'PERSPECTI VES Page Elt - BOOKS ISEASON ION Goren (Cotinued from Page Five) OF COURSE Arnold was undiscerning or he would not have changed uni- forms in the first place. If he had been capable of analyzing his situation he would have forseen that the British he joined would'have no more respect for him than the Americans he deserted. A man who could be bought once could be bought twice. Therefore, when Clin- ton sent him on a raiding expedition in Virginia in 1781, he also gave secret instructions to two under officers to watch Arnold, and if anything unto- ward happened they carried dormant commissions to succeed him in the com- mand. After the war was over Arnold never held another military command. The fact that he was not trusted by British army men was not borne home on him for several years. When he fin- ally became convinced of it, the realiza- tion probably hastened his death. He knew then, at least, what a blunder he had committed. Yet the old stories that Arnold died in poverty are difficult to believe after counting up the "wages of sin" which Mr. Van Doren computed. Arnold re- ceived £6500 for his treason. In pur- chasing power today, Mr. Van Doren 'est'mates this sum is equal to $100,000 to $120,000. Then he received the half pay of a British colonel, £225 per year, the rest of his life. Peggy received a pension of £500 per year, minus com- missions. And each of their children also received a pension. Actually, says Mr. Van Doren, no American made as much money out of the war as Arnold. After the end of the Arnold conspir- acy and the failure of large numbers to follow Arnold's example, the British be- gan to lose confidence in the appeal of bribery. Then suddenly, early in Jan- uary, 1781, their hopes were revived by news of the mutiny of the Pennsylvania Line. Here at last was the breaking up of the Revolutioiary army, the general collapse that Arnold had predicted. Clinton anxiously sent two spies into the Pennsylvania camp with offers of Brit- ish gold and plenty of food and clothing But as soon as the two spies made them- selves known, they were promptly hanged! "We're not turning Arnolds," the dissatisfied men growled. And there was the situation in brief. Arnold's de- sertion had actually strengthened the rebel cause. The Americans had found themselves outraged at his treason, and conscious of their emotion, realized that they must have some sense of national honor, or nationality. Arnold had tried to betray a cause that these people now understood was a unifying priciple. The British, having failed in their plot with Arnold, could never succeed again. Arnold sailed to England with Lord Cornwallis after the latter's defeat at Yorktown. Although the war cabinet was not overthrown until March, 1782, everyone could see that the war was fin- ished with Yorktown. The British still held New York and Charleston and Sa- vannah, but hardly dared move outside of those cities. A tired British public would not suffer another army to be raised and equipped and sent to Amer- ica. Arnold had bet on the wrong side, and America was no longer safe for him. With his unlamented departure, Mr. Van Doren closes his book. None of the minor plots of which he treats are as dramatic as Arnold's story. For this reason he might have produced a more fascinating book to read by limiting himself to the one grand con- spiracy. One reads the other chapters with some impatience to get on with Arnold's adventure. But Mr. Van Doren did not set out to write a "thriller." He was writing a history, an account of all 3 ;gar ur m m; re THE WISDOM OF THE HEART, by Henry Miller, HE INEFFABLE Henry Miller has had published by New Dir- ections, Inc., another of his 'books, this being entitled "The Wisdom of the World" and concerning (suggestively enough) the wisdom of Henry Miller. Miller, some of whose other works have been denied publica- tion in the United States by censors, identifies himself with the world and the world with himself and, I suppose largely on principle, would consider it frightfully unwise to state his aesthetics of the confused paradox in more com- piehensive terms. For Mr. Miller is a. man who lives and will die by the para- dox, delighting in the problems which it propounds, inexplicable, mystical, faintly libidinous, much, indeed, like Mr. Miller himself. So magnificently concerned is he with the nature of the modern "artist" and his relation to the society in which he lives (but of which he must not, ap- parently, be a part) that, upon run- ning the eye down the table of con- tents of this book, one discovers that Mr. Miller has only incidently remem- bered to write about matters other than himself. The longest story in this col- lection of essays and stories, "The Aco- holic Veteran with the Washboard Cranium," is composed entirely of the rather tedious conversation of a drunk- en veteran (of whose true personality one can never be certain) and Mr. Mil- ler's evaluation of what has been seid. Other stories, among them the seduc- tively entitled "Mademoiselle Claude," concern Mr. Miller's life with a w---e in Paris and, in general, Mr. Miller's attitude toward life and art. Even in "Raimu," an essay on the French film in which the main thesis seems to be that American actors cannot act and that anyway America is rotten, Miller finds room to defend his own Paris exile (about ten years late) and propose a system of values which contrasts with those which he has presented in other essays in the same book. BUT THEN, as I have said, Mr. Miller becomes jaded with consistency, not because he has any real objection to it but because Mr. Miller cannot be con- veniently consistent himself and-as Mr. Miller himself writes-what Mr. Miller intuits becomes by its very ex- istency "art". On the whole it is difficult, and even impossible, to state the aesthetic theory toward whose expression Miller was apparently working in this book. For Miller himself is an ultra romantic who would contrive to construct a higher reality from his own instincts than may be discerned (or even patterned) in the outer world; and yet, not satisified with this, he maintains