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January 20, 1942 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1942-01-20

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A Dime In Time.

Slightly- warmer.



SoViet Forces
Throw Might
Against Nazis'
Line In North
Germans Near Leningrad
Are Reported Attacked
In Tremendous Drive
By Sledge,_Ski Troops
Reds Crash Ahead
To Orel, Mozhaisk
TACOMA, Wash., Jan. 19.-(I)-
A twin-motored Army bombing
plane crashed and burned at the
Tacoma city limits today and Col.
A. D. Herold, commander of Mc-
Chord Field, said the entire crew of
three had been killed.
(Associated Press War Editor)
LONDON, Jan. 19.-(P)-The Rus-
sian Army of the north was smashing
tonight at the forward anchor of the
German siege line before Leningrad
in attacks of rising power synchron-
ized with the Soviet central offen-
sive driving on the apparently crum-
bling Nazi positions of Mozhaisk and
Orel on the Moscow front.
This new far northern action,
which was reported in advices to
Soviet sources here, was launched
across the ice of southern Lake La-
doga against Schluesselburg, the Ger-
man-held lake fortress 25 miles east
of Leningrad, by sledge and ski
troops. One of a series of their run-
ning attacks was said already to have
broken through between Schulessel-
burg itself and the main Leningrad-
Moscow Railway.
New Fighting Intensity-
Fighting was rising in intensity, it
was said, and it thus appeared that
a major offensive to turn the German
line at Schluesselburg was being de-
veloped against the German Field
Marshall Ritter von Leeb, one of Hit-
ler's best known experts in defensive
Premier Joseph Stalin was de-
scribed here as strongly interested
personally in the operation, believing
that to smash the German arc be-
fore Leningrad would have not only
its obvious military effect but a
strong effect as well upon a German
public already worried by the failure
of Hitler's campaign at the center.
For the Russians it was a familiar
maneuver, for it was over Ladoga's;
ice that they had stormed and flanked'
vital Finnish positions in the war of;
Enter Mozhaisk, Orel +
Along the Moscow front, the day+
brought reports that Russian forces
had entered both Mozhaisk and Orel,
the former 57 miles west of the capi-
tal and the only German salient sur-
viving from the second Nazi offen-
sive, and the latter 200 miles below
Mozhaisk was a city aflame and
military dispatches reported that
both there and in Orel the RussiansI
were engaging the Germans in hand-'
to-hand fighting. The fall of Moz-I
haisk, which already had been all but
isolated by deep Soviet advancesI
above and below the city, was expect-i
ed here at any hour.
Early - morning dispatches had1
placed tle Soviet vanguard within
60 miles of Smolensk, Hitler's sup-1
posed present headquarters.I

I. _ _ __r

War Savings Tag Day
To Begin Here Friday

Defense Stamp Drive Is
To Be Initiated Oni A
Every student and faculty mem-
ber on this campus will be able to
contybute to the first official war
savings drive on any campus in Fri-
day's all-University defense stamp
tag day.
Meeting yesterday at the Union,
representatives of major campus or-
ganizations were told of a four-day
campaign to open tomorrow in fra-
ternities, sororities and dormitories.
The entire campus will be canvassed
British Trade
Union, Leader
ITo Talk Today
'How Labor Fights' To Be
Miss Bondfield's Topic
In SpeechAt Rackhamn
Under the auspices of the Depart-
ment of Economics, Miss Margaret
Bondfield, noted British trade union-
ist and labor leader will speak at
4:15 p.m. today in the Rackham Aud-
itorium on the subject, "How Labor
Long interested in the labor move-
ment, Miss Bondfield has played an
important role both in British labor
and in the international movement.
She was a member of the General
Council of Trades Union Congress
for many years, and in 1923, chair-
man of the organization.
Miss Bondfield has also served as
a labor delegate to many countries,
particularly the international confer-
ences under the League of Nations at
During the Ramsey MacDonald
government, Miss Bondfield was a
member of Parliament, Parliamen-
tary Secretary to the Minister of
Labor, and was laterMinister of
Labor herself.
She is deeply interested in the re-
construction which must follow this
war, as well as in the transformations
now taking place, particularly from
the standpoint of labor.
Since her retirement from the posi-
tion of a national officer of the Na-
tional Union of General and Munici-
pal Workers in 1938, Miss Bondfield
has devoted her time to lecturing and
writing for the Socialist Labor Move-
It is expected that she will report
on the labor situation in Britain and
comment, perhaps, on the labor prob-
lems now facing the United States.
Music Is Declared
"Great music is indispensable if
religious worship is to appeal to high-
pressure Americans," Dr. Edward W.
Blakeman, Counselor in Religious
Education declared, and with this
idea, the first state-wide Church
Music Conference for choir leaders'
and organists was opened yesterday
at the Episcopal Church by Prof.
Palmer Christian.
Mack Evans, director of music at
the University of Chicago Chapel,
and a double quartet from his choir
will appear at 2 p.m. today at the
Methodist Church.
Two choirs will assist Rev. Henry
Lewis in a colorful service at 8 p.m.
today in St. Andrew's, and Dr. Helen
A. Dickinson of the Union Theolog-
ical Seminary will lecture.

