1941 THE MICHIGAN DAILY i League Will Check 'C nceniu r . Conscientious C Women's Eligibility By New Method Comprise Dutie .Eligibility for participation in all4 League activities will be ascertained By JEAN GILMER in a single step under the new system being introduced this fall by the Being photographed in a fur coat Merit Committee. at the Central Park Zoo on a swel- There will be no rush, fuss and tering July day, wading .through deadline for signing cards for each piles of sample clothes that cluttered individual petition. the editorial office in knee-deep con-i This is how it is done, step by step. fusion, making the rounds of the A copy of each student's blueprint, or 7th Avenue wholesale dress markets, transcript in the case of transfers, modelling pet finds under the criti- is brought to Room 2 in University cal scrutiny of her co-workers, be- Hall. There her eligibility card is ing 'entertained regally at a lunch- issued to her. Any day from 3 p.m. eons, and inspecting , Manhattan to 5 p.m., beginning next Monday, night life-these were the duties of she may take the card to the under- Jeanne Crump, '42, as a guest editor graduate office of the League where for the college issue of Mademoiselle. a representative of the merit system Although the guest editors dabbled will be on hand to sign it. in everything and were expected to Immediately after an eligible wo- contribute bright ideas for art work, man has submitted her card, a record make-up, and promotion schemes,' of her activities and eligibility is Miss Crump was also given a column filed in the undergraduate offices, of her own to write. She made a where it is on hand for every project "conscientious canvass" of the littleI chairman to check. out-of-the-way shops, looking forl A meEting of members of the merit things unusual, from sarongs to slap' system committee will be held at 4:30 on the wall of your room to enam- p.m. Thursday in the League, Mar- elled fishies to pin on your sweater. jorie Polumbaum, '42, committee As assistant fashion editor, she chairman, announced. went to market-that is, she visited .anvassing 'Moc s Of Summer F Ii ng, Writing, Varied Athletic Program Offered Freshmen ash ion Editor New students, both transfers andsn freshmen, are provided with a varied skating holds sway in the University (for participation in water games and -- - - - - --- . rsmnaepoie wt aidcoliseum, stunts. meets in the Union pool. stayed at a women's hotel and had program in the physical education Team sports for the winter months Dancing classes are many and in- a department, from which they may riotous time, we hear. "They were -are indoor baseball and indoor bas- teresting. Modern dance class for a wonderful bunch, gay, witty, and choose the classes they prefer to ;at- uninhibited," Miss Crump reports. tend ketball. Body mechanics designed to' both beginners and intermediates,, The regular staff saw to it that the Nine principal classes in which5improve posture and to help women elementary, intermediate tap danc- collegiate members saw New York most of the instruction is offered out gain a general grace in body carriage ing, American country dancing, folk from the Bowery to the Bronx, with of doors, comprise the fall and spring1 are also offered at this time dancing and social or ballroom danc- a trip to LaGuardia Field thrown in. programs. Beginning and advanced Beginners can get inLo the swim in ing are included. A class for music The job of college guest editor isn't archers have an adequate range per- the Barbour Gynasium pool, and majors stressing the relationship be- all work, we gathered, when we mitting shooting at 30, 40, and 50' the intermediate class, for both bet tween music and the dance Is also heard about the luncheons given for yards. the staff by several large depart- University Golf Course near the 1 tering skill in individual strokes and offered. ment stores which were followed by Stadium is the scene of elementary, forums in which the 14 had a chance intermediate, and advanced golf to voice the collegiate point of view. classes, while riding classes have also Parties at the Stork Club and the been devised according to experience. Rainbow Room were climaxed by the Team sports classes are offered at*n huge fashion show that Mademois- this time also in volleyball, speedball, elle gave for 500 buyers. The "Col- hockey and softball. Classes in camp lege Clinic" as it was called, was craft are also available as well as planned by the guest staff, who in- canoeing classes which learn to pad- 3Q2 South Stone St. (Near Liberty St.) troduced