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October 01, 1941 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1941-10-01

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little Change In Temperature


Bk iau


At A Bar . .



FDR Believed
To Be Seeking
Neutrality Act
Am endments
President May Authorize
Merchant Ship Arming,
ShipmentsTo Canada
Provisions To Hold
In Combat Zones
WASHINGTON, Sept. 30.-(AP)-
President Roosevelt was reported re-
liably today to b considering a re-
quest tCongress for modifying of the
Neutrality Act to permit, arming
American merchant ships and their
use in carrying war supplies to Can-
adian ports from which they now
are barred.
Although the President told his
press conference no final decision had
been reahed, informed sources said it
was not likely any attempt would be
made at this time to repeal the
Act's provisions prohibiting United
States vessels from entering ports
in European combat zones.
Several Congressional leaders, in-
dluding Chairman Connally (Dem.-
Tex.) of the Senate Foreign Relations
Committee, have advocated the lat-
ter course, but Mr. Roosevelt was
represented as preferring to seek less
controversial changes in the law now.
Word the President might ask for
expansion of the legal shipping areas,
without seeking abolition of the com-
bat zones he has fixed by proclam-
ation, came as a surprise to most of
his lieutenants.
The Neutrality Act now specifically
prohibits American ships from car-
rying goods to belligerents in an area
bounded on- the south by latitude 35
north and on the west by longitude
66 west. Thus this nation's merchant
vessels are cut off from entering
certain Canadian Ports, notably Hali-
Lesltve ateiss were reported
to haveinformed the president he
could obtain authority to arm mer-
chant vessels with relatively little
controversy, if they were to be oper-
ated only in detense waters."
New Tax Bill
Takes Efft ect Today
WASHINGTON, Sept. 30.-)--
Today was like the day before Christ-
mas in the nation's retail stores, Ap-
parently,' millions of people rushed
to buy goods'before sweepng new
taxes took effect at midnight.
At that hour all of the excise taxes
contained in the recently-enacted
revenue bill became effective, except
for the increased tax on night clubs.
Just so nobody would leave a party
when it was warming up, the Treas-
ury postponed the time for putting
this levy into effect until 10 a.m.
(Of course the new income taxes
won't have to be paid until next
March 15.)
The big rush today was on liquor,
furs, jewelry, toilet preparations and
automobile tires and tubes. On furs,
jewelry and toilet preparations, the
new tax-10 per cent of retail price-
must be paid by the retailer, and
prices were sure to go up tomorrow.
The liquor taxes are usually paid
by manufacturers, but a special com-
pensating "floor" tax equivalent to
the increase on these items was levied
against supplies already in the hand
of retailers and other sellers so that

prices of these goods 'were also due
for a quick jump. All the other mer-
chandise taxes will be collected from
manufacturers; therefore many of
these prices may not rise until new
merchandise. actually manufactured
after today reaches retail outlets.
Ruthven Praises
Student Advisers
For Work Done

$1,000 Plus Radio Spot
Is Offered Singing Coed
v /
{ Y }
1 I
t i +
VIVIEN . . . Radio Singer to Judge Coed Singers
Any Michigan Girl - Except Torch Singers -May Enter
Nationwide Radio Talent Search Here Friday

A Free Press Observes
Its Newspaper Week
PHOENIX, Ariz., Sept. 30.-(')-
Page one of Wednesday's Arizona
Republic is blank except for column
rules and this brief box:
"On this page appears all of the
news of the world you could read
this morning if it were not for the
daily newspaper.
"This is all the news you would be
able to- read if the daily newspaper
were not uncensored, unfettered, in
free America."
Page two also is blank as the
newspaper inaugurates observance of
newspaper week.
Britain's Home
Position Better,
P stoBChurchill Says,
Germany May Still Strike
On Three Battle Fronts,
Prime Minister Reports

'Daffy' Dodgers, Yankees

Clash In

Opening Game,
I Series Todayv



i , . ...

Yankee hurler .. .

. . . Dodger Slugger

' r.