First Official Campaign
ny University Campus
Friday while Saturday has been set
for the down-town Ann Arbor drive.
The minute-man, symbol of Amer-
ica's fast-growing "savings habit,"
will appear on every tag awarded to
purchasers of a 10-cent defense stamp
Student Senate members are
asked to come at 7:30 p.m. today to
Room 305 of the Union to aid the
defense savings committee, Presi-
dent Robert A. Krause announced
album. The album is designed to
hold 50 stamps and may be exchanged
j for a $5 stamp and album when full.
In return for their dimes. Univer-
sity students will receive an album
containing one 10-cent savings stamp.
These albums are mainly intended for
future buyers of a Series E defense
bond which matures to $25 in 10
years after payment of its $18.75
purchase price.
The tag day will be only the first
move in the savings campaign. Start-
ing next week, local merchants will
greet customers with the slogan,
"Take part of your change in defense
stamps." Permanent stamp stations
will also be set up
at central campus
Today and to-
morrow members of
Assembly, League,
the Interfraternity
Council, the Union,
Panhellenic, Con-
gress and the Stu-
dent Senate will be
requested to sign up
for sales stat ion
work Friday. Other
organizations will
also provide personnel.
The drive is being conducted
through a co-ordinated effort of
University representatives andthe
Ann Arbor Junior Chamber of Com-
J-Hop icket
Sale Begins
I P.M. Today
J-Hop ticket sale will begin at 1
p.m. today in the Union and will
continue until 6 p.m., Bob Begle,
ticket chairman, announced yester-
day. Juniors holding reserved appli-
cation cards must present them at
this time.
Identification cards will not be
required, Begle said, and fraterni-
ties or any other group may have
one person turn in several applica-
tions. Cash or checks must be for
the exact amount and no service
charge will be required for checks.
Jimmie Lunceford and his 15-piece
Negro band will be coupled with
Orrin Tucker's outfit for the formal
night of J-Hop, Feb. 6, in the Sports
Building. Les Brown will direct his
orchestra through an informal eve-
ning of dancing, Feb. 7, the second
night of J-Iop.
This year the J-Hop committee
makes it possible to combine pleas-
ure and patriotism, for those who
attend the dance will not only be a
part of the biggest campus affair of
the year, but will also be contribut-
ing to national defense.
Dance programs will be similar to
Defense Saving Stamp booklets and
each will contain one defense stamp.
Moreover, profits from the dance as
a whole will be turned over to some
phase of national defense.

