a JL LJ PI -----,It AS. !- -----w. - " R __ _ I .C J./ .L. -)tX lVLP l Jt1___ll [f __ __ 1J _ i Work Holiday' Called To Fix Gift Clothing Aid Requested For Repair Of Clothes Contributions o Be Done At Lane Hall Students and campus organiza-. tions were very cooperative in turn- ing in articles for the recent cloth- ing drive, but if the campaign is to be successful, students should turn out at 1:15 today at Lane Hall to take past in the "Work Holiday." At this time, all the clothing which has been turned in will be mended and packed. All aid received will be greatly appreciated, because the clothing will be of no use unless it can be put in a condition to be worn. The cleaning concerns of Ann Ar-, bor h4ve promised the committee in charge of the drive that after 'the clothing has been repaired, they will sake care of the cleaning. All the clothing will be distributed1 among three good-will agencies.. They are the Red Cko s, Salvation] Army, apd the Friends Service Com- mittee. This clothing drive was started" just before Christmas bywasgroup oft students who realized 'that there were many articles of clothing for which he students had no use. Se- curing aid from students at Lane Hall, they started immediately to contact the social committee of Con- gress, dormitories, league houses, and all other campus organizations. The University furnished trucks sof that all collections could be made. f A great deal of clothing was col- lected, and now all that remains to1 be done is to put it in shape, so that distribution can be made as soon as, I spirit Of '89 Will Rise Again: Refugee Says American Entry In War Buoys French Morale Associated Press By GE.RGE W. SALLADE Entrance of the United States into the war has had a greater bolstering effect on French morale than any- thing that has occurred since the French collapse in June, 1940, Mau- rice Diamant, '45E, a life-long resi- dent of Paris, claimed in an inter- view yesterday. Diamant, who fled his Nazi-con- quered native country last February, predicted an uprising of the French people as soon as the Allies invade the continent. He said that the American war entry had. even a greater influence than the Russian successes because of the great popu- larity of the United States among all Frenchmen. Our ambassador, Ad- miral Leahy, himself has great in- fluence with Petain. Favor Free French The majority of the French peo- _l ple, Diamant reported favor the Free French movement of General Charles DeGaulle. There is a larger percen- tage of DeGaulle supporters in the occupied zone than in Unoccupied France. This, he explained, is be- cause the people in the occupied zone are directly under the German yoke and support any liberation program while in the unoccupied areas the personal prestige of Petain, the hero of Verdun., counter-balances the force I of the Free French movement. I The food situation in France is going from bad to worse. The fail- ure of the Germans to obtain great food resqrves in Russia has increased their demands on the French sup- plies. In Normandy, an area that formerly produced one-fourth of all the eggs and butter produced in France, now has hardly an available supply large enough to meet the needs of the area itself. Strong Anti-Nazi Movement, The underground movement against the Nazis is very strong in France, Diamant emphasized. In Paris there are several underground French papers edited py Frenchmen opposing collaboration. These papers are secretly distributed. The Nazi- controlled press has lost all its in- fluence, Diamant declared. Every- body in France listens to the BBC regardless of the Nazi prohibitions. With the backfiring of the German drive in Russia, the French people have naturally begun to look upon Russia as a possible liberator of them The students who started this campaign and who have been work- T ing ever since its inaliguration are Sigmund Cohn, '42, Joan Deiches, '44, Dorothy Wienman, '42A, and Miss Patty Zander of Lane Hall. Gym Programs To Be. Chaged Emphasis. Will Be Shifted To Wartime Objectives Physical education programs for high schools ahd colleges -will un- dergo drastic changes for the dura- tion according to Prof. Elmer D. Mit- che'll of the education school, direc- tor of intra-mural sports. Professor Mitchell, now serving as expert consultant on the joint Army and Navy Committee on Welfare and Recreation, is autho? of the lead ar- ticle, "Physical Fitness in a Nation at Wars" of the December issue of the School of Education Bulletin re- leased yesterday. Emphasis in physical education programs will be shifted from the peacetime objectives of developing the "total personality" and individual integration to training designed to develop physical endurance, teach exercises applicable to combat con- ditions such a wall scaling and ditch jumping, instruct in informative sub- jects such as hygiene and first aid, build morale with recreational sports, and develop leaders for the expanded athletic program. Prof. Mabel E. Rugen of the edu- catign and public health schools is author of the article "The Responsi- bility and Contributions of Secondary School Teachers for Health Educa- tion" which is also featured in this month's issue of the Bulletin. The Bulletin, edited by Prof. War- rn R. Good of the education school, contains the full program of the Winter Conference on Educational Problems and the annual Guidance ' Conference as well as notes on the professional activities of the faculty of the education school. Art' Of Fur East To Be Displayed il yPiof. Plumer An exhibition of Far Eastern art will be held at 7:30 p.m. tomorrow in the exhibition rooms of Alumni Memorial Mall by Prof. and Mrs. James M. Plumer for students at the International Center and any others interested. The collection was gathered by Professor Plumer, who is on the fac- ulty of the Far Eastern art depart- ment. 