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September 30, 1941 - Image 22

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1941-09-30

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Where To Meet. How To Treati

7 - .,... . . - -

Freshmen Puzzles Advisers
The song of the freshman adviser- same time you were. One ad
Tt so rattled that we heard hE
Tomorrow at 8 a.m. by the west door her group she',d meet then
Of the League-Yes, Angell Hall 'is WestDr of heC mey Foe
that big building with the white col-West Door of the Cooley Fo
umns, you can't miss it-Now be on 3 p 'm
time-in other words, don't be late- But being an adviser did
No, I'm sorry, you'll have to attend compensations definitely.
the meeting tonight and have your meeting some of the future7
date later"-and so on ad infinitum. B.W.O.C.'s, we really had1
-ftefilln otatheblu chance since we were fres
Alter filling out all the blanks find out just how much we'd
which were given him by those lead- about the campus. Sometime
ers of men and women (the advisers), we were still pretty much in1
any freshman who doesn't now know although it's well known th
what class he's in, where he lives, men are the world's bestc
"where and when he was born, et askers and for a good reaso
cetera, ought to incur at least the Call Men Young
penalty of life imprisonment in an
institution for hopeless somebodies. One thing in particular w
Advisers Gd Crazy! about the freshmen girls. T
And any adviser who 'didn't go remark on seeing their ma
slightly balmy trying to think of new mates en masse was, "Do
places to meet their freshmen before look like infants thouglb?"
appointments, is also to be heartily we haven't heard the view
congratulated. It always turned out the men, but it might pro'
that about five other groups were esting. We also noticed - a
meeting in the League lobby or by young ladies, that they're n
the North End of the Library at the fully bewildered, except may
dircetions. They're quite
.a'i. socially pretty much at eas
for getting acquainted withr
C Imen, well on their ways.
SCollege Here For Education
The freshman women all ii
bportswear they're coming to Michigar
education. Possibly true, b
Come in and see our selection of time there was a mass meetin
uled during orientation we
skirts, Jerkins, blouses and camel would timidly ask if it we
hair Jackets. We also handle the both boys and girls. When
well known "by petti" line > of forced to say no, a glooin'
clothes. Look your very best on would ensue, leaving us fev
campus and on dates in clothes that cXplain that it was all goi
are moderately priced from extremely worthwhile anyw
THE After these said meeting
alo seemed to be an unusua
of young men milling aro
J.Yide, and not by any meansu
SHOP 'all freshmen. A wolfish g1
1113 south University noticeable in many eyes-
looked over the new crop ofr
* ~ women.

dviser got
&r telling
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Lntain at
have its
B.M. and
our first
hmen to
d learned
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the dark,
at fresh-
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heir first#
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n't they
As yet
point of
ve inter-
bout the
ot so aw-
'be about
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,n for anI
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eek, they
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we were
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and out-
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as they

Extra Lining
Makes Coats1
Do .Double Duty
Tweed, Camel's Hair Classics,,
Reversibles Are Practical
For Campus Wear!