themselves in cap and gown dle on the Huron River. at the beginning of the show. During the indoor season, inter- -FOUNTAIN PENS Regular model's pay for posing in class and intra-class tournaments are TYPEWRITERS a raincoat while clinging to the back held in conjunction with elementary of a stationery fire engine, much free and intermediate badminton classes. STUDENT SUPPLIES loot from stores to take back to col- Both beginning and intermediate lege, a gay social whirl, a first-hand I fencers also have classes, while ice acquaintanceship with bigwigs in the - ~ - fashion field, as well as an intimate knowledge of how the wheels go round in an up-and-coming maga- zine office, and a flock of flattering offers for jobs-that's what Miss Crump got out of her job as guest editor-that and lots of ambitious ideas about doing great things as a career woman. I I i_ JEANNE CRUMP 4 -. ._ '' I,'.. . i / 1 We/coren THIS YEAR you will find, as many years of Michigan students have found be- fore you, that the Arcade Jewelry Shop is campus headquarters for:. COLLEGE & FRATERNITY JEWELRY ENGRA VING HIGH..GRADE WATCH & JEWELRY REPAIRING Jiade ewer Lop 1 NiCKEs ARCADE Pettes Pommes de Terre (Continued from Page 1) yipe, sounding much like, "Cut." When not on the prowl, this thing is also all the wholesale houses looking for those dreams of formals, the kind that get yoi mentioned in The Daily's column. The cream of the crop was then sent to the editorial office via messenger, where the guest editors congregated in the late afternoon to deliver their verdicts which will dic- tate campus fashion this year as each one modelled her own particular favorites. ,All members of the staff pro tem rt' ° "' 4.w. - k,!. J , : 4 -, ' . : r . . , r r x S :. - ir "' b w ... ytti. ,, C t S rw(, . ,,,.,,,,k},, ...,- * ' is r ' J Y: ;". _' , . , 'tc y t '.7 'a '.. ! .-- .. to be seen pacing back and forth on the sidelines, eyeing the fillys in the crowd with a glance of such a calibre that one, when catching it, practically hears howls nearby. 2. The Rabbit. Titled because of a nervous working of the mouth and a shiftiness of the eyes, observable when it asks the female to dance. The dancing of this species al- ways consists of an exhausted shuffling of the feet and a slight lifting and lowering of the shoulders, accompanied by a violent ner- vous twitch. It murmurs such brilliant things as "Nice dance," or (when feet en- counter feet, sharply) "Excuse me," or sim- pler still, "Ouch!" s .r. i ft ' ; ::. ::tip;. .; : : t.>: . ; ;x, A 6 k c y .7-.- couldn't presume to tell you to dress at college . . . but we ie a staff that is really "in the "Classic Sweaters" we feel we must warn the males. We think we can get what we-mean across when we say, quote, she is no queen, unquote. In a burst of pity, you cut in on the pygmy she is dancing with, and brother, how you pay and pay. You will cast imploring St. Bernard eyes at the wolf line. They will look past you. You subtly flap a dollar bill in their direction. They will laugh a cackly laugh. Give up, we advise you. The only antidote is the usua medicinal one, or a bribe to someone to tell you you have an urgent phone call. But watch your step, and none of you will need antidotes. In fact, just stay at home. Knitting gives you a much more benevolent feeling toward humanity, in general. 3. The There's-One-At-Every-Party Fiend. This leprous thing is the enthusiastic animal whom you see waving at everyone and everything you pass. He is the boy we were impressed with when we were a freshman, and the' boy who will impress you, if you're as dumb. He keeps his eyes wide open so that he won't miss waving at a single one of his acquaintances. Only staying hands of kind friends stop him from dashing up to the house dog to shake hands with it. This disease can be recognized by its terpsichorean methods; it dances, in brief, like a dromedary with the staggers. Men, Beware!... 4. The Poison Oak. The only variety of mixer frequenter against whom We hov hay knc , 7. ,, \\\\ \\\\\ \ \\\\\\\\\t \ \ We've campus and date frocks, rav- ishing evening gowns, sport clothes with imagination and pep . . . and accessories for them all . , . at prices that bring joy to your hearts. \ " 1< 7, * 7 7 -, / / .7 / / // '7,, 7/I '7' :7>' >7 7.', } .A IN i. "Suits like your Best Beau's a7 / .7 74 7' /7. a / 'cus o n wud at o/ms th hoig fth"ewFllGssrs Theyre 4alar senatios an th rage f theTown "Short Skirts Wool Socks" ... you'll be writing home, so glad I waited to buy my clothes at I 1 ! l Rimskv-Korsdkow) with lbdianapolis m (C _, Ell