w,-._.- THE MICHIXN DAILY FP,,I ;, Al42 TLc r 16, 19x° { A [ War Courses: 'U' Emphasizes ____ ___ ____ ___ Language WIr (Contlnued from Page 1) have been set as prerequisite for this coiurse. rting of Japanese and will give its German 164 (advanced conversa- udents a competence in ordinary tion) will prepare students for gov- nversation. Offering eight hours eminent or military service and calls redit, it will meet in 2019 A. H., time for three years of college German or :hedule to be arranged. equivalent. It will meet at 9 a.m. In the French department, four Tuesday and Thursday in 201 U. H. egularly-given courses have been under Dr. Otto Graf. A third hour sted as useful in war work. French 3, 84, 85, and 86 (introductory and will be arranged. dvanced conversation) are two-hour Italian 2, an elementary course, urses with schedules listed in the represents the Axis lesser half in this terary college announcement. program. Three sections will meet at Newly Set Up 8 and 9 a.m. and 1 p.m. on Monday, Newly set up for training in liason Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday in ork, interpreting and the intelli- 309 R. L. under Dr. Vincent Scanio. mece services, French 198 has three This is a four-hour course. ears of college French or its equiva- Spanish courses of defense value nt as a prerequisite. A two-hour will deal in both literary and con- urse, it will be taught by Prof. Rene versational aspects of the language. alamon. First meeting is scheduled Spanish 81 and 82, listed in the liter- r 3 p.m. Monday, Feb. 9 in 108 R. L. ary college announcement, will take Scientific, medical and conversa- up Spanish-American life, while onal applications are included in Spanish 182 will discuss its literature. 1e German department's grouping Military Uses courses valuable to the war pro- The, military and intelligence serv- ram. German 36 (scientific Ger- ice uses of this language will be an) will meet at 9 a.m. Monday, handled in Spanish 198, which calls uesday, Wednesday, Thursday and for three years of college Spanish or riday in 306 U. H. A four credit its equivalent. Meeting for the first urse taught by Dr. Werner Strie- time at 3 p.m. Tuesday, Feb. 10, in ieck, it is not open to freshmen. 108 R. L., it will be taught by Prof. Dr. Striedieck will also teach Ger- Hayward Keniston. tan 56, meeting at 11 a.m. Monday, Another intensive training plan,I 'uesday, Thursday and Friday in 301 Russian 124 is designed to "prepare W. With 12 hours of German as a the largest possible number of stu- erequisite, this course is open only dents in the shortest. possible time." a limited number of senior and An eight credit course with one sem- tnior pre-medical students. ester of Russian as prerequisite, it Translation Stressed will be taught by Madame Lila Parg- A new course, German 124 will ment. ress translation and interpretation Portugese is also included in the Nazi communiques, broadcasts, and War Board's listed courses of mili- Ized documents. It will meet at tary importance. Portugese 2, a four- l a.m. Monday, Wednesday and Fri- hour course, will be given in two sec- ay under Prof. John W. Eaton. Two tions at 8 a.m. and 2 p.m. Monday, ars Hof German or its equivalent Tuesday, Thursday and Friday in 105 R. L. -- Norwegian To Be Given SPEECH DEPAR'TMENT Prof. Norman Willey will teach Scandinavian 32 (modern Norwegian) presents a two-hour course meeting at 8 a.m. PLAY PRODUCTION Monday and Wednesday in 305 South Wing. Prerequisite is Course 31. Oriental Languages 110 and 124, "GE RG E both taught by Prof. William H. Worrel, are intended to acquaint stu- WVAS H I N GTO Ndents with Islamic language and life. 110, (an introduction to Mohamme- D- ER s dan civilization) will meet at 10 a.m. Tuesday and Thursday in 2029 A. H. and Hart It is not a language course. An intro- yKaufman ndduction to basic spoken Arabic, 124 TON IG HT is a three hour course meeting at 9 a.m. Monday, Wednesday and Friday and Tomorrow in 2023 A. H. 83c 55c 39c These Daily summaries, according 8:30 P.M. Phone 6300 to the War Board, may be used in s onT e forming second semester programs Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre pending publication of a complete bulletin. A Tense Moment From 'George Washington Slept Here' 'I // This is a scene from the Kaufman-Hart comedy, "George Washington Slept Here," appearing at the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre through tomorrow. The play is a revival of the production given by the Michi- gan Repertory Players last summer when the above p hotograph was taken. The set now being used is vir- tually the same as the one pictured, but the lack of work in building the sets is well balanced by the many tasks which the stage crew must perform under the d irection of Robert Mellencamp, art director. Speech Society Picks National SurveyGroup Committee Seeks Better Way Of Draft Selection For Speech Defectives Because draft boards have been given no clear standard by which to1 measure the status of men with speech defects, there is a great in- consistency among the boards in this country as to which classification these men should be put in. There have been instances in which men who were severe stut- terers were accused of malingering and inducted even though unfit for military duty. Others whose. speech defects were relatively mild, were ,de- ferred even though their speechI would have been adequate for serv- ice. - After/ reaching this conclusion, the American Speech Correction As- sociation is now seeking a means of evaluating speech defects more sat- isfactorily, so that draft boards may have better standards for selection. An emergency \committee was ap- pointed recently to deal with7 this problem. The members of the com- mittee are Dr. H. Harlan Bloomer'. head of the University Speech Clinic; Dr. Mack Steer, Purdue Jniversity; Dr. Charles Strother, Iowa Univer- sity, and Dr. Paul Moore, North- western. A