TIHE MICHIGAN DAILY T'HURSIA, JANTARY 14, I II _ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ __ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ______®_ 01 4P A441-gan i-t# ' 3 -1 'l ""l "O"" f Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Published every morning except Monday during the University year and Summer Session. Member of the Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of republication of all other matters herein also reseived.f Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second class mail matter. Subscriptions during the regular school year by car- rier $4,00, by mail $5.00. REPRESENTEDF OR NATIONAL ADVERTh3ING BY National Advertising Service, Inc. College Publishers Representative 420 MADIsON AVE. NEW YORK. N.Y. CHICAGO * BOSToN o LOS ANGELES * SAN FRANCISCO Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1941-42 Editorial Staff Emile Gel$ Alvin Dann David Lachenbruch Jay McCormick Hal Wilson Arthur Hll Janet Hiatt Grace Miller Vrginia Mitchell . Managing Editor * , .Editorial 'Director . . . . City Editor Associate Editor * . Sports Editor Assistant Sports Editor . . Women's Editor . Assistant Women's Editor . . . Exchange Editor Daniel H. Huyett James B. Collins Louise Carpenter Evelyn Wright Business Staff Business Manager Associate Business Manager . Women's Advertising Manager Women's Business Manager NIGHT EDITOR: ROBERT MANTHO The editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. A College Degree In Less Than Three Years ACCELERATING the University's pro- gram for the remainder of the school year, yesterday's action by the Deans' Con- ference has made it possible to graduate some 2,000 members of the class of 1942 on Memorial Day, thus making them available for war serv- ice three weeks early. The easiest thing to say about all of this is that it is only the beginning. This precedent-breaking change, far severer than anything known to the college student of 1917-18 when a somewhat bungling Student Army Training Corps commandeered fraternity houses and the Union, is the product of some able and systemized work of the newly-created Uni- versity War Board, headed by Prof. Louis A. Hopkins. The speed-up will have done a job well when it turns out a completely trained senior class three weeks earlier than had been planned. But what after that? IT IS APPARENT that only one thing can fol- low: the University of Michigan should be put on a three semester year schedule which will offer a four year college education in two years and eight months. We would not be the first to adopt a plan of this type. Other colleges, not- ably Oberlin, in Ohio, have already squeezed their full educational program into eight consecutive .semesters, some making the summer work com- pulsory, others allowing the student to elect the additional work. If no such plan were adoted the present speed-up will be rendered useless once we have prematurely dropped the senior class. That such a plan will be initiated here is probably depen- dent upon the special meeting of the University Council Monday and the regular Regents meet- ing Jan. 30. DEAN ALBERT C. FURSTENBERG has taken the lead by arranging for a "third semester" in both the Medical and Dental schools to com- mence on June 7. All students not graduating in May will be asked, he said, to stay for sum- mer work and entering freshmen will be en- couraged to enroll this June. In a conversation with a Daily reporter yesterday, Dean Ivan C. Crawford of the Engineering School said that his staff was already using the three semester year as a nucleus for their future plans. As students, we're not going to find this ac- celerated program too easy to take. It will mean all-out work from here on in so let's for- get about the new exam schedule which won't be announced until Saturday anyway. .-Will Sapp Russia's Place In The World Conflict.. . W AR OPERATIONS of the United States have undoubtedly been ham- pered by the fact that advantageous bases for bombing Japanese shipping close to home, and Japan itself, are lacking. As yet we have heard of no activity from the Aleutian Island bases, which were not completed by the time the war opened. Right now the best bases for U. S. planes are to be found at Vladivostok and Siberia, buts Russia has not declared war on Japan. and has refused u the use of the air rights at the peace conference, and other posi- tive assurances that she will have equal bar- gaining power after the war, as well as during the war, murmurs of "selfishness" and typical Communist "tricks" are again being removed from their wrappings. UNFORTUNATELY, the Russians have every right to demand guarantees in writing be- fore committing themselves to any policy which will automatically bring war with Japan upon them. Their demands are bigger than the ques- tion of Communism or democracy. Russia is fighting with the democracies against a com- mon enemy, but she only began fighting when her territory was invaded. Russia might well