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January 13, 1942 - Image 5

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The Michigan Daily, 1942-01-13

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£uE~Aiax 139 1942x '~ THE M[CHIGAN DAILY
Petitioning For Assembly BCommittees Start'

od a



Main Function


s Scheduled

Eligible Independent Women
May Petition For Committees
Until Saturday Noon, Jan. 17
Petitioning for committee positions
on this year's Assembly Bail, to be
held March 6, will begin today, to
continue until noon Saturday, Jan.
17, Jean Hubbard, '42, president of
Assembly, announced..
A eligible independent women
may petition for work on the various
committees connected with the dance,
which is the largest social event of
the indepgident school year. Those
women who intend to petition for
central committee positions must also
Oe interviewed by the Assembly
Board from 3:30 p.m. to 5 p.m., Mon-
day, Tuesday, or Wednesday of next



Board To Interview
Intervieyvs at this time will be con-
ducted by the four officers of As-
sembly and the presidents of the four
groups which make up the body ot
the, organization; the League houses,
the dormitories, the Ann Arbor In-
dependents, and Beta Kappa Rho.
/ Central committee positions open
for petitioning are: general chair-
man, assistant general chairman,
decorations, publicity, finance, pa-
trons, and tickets. All women wh~o
wish to work must petition however,
whether they want a central post or
work as a-committeeman.
State Ideas Fully
In filling out their petitions, wo-
men are asked to state their ideas
as fully as possible and to try to bring
ideas for the theme f the 'dance to
their interview, said Miss Hubbard.
All those to be interviewed must
bring eligibility cards with them, she
Petitions may be handed in at the
Undergraduate Office of the League
in a box marked for that purpose.
The room in which the interviewing
will be held, will be announced later.

Year's Second


Coke .Bar To'Be
Today At Union
Nancy Griffin, '43; will act as host-
ess at the second regular coke bar of
the season which will by held from
3:30 to 5:30 p.m. today in the small
ballroom of the Union, according to
Bob Templin, '43, general chairman.
Special invitations have been ex-
tended to th wdmen of Kappa Kappa
Gamma, Delta Delta Delta, Stock-
well Hall and Martha Cook Build-
ing. Men students issued special in-,
vitations are residents of Adams
House, Allen-Rumsey House, and
members of Beta Theta Pi.
Coffee, tea, cokes and cookies will
be served 'on the terrace'to everyone
attending free of charge. As a part
of her duties, Miss Griffin will pre-
side at the tea table. Music will be
by record, and the escort service
used so successfully at the first coke
bar will be furnished by members of
the ROTC.
Each week certain canipus groups
are issued special invitations to the
coke bar, but this does not limit at-
tendance to members of those groups,
Templin said. Any one may attend
and is urged to do so.
F Lc -r~iin To

Historic Building
Is Made Home
For LaQuardia
The city of New York at long last
has decided to give its mayor an of-
ficial residence. The decision to re-
novate the famous 142-year-old
Gracie Mansion for use as a mayoral
White House was made last week by
the Board of Estimate, and if things
go as planned the LaGuardias can
move in April 1.
Tfie selection of the historic house
solves several problems that have been
pestering the city's councilmen. In
the first place the building has exist-
ed since 1927 as what the New York
Times discreetly terms a "not very
popular" public mueum.
May Bp Fixture
Then there's the probable possi-
bility of Fiorello becoming practic-
ally 'a permanent fixturetaround the
city's mayoral quarters, that is, un-
less his job in organizing Civilian
Defense takes up too much of his
time. For the past nine years the
"Little Flower," his wife and two
adopted children have been living in
a Fifth Avenue apartment house bor-
dering on the edge of Harlem.
The hard-working, energetic mayor
of New York is always on the go, and
right now he is especially busy with
defense, and this means an added
worry for the harassed councilmen,
whose only h'ope as it was expressed
by the Bronx Borough President, is
that "the Mayoy will be in town long
enough to hold a house-warming
and to enjoy the facilities of his new
Built In 1799
The new mayoral mansion was built
in 1799 on a plot of land known as
Horn's Hook, overlooking the East
River and Hell's Gate, a site which
even then possessed an exciting his-
tory. The first owner of the plot
was one Sibout Claessen of Hoorn on
the Zuider Zee, who settled in New
Amsterdam in 1646.
The tfarm was bought by a Jacob
Walton.in 1760 when he married the
mayor's daughter. During the Revo-
lution an American fort was con-
structed in the front yard, but Bri-
tish warship guns destroyed both the
fort and the house. After the cap-
ture of New York, the land became
a British army camp site until 1783.
Had Famous Guests
The present house was built by Mr.
Gracie who bought the land after the
revolution. It was in this mansion,
now to be occupied by New York's
future mayors, that such guests as
Louis Philippe, John Quincy Adams,
Washington Irving, James Fenimore
Cooper, John Jacob Astor, and Alex-
ander Hamilton were entertained.
The farm became Carl Schrz
Park, in 1911, 'in honor of the Ger-
manf revolutionary who became Lin-
coln's friend and helped to found the
Republican Party. As a public park
it has been the favorite haunt of
housewives with their perambulators
and litle boys with their baseball
Now the public will still be able
to satisfy their curiosity by walking