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Singer Claims
French Clothes
Top American
Grace Moore, Metropolitan Star
Points Out That U.S. Women
Have Tendency To Overdress
Grace Moore, the busy prima don-
na who comes to Ann Arbor Oct. 22,
has definite-ideas about fashion, and
is always more than anxious to ex-
press her opinion on the American
designer versus the French.
"Most of the American clothes I
have seen so far this year are far
from good," she said emphatically.
"Why can't our designers learn the
meaning of simplicity as the French
know it. Perhaps the fact that
French women have had to live on
a shoestring for years has been re-
sponsible for a certain economy in
dressing which is overlooked here.
American women have a tendency
to overdress, and I'm afraid too many
of our designers think more about
dollars and cents and less about
taste and distinction."
'Opportunity Knocks'
Miss Moore pointed out that now
is American designers' greatest op-
portunity since the country must de-
pend on its own resources. She sug-
gests that we lock at our shortcom-
ings, correct our mistakes and make
the most of the things we do well.
Valentina is Miss Moore's favorite
designer and he has fashioned three
new costumes for her which are
among her favorites. The first is a
gresn crepe tea-time dress pin-stud-
ded with rubies, emeralds and sapph-
ires. The colorful flower crepe hat
carries out the jewel tones and sits
back on the head to guard a sleek
pompadour. Crisp green veiling and
a silver fox scarf swirled around a
slim piece of fabric provide the final
Dinner Costume Desribed
A dinner dress of beige crepe is an-
other one of her favorites. A special
feature of this costume is several
additional aprons in various colors
that may be switched around for
Her third dress is a cobweb red
jersey dinner dress with side panels
of bright blue reaching from shoul-
ders to hem line. Kerchief knots
accentuate the shoulder line and a
crushed belt winds around the waist
and ties in a kerchief knot at the
front. For day time wear, Valentina's
meticulously tailored suits are al-
most a uniform for Miss Moore.
Prefers Low Heels
Concerning shoes, Miss Moore de-
finitely prefers moderately low heels
for occasions of every kind. "It is
perfectly absurd the way American
women teeter around on those silly
high heels," she said. "You destroy
your balance and throw your body
out of line. I think there would be
fewer divorces if women wore com-
fortable shoes because if your feet
hurt you are bound to be disagree-
able and difficult to cope with.
Miss Moore does believe, however,
that American women are beginning
to learn simplicity in dress, which
was so long the basis of French wo-
men's famous chic. And she can see
no reason why every woman cannot
look into her mirror and say "My
clothes are right."

White caps, swishing starch, whis-
pered consultations, cheerful bedside
manners, and a peculiar distinctive
odor-that's what a hospital seems
like to those whose closest contacts
have been as Dr. Kildare fans or the
victims of routine tonsillectomies.
It's what I expected too when I
started to do volunteer work at a
hospital for children in Detroit this
summer. The volunteer staff supple-
ments the work of the nurses and
paid clerks, especially in the clinics
and performs all the odd jobs the
hospital can think up.
Volunteer Work Cited
Volunteers work in registration,
where new patients are interviewed
before admission to the clinic. Most
I of the children come from families on
relief; if the father makes too much
money, his children aren't eligible
for the clinic!
A long record must be filled out for
each child-there are usually about:
eight to a family. Complications arise
when the mother speaks only Polish
or Italian or has had a series of
husbands. One poor bewildered Turk
had been deserted by his wife and
left with fifteen children, including a
six weeks old baby.
Volunteers also take doctors' notes

and make appointments. This work
is rather trying when the doctors
rattle off medical terms and look dis-
gusted if they have to spell every,
third word.
Hospital red-tape can be annoying
to both patient and nurse. Every
other child is there to have his tonsils
out before school starts, it seems. He
must be checked by the medical
clinic, the ear, nose and throat clinic
and the dentist. He must have an
X-ray and several routine laboratory
tests as well, all of which entails sev-
eral visits to the clinic and hours of
patient waiting in a stuffy booth.
The hospital often finds special
jobs for volunteers, such as making
up the extracts that are used for
testing and treatment by the allergy
clinic. If you're a hayfever or asthma
sufferer you know what those' little
shots are all about: ragweed, timothy,
house dust, kapok mattress, cotton
mattress, mixed mattress, chicken
feathers, dog danders, and all sorts
of foods from cinnamon to herring.
Makes Allergy Tests
House dust extract, for example,
is made by soaking the dust from a
vacuum cleaner in a glucose solution
for one week before it can be run
through a filter. Then sterile bottles
are filled by pipettes-little glass

straws you suck the potion up just
so far in--and the rubber stoppers
must be fitted over the mouths of
the vials without contaminating any-
Any Dr. Kildare illusions that re-
mained concerning medical institu-
tions were shattered the day I
watched my first operation. It was
disappointing not to walk into the N
glassed balcony of an amphitheater
to join an audience of intent medical
students. Instead one is tied into
a sterile gown, hair covered by a
gauze turban, and a ticklish gauze
mask is slapped over the nose and
Operation Watcher?
To stay out of the path of scurry-
ing nurses, you can stand on a plat-
form in the corner-that is you can
watch as lqng as you are able-until
your knees quiver, the ether makes
your head weave, the mask stifie
you, and you slip out inconspicuously
in search of a drink of water and a
If you still have romantic notions
about becoming a nurse and falling
in love with the head surgeon or be-
ing a ministering angel to suffeing
soldiers, a la your favorite*cincrna.
just volunteer for work at a hospital
and see what it's really like.