base her demands on the immediate past. She was not invited to Munich, she was not consulted about any part of Brit- ain's and France's war strategy. She was willing to make a deal with Britain after the war started, but the British took so long to decide whether to soil their hands by dealing with Communists that Russia turned in the other direction. Before we can speak against Russia, we had better examine our own, and our ally's past ac- tions. Ideologies have no place in considering Russia's actions now, or in the peace discussions which will follow the war. Guarantees may be unnecessary between Britain and the United States, but Russia has only the past actions of these two countries to look back on. As far as Russia is concerned, it would be better to "re- member Munich" than Pearl Harbor. -Eugene Mandeberg Campus Aids Drive Against Paper Waste . . . U NCONTROLLED and unnecessary waste is finally meeting a new ad- versary in the OPM Bureau of Conservation. This office has been set up to find uses for numerous waste products that are being thrown away and destroyed as refuse. One of the valuable features of the "War Against Waste" is that material which seems useless in one part of the country may be valu- able in another section where such materials may be at a premium. Because of sectional differences the OPM has announced its intention of zoning the nation with regard to its natural and manufacturing resources. In accord with this national drive the local Junior Chamber of Commerce is now cooperat- ing with fraternities, sororities and cooperatives in collecting old newspapers, books and maga- zines from which the much-needed paper for industry will be derived. The Chamber is being aided by business firms which are donating trucks and drivers. IT IS HOPED that this drive which is being held in Ann Arbor for the second month will be continued throughout the duration of the war. The reclamation of hitherto waste mater- ials will not only aid in the carrying on of the war effort but will teach the American people a lasting lesson in economics which will not be soon forgotten.o-T. O. King The Reply Churlish by TOUCHSTONE Dear readers: In regard to the new final examination schedule and no spring vacation and books mumble mumble mumble, I wish to say at this time that mumble mumble ha ha ha ha ha ha HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA-(At this point Mr. Touchstone was carried scream- ing and kicking from the office. He has set up a cot in Graduate Reading Room Three. No visitors. He said to tell you so long until soon.) DRAMA Someone suggested that the best title for George Washington Slept Here would be George Kaufman Slipt Here. In spite of this criticism, Burns Mantle saw fit to include the play in his selection of the 10 best plays of the last season. The play must (?) have something therefore. This 'something' is an abundance of good old- fashioned belly laughs. Actually, aside from the laughs, it offers an excellent and humorous study of apartment-dwellers in the throes of the "Back to Nature" mania. This is a good comedy, and the first-night audience ate it up. The play has an amazing array of phenomena, natural and otherwise. The most outstanding of these is Raymond, the brat nephew, who steals every scene in which he appears. Then, there is a hurricane. And, if this isn't enough, Mary Ellen Wheeler as the noncommital Miss Wilcox hangs around. We are treated to a dis- play of leaky ceilings, falling plaster, and crash- ing glass. It's all done in a very convincing manner, and the stagecraft crew deserves a lot of credit for its work. There were several rather unfortunate flaws which will undoubtedly be ironed out by the second performance. Veitch Purdom as Annabelle Fuller carried the entire play. As the harassed city-born wife, she gave complete credence to her role. Bill Altman, the enthusiastic and helpless husband, was weaker than I have ever seen him. The finesse he displayed in Jim Dandy and The Blue Bird was conspicuously absent from his performance. Rena Leslie, one of the richest roles in the play, was very adequately handled by Carol Freeman. I first saw her in Brumm's Bingham Bingles, and she has improved considerably since then. Professor Halstead, hiding behind an astound- ing amount of padding, was excellent as Uncle Stanley. Margaret Cotton, looking strangely like Dean Alice Lloyd, was excellent foil for John Hathaway, the aforementioned nehew. Dorothy Haydel, in her old role of Hester, the Drew Pedr% Robert S.AlleR RIO DE JANEIRO-Nearly every Pan Ameri- can conference in recent years has had its Argentina prima donna who has left the stage in a huff just as the chorus of 21 republics was ready to shout hurrah for Hemisphere harmony. This one promises to be no exception. The first Pan American conference this re- porter attended, at Havana in 1928, was dis- rupted when the Argentine Ambassador packed his trunks because Calvin Coolidge and Charles E. Hughes wouldn't