THE MICHIGAN DAILY League, Union Organize Joint Dating Bureau Individual Interests Considered In 'Making Acquaintances'; Patrons Describe 'Ideal Dates' Worse than reversed is the old four to one ratio of men to women, reports the new League acquaintance bureau. On the opening day ten women regis- tered for every lonely mate. Blondes and brunettes, they filed in at the rate of more than two a minute and waited in line for the questionairre. "How old are you? How tall? How much do you weigh?" And they are all, surprisingly, not old, but very young. Seventeen years' was the usual answer to question one. During their seventeen years, how- ever, they have accumulated a varied poundage and footage. IDterests Are Matched "What are your interests? Do you smoke? Drink?"I Their interests, in terms of dates apparently, are not interests but in- terest. Dancing. (Sports rarely, stud- ies never.) No, they do not smoke and drink. Most of them, however, have no vio- lent objections. "Describe the boy you would like to meet through this bureau." Good Sports Rate High He must first be a good dancer or a good sport. He is preferably good- looking, but many girls make no spec- ifications other than that he be "fun" and gentlemanly. Where an occas- ional preference is expressed for tall men, it is to compliment a more stately girl. The men, howvere, aren't taking so many chances. Some state definitely "a tall blonde," or "a neat brunette." Calls are equally divided between blondes and brunettes, though no applicant has as yet specified a red- head. A margin of "not particular if she's pretty" will absorb these. Here's What Happens! Wsat happens if, perchance; the descr ption on one young lady's card coincides with the qualifications for an ideal date as set forth by a man who sems to fit her specifications? Then the two are notified of the coin- cidence, by phone, and each reports to the Acquaintance Bureau in the League council roo mat a specified time. There they are introduced and may then go their-way to as meagre, or elaborate a celebration as he feels she deserves. For the present Elaine Reickert, '43, and Robert Templen, '43, are managing the bureau for men and women from the League council room, with hours from 2 p.m. to 5 p.m. every Tuesday and Thursday. Leagalities By MARGARET AVERY They can do a lot for you over at the League. They can teach you to dance as gracefully as you roller skate (or more so.) First lesson for beginners will be 7:30 p.m., Oct. 14, according to Betty Johnson, '42. For those who dance already and want to learn the latest steps, intermediate class meets the same night at 8:30 p.m. Women are admitted to the class without charge, and, in- cidentally, this is one League activity open to first sem- ester freshmen. Those just interested in practice and social relaxation can cooperate with the teachers as partners. They can make your work technique asup-to-dame as your play. (Or more so.) After six weeks marks come out there will be a sudden SOS from freshmen. The time for you shining examples with the A-B records last year to register with Betty Bailie and her committee is before the rush. There's pin money,--safety pins and bobby pins perhaps, in the 25 cents an hour you are paid for your services as tutors. They can introduce you to a man as handsome as the one you left home. (Or more so.) Acquaint- 1?1 ance bureau is set up expressly for this, but you'll, stand a good chance of meeting him at one of the informal 7-11 Club gatherings. The opening dances will be this Friday and Saturday, especially dedicated to freshmen. They can come as groups, couples or ,. individuals. Men needn't feel .. a this is strictly a feminine affair; dancing is more pleasant when they're there. They can clear away some of the fog around activi- ties. And more! They're apt to entice you into action with the clever descriptions editor Jeanne Crump, '42, wrote for the first issue of "League Life." Copies of this new House Com- mittee publication are tacked on the bulletin board of yonr residence, ac- cording to Dorothy Merki, '42, chairman. And there's no ex- cuse for being foggy about new women's regulations, either. A compact and up-to-date booklet has just been issued. Don't forget your eligibility card. The League can do a lot for you, but you won't get a chance to do anything for them unless you're registered with the merit system committee! 1 -S '> ;. > t>, ,., r ,,;,. z , x -,, : iY .. ::.rt..,.,. _. j J/ L J;~ '' x i j 4 r,' S \ ;: a. Y4 A4 ! Garments Labeled To Save Consumer JI Olive Deane Hormel To Present Lectures In Extension Series Labels! You've found them tagged to every coat and dress and smidgen of clothing you racked through in search of additions to your college wardrobe. Not just price tags to shudder at, but tags which tell you that the dress you're clutching is 50% rayon or tbi fur coat you are fondling is really aum-matten-dyed skunk. . It's all because of a law they passed down in ,Washington not so long ago which requires manufacturers to stick labels on all garments so that the poor consumer will be able to tell whether or not he's getting his money's worth. Ttie amount of virgin, reprocessed or reused wool, the percentage of rayon must be shown as well as in- formation on how the fabric should be cleaned. Though the label on your new Laskin mouton reveals that it is only brown-dyed lambskin, you can call it what you will with the assurance that you are not being In conjunction with the University Extension Service, the League will, this season, present a series of lec- tures on "The New Books And Plays", given by Olive Deane Hormel, noted author and lecturer. This will be the fourth season for Miss Hormel's popular series, now being given to twenty two groups in eighteen different communities. "The New Books And Plays" is a noncredit course consisting of eight monthly lectures, each, one hour long, fol- lowed by questions and discussion. The lectures are particularly in- teresting because of Miss Hormel's background of sound scholarship, her wide acquaintance in the pub- lishing and theatre world, and her frequent trips to New York and other important centers of interest. deceived by the fancy names adver- tising copywriters are so prone to concoct. OISNT EWS GOOD NEWS! hh A C iq R G £4 R YL E C 0 YL E I THE OSTRICH has a queer way of escaping unpleasant situations. He buries his head. Don't be an ostrich. Keep informed on the happenings in the world around you. THE BEST WAY to keep informed is by subscribing to THE MICHIGAN DAILY, your newspaper. In the DAILY you will find a balance of world, na- tional, local, and campus news. THE MICHIGAN DAILY offers you: A Complete Campus News and Athletic Events Coverage *'Contains the University's Daily Official Bulletin - vitally important to every student *World News Coverage ... Member: Associated Press " News from the Nation's Capital in "The Washington Merry-Go-Round"by Drew Pearson and Robert Allen " The opinion of your fellow students on matters of the day Subscribe to YOUR NEWSPAPER Today! C 0 U P 0 N £4 BRIGHTENS UP V AN R ENLISTED MAN'S LEISURE HOUR C I 0 REDUCED RATES to Enlisted Men.' The Michigan Daily Student Publications Bldg. Ann Arbor, Mich. Gentlemen You bet I want to subscribe for The Michigan Daily. Enclosed please Y L 17 $1.00 ...8 MAIL Issues...*$1.00 Regularly $1.25 'GARGOYLE assumes all mail costs for every mail subscription sent to trainees. P Phone 23-24-1 between 3 and 5 p.m. this week find $4.00 (for Ann Arbor) or $5.00 (mailed) the cost of a full year subscription. 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