Keen Enthusiasm Of Dr. Kildare
Fan Dulls At Hospital's Odd Jobs

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rood personal grooming
"must" for campus populf
(That means clean, soft
well-manicured hands, a
complexion). Let us get yo
the swing of things with a
fall hairstyle - accent on y
and naturalness
LYNN'S Beauty SI
530 South Forest Ph. 2

is a
: in

fto dress up
in our excusihet
For those special occasiqhs on
your calendar you will want a
MARION CAROL in Buttertop, a
rayon fabric by Duplex in fes-
tive colors. Wpderfully cut for
perfect fit, the most becoming
dress you've ever owned in gab-
addine and featherweight wool-
en, long and short sleeves.
Sizes 12 to 20
$12.95 and $1.x,7

* * *
One classics coat you must have.
And make it one than will "do" from
September to May! Coat manufac-
turers seem to have taken a college
woman's budget as well as her needsl
whQn they designed that wonderful
coat with its extra removable lining.
Successor to the reversible, it has be-
come the collegienne's pet.
Right for class in early fall without
the lining, right for sitting unchilled
while Michigan beats Ohio State in
blustery weather, right over a wool
date dress on weekends. What more
could one ask of a coat? The prin-
ciple of the separate lining is the
same but manufacturers have given
it several variations.
Wool Fleece Smart
A smart single-breasted one of
shaggy biege wool fleece with giant
pearl buttons is lined with satin,
while the extra warm zip-in leather
ining is made with, a free action that
;ives with every body movement. Or
try herringbone tweed in soft tones
that offers extra comfort in wind-
breaker sleeves and inner-grip-wrists
plus, mind you, an interior of rabbit's
fur for when zero blasts so unmerci-
fully at you. Weatherproofing by
the Cravenette process and a wool
lining are the attractions of anather
Come wind, come rain, the beloved
reversible will keep you warm and
dry. Lush tweeds, soft to the touch,
mad plaids to match your collection
of skirts, and trim tailoring on both
sides, plus guaranteed waterproofing
make for a coat, equally good-looking
no matter which side is outside.
For Town And Country
Not for a one-and-only coat, but in
keeping with the impeccably well-
dressed look of Princeton men is the
greatcoat of cotton gabardine, fleece-
lined, fleece-collared in bright, bright
colors such as red or green. This isI
a campus coat, for sports and coun-,
try, but it's a full four years' coat.
Have a red coat for your one andj
only-yes red to wear on campus, in'
town, over tweeds, over formals. It's
of fleecy wool, lined with quilted satin
and faced with laskin moutin all
down the front. Wear it so your



friends can spot you half-way across
the diagonal.
Lamb Is New Pet
Sturdy, but different is the new pe
of white curly lamb-if you're in the
market for a fur coa4. to wear at the
closing fociball games and as an eve-
ning wrap. Itis a reefer lined in, red
flannel, buttoned in crystal.
Strictly for rainy days, but des-
tined to make you pray for cloudy
skys, is the blazer raincoat-gabardine
piped in navy with a monogram on
the sleeve and an overseas cap to
match. Sabots of rawhide with
wocden soles will keep your feet dryl
tho' you wade through every puddlej
between Angell and the Engine Arch.
For day-in, day-out, three seasons
of the year wear, get yourself a classic'
reefer or box coat in tweed or camel's
hair; it will stand four years of cam-
pus wear and then some.
Kappa Delta Elects
Kappa Delta sorority announce the
election of officers: Margaret Meyer,
'42, of Detroit, president; Jean Rake-
straw, '42, vice-president; Marjorie
Bowen, '43, secretary; Donelda Eagle,
'43, treasurer; Alice Dehlin, '44, as-
sistant treasurer; and Marilynn Sav-
age, '44, editor.

B'e a
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Snatcher ...


Borrowed from the boys but
tailored in feminine terms
from deep, fluffy 100%
KENJWOOD wool. Perfect
for campus wear or "just
roughing it". Deep, roomy
pockets and generous arm



Don't forgel, .your -new hair-do
is Just as importat as your
smartest dress. Let our expert
stl ists ereale one for yon.

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BEANIE ... $2.00




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