 2, University Hall, for a parent signature card which is to be sent home for the written approval of parents. Upon presentation of this card properly signed and filled out bearing the make, type and license number of the car to be used (desig- nate whether car license plate is for 1941 or 1942), a permit will then be1 granted for the period beginning Thursday, February 5, at 8:00 a.m. and ending on Monday, February 9, at 8:00 a.m. Cars may not be brought into Ann Arbor before February 5 at 8:00 a.m. and must be taken out before 8:00 a.m. on February 9. Students who have regular driving permits are automatically extended this privilege. Office of the Dean of Students To Men Students Living in Room- ing Houses: The full amount of room rent for the first semester is due and payable on or before Thursday, Janu- ary 22, 1942. In case a student's room rent is not paid by this date, his academic credits may be with- held upon request of the householder to do so. C. T. Olmsted, . Assistant Dean of Students Student Loans: All men students desiring loans for the second semes- ter should file their applications at the Dean of Students Office, Room 2, University Hall, at once. Office of the Dean of Students Faculty of College of Literature, Science, and the Arts; College of Architecture and Design; School of Education; School of Forestry and Conservation; School of Music; and School of Public Health: Class lists for use in reporting grades of under- graduate students, enrolled in these units, and also graduate students in the Schools of Forestry and Conser- vation, Music, and Public Health, were mailed today. All those failing to receive theirs should notify the Registrar's Office, Miss Day, 'phone 582, and duplicates will be prepared for them. Robt. L. Williams, Assistant Registrar Teaching Departments Wishing to Recommend tentative February grad-I uates from the College of Literature, Science, and the Arts and the School of Education for Departmental Hon- ors should send such names to the Registrar's Office, Room 4, U. Hall before February 4, 1942. Robert L, Williams, Assistant Registrar Members of the Senate: I wish all of you who were in Rackham Lee- ture Hall Mon~day afternoon to know that, in order to correct an unin- tended but obvious injustice, I here- by make public apology to Professor Francis D. Curtis of the School of Education. In making a statement I used a proper name which sounds like his without taking care to speak with sufficient distinctness. The apology is sincere, and I hope it is prompt enough to save the frag- ments of a friendship of long stand- ing. Norman Anning Teacher's Certificate Candidates for February, 1942, are requested to call at the office of the School of Education, 1437 U.E.S. on January 22 or 23 between the hours of 1:301 and 4:30 p.m. to take the Teacher's Oath which is a reauiretment for the certificate. Notice to Students Planning tt Do Directed Teaching. Students extqec- ting to do directed teaching the sec- ond semester are requested to secure assignments in room 2442 University Elementary School on Thursday, Jan- uary 22, according to the following schedule: 8:30 Social Studies. 9:30 English. 10:30-12:00 and 1:30-4:00 all other school subjects. No.assignment will be made before Thursday. If the periods suggested are inconvenient, a student may get his assignment on Friday, Jan. 23. A cademic Notices Seminar in Physical Chemistry will meet today in Room 410 Chemistry Building at 4:15 .. Professor Lewis 8. Ramsda l will seak on "Thei _- In'- 'x'vge' n Distance i 'tl1atel 1 "Mebbe I'm a little old but all these years I've been waiting for a chance to do something about all that junk I've got with 'Made in Japan' on it!" GRiN AND BEAR IT By Lichty ),l 1 U ~_ I , geology bluebooks will be given at 9:00 a.m. Friday, January 23, in the Natural Science Auditorium.t Naval V-7 Program: Students whoE are enrolling for the Naval V-7 re- serve unit who expect to be called in- to active training in June 1942 and who are deficient in the mathema- tical requirement for this training, may consult Dr. H. H. Goldstine, 20 A East Hall, today and Fri., 2:00-4:00 p.m., concerning election of coursest in mathematics to make up this de-1 ficiency.1 T. 1I. Hildebrandt, Chairman; Department of Mathematics English Honors 197 will meet at its usual time on Wednesday in 3217 A.H. Paul Mueschke Beginning. Russian: Students in-1 terested in enrolling for a course int beginning Russian should meet Mrs. L. Pargment, the instructor, in Roomn 1035 Angell Hall on Thursday eve- ning, January 22, at 7:30 p.m. Doctoral Examination for Sylves- ter Emanuel Gould, Pathology; the- sis: "Immunologic Reactions in Hu- man Helminthology with Special Re- ference to Trichinosis," Thursday,c January 22, 1564 East Medical, 7:30 p.m. Chairman, C, V. Weller. By action of the Executive Board, the chairman may invite members off the faculties and