portion of this work has been assigned to the University Speech Clinic. The members of the Clinic have been given the task of finding the present status of individuals of draft age who have had speech de- fects and who have been registered in some clinic. They will also study the situation of men enrolled in the Univeresity and will contact other speech organizations throughout the country for further information. The results of this survey will aid in finding a place for men in various phases of defense work. It will also provide valuable information regard- ing persons whose speech defects have persisted intoadulthood. DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN (Continued from Page 4) Church Group To Celebrate Anniversary In 1867 the nation was agitated by post-war politics and reconstruction, and on Jan. 21 in Ann Arbor, 22 men and women were entering the newly completed Unitarian church. Now, in the midst of another period of war- time unrest, the present church members are celebrating its 75th an- niversary. Prior to the construction, a group in 1865 "desirous of securing to our- selves and our families the advan- tage of religious instruction and fel- lowship" signed the Articles of As- sociation, the oldest churc docu- ment, and held services in the Court House. Two University buildings bear the names of early Unitarians. Victor Vaughan, who was Dean of the Medical School, and Charles E. Greene, first Dean of the School of Engineering. Pre-Unitarian religious efforts be- gan in 1835 with a group of uniden- tified liberals who felt that they were able to support "sustained preach- ing" and wrote to Nathaniel Stacy, an itinerant preacher of the Univer- salist church, inviting him to Ann Arbor. Past fifty, he was then in the "wild and trackless country" south of Lake Erie, and on arrival promptly plunged into column writ- ing in the Weekly Argus and the State Journal. Dr. Frederick Elpt of Boston and president of the American Unitarian Association, will open the Anniver- sary week by speaking at 11 a.m. Sunday in the church. Former stu- dents of the University will return to lead the student meeting at 7:30 p.m. on the general question of "The Place of the Unitarian Church in Student Affairs." War Production Will Be Featured By New 'Technic' War production will be given spe- cial attention in the January issue of The Michigan Technic, engineering college publication, which will go on sale Wednesday, Jan. 21, as the first issue of 1942. Featured in this issue will be an article on the "World's Largest Bomber Plant," by Keith L. Smith, '43E, describing the Willow Run bomber plant in Ypsilanti. As head of The Technic's article department, Smith made a recent inspection trip through the plant to gather infor- mation. Equally important in the magazine this month will be an article by Prof. Henry W. Miller of the engineering drawing department on "Revolution in Artillery," while "Miracle in Con- crete," an article on Grand Coulee Dam, by William O. Jacobs, '44E, will complete the list of banner features for this month. Autos Affected By Rubber Ran University Trucks Will Be Retreaded In Future The tire ban doesn't affect the students, but the University found itself with 55 vehicles and a low pri- ority rating. The tires on these cars and trucks which are assigned to various de- partments and schools face a future of "re "-recapping, retreading and, finally, retirement for the duration. By virtue of the University's A-9 priority rating, its chances of ob- taining any new tires are about equal to those of the average citizen who doesn't enjoy the title of doctor, surgeon or visiting nurse, But one department; at least, is doing what it can to postpone the day sometime in the future when its trucks will rattle down the streets on rims. Charles E. Pardon, super- intendent of the Buildings and Grounds Department, has ordered two of the department's vehicles to be put into storage so that they may be saved for future use. Pardon, in collaboration with 0. E. Roszel, superintendent of the ware- house, has also initiated a sticker campaign for tire conservation which he expects to be adopted by all Uni- versity departments operating trucks and cars. He has distributed to each truck a red and white sticker printed with a series of "don'ts"-don't skid, spin the wheels, jump curbs or speed. And the last line says significantly, "Your job depends on the life of these tires." I Pastels GABARD I N ES TWEEDS Smartly tailored to give a slim yet casual look . . . Both Sporty and Dressy in all the newest spring colors. (Others 12.95 to 29.50) I i 217 South Main 9 Nickels Arcade Read And Use The Michigan Daily Classified Ads 7 SWEFTS DRUG STORE 340 South. State Street l/eti Stut3 Jj3g alA Drug Sundries Once-mA- Year Values Stationery Student Supplies Light lunches served at our f ountain. The Rexall Store on the Campus Wild's offers you their entire stock of ready-to-wear SUITS and OVERCOATS. Delivery Service wl I The Art Cinema League is bring- ing two old-time comedies to the Lydia Mendelssohn theatre Sunday night, January 18, at 6:30 and 8:15 p.m. Harry Langdon will be featured in "The Strong Man," and Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Drew in "The Profes- sional Patient." Tickets available at the League and also at the box office at the above hours. FIEGEL'S Annual JANUARY CLEARANCE Wild's clothing is famed for lasting quality . . . now when you want durable quality this sale gives you what you want at truly tremendous Savings. Frankly, the terrific pace of selling makes it urgently ad- visable for every reader who plans on cashing in on this event to get here in a hurry. Make it today! .25% off .25% . 25% off off ..20% off .20% off .20% off ... $1.59 3 for $4.50 Hand tailored clothes at machine made prices. See a fine National-known over- coat for as low as $24.50 or a suit for as low as $23.60. Values like these are not common today.