O.K. a customs union. And the last conference at Lima, Peru, was kept waiting by temperamental Argentine Foreign Minister Cantillo, who took a couple of weeks off at a mountain resort in Chile, refusing to go near a telephone to O.K. the last act of the conference. TODAY, the gentleman scheduled to do the prima donna act on behalf of Argentina is new Foreign Minister Enrique Ruiz-Guinazu. Ruiz-Guinazu is to South America what Col. Lindbergh and Senator Wheeler were to the U. S. A. before Pearl Harbor-only much more so. He is married to a German, has very definite sympathies with Spanish Dictator Franco, has spent a large part of his life as a diplomat in Europe, and believes that Argentina's future must lockstep with Europe, not with the U. S. A. No Argentine Meat Some people attribute Argentina's lack of cooperation with the United States to the fact that every time President Roosevelt proposes buying a few cans of tinned beef, Senator O'Mahoney of Wyoming or Senator Connally of Texas lashes out against Argentine meat. Or even when we undertake to admit Argentine meat from the remote Island of Terra del Fuego, the tip end of the country where hoof and mouth disease does not exist, the American Livestock Association yells to high heaven. However, the real fact is that the bulk of the Argentine people forgive our cow-Senators and understand that this is just playing politics. Furthermore the great bulk of the Argentine people are 99 percent with us. PERHAPS we have Adolf Hitler to thank for it, but the U. S. A. was never so popular in Argentina as it is today. You would think that Roosevelt was the President of Argentina, judg- ing by his popularity in Buenos Aires. But this is among the Argentine people-not with the government. The government repre- sents the old aristocratic ranch owners, who came into power through the revolution of 1930 and have been using Tammany methods to keep themselves in power ever since. Anti-U.S. Records Therefore, Foreign Minister Ruiz-Guinazu is not out of step with his government when he bucks the U. S. A., Brazil, and other anti-Axis countries. Here is the recent record of the ul- tra-reactionary Argentine Government: 1. A "subversive plot" in the Argentine Air Corps was reported last September. Government opponents now charge the "plot" was deliber- ately staged by the government itself in order to pretend to put it down. 2. Rigging the elections in Buenos Aires prov- ince last month to prevent the dominantRadical party from gaining further strength in the Con- gress. Then, to prevent protests against such rigging, the Conservative government declared a state of siege. 3. Banning a pro-U. S. demonstration after Japan had provoked war. The Radicals, through their pro-U. S. Accion Argentina, laid plans for a public tribute to Roosevelt, but the govern- ment outlawed the demonstration as "un- neutral." The People And The Government Chief ace in the hand of the United States is the resentment of the Argentine people against this political rule. Already the unrest of the Argentine public has pushed its conservative government into declaring that the U. S. is not a belligerent, which gives our warships the fa- cilities of A gentine ports hitherto denied to Britain and other. belligerents. However, the general Argentine public does not consider this enough and most of them will be rooting for the Welles-Aranha policy at Rio. Jap Inquiry On Coast WASHINGTON-After three years' probing of subversive activities, it takes a lot to excite Representative Martin Dies, but the other day the rangy Texan hit on a discovery that took his breath away. His committee has been making a sweeping inquiry of Jap fifth-columning on the West Coast, including subversive teaching in Japan- ese language schools located all over Southern California. Investigators found that from the primary grades up students in these schools are indoctrinated with militarism and the ideol- ogy of their Japanese ancestors. PRIMER BOOKS, for instance, are filled with pictures of the Japanese flag and soldiers, accounts of the greatness of the Jap navy, and stories with titles like "My Brother Enlisted in the Army." However, the thing that stunned Dies was a portion of a story titled "Submarines." Although IDAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN THURSDAY, JANUARY 15, 1942 VOL. LIl. No. 79 Publication in the Daiy Official Bulletin Is construetive nol ie to all nember of theUniversity. Noices University Council: There will be a meeting of the University Council on Monday, January 19, at 4:15 p.m., in the Rackham Amphitheater. The meeting will be relative to informa- tion about the War Program of the University. Louis A. Hopkins, Secretary University Senate: The members of the University Senate are invited to attend a special meeting of the University Council for the discussion of various aspects of the University's adjustment to wartime conditions at 4:15 p.m., Monday, January 19, in the Rackham Amphitheater. To