Davis Probably Will Start
On Mound For Brooklyn
Against 'Red'_Ruffing
70,000 Expected
To Pack Stadium
(By The Associated Press)
Curt Davis, plim skder-ball specialist
of the Brooklyn Dodgers, sprang up
tcday as the probable surprise starter
against Charley (Red) Ruffing of the
New York Yankees in today's open-
ing game of the World Series.
A forecast of showers threatened
the initial contest of baseball's annual
classic, but fans began gathering from
all over the country today and refused
to be discouraged at the outlook. A
crowd of 70,000 was expected to pack
big Yankee stadium to capacity before
game time at 1:30 p.m., E.S.T.
The chief topic of conversation in
the crowded hotel lobbies where the
baseball notables and fans congre-
gated tonight was the prospect of the
Dodgers withholding their ace, John
Whitlow Wyatt, from the opening
tussle, and leading off with Davis.
No Light From Durocher
Manager Leo Durocher allowed the
mystery to continue and there was
good reason to believe some super-
strategy had been mapped out for

Wanted: A Michigan coed with a
real, genuine singing voice who
wants to win $1,000. Torch singers
need not apply. See Prof. Arthur
Hackett at the School of Music.
That's the news that's emanating
from the music school today.
The Hour of Charm, a Sunday
night radio show featuring an all-
girl orchestra, is looking for new
vocalists and If a Michigan coed fills
the ticket by her trial appearances on
the program she will receive an
award of $1,000 and the University
will be endowed with a $4,000 four,
year scholarship for deserving musi-
cal students.
Registration for the contest will
begin Friday at the music school
offices. Applicants need not be en-
rolled in the muisic school.
Preliminary auditions will cull the
contestants down to ten who will
sing at the Lydia Mendelssohn The-
atre on Oct. 15 in final eliminations
to be judged by the music school and
Police Warn
Against Theft
Chief Requests Fraternities
To Lock All Entrances
Chief of Police Sherman H. Mor-
tonsen again issued both an appeal
and a warning to fraternities and
sororities to lock their doors and win-
dows at night to prevent a recur-
rence of the series of robberies which
took place last year.
Several houses were robbed during
the last semester, most of them tak-
ing place during the night, A few,
however, took place during the day
and also during the dinner hour,
when all the members were gathered
in the dining-rooms.
Phief Mortonsen suggested that all
members of fraternities be required
to carry' keys to their houses, so that
doors may always be locked at night.
What happens, he explained, is that
doors are left open because some-
body forgets their key and doesn't
want to ring the bell late at night.
So the door is left unlocked, but too
many times the last person in forgets
to lock it when he comes in.
Unless doors and windows are
locked every night, the Chief said,
robberies of fraternities will continue,
and probably increase.
Mortonsen also suggested that
strangers seen-loitering around fra-
ternity houses should be reported to
the police at once. If this is done,
the police will be able to check on
their business and find out the rea-
sons for their presence around fra-
ternity houses.
Detroit Auto Strikers
Ordered Back On Job
DETROIT, Sept. 30.-(P1-Work-
ers in Dodge, Briggs and Plymouth
plants were ordered back to their
jobs tomorrow after unauthorized

Vivien, the present vocalist of the
all-girl orchestra.
Michigan's winner will appear on
the Hour of Charm show on Sun-
day, Nov. 16. For this she will re-
ceive $100 whether or not she
emerges as one of the three finalists
in the competition with entrants
from the ten other schools in whicht
the talent search is being conducted.
Entrants in the national auditions
will be given a list of 12 musical num-
bers from which to make, their selec-
tions. The song titles and full in-
formation may' be secured at the
School of Mdsic Friday.
.Russia A dmits
Army "Retreat
InDo net Basin
MOSCOW, Oct. 1. -()- The
Russians acknowledged for the first
time today a Red Army retreat
into the rich Donet Basin after aban-
doning Poltava, but dispatchesafrom
the north claimed waves of cheering
Red infaptrymen had won back a city
on the approaches to Leningrad and
entrenched themselves in a new, ad-
vance line before the besieged metro-
The German High Command had
announced the capture of Poltava,
80 miles southwest of the chief Donet
industrial city of Karkov, on Sept. 19
along with that, of Kiev, but today's
Russian communique indicated the
last portions of the town were aban-
doned only Tuesday.
Poltava is some 180 miles south-
east of Kiev and in the path of Ger-
man forces which were claimed to
have trapped the major part of Mar-
shal Semeon Budyenny's Ukraine de-
Budyenny's forces apparently still
remained intact and were making{an
orderly withdrawal to establish new
lines for the defense of the Donet
area, which holds vast Soviet indus-
Russian accounts of the operations
on the north said Red forces regained
the city before Leningrad after a
12-hour assault by Soviet tanks and
infantrymen, thus measurably eas-
ing .the pressure on that second city
of the Soviet Union.
Berlin Reports
Close Skirmishes
Near Leningrad

