L~T3i.NVUAUY 24, 194, THE MICHIG(AN D~AILY Wisconsin Cagers Inflict 58-36 Defeat ia ti Mat Coaches' Battle Of Wits Decided Meet By HOE SELTZER All right, folks, I'll tell you how it was. You're all wondering of course why it was that Cliff Keen shuffled some of his men around Saturday night and had them wrestle in abnormal weight divisions. It tends to make one confused, you say. And especial- ly, why of all things did he pull Jim Galles down to the middleweight class and then have to toss a mere 155 pounder to . the light-heavy- weight lion? Very Confusin' Stuff To answer things in order: First of all it is admittedly very confusing for the fans to show up at a meet and find the boys wrestling in different divisions than announced. And it only adds to the general melee when this conscientious but sloppy scribe inadvertently jazzes up the pound- age figures a couple of times in his stories. But Cliff Keen's very idea was to confuse-to confuse Coach Fenley Collins of Michigan State to such an extent that- he would waste his strong men against stronger Michigan men wherever possible and thus by chi- canery make it possible to weazel out a Wolverine victory over a potential- ly stronger team., Which would have succeeded ad- mirably but for the fact that State's Mr. Collins is himself a very tricky fellow when it comes to juggling his material about. And this brings us down to the second question, viz, why Galles was wasted on a clambaker and made it then necessary to sacri- fice Mary Becker to Johnny Spalink at 175 pounds. Why didn't Cliff en- ter them in reverse order and there- by at least tie, and quite probably win, the meet? The answer is simple. Because he couldn't. Significant Statement Look. The home team has to put its -man on the mat first. Mark this statement well. It is vibrant with meaning. Last Tuesday night when the Spar- tans met Kansas State, Johnny Spa- link wrestled at.165 pounds. So Cliff sent Galles onto the mat Saturday for the 165-pound set-to-fully ex- pecting Spalink to face him a mo- ment later. And the Michigan mentor states that when he saw a strange duker hop on the mat against Galles in- stead of Spalink, he suffered a mild case of angina pectoris as he realized that the fox had been outfoxed. Jim would have a picnic with this dark horse, sure, but the man Spalink would bring home to Mr. Collins the points needed to sew up the meet. And all because it was a home meet and Cliff had to show his hand fist. It is easy to understand why he would like nothing better than a return match with the Spartans. Up at East Lansing, that is. Big T en Basketball.. . Maroons Drop Sixth ... CHICAGO, Jan. 19.-(P)-Minne- sota handed Chicago its sixth con- secutive defeat in the Big Ten basket- ball race tonight, 52 to 28. It was the fifth victory in six games for the Gophers, who returned to second place in the race. Illini Still Tops .. . CHAMPAIGN, Ill., Jan. 19.-(P)-- Illinois retained its lead in the Big Ten basketball race tonight by de- feating Iowa 42 to 35 in a wild and wooly game in which the lead changed hands seven times. It was the fifth straight victory for the Illini. Buckeyes Beat 'Cats .. . COLUMBUS, O., Jan. 20.-()-A vastly improved Ohio State Univer- sity cage team, sparked by guard Max Gegowetz' 16 points, won its second straight Western Conference game tonight, beating Northwestern 51 to 41 before a crowd of 3,291 in the Coliseum here. THE JOHN MARSHALL Victors Paced By John Kotz With 21]Points Michigan Never Has Lead In Fifth Big Ten Loss; Mandler Leads Varsity (Continued from Page 1) Connachie at guards. This was a new starting line-up, and was vastly dif- ferent from the one which had started against Northwestern and had netted Michigan its first 1942 Big Ten victory just one week ago. Harold Foster also experimented with his Wisconsin cagers by starting a team that had very little practice working as one unit. Kotz and Bob Sullivan were at the forward spots, Patterson at center, and Fred Rehm and Bob Alwin at the guard positions. Until the last two games Foster had found it difficult to find men who tould work as a unit and consistently get the ball of f the backboard. His problems seemed to be solved tonight in the form of Kotz and Patterson who kept control of the ball most of the time. Tonight's victory brought the Bad- gers to the even .500 mark and the defeat dropped the Wolverines to .167 and next to last place in the Big Ten standings. Immediately following the game, the Wolverines set out for Ann Arbor where they will prepare for Satur- day's battle with Ohio State's Buck- eyes who chalked up their second straight win r tonight by whipping Northwestern, 51-41. tmo~i-il liJ7h2?ihU2hl Hockey Ted I I jors IneAs, D raws~ F ilithIl iNEW YORI. Jan. 19.