J4 1U4
Petites Pommes de Terre
Since a great deal in the way of fraternity dances and general hilarity
did not go on over the weekend, we have decided that, as a matter of policy,
this would be exactly the right time for us, as a representative of The Michi-
gan Daily, that great organ of collegiate information, to give you a short
outline of just exactly what a fraternity is and what its place is in the life of
the male collegian.
But where to turn to, we ask ourself, for an accurate account of fratern-
ity life and ideals? Where will we get the true picture if what the Brotherly
Existence means? The Brotherly Existence-with all its deeply sympathetic
feeling; the Brotherly Existence, with its bits of bits of clean young boyish
laughter, its moments of poignant sorrow, its glances into happy college days.,
Well, we slap the answer right back at ourself-where else should one
turn but to the authoritative booklet which Interfraternity, itself, puts out.
pe sv lSurely, if anyone can give us the feedbox stuff, this
is the agency that will do it.
-ySo we rush quickly to our filing cabinet to
snatch out the booklet "Fraternities At The Univer-
sity of Michigan" which has duly been put into male
freshman hands at the beginning of the fall term
and which we have saved because it contains a pic-
ture of Jim Tobin gathered around a piano.
The first glimpse of What A Fraternity Really Is
is contained in the first article which is headed, "The Advantages of Fra-
ternity Life." We quote:
"To some, a fraternity represents nothing more than a college night
club; others see a fraternity as a group of boys in coonskin coats looking for a
good time in college and nothing else." (Oh, gad, no, fellows-where would
we get that idea?)
But let's go on: "Yet to those who are or have been members of a col-
lege fraternity these ideas hold no weight. They realize that a fraternity is
a group of 45 or 50 . . . carefully chosen . . . men banded together for the
purpose of getting the most out of their college years."
Now let's just think that over for a minute and let it clarify in our
minds. In fact, let's help it to crystallize by picturing a typical scene in a
fraternity house. Forty or fifty carefully-chosen men are sitting around in
the den (mentioned later in the book as a place which holds "interesting
books and appropriate furniture" (We pass up this opportunity to make
a few Freudian remarks) getting the most out of their college years.
Fifteen of the group are in one corner conducting themselves in a rigid
drill in "training in the social graces"-an advantage of fraternity life which
is giventa good deal of space also in this valuable pamphlet. The training
consists of short drills on the use of silverware and careful explanations of
the best methods of tucking your roommates socks under at the toes if they
are too big for you. From time to time sharp yipes are heard as a brother
stabs himself in the cheek with an oyster fork.
Suddenly, another Carefully Selected Man enters the room. He, too,
has been reading "Fraternities At The University of Michigan"-but he has
read even farther. He has come to the article on "Housing"-and joy of
joys! his eyes have run across something which -
will help all the boys get the most out of their
college years.
"Look," he says, "I have something here which
can help us all get the most out of our college
years. Here's a picture of a couple of us fraternity
fellows making statues in the snow. The caption #
is 'Snow Sculpturing is a Fraternity Pastime.' Let's °
all go out and snow sculpture." Screams of de-
light are heard from the boys as they realize all
the delightful possibilities in this suggestion. They
rush out into the front yard and quickly whip together a rough version of
The Discus Thrower. "Gosh," the cries of delight come, "this is more fun
than a barrelo monkeys!" .-
Every bit of the gay good times which are hinted at in this brochfre is
contained in the final punch-full sentence which winds up the "Housing"
story. It is our particular favorite. "Mealtime," it reports, "in a fraternity
is one of the many times that all the fellows get together."
right up to the mayor's front porch, Parents Announce
fnr the ara will nly be inclosed by