Notice Given
To Argentina
On Axis Split
Pan-American Ministers
Set Thursday As Limit
For Virtual Ultimatum
Conference Told
Of Fascist Intrigue
RIO DE JANEIRO, Jan. 19.-()-
Reluctant Argentina, persistent hold-
out against breaking relations with
Germany, Italy and Japan, has been
given until Thursday to decide whe-
ther she will join the other Americas
in a solid front against the Axis, it
was learned tonight.
In response to this virtual ultima-
tum, the Argentine delegation to the
Pan-American conference of foreign
ministers was reported to have asked
24 hours' additional time to make up
its mind.
Brazilian Threatened
This turn of events followed the
disclosure that German and Italian
diplomats have orally threatened
Brazilian Foreign Minister Oswaldo
Aranha with a statement that a rup-
ture between Brazil and the Axis
would be regarded as "a most un-
friendly act."
But the ill-concealed Axis maneu-
ver, apparently part of a concerted
scheme to scuttle the conference,
backfired immediately. It was re-
sponsible, an excellent source said,
for the grim declaration the same
day by President Getulio Vargas that
since war had come to the Western
Hemisphere Brazil no longer could be I
Under present plans, the confer-
ence will call upon a sub-committee
to act Wednesday on the proposal
presented by Colombia, Mexico and
Venezuela for a unanimous break
with the Axis. Its action then would
be presented to a full committee
meeting Wednesday and to a plenary
conference session Thursday.
Unanimous Break
The pressure upon Argentina was
reflected in a rapid series of hotel
room conferences today. President
Vargas of Brazil himself was playing
a leading role and was in constant
communication with the acting Ar-
gentine President, Ramon S. Castillo,
at Buenos Aires.
News of the German and Italian
threat was accompanied by the dis-
closure from Mexican Foreign Min-
ister Ezequiel Padilla of other Axis
intrigue at the conference.
Trainees Start'
Three Months
Of Instruction
First Contingent Of 100
Men To Take Courses
In Ordnance Inspection
Classes in ordnance materials in-
spection will open for 100 govern-
ment trainees today when instruc-
tion is begun by engineering faculty
members working under the Engi-
neering, Science and Management
Defense Training program.
Registered yesterday, the trainees
will be paid $125 a month for the
three months of instruction under
the course which is being adminis-
tered by Col. H. W.sMiller of the en-
gineering drawing department.
A second contingent of 100 men

will begin a similar course on or
about Feb. 16 and will be followed by
a third group in March. It is ex-
pected that groups of 100 will be
graduated each month following un-
til the current need is filled.
Under the provisions of enroll-
ment, trainees will be under govern-
ment pay while taking the course,
but must agree to enter ordnance
inspection work upon completion of
the instruction period.
Other qualifications for admission
specify that the applicant be credited
with one year at an engineering col-
lege or two years in a literary col-
lege, including six hours of credit
in each of the fields of mathematics,
physics and chemistry.
Instruction fof the course, which
will meet eight hours a day, five days
a week, has been divided into eight
different sections, each to be super-
vised by a faculty member. Prof.
O. W. Boston of the metal processing
department is general supervisor, and
A. B. Bishop is representing the Ord-
nance Department, U. S. Army.
Mathematics instruction will be

Axis U-Boats Renew War
On East Coast Shipping;
U.S. Hits Japt"s In Malaya

Aierican Bombers Raid
Important Base; Report
Air Success In Indies
Situation Improved
Above Singapore
The War Department disclosed last
night the American army bombers
had attacked the Japanese in Ma-
laya and it was thus suggested that
at least some of the aerial reinforce-
ment so urgently needed for the de-
fense of Singapore was now iii action.
The announcement, which was
concurrent with indications that the
invader had been beaten down to a
halt in Western Malaya by the un-
conquerable Australians after earlier
and dangerous gains, told of an as-
sault on Sungei Patani airdrome in
which three big fires were set off
among Japanese aircraft aground by
American planes which returned un-
touched to their base.
The airdrome, more than 400 miles
above Singapore, has been one of the
most effective of Japanese bases in
support of their field army.
Attacked Last Week
The attack occurred on Jan. 15, the
War Department stated. At the same
time it announced a major success
over Menado in Northeast Celebes,
the Dutch East Indies. There, five
U. S. army bombers attacked a Japa-
nese-held airdrome and rose to con-
front a formation of Japanese inter-
ceptor planes, nine of which were
shot down. Two American bombers
were put down as missing and a
third damaged.
Although the Ja'panese stood with-
in about 90 miles of the Singapore
Strait in two sectors the general posi-
tion before that vital Allied base was
slightly improved last night.,
In the second most active theater,
Luzon in the Philippines, the Amer-
ican-Filipino line still held firmly,
but it was not on balance a good day
for the Allies around the world.
British Retreat From Tavoy
The British announced their with-
drawal from the important southern
Burma port and air base of Tavoy,
near Japanese-occupied Thailand,
under the shock of a superior enemy
force which thus cut the Burma Pan-
handle from the east and established
the enemy in one of the two most
important coastal towns in the thin
strip ofBurma bordering Malaya.
It was believed that the Japanese
had immediately established fighter
planes at Tavoy, where they would
be in position to help harass the Brit-
ish offensive ultimately expected to
be loosed from Burma in an effort
to relieve Singapore.
In Malaya the situation was mixed,
but there were some encouraging re-
ports for the Allies. One was the
announcement of the Australian
commander, Maj. Gen. Gordon Ben-
nett, that his troops had left their
inland positions to take up a line on
the western side of the peninsula be-
low the Muar River and had stopped
the Japanese offensive there, beat-
ing back almost ceaseless attacks and
"holding their ground everywhere."
This was in a sector where the
British line previously held by Indian
troops had been forced back.

