TE MICHIGAN DAILY TM t f= . ' 4 .. 9. f' S ; ra " l.:f {. y 4. 5.. k ' t t 4-r E Y A Editorial Staff 3mile Gei . . Managing Editor Alvin Dann . . . Editorial Director David Lachenbruch . . . . City Editor Jay McCormick . . Associate Editor 'al Wilson . . . . Sports Editor Arthur Hill . . Assistant Sports Editor t Janet Hiatt . . . Women's Editor Grace Miller . ..Assistant Women's Editor Virginia Mitchell . Exchange Editor Business Staff Daniel H. Huyett . . Business Manager James\B. Collins . . Associate Business Manager Louise Carpenter . Women's Advertising Manager Evelyn Wight Women's Business Manager NIGHT EDTIOR: WILL S PP The editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only., Leave Politics 'Out Of War Measures THE CONGRR!SS OF THE UNITED STAT'ES ought to feel proud of it- self. In the greatest crisi of American history that august body has still been able to inter-, ject politics into major policy decisions which vitally affect the welfare of tl;he people. "he action by Congress on the issue of govern- ment price control is symbolic of this serious fault. Disregarding the pleas of President Roose- velt, both the House and Senate responded to the protestations of the farm lobby and virt, ually made any effective fixing of farm com- modity prices impossible. The original bill passed by the House of Representatives included a provision permitting an increase in farm prices. This part of the bill was removed by the Sen- ate Banking Committee.: HOWEVER, the Senate left its own little trade- mark. Amendments were added to the bill prohibiting a price ceiling on a commodity be- low the average price of that product during the period of 1919-29 and ordering that parity figures be determined on the basis of the Fed- eral Reserve Board's, industrial wage index. Par- ity, wvhich is the figure that gives an agriculture commodity the purchasing power for non-farm goods equal to that in the years 1909-14, is thus raised at least ten percent. The Senate also in- sisted that no price ceiling on farm products be below .the level on December 15 and that all limits set by any price administrator on farm commodities be subject to the veto of the Secre- tary of Agriculture. Whatever is the decision of the House-Senate Conference Committee and the final version of the price control bill, this affair will undoubted- ly go down as one of the most disgusting in the history of our Congress. Even admitting the complexity of the economic problem involved and the theory that the farmer must'get a "just" share of the war prosperity, there is no excuse for the Congressional action. In fact, it is almosti unbelievable that the welfare of a whofe people should be at the mercy of the lobbyist and the constituent-wise politician. IT IS NOT ESSENTIAL to discuss here again the obvious benefits of an over-all price and rent ceiling. The important issue is one that is evident in the hantling of this problem, and one that might cause serious defects in our war effort if repeated. It is the old bogey of petty politics. Congress is still pot aware that the time for that has'passed. The nation is engaged in a climactic struggle. Momentous decisions th'at may decide the. future of the world for generations must be made, and in making these decisions the advice of lobbyists and small pres- sure groups must necessarily be discarded. Perhaps in the end price control wiJl be es- tablished. Certainly, Congress must be made to see that politics has no place in a nation at war. Measures must be considered only from the point of whether they aid the successful prdsecu- tion of the war program. That is the duty of the people's representatives. tions of the OPM and Congress have brought so much grief to thousands of Detroit workmen, that the officials responsible should-if such a thing were conceivable-apologize to every Amer- ican. The hardships which they have brought the Detroit working men are but part of their stalling, piece-meal bludgeoning of the national interest, but the Detroit worker and his prob- lems illustrate their blundering as nothing else can. To the OPM ad its production genius Knud- sen goes a big share of the glory and the honor of starting the ball rolling, for it is to them that we must address our thanks for the rapid adop- tion of the Reuther plan and other automobile plant conversion techniques. Just stop to con- sider that it took them only a year to be forced into using Reuther's suggestions, and that now they are actually considering halting the manu- facture of automobiles. Both you and I should write our Congressman to strike a medal depict- ing the average dollar-a-year man giving his dollar's worth of service to the public interest. The other side might be a picture of coupon- clipping of General Motors stock. Knudsen, questioned about OPM plan of Jan. 5 and its similarity to the Reuther plan, "The Reuther plan was offered before Pearl Harbor." Meanwhile, we