(By The Associated Press)
LONDON, Sept. 30.-Winston!
Churchill described Britain's home
position today as enormously im-j
proved, with its shipping losses cutl
two-thirds in the last three months,
but warned that in every arm save the
air Hitler still held the initiative and
could strike simultaneously and with
great power in three fresh theaters
if he chose.I
In a war review before Parliament
through which ran at once a re-
strained exultance at the course of the
battle of the Atlantic and a clear feel-
ing of concern at the situation in Rus-
sia, the Prime Minister said plainly
that only the greatest of sacrifices by ,
the British people and a tremendous
upsurge of production in the United
States could keep the Red armies in-
definitely in the field.
He took notice of the agitation in
some quarters that Britain should in-
vade the continent to take some of
the pressure off Russia.
"I should be guilty of no indis-
cretion," he said, "if I admitted that
these questions have several times
occurred to those responsible for the
conduct of the war."
"We don't know," said the Prime
Minister, "how far he will attempt to
penetrate the vast lands of Soviet#
Russia in the face of the valiant
Russian defenses, or how long his
people will endure their own tre-
mendous losses; or, again, whether
he will decide to stand on the defen-
sive and exploit the territory of im-
mense value which he has conquered."
Eastern Gas Supplies
Down, Institute Reports
NEW YORK, Sept. 30.-P)--Gas-
cline supplies of the Eastern states
dropped 229,000 barrels in the week
ended Sept. 27 to a total of 22,133,000
barrels, the American Petroleum In-
stitute reported today.
The nation's total supply of fin-,
ished and unfinished gasoline in-
creased 804,000 barrels, the Institute
Daily average crude oil production
was 14,299 barrels under last week's
record at 4,060,000 barrels, compared
with a 3,799,950 a year earlier.


Medical Alumni Will Assemble
At Triennial Reunion Tomorrow


Four thousandtalumni of the Med-
ical School and former staff mem-
bers of the University Hospital are
expected to convine here tomorrow
for the second triennial reunion of
medical alumni.
Advance registration will open at
2 p.m. today in the Rackham Build-
ing, and .will be followed by visits
about the campus and the Univer-
sity Hospital.
The opening session of the three-
day conferences will be held at 9
a.m. tomorrow in the Rackham Lec-
ture Hall, and will begin with a lec-
ture on "The Determination of the
Circulating Thyroid Hormone," by
Dr. George M., Curtis, professor of
surgery at the Ohio State University
College of Medicine, and a graduate
of the University.
Other lectures in tomorrow's ses-
sion will cover such phases of medi-
cine as malaria, syphilis therapy,
bacterial chemotherapy and the use
of sulfathiazole in acute and chronic
A round table discussion on chemo-
therapy will be the main event of
tomorrow's luncheon session, to be
held at 12:15 p.m. at the Union. This
session will be followed by further
Union Staff To Hold
Tryout Meeting Today
The Michigan Union undergradu-
ate staff will hold a special tryout
meeting for all eligible sophomores
and second-semester freshmen at 4
p.m. today in Union Room 302.
Members of the executive staff will
explain the functions and services of
the Union. Short talks by Robert
Sibley, president, and Jack Grady,
secretary, are scheduled.

addresses by prominent alumni and
Other features of the reunion will
include a party at the Washtenaw
Country Club, a banquet in the Union
33allroom, and the Michigan-Iowa
football game Saturday afternoon.
Saturday morning the entire Med-
ical School will hold a convocation
in the Rackham Lecture Hall, at
which time an address will be given
by Dr. Warren Taylor Vaughan, di-
rector of the Vaughan-Graham Clin-
ic in Richmond, Va.
Easing Of Draft
Steadies Fallgin
TU' Enrollment;
Graduate Science Students
Will Receive Deferments
Now, Hopkins Declares
A new list of occupational defer-
ments issued by the state headquart-
ers for selective service is one reason
for the unexpectedly-small decrease
in University enrollment, according
to Prof. Louis Hopkins, chairman of
the University Committee on National
First to be affected by the addi-
tional deferments are students pre-
paring for medical, dental, veterinary
and osteopathy work. The state
headquarters, recognizing a shortage
in these professions, has authorized
a six-month deferment for students
accepted in an approved graduate
This shortage has also caused an-
other new provision which grants
commissions in the Medical Adminis-
trative Corps Reserve to junior and
senior medical students in Grade A
professional schools.
The second group to "come under
recent student draft deferments, en-
gineering and chemistry students do-
ing above average work are consid-
ered Class II-B if they are sopho-
mores or juniors. - Seniors will be
allowed to finish.
In non-shortage professions, such
as law and business administration,
the state headquarters recommends
that any senior doing acceptable
work be allowed to graduate.