FDR Requests
Budgoet Boost
Of 28 Billions
Total War Program Cost
To Reach 114 Billions
With NewSpending
WASHINGTON, Jan. 19.-(P-The
United States war program jumped
to the astronomical total of $114,000,-
000,000 today when President Roose-
velt recommended new expenditures
of, $28,500,000,000 for planes, ships,
tanks and other vital military and
naval equipment.
The $114,000,000,000 includes, all
appropriations, authorizations and
requests made since June 30, 1940.
Officials indicated that the war
spending figure of $56,000,000,000 for
the next fiscal year, as mentioned in
Mr. Roosevelt's recent budget mes-
sage, was not changed by the new
recommendation. Part of the re-
quested funds will be spent prior to
that fiscal twelve-month, part will
be spent after it, and the rest was
taken into account in making up the
$56,000,000,000 total.
Mr. Roosevelt proposed to Congress
today that $15,962,645,021 in cash and
contract authorizations be made
available to the Navy Department for
use in the next 18 months and that
$12,525,872,474 in cash be given to the
War Department for the next six
War Department:
Air Corps, $9,041,373,090.
Ordnance service and supplies,
For expediting production and sup-
plies, $933,000,000.
Signal service, $680,242,180.
Chemical warfare service, $323,-
Navy Department:
Construction of 150,000 tons of
combat ships and 800,000 tons of
auxiliaries, $1,402,500,000.
General construction and machin-
ery, $1,665,000,000.
Ship ordnance and stores, $1,161,-
Dean Crawford,
Prof. H. E. Riggs
Go To New York
Dean Ivan C. Crawford of the Col-
lege of Engineering will leave for
New York today, where he will attend
sessions of the annual meeting of
the American Society of Civil En-
gineers, and will be in Washington,
D.C., tomorrow for a conference with
government officials.
While in Washington Dean Craw-
ford will contact various Army and
Navy officials with regard to pro-
posed training schools in which the
University may cooperate.
Also attending the ASCE national
meeting which will continue through
Saturday will be Prof. H. E. Riggs
of the civil engineering department
and Prof. J. A. Van den Broek of the
engineering mechanics department.

Two Tankers Torpedoed;
Allan Jackson Reported
Sunk, Malaya Damaged
22 Men Lose Lives
In U-Boat Attack
became increasingly clear today that
the Axis had begun a major sub-
marine campaign against Allied ship-
ping off the American Atlantic Coast
as the Navy announced tonight that
the tanker SS Malay had been at-
tacked by a U-boat.
The vessel, owned by the Seminole
Steamship Corporation and under
charter to the Gulf Oil Company,
was damaged, but according to the
Navy was approaching the safety of
an Atlantic port.
No information is yet available as
to the extent of damage to the ship,
the Navy said, adding that the crew
was believed safe.
The Malay is a steam driven tank-
er of 8,206 gross tons and normally
carries a crew of 34.
Earlier in the day, flame-covered
waters were believed to have claimed
the lives of 22 crewmen of a United
States tanker sunk in a torpedo at-
tack off the Atlantic coast while
others of the crew of 35 brought
ashore accounts of a grim fight with
"the strength born of the knowledge
of certain death if we failed."
The tanker, the 6,635-ton Allan
Jackson, of the Standard Oil Com-
pany, survivors said "seemed to be
parting in the middle and there was
fire everywhere" a fw moments after
a torpedo struck amidships as the
vessel was enroute to New York yes-
terday off the North Carolina coast.
Seven of the 13 men known to
have survived -the sinking told of
battling desperately to keep from be-
ing sucked into the propeller of the
ship, which continued to churn as the
vessel sank. They were brought here
on an unnamed vessel after spending
six hours in an open boat.
Late Flashes
BALBOA, Canal Zone, Jan. 19.-
(I)-Army headquarters announced
tonight that the United States, in
cooperation with the Netherlands
government, has sent air forcs to
the islands of Aruba and Curaca
"to assist in protection of those
vitally important oil centers."
WASHINGTON, Jan. 19.- (P) -
Brigadier General Lewis B. Hershey
urged Secretaries Stimson and Knox
in a letter made public today to wind
up all recruiting of volunteers for the
Army, Navy and Marine Corps and
rely entirely on the Selective Service
for their additional manpower.
"America faces the disruption and
dislocation of its supply of essential
man power," General Hershey con-
tended. "Recent events convince me
that we must reappraise our entire
procedure for the procurement of
men for the armed forces."
NEW YORK, Jan. 19.--(P)-
With a slightly skeptical allusion to
the peace negotiations which ended
at Pearl Harbor, CIO President
Philip Murray today passed on to
the CIO Executive Board the pro-
posal of John L. Lewis for a re-
sumption of CIO-AFL peace con-
LONDON, Jan. 19. - () - Prime
Minister Churchill was expected to-
night to make a brief statement to
Parliament soon on the critical Ma-
layan situation but to delay for sev-
eral days his full war report em-
bracing the grand strategy conver-
sations held in Washington with
President Roosevelt.