Members of the Faculty, Staff and Student Body: Attention of everyone is called to the Lost and Found department of the Business Office, Room 1, University Hall, In- Cuiry concerning lost articles should be made promptly at the above men- tioned office. Articles found on the campus and in University buildings should be turned over immediately. Those articles not called for within 60 days will be surrendered to the finder. Shirley W. Smith To All Preforestry Students: There will be a meeting of all preforestry students tonight, 7:00-8:00, in Room 319 at the Michigan Union. I Professor Robert Craig, Jr., Mr. Frank Murray, and Professor L. J. Young will attend, and some of the interesting things about sophomore summer camp will be taken up. Also, if time permits, questions concerning choice between enlistment in armed forces and continuing in school will be considered. The meeting should not last more than an hour. Come if you can. S. T. Dana, Dean! Freshmen and Sophomores, Col- lege of Literature, Sciene, and the Arts: Appointments for approval of elections for the second semester may be made by calling at the Office of the Academic Counselors, 108 Mason Hall, or by telephoning Ext. 613. Be- cause of the change in the examina- tion schedule, it is absolutely imper- ative that you keep your appoint- ments with your Counselors as sched- uled. Failure to do this will make it impossible for you to register at the proper time, Arthur Van Duren, Chairman Academic Counselors. Student Loans: All men students desiring loans for the second semes- ter should file their applications at the Dean of Students Office, Room 2, University Hall, at once. Office of the Dean of Students All Women students are reminded; that they must register any change of residence for the second semester; in the Office of the Dean of Women; by noon of January 19. They must also inform their househead of their intention by that date. Summer Jobs: Registration is be- ing held this weekgofistudents inter- ested in working next summer in camps, in resorts, in industry, or in. various other types of jobs. In order that the Bureau may be of the most services it is urged that all students interested register now. The blank may be obtained at the Bureau of Appointments and Occupational In- formation, 201 Mason Hall, hours 9-12 and 2-4. University Bureau of Appointments and Occupational Information The University Bureau of Appoint- ments has been notified of the fol- lowing Civil Service Examination. Applications will be received until further notice, and the first exam- ination for these positions will be; held on January 24, 1942. Trainee-Repairman, Signal Corps Equipment, $1,440 (six-months train- ing with pay). This examination is open to both men and women. The place of em- ployment will be Signal Corps, Sixth; Corps Area, War Department, Head- quarters, Chicago, Ill. Further information may be ob- tained from the notice of the examin- ation which is on file at the Bureau of Appointments, 201 Mason Hall, office hours 9-12 and 2-4. Bureau of Appointments and Occupational Information The Bureau of Appointments has receivedliotification of the next Gov- ernment-sponsored Meteorology pro- gram. This program will start on March 2, instead of July 1 as origin- ally scheduled. Candidates must be over twenty but not over twenty-sev- en years of age, and citizens of the United States. Those selected by the Army will have the status of Avi- ation Cadet, non-flying, and Navy group will be Ensigns in the Naval Reserve -AV(S)- on active duty. The tuition fee will be paid by the government, and both Aviation cadets and Ensigns will receive a monthly pay during training. Col- lege seniors without degrees will be eligible for the Army. Those select- ed by the Navy must have Bachelor's degrees prior to enlistment. n D "It's inspiring and heart-warming to have our enitiremem1-ber"- ship volunteer for defense work--now we'll be able to g et a wholesale price on our uniforms." GRIN AND BEAR IT By Lichty lowing Civil Service examinations. The closing date of each is noted. Michigan State Civil Service Nursing Consultant III, $250, Janu- ary 31, 1942. Hydro-Geologist II, $200, January 24, 1942. Medical Social Worker Al, $145, January 21, 1942. Corporation & Real Estate Execu- tive IV, $325, January 24, 1942. Game Research Biologist A-, $135, January 21, 1942. Petroleum Engineer I, $155, Janu- ary 21, 1942. Fish Culture Aide B, $115, January 21, 1942. Detroit Civil Service Junior Welfare Investigator (male) $1,560, January 16, 1942. Telephone Operator, $1,500, Jan- uary 20, 1942. Auto Electric Repairman, $1.00 per hour, January 22, 1942. Transportation Equipment Opera- tor (Male), 79c to 84c per hr., Febru- ary 2, 1942. Public Health Nurse (Grade 1), $1,560, until further notice. General Staff Nurse (Relief) $1,680, until further notice. General Staff Nurse (Permanent), $1,680, until further notice. New York Civil Service Assistant Mechanical Engineer, $3,120 up to but not