NEW YORK, Sept. 30. -()-
Broadcasting of the World Series
under an exclusive agreement will
start on the MBS network with the
opening game Wednesday and con-
tinue through the final game. Air
time is scheduled for 1:15 p.m.
(EST) and in addition to an aug-
mented station list expected to
touch 300, short wave relays via
Schenectady, N.Y., and Boston have
been arranged. Red Barber, Bob
Elson and Bill Corum will an-
Brooklyn's pitching staff during the
Davis has a low-breaking curve that
almost everybody expects to torment
the Yankees, whom he shut out once
last spring in an exhibition game.
Next to Wyatt he is conceded to have
the best chance of any Brooklyn
pitcher to beat the powerful cham-
pions of the American League.
The reasons for starting with him
are two-fold.
Because he has a chance to hand-
cuff the Yanks, Durocher would like
to use him 'twice during the series if
the struggle goes to six or seven
games. He is 35 years old and thin
as the fence posts of his native Miss-
ouri. He has to have plenty of rest
between games and the best way to
give him a lot of rest is to use him
in the opening game.
Another Factor
The other factor influencing a de-
cision in favor of Davis, who won
13 games and lost seven in the Na-
tional League season, relates to Wy-
att. The tall, bald Georgian, winner
of 22 games against 10 losses, can
work on two days rest if necessary.
He also is a good righthanded hitter
as well as pitcher. The Dodgers hale-
a hunch that Manager Joe McCar-
thy's mound selection for the second
game will be Lefty Marius Russo, be-
cause southpaws were used to some
advantage against the Dodgers during
their long pennant fight.
Durocher did not attend the Dodg-
ers' workout today because of a meet-
ing called by Commissioner, Kenesaw
M. Landis to discuss playing rules
with the managers and umpires. .
Dressen Gives Hint
Coach Charles Dressen, who was in,
charge of the practice, asserted he
could not say who would go for the
Dodgers, but gave a cryptic hint:
"I am pretty sure Leo has made up
his mind and it may be a surprise
to some people. Sometimes it is a
good idea not to play your strength
against the other fellow's strength."
This strategy would bring up Kirby
Higbe, another 22-game winner with
a blazing fast ball, for the third game
(Continued on Page 3)
Army Deserts Privates-
And AreThey Happy!
30.-(P)-Two privates, left behind by
a convoy when their truck broke

Get Them While They're Cheap!
Threat Of Federal Tax Speeds
ISellout Of Choral Union Tickets

A last-minute rush to beat the Oct.
1 deadline-the date on which the
10% Federal tax goes into effect-was
reported yesterday by Dr. Charles
A. Sink, President of -the University

Nearly one-third of the under-I
graduates of the University are1
new members of the student body.
May 'I express the deep apprecia-
tion of the administrative authori-
ties for the achievements of the
Orientation student workers, who,
at considerable personal sacrifice,
returned early to Ann Arbor to
assist these 4ew students in the
task of enrolling in the University
and becoming acquainted with the

(By TheAssociated Press) 1
BERLIN, Sept. 30.-Skirmishes at
close quarters in the suburbs of Len-
ingrad and! hand-to-hand combats
with bayonets in the far south were
reported by German dispatches to-
night as Adolf Hitler's armies re-
signed themselves to the necessity of
wintering on the Russian front.
The military spokesman said there
would be little news from the front
for the "next few days" for "certain
reasons" which he did not disclose.

packed for each of the ten concerts,''
Dr. Sink stated.
From the opening concert on Oct.
22, when Grace Moore, Metropolitan'
Opera star, makes her Ann Arbor
debut to the concluding program by
Vronsky and Babin, famed duo-piano
team, on March 3, this year's Choral
Union Series will feature the out-
standing artists in the musical world.
Following Miss Moore on the pro-
gram, Emanuel Feuermann, out-
standing violoncellist, will be heard
Oct. 30. The Cleveland Symphony
Orchestra, under the baton of Artur
Rodzinski, willrappear on the Hill
Auditorium stage Nov. 9; and a joint
recital by Giovanni Martinelli and
Ezio Pinza, Metropolitan Opera stars,
is scheduled for Nov. 18.
Frederick Stock will bring his Chi-
cago Orchestra to Hill Auditorium
Nov. 30, followed by the Boston Sym-
phony Orchestra, under the baton of
Serge Koussevitzky, on Dec. 10. Afte.
0hricmac n~ratinn the hora

Rudolf Hess Is Piqued
At British Jail Life
LONDON, Sept. 30.-VP)-Rudolph
Hess, former deputy fuehrer of Ger-
many, twice started hunger strikes in,
his place of detention because he had
been treated as a war prisoner rather
than a "special envoy" since he made
his sensational flight to Scotlandmlast
May, the London Evening Star de-
clared tonight.
The Star, reporting that Hess was
fbeing confined "within a very easy
distance of London," said that he
was contending that as an "envoy" he

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