4ivil ian Defense;
St dies Price Bill

WASHINGTON, Jan. 19.-(P)-A
$100,000,000 Civilian Defense author-
ization won final Congressional ap-
proval today after House Republi-
cans lost a last-ditch fight to keep
it out of the hands of Fiorello La
Guardia, Civilian Defense Director.
The House refused, 172 to 167, to
send the bill back to a House-Senate
conference committee and then ap-
proved the measure, 334 to 2. Senate
approval quickly followed on a voice
As the House originally passed the
bill, control of the fund would have
been vested in the War Department.
Meanwhile a compromise proposal
giving President Roosevelt the final
word on fixing prices for farm pro-
ducts was reported under considera-
tion tonight by' a Senate-House con-
ferense committee attempting to iron
out differences over the Administra-
tion's price control bill.

'Think Apocalyptically:'

Wisconsin Leads All The Way:_
Kotz Leads Badger Cage Team
In 58-36 Victory Over Michigan

Pastors' Meeting Hears Horton
Open Three-Day Program Here

Speaking to a closely-packed group
of ministers, Dr. Walter M. Horton,
professor of theology at Oberlin Col-
lege, declared yesterday at the after-
noon session of the third annual
Michigan Pastors' Conference in the
Rackham Building that 'We must;
think apocalyptically about our pres-
Dr. Horton will speak on the sub-
ject "Religion and the War" at
Inter-Guild luncheon, Wednesday
noon, at Lane Hall.
Reservations for the 15 cent lun-
cheon must be in at Lane Hall by
9:30 a.m. Wednesday.

tion, Professor Horton pointed out
that our modern view of salvation
lacks depth because we have gotten
into a habit of analysis that cannot
cope with the many conflicting be-
liefs of today. This depth, he said,
can be restored to our viewpoint by
a more widespread conception of the
older doctrines as presented in the
Old Testament.
This initial session of the Pas-
tors' Conference was opened by Pres-
ident Ruthven's welcome to the Uni-
versity. His short comments were
closely followed by The Rev. Henry
Hitt Crane's Convocation Message.
At the Fellowship Dinner which
was held in the First Presbyterian

(Special to The Daily)
MADISON, Wis., Jan: 19.-Michi-
gan's Varsity cage squad took it on
the chin again here tonight as Wis-
consin, showing scoring punch in all
positions, won its third straight Big
Ten victory, 58-36.
Led by forward Johnny Kotz, who
captured the scoring honors for the
evening with 21 points, the Badgers,
looking vastly improved over their
previous showings, scored the first
field goal of the game and were
never headed thereafter.
The Badgers became somewhat
shaky midway in the opening period,
but finished ina burst of speed which
gave them the half time advantage of
24-12. After that the 1940 Big Ten
champions maintained a safe margin

clean-cut game, only seven fouls be-
ing called on each team. The Wol-
verines dropped six through the hoop
while Wisconsin made eight points
via the free throw route.
In getting his 21 points, Kotz made
eight field goals and five free tosses.
Runner-up in scoring honors for the
game was Badger guard Ed Schiewe
who collected 10'points. Charley Ep-
person, Jackson, Mich., lad, helped
the Wisconsin cause along by hitting
the hoop for seven points.
Six foot four inch Mandler contin-
ued to lead the Michigan players in
scoring by getting three field goals
and three foul shots for a total of
nine. Capt. Bill Cartmill, recovered
from his sprained ankle, was runner-

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