'It contains a great variety of rare and ancient objects including Graeco-Buddhist sculpture from Af- ghanistan, Tibetan paintings, Rajput bronzes, Indian textiles and sculp- ture, and Chinese textiles, rugs and clay models. 4 The purpose of the exhibit is to show the wide range of artistic abili- ties in the arts among the peoples of various Asiatic cultures. Personnel comimnittee Will Hold Interviews in spite of the progressive rise in prices of all commodities which has } from Hitler's rule. This feeling has been strengthened by Communist propaganda, the Moscow Radio and the BBC. The French Communist Party be- gan its sabotage program immedi- ately after the Nazi invasion of the Soviets started. The party, outlawed ( under the Dalladier regime, still had a strong organization that was func- tioning underground. Questioned , on the French fleet, Diamant pointed out that the col- laborationists, Darlan and Laval, who have staked everything on a German victory will do all they can to aid Hitler and thus might cede the fleet. However, if they do this they lose their only check on the Nazi leader and therefore will probably delay a decisive decision on the matter as long as possible. To High School Conservation Of Materias Stressed At Assembly; First Aid To Be Taught A program for student defense work and a round-table discussion of student attitudes. during war cri- ses, was presented to a general as- sembly in the University High School yesterday morning. A twelve-point program, designed to answer .the question, "What Can I Do to Help?", ,was outlined by seniors of the modern social prob- lems classes. Conservation of materials by ini- tial care and by repair, in order to save raw material and labor costs, was stressed. Plans were made for all waste paper to bf baled and sold, the money to go to the Red Cross. At the smne time, machinery was set up to furnish books for, army camps and hospitals, a project which is being done in cooperation with the National Association of Libraries. First aid classes will be started with the two-fold purpose of learn- ing to care for the ill and wounded, and to relieve doctors. In connection with this, personal health was stressed, not only for fitness to help, but also to relieve the pressure of civilian care that would encumber doctors and nurses. Red Cross classes in knitting, sew- ing and bandaging will be offered, and students are encouraged to learn to make articles for camp and hos- pital use, and to gain skill in re- pairing them. Tolerance toward other opinions, the need for national unity, and the necessity of cheerfulness and good spotsmanship in the face o dis- couraging military losses, and ,par- ticularlyIn the giving up of luxuries, were brought before the students as problems they would have to face. The boys and girls were warned not to spread false rumors, but to report well-founded suspicions to the proper authorities. Finally, emphasis was put on the necessity of continuing educational studies seriously and en- ergetically. At the close of the assembly, the president of the senior class\Emons Smith, announced the memorial gift of the class of 1942-a $300 United States Bond to be purchased with proceeds from class plays. PICTORIAL 3 --fl, WAR NEWS ; F L E E T-This new photo of Admiral Chester W. Nimitz, the wiry, 56-year-old Texan who's now commander-in-chief of, the Pacific Fleet, was taken after he'd assumed duties at Hawaii. OF 1941 SEA R EN DEZ US almwas the Atlantic in August when Roosevelt, the nation's fArst thfi-d-ter -president, and Churchill met aboard the battle- ship Prince of Wales, later sunk, to formulate eight war aims, chief of which is "destruction of Nazi tyranny." In December, the two nations thus represented were full-fledged allies in World War II, and on Dec. 22 Churchill, accompanied by Lord Beaverbrook and a technical staff, arrived at the White House to "discuss with the President all questions relevant to the concerted war effort." Westnminster Guild To Sponsor Talks Endeavoring to show the relation- ship of world events to the Christian student's duties, a four-week discus- sion of "God's World-Order" will be started by prominent Detroit minis-' ters at 6 p.m. tomorrow in the Pres- byterian church by the Westminster Guild. Dr. Arthur W. Ratz of the Fort Street Presbyterian Church will be- gin the series of Sunday evening talks with thme topic "What Is %It?" Later speakers will be Dr. Benjamin J. Bush of the Westminster Presby- terian Church, Dr. Frederick H. Olert of the First Presbyterian Church:iandj Dr. Herbert B. Hudnut of the Wood- ward Avenue' Presbyterian Church. Cowi~ig Visits Canipus Donald J. Cowling°, president of Carelton College, Northfield, Minn., visited the campus yesterday to in- terview candidates for teaching po- sitions. i CH IEF Oncanny, blunt Gen. Douglas Mac- Arthur, who on Dec. 18 inducted . entire Filipino army into the I. S, army, rests burden of di- recting defense of Philippines against Japanese bombings and Invasion attempts aimed chiefly at Manila, and , Luzon island.. Why Buy Any Ensian Now? THE ANSWER'S AS SIMPLE AS complete record of your co lege., year -maybe your lost. B savings for buying early Price goes up very soon Capus salesmen offer you, RANKIn-hkuafe Admrial E'rnest 3.1.King (top). '2, of Ohio became couninanier of entire IT. S. fleet in charge of all operations; Rear Adirial Chester W. Nuiitz0loe r),a56. r;t cumnand of Pacific Fleet. UP NORT H Farfrom home are two southerners, J. C. Waters (left) and G. C. Morgan. on patrol in Iceland which U.S. forces occupied in July to forestall Axis threats. During 1941 Uncle Sam built no Atlantic bases leased from Britain, and on Nov. 23 U.S. troops landed in Dutch Gian to protect the bauxite=bre needed for aluminum-=mines there. F LIGHT .iEngland's Rudolf press (above), No. 3 NaXI, flew some 800 miles from Ger- many to Scotland where he sur- rendered to a farmer May 10. Stalin claims Fless sought to line up British and U. S, against Reds. Some think he brought peace bid. 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