including $4,260, January 26, 1942 (application forms must be obtained from the Civil Service office, 299 Broadway, New York City.) Further information on these ex- aminations may be obtained from the office of the Bureau of Appoint- ments, 201 Mason Hall. Office hours, 2-4, 9-12. Bureau of Appointments and Occupational Information Academic Notices Chemistry 55 and Chemistry 169E Laboratory: The final examination fwill be given on Tuesday, January 20, 4:00-6:00 p.m., in place of the examination originally scheduled for that date. Economics 147, Latin-American Economic Problems, which was orig- inally scheduled for the first semes- ter, will be offered during the second semester and will be conducted by Professor D. M. Phelps of the School of Business Administration. Intensive Japanese Course: Stu- dents seeking information about this course to be offered in the second semester are asked to meet at 2029 Angell Hall today at 4:00 p.m. Doctoral Examination for Joseph Harold Burckhalter, Pharmaceutical. Chemistry, thesis: "Alpha-Thieny- laminoalkanes," Friday, January 16, 309 Chemistry, 2:00 p.m. Chairman, F. F. Blicke. By action of the Executive Board, the chairman may invite members of the faculties and advanced doctoral candidates to attend the examina- tion and he may grant permission to those who for sufficient reason might wish to be present. C. S. Yoakum, Dean Physical Education for Women: Individual sport tests in Badminton, Fencing, Swimming, Riding and Ice Skating in the regular class periods. Students not enrolled in classes who wish to take the tests should in- quire in Office 15, Barbour Gymnasi- um as to the time when these classes meet. Exhibitions Exhibition, College of Architecture and Design: A display of work by members of Alpha Alpha Gamma, national honorary society for women in architecture and the allied arts, is being shown in the ground floor cases, Architecture Building, from January 13 through January 21. Open daily 9 to 5 except Sunday. The pub- Monday, January 19, at 4:15 p.m. in toom 101 Archetecture Building. The public is invited. Events Today Psychological Journal Club will meet tonight at 7:30 in the East Con- ference.Room of the Rackham Build- ing. I. A. Berg, D. Roberts, and R. Weisman will discuss some aspects of the goal-gradient hypothesis. The meeting will be followed by a social hour and refreshments. All who are interested are cordially invited. Zoological Movies will be shown in the Nat. Sci. Aud. today at 4:10 p.m. The program includes: "Invertebrates of the Maine Coast," Dr. J. A. Miller; "Echinodermata," Dr. F. E. Eggleton; "Reproduction in Mammals," and "Heredity," both sound films. Open to all interested. La Sociedad Iispanica will meet tonight at 8:00 in the Michigan League. An interesting program has been arranged and everyone is cor- dially invited. See Bulletin in League for room number. The University of Michigan's Wo- men's Glee Club will hold special re- hearsals tonight at 7:00 and on Fri- day at 1:30 p.m. Absences unexcus- able. Be dressed to leave when you come Friday afternoon. The Social Service Seminar, study- ing the social problems arising in defense industrial areas, will meet at Lane Hall tonight at 7:30 for a review of their work, reports of committees, and plans for future study. Senior Ball Central Committee meeting today at 5:00 p.m. in the Union. Those who cannot attend, please call Tom Williams at 2-4481. Course in the Rules of Parliamen- tary Procedure will be given by Mor- tar Board for all women on campus. Second and third sessions today and Friday at 4:15 p.m. at the Michigan League. Bridge Tournament: The tenth in the regular series of Duplicate Bridge tournaments will be held in the League tonight from 7:15 until 11:00. The room will be posted on the League bulletin board. Prizes are offered, and students, faculty, and townspeople are invited. "George Washington Slept Here" by George S. Kaufman and Moss Hart will be presented through Satur- day night at 8:30 p.m. as- the third production of the season by Play Production of the Department of Speech. This is a revival of the sell- out hit of our last summer season. The box-office will be open from 10 a.m. to 8:30 p.m. the remainder of the week. Michigan Dames Art Group will meet. tonight at 8:00 at the home of Mrs. C. V. Wellers, 1130 Fair Oaks Pkwy. Anyone wishing transporta- tion should meet at the League, Main Desk, at 7:45 p.m. Coming Events The Research Club will meet in the Rackham Amphitheatre Wednesday evening, January 21, at eight o'clock. The papers to be read are: "Shake- speare's Imagery" by Professor Here- ward T. Price, and "The Bird Fauna of Yucatan" by Professor Josselyn Van Tyne. Coffee Hour for Faculty and Grad- uate Students of Latin and Greek will be held Friday, January 16, at 4:15 p.m. in the West Conference Room of Rackham Building. Petitioning for Assembly Ball com- mittee will last till Saturday noon of this week. Interviewing will take place next Monday, Tuesday 'and -1 .j