To Keep You

One can't be witty through chat-
tering teeth, can one? Well, why not
avoid that trouble?
One step in this direction is a warm
glove and scarf combination. Done
in white knit this set would answer
the double problem of (1) being flat-
tering, and (2) corresponding with
any outfit. If one would prefer, mit-
tens instead of gloves may be pur-
chased with the set.
Bunny fur mittens have put on a
new face with the innovation of red
or blue leather palms. Brown leather
tailored gloves trimmed with beige
and lined with fur; or adaptations of
hockey mittens, all combine to make
up an excellent selection of winter
warmth for frigid fingers.
Campus Qroups
Are Welcomed
At Ruthven Tea
Students will be welcomed at the
first Ruthven Tea of the new year,
to take place from 4 p.m. to 6 pm.
tomorrow at the president's home,
with Elizabeth Steffen, '42, in charge.
Ten campus groups' have r'eceived
special invitations, including Pi Beta
Phi, Collegiate Sorosis, Alpha Phi,
Mosher Hall, Zone I of the League
houses, Greene House' and Hinsdale
House of East Quadrangle, Phi Delta
Theta, Sigma Chi and Chi Psi.
Housemothers To Pour
Pouring from 4 p.m. to 5 p.m. will
be Mrs. Joseph Kallenbach of Greene
House, and Mrs. Agnes Clark qf Al-
pha Phi. They will be succeeded dur-
ing the second hour by Mrs. Alice
Kline of Mosher Hall and Mrs. Hazel
Overton of Pi Beta Phi. Jane Honey,
'43, will be the student assistant in
charge of the dining room, aided by
Margaret Harmon, '44, and Ruth
Jean Wood, '43.
Group I, headed by Marjorie Stork-
an, '43, and Group II under Jane
Honey, '43, will be in the living room
from 4 p.m. to 5 p.m. Group III under
Dorpthy Cummings, '43, and Group
IV'under Mary Eleanor Brown, '43,
will be in the dining room during
that period. At five o'clock the two
groups will exchange places.
Attendance is required of those on
the social committee, and two unex-
cused, absences constitute a dismissal.


Meeting Announced

a fence on three sides, so the La-
Guardia's view from the broad lawn
where Washington's men once set
up guns to hold Manhattan from the
British, will not be spoiled.
Since the new residence is not ex-
actly habitable in its present condi-
tion, the W.P.A. will have the job of
installing modern plumbing and heat-
ing fixtures in the altered rooms.
Then the directors of the Museum of
the City of New York, the Metropoli-
tan Museum of Art end the Brooklyn
Museum have been asked to select
from their historic colonial collec-
tions enough furniture to fill the
rather barren dwelling.
So by the first of April, New York's
favorite son, the "Little Flower" from
Manhattan's lower East Side, will
have the privilege of sleeping in a
mahogany four-poster, circa 1740,
which, tradition has it, was one of
the many fabled beds in which George
Washington stretched his weary
limbs to sleep.

Students' Betrothal
Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Upson, of Ham-
burg, New York, recently announced
the engagement of their daughter,
Kathryn, '43, to Rollins Low, '42, son
of Mr. and Mrs. F. H. Low, also of
Miss Upson is affiliated with Chi
Omega, has worked on Sophomore
Cabaret and is working on this year's
JGP, Mr. Low is a member of Theta
Chi fraternity. No date has been set
for the wedding as yet.

Members of Scroll will, meet at 4
p.m. today in the Leagues Mildred
Radford, '42, president, has an-
nounced. Since the group picture for
the 'Ensian will be taken at this
time, it is important that every mem-
ber be there.
Mr. and Mrs. Emanuel Seidler of
Detroit announce the marriage of
their daughter, Rosalind, '40, to Mr.
Abe Wolovitz of Pittsburgh, Pa. The
marriage took place Dec. 24 in De-
troit. . Mrs. Wolovitz was a member
of Alpha Kappa Delta.


SiYrs tonguge
Of Year To Be 1


A French tea, the first' of this
year's language teas, will be held
from 4 p.m. to 6 p.m. today in the
Grand Rapids Room of the League
under the sponsorship of Dean Alice
Lloyd and the organization of Mrs.
Ruth L. Wendt, student language
All students who can speak French
are urged to cooperate. with this af-
fair, which is carried off by repre-
sentatives from various houses and
dormitories, as the importance of
being fluent in foreign languages has
been strongly stressed by President
Ruthven for defense and post-war
Rifle Club's Shooting
Periods Are Given
Shooting *periods for today and
Thursday have been announced by
Nancy Filstrup, '43, chairman of the
Riflery club. Those who are expected
At 4 p.m. today and Thursday are
Ward, Bjerregaard, Tomlin, Haas


colors that
of this fa

Ac L 4


Yx STRIPES in the hazy
t identify the products
amous house . . .tur-

weather Boots with warm

qluoise, coral or slate grey with







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