Page Twelve 9PERSPECTIVES BOOKS IN SE ASON La Trahison d'un Clerc. Primary Lit. erature and Coterie Literature, Van Wyck Brooks. TO BE SPENDING the day of America's entry into the War in criticising a literary critic must seem preposterous, but, perhaps, it is more relevant than ap- pears at first sight. To be living in the greatest revolutionary epoch since the Reformation means, firstly that all our activities, political, economic, re- ligious and cultural are involved, and, secondly, thtt the external conflict of classes and nations and ptlitical sys- tems is paralleled by an equally in- tense internal conflict in every indi- vidual. We are perhaps less conscious of this than we should be; we are all too ready to accust others of being Fascists, Reds, Bourgieos, or what- have-you, but all too reluctant to ad- mit the sinister presence of a Fifth Col- umn within tur own personal mind and heart. Yet, unless we realize that a collective political victory over Ger- many and Japan, and a personal vic- tory over ourselves ase mutually inter- dependent aspects of the same prob- lem, our chances of winning either battle are small. If then I criticise Mr. Brooks, the name is of no importance; he has only had the misfortune to be the first man to state publicly in America thoughts which have been latent in all of us for a long time, and they would have had to be stated by someone else if Mr. Brooks had never been born. It is an axiom of human nature that evil always presupposes evil from which it derives its power. An intellectual evil, i.e. a heresy, is always, either a reaction to a previous heresy which it attempts to correct by thinking the exact oppo- site on every point, or a revolt against hypocrisy, i.e. a discrepancy between in- tellectual principles and practical con- duct, in which it rightly judges the con- duct to be bad but wrongly assumes that the conduct is the necessary con- sequence of theh priciples. Every heretic, like every neurotic and every tyrant, has a real grievance; the Evil One seduces us by an appeal to our sense of justice. Mr. Brooks in his minor way, like Hitler in his major, are punishments for the sins of which all of us who have grown up in a rationalistic liberal-democratic capitalistic culture are guilty. Mr. Brook's thesis has been excel- lently summed up in an essay by Dwight Macdonal in Partisan Review. "The paper is built around an antithesis between 'primary' and secondary' writers. The former is =a great man writing,' 'one who be- speaks the collective life of the peo- ple' by celebrating 'the great themes . . . by virtue of which the race has risen-courage, justice, mercy, honor, love.' He is positive, constructive, optimistic, popular. He believes in 'theh idea of pro- gress.' . . . The 'secondary' or 'co- terie' writer, on the other hand, is a thin-blooded, niggling sort of fellow, whose work reaches' a mere hadful of readers.' His stuff has brilliant 'form' but lacks 'content.' He is 'a mere artificer or master of words' who perversely celebrates the 'death-drive' instead of the 'life-drive.' He is a doubter, a scorner, a sceptic, expatriate, high- brow and city slicker. His work is pessimistic and has lost contact with The People and the Idea of Greatness." Mr. Brook's list of primary writers need not detain us long for, with one exception, they are all safely dead and recognized as great in all the textbooks: as for his one living primary writer, Thomas Mann, any one who is at all familiar with his work, can only con- elude either that Mr. Brooks has never read him or that he is unacquainted with the dictionary meanings of the words Scepticism and Pessimism and is using them in some highly 'coterie' sense of his own. His list of secondary writers is more significant; it includes, among others, Joyce, Proust, Valery, Henry James, and, above all, Eliot. WHEN one has. got over the first shock of distaste at the vulgarity of a writer who has done uncommonly well for himself by his books sneering at colleagues for being less fortunate and at the insolent ingratitude of a self-appointed patriot attacking the greatest novelist and the greatest poet that his country has the honour to have produced, one begins to guess the story that lies behind this amazing rubbish. An over-sensitive and not very bright' individual finds himself living in an atomized industrial civilization, in which there is no natural instinctive community of behaviour or belief, and in which the majority have come in their heart of hearts to fear that all a) the scepticism and pessimism of contemporary art was not an ac- curate reflection of a society in which, whatever they might say of- ficially, its individual members were secretly sceptical and pessi- mistic. b) its esoterism was not an accurate reflection of the real atomism of our society underlying any super- ficial and desperate bonhomie. , c) Its unpopularity was not due, in part at least, to a reluctance of the average reader to be made con- scious of his own scepticism and isolation. That what is popular, in fact, is precisely work that falsely reassures them that everything is fine and dandy, that their society is sound at bottom, that there may be some wicked fellows 'over there' who must be dealt with but that 'we have nothing in common with their vices, and once they are put in their place, the reign of right- eousness and peace will begin im- mediately. d) And lastly, whether the faults Editor ............................................... Jay McCormick Fiction Editor ..................................... ....Gerald Burns Lois Welles, Mark Lipper, William Kehoe, Eugene Mandeburg, Nelson Bentley. Essay Editor ....................... ... . ....... Richard M. Ludwig Erath Gutekunst, Gerald Schaflander. Poetry Editor .........................................David Stocking Clarence Foster, Audrey Hirschl, Sam Moon, Donet Sorenson, John Ragsdale. Book Review Editor ................................ Guy Serge Metraux George Kerr, Ray Ingham, Robert Hemenway. Art Editor............ ............................. Cliff Graham Publications Editor .................................... Carol Bundy Betty Baer, Lynn Bell, Joan Siegel, Barbara DeFries, Etaoin Shrdlu. Advisory Hoard: Arno L. Bader, Herbert Weisinger, J. L. Davis, Morris Greenhut, Allan Seager, W. H. Auden, Donald Martin, Emil Weddige. wrong, to be 'international,' ie, to treat other nations and cultures as your equals. Of course if you believe that men are equal in respect of their natur- al goodness, then there is no such thing as a rabble. If, on the other hand, you believe that men are indeed equal but equal in respect of their natural weak- ness, then we are all units in the rabble, whatever our income or education, ex- cept insofar as we manage to trans- form our nature, a task which cannot be done for one by anyone else but which can be done by the poor and the ignorant as well as by anyone else. One may never judge or despise others be- cause we are all weak and evil. Whenever the word Masses is used, we must read the words 'myself in my weaker moments.' The Masses hate scepticism, not be- cause it is only a means to faith, but because it threatens to reveal that their own professions of faith are conven- tions. The Masses hate what is diffi- cult to understand, not because they want to understand, have tried and failed, but because they want every- thing to be easy. The Masses resent 'coterie' art, not for its real vice, which is a failure to attain an all inclusive vision of the age, but for its real vir- tue, which is a refusal to accept fully the contemporary illusion. And be- cause faith requires the constant effort of personal discipline, ie, not being a unit of the Masses, and yet no indi- vidual or society can live for long with- out either real faith or its counterfeit, in order that they may remain the Masses and not be forced to become persons, the Masses end by demanding that a belief be imposed on them for- mally from without, they cry for The Whip. The late Huey Long, when asked if Fascism could ever come to America, replied: "Sure. Only it will be called Anti-fascism." It is sad to see the acu- men of this cynical remark being proved not by a politician, but by an intellec- tual. -- W. H. Auden THE LAST TYCOON (Continued from Page Nine) culminated in his posthumous novel. Here we have an American returning to the Paris in which he had run riot and lost everything that could be dear to him. A decade lies between, and the American is much sobered by the events and the years that have passed. He is frustrated in his attempt to recover his daughter from a guardenship imposed in those careless days, by the appear- ance of several members of the old smart set who linger on attempting to main- tain the desperate illusion of 1928's gaiety. It is a tale full of compassion and a new kind of restraint. Scott Fitz- gerald was on his way. Like the Ameri- can of his story, "He was not young any more with a lot of nice thoughts and dreams to have by himself." But death ended the literary re- birth of Scott Fitzgerald when he was in the midst of his finest work. It was a warm and human novel he was writ- ing, and there is ample reason to be- lieve he could have written many more; for he had come out of the moral intel- lectual fog that obscured his undoubted talents for almost twenty years. Com- pared to what he might have done, Fitz- gerald's work is slight, much of it triv- ial-and therein lies the tragedy of his early death. -James Allen truths and all values are relative, that nothing matters unconditionally, yet which is at the same time officially committed to believing; a) That all men are born equal and free. b) That this equality and freedom arise from the natural goodness of Man. Evil is, either an iherit- ance and remediable social or- ganization. c) That when a man knows the God, he must automatically will it. Therefore, since increase of knowledge in time is a historical fact, progress must also be a his- torical fact. The strain of living in a world where the professed principles are being con- tinually contradicted by the facts pro- duces in our subject a series of nervous breakdowns. As a young man he runs for refuge, like so many of his class, to Art, hoping to find there a calm and changeless world of eternal values free from all conflict. When in due course he makes the inevitable dis- covery that Art gives no answers, and that every year the increasing strains in society make the need for satisfac- tory answer all the more urgent, in- stead of blaming himself for ever hav- ing been such a fool as to expect from writers what no writer can or ever will be able to offer, he blames them for not having the particular stick of candy he wanted. A healthier and more intelligent man than our subject would have been led by this to ask himself whether both of society and its art do not indicate that perhaps the doctrine of the natural goodness of Man and the Idea of Progress are an inadequate basis for. true Democ- racy or great Art. MR. BROOKS, however, asks none of these questions. Like any classical philosopher he is determined that Art shall act as a State Religion; and if it doesn't then it must be the fault of the writers. What is alarming about his paper is not that he should criti- cize James, Eliot, Joyce or Proust, but what he criticizes them for. It would be fair to say that they are too much men of their time, that Joyce, for ex- ample, not only reveals Mr. Bloom's sensual passivity and hatred of the flesh but shares it, or that Proust gives no sign of realizing that love has noth- ing in common with romance, the illu- sions of which he so magnificently de- scribes, but Mr. Brooks' objection is that they have no sense of their agd, an objection which implies a view that the greatest Art would be State- controlled Soap Opera. It is significant that Mr. Brook's Bete Noir should be Mr. Eliot who holds the Christian faith, ie, who really believes that the virtues of 'courage, mercy, jus- tice, honour, love' are absolute but also believes in Original Sin, ie, in the vir- tues of humility and contrition which to Mr. Brooks are perverse celebrations of 'the death drive.' According to Mr. Brooks it is wrong to despise the 'rabble,' but it is also