--())-The O f major leagues are going to have more B and Of Fans night games this year, but they are still in the dark, in a manner of speaking, on the details. Crowd Anticipates Rough There was a general belief today TI.d ( os her FerIthat t;whol eproblem now is up to -t Comm issioner Kenesaw M. Landis, Wolveiine .l( iid l"Illy who is wintering in Florida, and that (Mks Peterson is the only feinin~hie le Iwould shortly poll the 16 big lea- member of The Daily sports staff. As ue clubs by mail to arrive at a pro- such she is of course a rather more!gram hardened individual than her fellow- Fourteen night games at home for women, but nonetheless Pete is as each of the 11 clubs having lighted yet not wholly inured to the sight of parks seems probable, but President arena of sport.) Roosevelt's suggestion last Friday that more night games be played has By JO ANN PETERSON opened up some additional possibili- Michigan hockey fans have had ties. the rather doubtful pleasure this year One of the most novel of these is of seeing their team matched against ( the desire of the Boston Red Sox, teams which have left nothing to who have no lights, to play twilight the imagination. These assorted ice games. Owner Tom Yawkey is vaca- crews have smeared the Varsity sextet tioning at his hunting preserve in with unparalleled precision and vigor, South Carolina and nothing definite and have piled up scores that look has been done, but other executives rather hopeless in the records. of the Red Sox have been giving the I It may be a tribute to the hockey matter consideration. team and it may be a tribute to the -_-_- _ - eternal hope of the spectators, but it would seem that despite the several setbacks suffered by the pucksters this year, they still have a faithful following who turn up promptly at the games and fight through every minute of the gory battles with the Eteam. JOHNNY KOTZ CHUCK EPPERSON Tsk, Tsk! Number Five On Debit Side WISCONSIN (58) FG Sullivan, f ....... 2 K otz, f ........... 8 Epperson, f ...... 3 Patterson, c .......4 Scott, c ..........1 Kitchen, e........1 Rehm, g .........I Alwin, g.I........1 Scheiwe, g ........4 T s.- Totals . . . .. .,25 FT PF 0 1 5 2 1 0 0 2 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 2 0 TP 4 21 7 8 2 2 2 -2 10 MICHIGAN (36) FG Cartmill, f .......4 Gibert, f ..........3 Shemky, f........0 Comin, f .........1 Mandler, r. ...... 3 Antle, c ..........2 Doyle, g .......... 2 MacConnachie, g . 0 Totals .......15 FT 0 0 0 01 2 1 0 6 PF 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 3 7 TP 8 63 0 2 9 6 5i 0 _ 36 1 r e . . M 8 7 58 Half Time Score: Wisconsin 24, Michigan 12. Free throws missed: Kotz, Gibert, Mandler, Antle Swimmers To Battle First Top-Flight Foe In Meet With Buckeyes Saturday By BUD HENDEL Having swept aside all other en-' tries, namely Michigan State and Wayne University, as they churned their way to three titles in the State AAU Meet Saturday night, Michi- gan's swimming team will face its first top-flight opponent of the sea- son when it battles the invading forces of Ohio State here Saturday. As far as the results in the trio of .championship races staged in East Lansing this past week-end were concerned, the Spartans and Tartars may have just as well gone wading. The events were strictly no contest as the Wolverines, without even ex- tending themselves, chalked up un- disputed triumphs. Wolverines Never Headed From the first duel of the night, the National AAU Junior Medley Re- lay Championship, the Maize and Blue forces were never headed. Coach Matt Mann entered backstroker Dick Riedl, breaststroker Tommy Wil- liams, and freestyler