better urge that same Con- gressman to cut relief in the interests of defense spending. That will make everybody feel fine, especially the average Detroiter whose employer's plant conversion has been so horribly misman- aged as to leave thousands of skilled machine workers unemployed in an hour of desperate national need; especially the Detroit worker whose unemployment without relief will end in tragedy for both himself and his family. But that isn't enough, and so our beloved Con- gress does its part by pushing price control around until it has to buy roller skates in order to ease the friction. Mr. Detroit is to be allowed to pay exactly 25 per cent more for food-what with isn't specified by our legislative leaders. Maybe it isn't enough to make you and I won- der about democracy, but it's enough to make you and I wonder what a wavering people like the French will think, what our staunch allies the Russians will think, and what in the world we're thinking about. -Hale Champion The Reply Churlish by TOUCHSTONE IN, the first column after vacation I started in to raise some hell about something, but be- fore I got around to what was really irking me, my preferatory remarks about getting tough had' sort of grown into a tirade, which after all was a blessing in disguise, because here I am with a column to do now, and a subject to boot. But really boot. It all sprang out of an article in Life a few weeks ago about what is called at Annapolis a five-striper. Translated into the patois, that means big student leader, or undergraduate commanding officer, and apparently, from the nice pictures which accompanied the article, it also means a nice life for the chap who holds said position. But it was not for me to get mad fuust because some clean-cut boy is a big shot at Annapolis. What I got mad about was a quote Life printed from the freshman Bible given to all plebes when they hit the naval academy. The idea was to the effect that a cadet shouldn't concentrate too much on the books, or on any one special branch of the service, and sort of maintain not only an equilibrium, but actually to shoot for the norm for the sort of unques- tioning, unbrilliant, uncreative norm of his class. As an example of what happens to a navy man when he gets too good at some special branch of the service, the article pointed out that the five-striper's father had been busted in the navy because he got to be too good on navigation, became in fact a world authority on the subject. So now the five-striper's father lives in Annapolis and has the satisfaction of seeing his son be a five-striper, and as the Life writers point out, not an unpopular one with his fellows. To sum up, the Life writers added that from all the indications, the present five-stripe is not likely to be busted for excelling in any one aspect of naval work. "He is the stuff that admirals are made of," is the conclusion. WELL, nice going, navy. From the average, you draw your future admirals. An admiral does not stick his neck out. The five-stripe kid is well liked by all, plays the flute, dates with an eye to possible advancement in the service- equivalent to trotting the professor's daughter here--indulges in athletics, though not too much, you know, and stands hundred-and- somethingth in his class academically. And from that good solid average stock, precedent says, will be drawn the admirals of the fleet. Better sell the fleet. . But what's more, this attitude is not today one reserved only for the armed services. In past times it has been the fate of most of the men who advocated radical changes in the armed forces to be thrown out on their ears. But the trend of the times, as observable even around big state universities, is now all to the norm. not to the really well-rounded person, for that could be a pretty good thing as an anti-r dote to over-specialization, but to the actual norm, which means that there are in all things just about as many people who stand above the good old average-man as there are below. The emphasis around here is all to whether the guy is a good fellow or not. Which again would be all right if he really were. But by good fellow is meant a sort of slap-on-the-back chap who is very earnest when he talks to an older man. He hangs out mostly with his ilk, which is good protection against the puncturing of his own smugness, for in the midst of phonies who is, to be the first to deflate his fellow phoney? When upon occasion this norai is exposed to Drew Pecrsop - d Robrt S. Ates GO$ WASHINGTON-The next report of Senator Harry S. Truman's war contracts investigating committee will be the hottest yet. Now being prepared by the Missouri Senator and his able chief counsel, Hugh A. Fulton, the report will give OPM a bare-knuckled going- over for failing more effetively to utilize the nation's industrial system for war production. Truman will flatly demand the elimination of all Dollar-A-Year and "WOC" (without