advanced doctorall candidates to attend the examination, and he may grant permission to those who for sufficient reason might wish to be present. C. S. Yoakum, Dean German Departmental Library: Alls books due and reports finished by January 21. Engineering Freshmen: Those who can should bring Log Log slide rules7 to Assembly today.; Palmer Christian, University Or- ganist, will resume his organ recitals at 4:15 p.m. today in Hill !Auditori- um. The program, which is open to the general public, will include works of Buxtehude, Purcell, Krebs, Rhein- berger, Bingham, Miller and Barnes. xI ibitions R, xibitioli, COlege of Architecture an' Design: A display of work by members of Alpha Alpha Gamma, national honorary society for women in architecture and the allied arts, is being shown in the ground floor cases, Architecture Building, from January 13 through today. Open daily 9 to 5 except Sunday. The pub- lie is invited. Ann Arbor Art Association: A com- prehensive showing of all phases of work of the Michigan Art and Craft Project of the Works Administration, represented by photograph and a nmer of representative actual works in craics, textiles, furniture, ec.. Rackhami galleries, 2-5 and 7:30- 9:00, January 9 through January 31, eXcpt Sunday. Open to the pub- lic. Lectures Quentin Reynolds Lecture Post- poned: Mr. Reynolds is unable to ful- fill his engagement here on Thurs- day night, Jan. 22. A new date will be announced later. American Chemical Society Lec- ture: Professor H. Mark of the Poly- teclhnic Institute of Brooklyn will speak on "The Elastic Properties of High Polymers" on Friday, January 23 at 4:15 p.m. in Room 303 Chemis- try Building. The public is invited. French Lecture: Mr. Andre Morize, Professor of French Literature at Ilw ad II nivernsiyI ad Director of the Sjunkr I' l ntefc f chee at Mid- guages (Room 112, Romance Lan- guage Building) or at the door at the time of the lecture for a small sum. Holders of these tickets are entitled to admission to all lectures, a small additional charge being made for the annual play. These lectures are open to the general public. Events Today The Research Club will meet in the Rackham Amphitheatre this eve- ning at eight o'clock. The papers to be read are: "Shakespeare's Imag- ery" by Professor Hereward T. Price, and "The Bird Fauna of Yucatan" by Professor Josselyn Van Tyne. Pre-Medical Society Meeting: Dr. Marvin H. Pollard, Secretary of the Medical School, will address the Pre- Medical Society tonight at 8:00 in the Michigan Union. His topic is "Pre-Medical Education." All pre- meds are invited. La Sociedad Hispanica will present a lecture on Guatemala (in English) with colored movies, by Robert Grif- fin tonight at 8:15 in Natural Sci- _nce Audtorium. There will be no meeting of La Sociedad until the sec- ond semester. Hiawatha Club meeting tonight at s o'clock at the Union. All commit- tees be ready to report. All Upper Peninsula students are cordially in- vited. Refreshments will be served, Theta Sigma Phi will meet in the Journalism Department, Haven Hall, today at 5:00 p.m. All members must attend unless excused by the Presi- dent, Louise Keller. Army Ordnance Association meet- ing tonight in the Kellogg Auditor- ium of the 1 ew dental building at 8:00. Col, William A. Ganoe will speak on "Industrial Relationships." Members are reminded that their yearly dues will be collected. All en- gineers and Advance Corps R.O.T.C. students are welcome. The German Round Table will meet at 9 o'clock this evening in Room 23 of the International Center. Walter Noffke will speak on "My Trip to Japan on a Freighter." The Round Table will not meet again until Feb- ruary 11 after the examination peri- od. Spanish Play: Preliminary try- outs for parts in this year's Span- ish Play will be held Wednesday and Thursday afternoons, Jan. 21 and 22, in room 408, R. L. Bldg. All inter- ested are invited to attend; also those interested in assisting with props, scenery, etc. Serious work will begin immediately after the ex- aminations. Varsity Glee Club: Important spe- cial rehearsal today at 4:15 p.m. in the Glee Club room, All men must be present. Women's Athletic Association Board There will be an important meeting today at the Women's Athletic Build- ing at 5:00 p.m. Everyone please be on time. Dr. Walter Horton Luncheon: Dr. Walter Horton of the faculty of the Oberlin Theological Seminary will speak on some phase of the general subject of religion and war at a luncheon at Lane Hall today. The luncheon is open to any interested students. The Inter-Guild Luncheon, which regularly occurs on Thursdays, will be held today in order to hear Dr. Walter Horton of Oberlin who will speak at Lane Hall during the noon hour. Students should arrive for the luncheon promptly after 12:00 noon. Prom-ram o if licndd Mmi c!Tr V.S. ARMY ' R GRv T uCs STA-ttb N - . E P.- I ST ".6 OJ C i Sr1 t. LI1 r 0 *ol" t4 + i