that "truth is the aim of the writer." He will state also that by "creating art" a man "realizes his own limitations" and, later,,"The artist's dream . . . is simply the result- ant of his inability to adapt himself to reality." I will not attempt to spend as much time directing you toward what ap- pears to me to be an absolute confusion as Mr. Miller has done. It is naturally difficult to attempt a critical summary of this collection; for there is no fixed pattern with which one may work. Mr. Miller is like the black-face unfortunate at the carnivals who earns a living by poking his head through canvas back- drops, avoiding balls thrown at him by the customers. And even if you do hit Mr. Miller (whom you cannot knock out) that will not force him to a direct rebuttal; for it is much easier for him to continue his unpredictable weaving, his frantic whirlings and jerkings which make him in a sense impregnable in the world of art but impregnable much the same as the black-face-impreg- nable because he won't stay in one place long enough for you to let one go at him. THE ROMANTIC ERROR of self in- dividual was, it seems to me, dissi- pated conclusively as long ago as the Parnassians. An artist's job is something more than self expression; it implies creation which will transcend the in- dividuality and certainly propose values, if only those by which its own existence may be justified. If Mr. Miller will ad- mit of no truth apart from the general belief in what is true he'begins an ar- gument whose logical resolution is this: that the job of an artist, whether he be working with words or forming a so- ciety, is to contrive a pattern valuable as much for its own existence as for any other special merit it may possess. Mr. Miller, though, writes, "I am not establishing values: I defecate and nour- ish." And perhaps restating that will be to meet Miller on his own ground. -Gerald E. Burns The '1ie'al (Continsued fromn Ten) coffin. It' was heavy, a ,c' shoulder strained at the task. W'th the other granddaughters, his siste; ctered bear- ing the floral decoruo.-s from the house. Grandfather had asked them t sit with their parents. "..e wanted t that way." Uncle Wil. however, had shoved the immediate ...y into te front pews, and the ch..ren, when they entered, found roon only in the back. It would look be-; o the spec- tators, Will decided, and ; t was what really mattered. The eulogy was brief nu (roe. "She has fought the good iht. Amen." Minnie Gebhardt with o other mem- bers of the missionary so 'ety, all fifty- year members like her whom they mourned, sang Abide Wita Me. "It' more fitting," thought Uncle Will. "that they should sing than that young Martha" Kind of puts on the finishing touch." And he did not care that the relationship would be displeased. THE SERVICE at the grave was short. The wind flapped loudly the canva, canopy erected over the oa;Ve, and (at times) the words of the ..inister were lost. Alone in a car at. the edge of the plot sat Margaret, the aunt of the dead woman. She had been parried from her invalid's bed for the funeral, but her nephews decided that she had bet- ter stay in the car at the cemetery. She heard naught and saw but the back. of people. Aunt Mag was very old;. her friends had died long ago. She sat in the car, alone, helpless with age, and wept not for her dead niece but for herself alive. When the boy saw his grandfather drop a few small flowers in. the open grave, he knew that the service was over. He was not curious to see the casket lowered; indeed, he wished only to escape from these strange peopl with reddened eyes and damp-balled handkerchiefs who looked at him as if to accuse. "Why are you not sad also? You could, at least, pretend to cry." She was his grandmother; the mother of his father, but he could feel no sor- row and pitied only his grandfather. "It was a nice funeral," Uncle Will said to his wife as they walked in the soft ground of the graveyard to their car." I made it an occasion people won't mind remembering, if I cry so myself" WHEN the old man entered the par- lor of his house where had been placed previously the casket of his wife he noticed something missing. The vio- let plant in the corner was gone. The helpers of the undertaker had thought it part of the funeral display. The old man was upset and started crying in the peevish voice of age, "What did they do with it? What did they do with it. That belonged to her, not to them." When the relatives finally un- derstood what had disturbed him, they quickly went to the church a'd rescued the plant before the flowers were dis- tributed to the sick of the neighbor- hood. Even with the violet plant be- fore him, the old man wa'frightened lest someone else should take it. He watered it carefully from the bottom of the container. Looking over the green leaves, he discovered a new bud, and the mind of the old man returned to his grivance against the doctor. "It wouldn't of hurt none to let her see the buds," he complained to him- self. "She'd of rested easier about it if he had left her see how my watering made it grow." And he :recunted the buds on his fingers to sake certain of their number before he replaced the plant on the stand in the corner. teater3 When God and Satan game the stakes are high, The domination of the earth and sky; But 'tis no use for Satan to deceive, For God has a fifth ace hid up his sleeve. -John Ragsdale the secret operations of the British in this country. The picture was not com- plete without including the more routine. intelligence operations of British head- quarters. The University of Michigan can take pride in this book because most of the source material on which it is based is here in the William L. Clements Library. The book's success is excellent publicity for the resources of the University. It ought also to suggest something to those students who come here because of the Hopwood Awards. Historical fiction, historical essays, and biography are cer- tainly acceptable in that contest, and rich source materials are right here on campus. Yet so far, Hopwood contest- ants have overlooked them. Howard H. Peckham