com- pensation) men as the first step in a top-to- bottom cleanup of i the OPM, which he will recommend should be undertaken immediately. IN $LASTING the Dollar-A-Yearers, the report will charge that many of them, under the pretense of "giving" their services to the govern- ment, have in fact exploited their official posi- tions to get juicy contracts for 'their corpora- tions. Also, unless a change is made in the Truman- Fulton draft, the report will declare bluntly that many of these Dollar-A-Year men have been undercover lobbyists for their firms. Equally sensational will be the accusation that a number of them have received substantial in- creases in the salaries they have continued to draw from their companies while working for the government "for nothing." Note: OPM now has 246 Dollar-A-Year and "WOC" men on its rolls. How They Do It THE REPORT will say that the probe has un- covered no technical violation of the regu- lation barring OPM officials from handling contracts in' which former business associates are interested. However, the report will charge that some Dollar-A-Year men have helped their companies get big-profit contracts by surrepti- tious devices. One such device is to give their firms advance tips on orders, a tremendous advantage to a bidder. Another is to advise their firms on "how to go about" getting a contract, who to see, the amount to bid, and so on. Also, the Dollar-A-Year boys are in a position to know of impending shortages of certain ma- terials and to help their companies out by giv- ing them inside information on when "and how to stock up. Truman's report will strongly recommend that the government either pay Dollar-A-Year and "WOC" men regular salaries or get rid of them. As now written, the report declares: "No man can serve two masters, his company and the government. Human nature being what it is, a Dollar-A-Year man cannot be expected to forget the interests of his company, espec- ially while he is still on the payroll of that com- pany." The Lindbergh Incident THE COLONEL'S COMMISSION discarded last year by Charles Lindbergh while waging his bitter isolationist crusade will be reinstated by the War Department-when his formal ap- plication has been received. As this is written it has not yet reached the .War Department. The ex-hero signified his de- sire to regain his reserve commission in a per- sonal letter to General "Hap" Arnold, chief of the Air Corps and an old friend. It was Arnold who gave out the news story that Lindbergh wanted to be restored to Army 'rolls. So far, the War Department knows nothing about it officially. However, when Lindbergh's formal application is received it will be approv- ed and he will be assigned to active duty. Ap- proval will be routine, since under Army proced- ure, reserve commissions are reinstatedwithout delay if request is made within 12 months after resignation. After the lapse of a year, such ap- , plications are handled just as original requests. But it was only seven months ago that Lind- bergh quit. Note: Since the outbreak of war #n the 'Pacific, stripling Army pilots almost daily are performing feats of daring and skill flying big bombers vast distances, that make the first trans-Atlantic flights look like amateur aviation. For mili- tary reasons the story of these spectacular flights now cannot be disclosed. But later it will be one of the truly great epics of aviation. Brass Mines Just Ain't THE BUREAU OF MINES recently received a phone call from an official of the OPM metals and minerals division asking about "brass Smines." "What are you trying to do, kid us?" said a BM expert. "What do you mean, kid you," protested the OPM-er. "I'm serious. We want to find out all we can about brass mines-how many there are in the country, where located and the total an- nual production of brass ore." "Mister, we'd like awfully much to accommo- date you," was the flabbergasted reply. "But any schtolboy can tell you 'that there just is no such animal as a brass mine. Brass is an alloy made chiefly of copper and zinc." "Oh," was the startled gasp from the OPM end of the line. which they could never run things because they couldn't look themselves in the -mirror if they thought they were even sitting in the same seats as the phonies. So what? So nothing. I offer a mninority opinion, which ca? easily be Con- GRIN AND BEAR IT - -y t "4 f " l l;F t 1 .d , Alt at ,, t "I think you'd better discontinue that, Boswell!-fiasn't it occurred to you that the enemy strikes at industrial developments?" DAILY O\FF ICIAL BULEI By Lichty TUESDAY, JANUARY 13, 1942 VOL. LII. No. 77 Publication in the Daily Official Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the University. No tces Student Tea: President and Mrs. Ruthven will be at home to students Wednesday afternoon, January 14, from 4 to 6 o'clock. Conservation of Rubber Items: The Purchasing Department is no longer able to buy rubber bands and° rubber erasers except on a preference1 rating much higher than the rating assigned to the institution for oper- ating supplies. The stock of these' materials must be issued sparingly.