Jack Patten, and this trio of water splashers gave the Michigan aggregation its first crown of the new year, winning in 3:04.5. But despite this, it was the only title race of the night in which the Wolverines had to go all out for vic- tory. Riedl gave Williams a six-yard lead, but the blonde Michigan utility man was unable to hold it in face of the furious assault unleashed by Wayne's Victor Dene, and when Pat- ten plunged into the pool he was two yards in arrears of the Tartar Ray Nivers. The big junior had his work cut out for him and he responded with everything he had. When the race was over Jack had touched out Nivers after staging an uphill fight all the way, No More Close Races After that, though the Maize and Blue tankers didn't even let the other entries come close. In the next title! event, the 100-yard backstroke for the State AAU crown, Riedl, taking an early lead which was never threatened, finished first ahead of teammates Ted Horlenko and John- ny Weise. The rest of the field had to be content with the last three places as the Michigan ace churned the distance in 1:41.4. Then to further display the com- plete supremacy of the Wolverines, Capt. Dobby Burton, Patten, and Gus Sharemet garnered the first three spots in the 100-yard freestyle State AAU championship event, with the Michigan leader finishing in 54.8. The only sad note struck by the mermen was their failure to place a man outside of freshman Mert Church in the finals of the 50-yard freestyle handicap. But taking into consideration the large handicaps which Burton, Patten and Sharemet had to spot their opponents, the lack of success is easily understandable. Needless to say, Coach Matt Mann was well pleased with the perfor- mances turned in by his charges. Probably most heartening result of all to the Wolverine mentor was the almost blanket finish by the three freestylers in the 100, which fore- casts nothing but trouble for future contestants in the 400-yard freestyle relay when they encounter the well- balanced strength of the Michigan aggregation. Fanatical Rooters Basketball fans are noisy but aimi- able; swimming fans are tense but nonetheless friendly; and most other sports command a rather cheerful group of spectators. However, the hockey team inspires a morbid group of rooters. They are out for blood, and they prophesy dire things for the opponents who are unkind enough to knock a Michigan player off his feet. During the Illinois game Saturday night several members of the visit- ing team were greeted with such charming nicknames as "gangster," "thug," "rat" and various other un- printable appellations. It wasn't that the Illinois team was a particularly unattractive group, but the fans wanted to see their team win-and they were plenty excited. Although he greets visiting teams with unpleasant yells, and horrible oaths, the Michigan hockey rooter is positively adoring when he is shout- ing for the Wolverine players. He blissfully croons for "Black Rudy" Reichert to get busy, and cheers "Goldie" Goldsmith on with fanatical shouts when he picks his sadly bat- tered frame off the ice. Each time goalie Hank Loud makes a save the rooters speak to him individually, thanking and congratulating him, as if he had saved their lives. Likewise, when Loud is unable to prevent the puck from going into the net they encourage him with mournful crics of "That's o.k. boy. You won't let another one get by you." Determined Following It's rather nice to see a team which has run up against really tough op- position have such a determined fol- lowing. There's only one thing. It's a small nucleus of people who watch those games and although they are intensely interested and are certain- ly the most loyal of fans, there aren't enough of them to fill up those bleachers at the Coliseum. Although the scores would seem to point out that the games aren't worth seeing, they are really some of the most exciting exhibitions of skat- ing and stick handling round about. What they need is not stronger, but more universal support. MY SCHOOL COURSES (40 weeks peryear) Afternoon-3 years 5 days...4.30-6:30 Evening - 4 years Mon., Wed., Fri., '6:30-9:20 Post-graduate FOUNDED 1899 AN ACCREDITED I