° Much of our present supply will be1 badly needed in the operation of the Hospital. Under present conditions it is assumed that every one will co- operate to the end of 'avoiding waste and making the present stock last as long as possible. Re-use rubber bands or use substitutes wherever possible. Shirley W. Smith Detroit Armenian Women's Club1 Scholarship: The Detroit Armenian° Women's Cluboffers a scholarship for $100 for the year 142-43 for° which young men and women qf Armenian parentage, living in the Detibit metropolitan district who demonstrate scholastic ability and possess good character and who have° had at least one year of college work, are eligible. Further information. may be obtained from me. Dr. Frank E. Robbins, 1021 Angell Hall Choral Union Members: Members of the Chorus who have not already done so, are requested to returntheir "Messiah" copies at once, and re- ceive in exchange copies of Beetho- ven's Ninth Symphony and Honeg- ger's "King David," at the office of the University Musical Society in Burton Memorial Tower. Charles A. Sink, President To All Preforestry Students: There will be a meeting of all preforestry students on Thursday, January 15, 7:00-8:00 pam., in Room 319 at the Michigan Union. Professor Robert Craig, Jr., Mr. Frank Murray, and Professor L. J. Young will attend, and some of the interesting things about sophomore summer camp will be taken up. Also, if time permits, questions concerning choice between. enlistment in armed forces and continuing in school will be considered. The meeting shoudl not last more than an hour. Come if you can. S. T. Dana, Dean To the Faculty of the College of Literature, Science, and the Arts: The next meeting of the faculty will be on Monday, January 26, in Room 1025 A.H. at 4:10 p.m., instead of on the regularly scheduled date, Febru- ary 2. In order to assure a large at- tendance and to avoid conflict with the examination period, the Execu- tive Committee of the College has approved this change. The discussion the problem of the instructorship will be continued at this meeting. Edward H. Kraus Certificate of Eligibility: At the be- ginning of each semester and sum- mer session every student shall be conclusively presumed to be ineligible for any public activity until his eli- gibility is affirmatively established by obtaining from the Chairman of the Committee on StudenAffairs. ni who have presented certificates of eligibility and a signed statement tol exclude all others from participation. Blanks for the chairmen's lists may be obtained in the Office of the Dean f Students. Faculty, College of Engineering:k There will be a meeting of the Facul- ty of this College on Friday, Janu- ary 16, at 4:15 p.m., in Room 348I West Engineering Building.k A. H. Lovell, Secretaryt Senior Engineers: Representatives of the American steel & Wire Com- pany, Cleveland, Ohio, will visit the Engineering College on Thursday andt Friday, January 15 and 16, to inte-f view senior students in Aeronautical, Civil, Chemical, Metallurgical, Elec- trical and Mechanical Engineering. Students may sign interviey sched-r ules at the Office of Chemical Engin-I eering, 2028 E.>Eng. Bldg. or on theS Bulletin Bdard of the Mechanicale Engineering Department.r Application blanks should be filled out and returned to each department immedilately.a Candidates for the Teacher's Cer- tificate, June 1942: Before making elections for the second semester, each candidate should check the re- quirements in the major and minor teaching, fields, as outlined in the4 School of Education announcement, page 32 and following. Student Loans: All men studentst desiring loans for the second semes- . ter should file their applications at the Dean of Students Office, Room 2, University Hall, at once.1 Office of the Dean of Students Summer Jobs: Registration is be- i ing held this week of students inter- ested -in working 'next summer in camps, sin resorts, in 'industry, or in various other types of jobs. In ordert that the Bureau may be of the most service,, it is urged that all students interested register now. The blankl may be obtained at th'e Bureau of Appointments and Occupational In-i formation, 201 Mason Hall, hours; 9-12 and 2-4. University Bureau of Appointments and Occupational Information, Season Ticket Subscribers for Play Production of the Department ofI Speech. "George Washington Slept Here" by Kaufman and Hart has been substituted for '"Flight to theI West" by Rice as the third produc- tion "of the season, January 14-17. Ticket stubs are to be exchanged by Thursday, January 15. Refund of a fifth of the season ticket price will be made to those who have seen the play. All Women students are reminded that they mst register any change of' residence for the second semester in the Office of the Dean of Women by noon of January 19. They must also inform their househead of their intention by that date. Skating: The tennis courts on Palmer Field have been flooded and are available for ice skating. Academic Notices The course for Junior Ordnance Inspectors'will be inaugurated at the University of Michigan on January 19. One-hundred trainees will be sent here by the Ordnanqe Department of the U. S. Army for a course which will run for 12 weeks, 5 days per week, 8 hours per day. One-hundred additional trainees will be sent each tmonth until the needs of the Ord- "India": Colored motion picture lecture, will be presented by the noted world- traveler, Lawrence Thaw, Wednesday evening at 8:14 in Hill Auidtorium. The Oratorical Asso- ciation offers this as ther fifth num- ber on the current lecture series. Tickets may be purchased today from 10-1 and from 2-4 at the box office Hill Auditorium. The box offic will be open Wednesday from, 10 atm. until 8:15. Events Today Junior Mathematics Club will meet tonight at 8 o'clock in 3201 A.H. Mr. Peter Darnton will speak on "The Machinery of Logic." Mathematics Club will meet to- night at 8:00 in the West Conference Room, Rackham Building. Profes- sor Running will speak on "A Graphi- cal Solution of Equations with no more than Four Complex Roots." Botanical, Journal Club: Tonight at 7:30, Room 1139 N.S. Reports by: Edwin Beck, "A review of papers showing comparisons of the effects of wounding, of growth hormone, and of the crown gall organism;" Vibha Gengradomyng, "Interxyl- ary cork in Artemesia with a refer- ence t its taxonomic significance;" Thomas Muzik, "Division in vacu- olate plant cells. The relative posi- tion of cell walls in developing plant tissues;" Mary Riner, "Experimental studies on the cultivation of excised anthers in nutrient solution. The growth fac- tor requirements of isolated roots." Please note that the date of the mneeting has been changed to enable members to attend the 4ecture by, Dr. Paul Seams on' January 13. Sigma Rho Tau will meet at 7:30 tonight in the Union. Guest speaker for the everping will be Prof. H."C. Adams of the Marine Engineering Department wlo will speak on "Ele- mentary Definitions and Measure- ments in Shipbuilding." All members are requested to attend.' French Language Tea will be giv- en today in the Grand Rapids Room of the Michigan League, 4:00-6:00 p.m. All students and faculty mem- bers are invited. Le Cercle Francais will meet to- night at 8:00 at the Michigan League. Prof. Koella will give an informal talk on: "Fuite d'Europe en septem- bre 1939." French songs. All mem- berscordially invited. The Tuesday evening concert of recorded music in the Men's Lounge of the Rackham Building at 8:00 p.m. will be as follows: Shostakovich, Symphony No. 5 Opus 47, Brahm Double Concerto in A Minor foVio- lin, Cello and Orchestra. Future Teachers of America meet- ing today at 4:15 p.m. in the Elemen- tary School Library. The speaker will be Mrs. Ofelia Mendoza of Hon- duras. Members and friends are invited to attend. JGP Central Committee meeting at 4:30 today in the League. Junior Girls' Play: Men students interested in playing in an orchestra to be formed for this year's JGP production are asked to attend a meeting at 3:30 p.m. today in the MichigantLeague. All instruments are needed and those who have had experience playing in dance bands are 'especially urged to come. Only non-union men can be used. Any- the position of Junior Inspector at $1,620.00 per year, after they have demonstrated sufficient proficiency to warrant such promotion. Applicants must be between the ages of 18 and 35 and must be American citizens. The prerequisites are: one year of engineering college training or two years in a college, university or school of technology, including 6 semester hours each of chemistry, physics and mathematics (includ- ing trigonometry in high school or college). Requests for applications forms, and further particulars as to dates and places of examination should be made to your postmaster or to the Civil Service Commission, Room 402, Federal Building, Detroit. Dean Ivan C. Crawford, College of Engineering Biological Chemstry Seminar will be held in Room 319, West Medical Building tonight at 7:30. "The Me- tabolism of Cholesterol" will be dis- cussed. All interested are invited. Chemistry Colloquium will meet on Wednesday, January 14, at 4:15 p.m. in Room 303 Chemistry Build- ing. Professor Roger H. Gillette will speak on "Resonance in Some Organic Compounds Containing Ni- trogen." Concerts The Wednesday Afternoon Organ Recital by Palmer Christian, origin- ally scheduled for January 14, has been cancelled due to preparations for the Oratorical Lecture to be giv- en that evening. The organ recitals will be resumed on Wednesday, January 21, at 4:15 p.m. in Hill Auditorium. Lectures -George W. Sallade OPM, Congress Jeopardize Real National Interest