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January 10, 1942 - Image 5

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1942-01-10

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New Program
In Languages
To Start Soon
French, German And Spanish
Social Hours To Be Conducted
Weekly In International Center
In accordance with President
Ruthven's plea for gredter concen-
tration in languages, there has been
a speed-up in the extra-curricular
program of foreign language social
activities, Mrs. Ruth L. Wendt has
announced, as well as increased ac-
tivity in Russian and Japanese lan-
guage departments.
At the International Center, a Ger-
man social hour will be conducted
on Wednesdays by Mrs. Wendt, Por-
tugese on Thursdays by Prof. Alberto
Leao, and French on Fridays by Prof.
Percival Price. Every Thursday dur-
ing the International Center Tea, a
Spanish conversation group will be
Tea To Be Tuesday
In addition to: this, the regular
international teas will begin again
Tuesday, with a French tea held, as
usual, in the League. All dormitories,
league houses, sororities and frater-
nities are asked to cooperate fully at
these student-conducted functions.
Mrs. Wendt stresses the impor-
tance of all students taking full ad-
vantage of these opportunities. She
finds that too many will not partici-
pate in language round tables be-
cause no credit is given.
Ruthven Predicts Im porta Ince
"We are taking President Ruth-
ven's speech on the importance of
languAges for post-war reconstruc-
tion as our motto," she said, "and the
most convenient means of getting our
students to dp more in the languages
they have learned is the organization
of extra-curricular affairs."
The Russian and Japanese lan-
guage departments will stretch their
schedule from three hours to eight,
which will include round table dis-
cussions lasting for two hour periods.'
Mrs. L. Pargment will teach the Rus-
sian, and Joseph K. Yamagiwa will
instruct students in Japanese.
Troth -ld
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Basye of
Rochester, N. Y., anndunced the en--
gagement of their daughter, Ruth
Frances, to David Robert Peet, '42E,
son of Mr. and Mrs. Nelson R. Peet
of Webster, N. Y., at a buffet supperI
given Jan. 3.
Miss Basye has also attended the

/ THE MCHIGAN AlYl._______________

Defense Suit
ills Women's
Wartime Needs



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Will Produce
Children's Play
'Princess And The Swine-Herd,'
Dramatic Version Of Fairy Tale,
Scheduled For January 23-24
"The Princess and the Swineherd,"
the third play to be presented in the
current series of Children's Theatre
productions, will be presented by the
Theatre Arts committee of the
League Friday and Saturday, Jan.
23 and 24 in the Lydia Mendelssohn
The play, written by Gwendolyn
Seiler, is adapted from the old fairy
tale about the princess who marries
the swineherd that turns out to be
Prince Charming #in disguise.
Miss Wheeler To Direct
As is customary, the play, directed
by Mary Ellen Wheeler, '41, will be
given three times the opening per-
ormance at 3:45 p.m. Friday, and
the last two at 1:30 p.m. and 3:30
p.m. Saturday.
Assisting Miss Wheeler in the did'
section of this play is Sally Walsh,
'43. General chairman of the The-
atre Arts Committee is Virginia Ap-
pleton, '42, aided by Veitch Purdom,
'42, and Marjorie Storkan, '43.
Faye Goldner, '42, and Kay Jones,
'43, are in charge of costumes, while
Sally Walsh, '43, will be bookholder,
and Charlotte Noble, '43, will handle
pu blicity.
List Continues
Cynthia Davis, '42, and Jean Sol-
lit, '42, are-responsible for scenery.
Programs are designed by Dorothy
Schloss, '43, and Marjorie Teller, '43.
The financial, committee is in the
hands of Jane Honey, '43, and the
art work directed by Mary Pate, '43.
Mairellyn MacRitchie, '43, is in
charge of collecting properties. Ush-
ers are under the leaddrship of Al-
vira Sata, '42. Kay Gladdin, '42, is
in charge of make-up; Joy Wright,
'43, music, and Mildred Radford, '42,
Idance committee.
Record Dance
.For Graduates
Will Be Today
An informal frdio dance will be
held from 8:30 p.m. to midnight to-
day, at the Rackham Building. This
dance is being sponsored by the se-
nior class of the School of Business
Members of the central committee
are Robert Gilmour, '42BAd., chair-
man; Elizabeth Cowart, '43BAd., in
charge of publicity; Joseph Bres,
'42BAd., and John Clark, '42BAd.,
who are'reslonsible for the refresh-
ments and entertainment.
Bridge and other card games will
be in progress during the evening,
while mnoving pictures of the North-
western-Michigan game will be
shown at intermission.
All members of the faculty and
student body are invited, with the
members of the faculty serving as
patrons for the dance.

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Mercury Drop
Brings Snow
And Ski Suits

-- r


Aarriage Vows'
\re Taken
Education School Recorder,
Professor To Live In California

For WCINrtOFI OVI LaVjxI lPI %;. I fP4, ,vv


i ' VLL 10 C.

Miriam Jane Highley, Recorder
of the School of Education, and
Arthur Raymond Kooker, Assistant
Professor of History at the Univer-
sity of Southern California, Los An-
geles, were married Christmas Eve
by the Rev Charles W. Brashares in
the chapel of the Ann Arbor Metho-
dist Church.
While on campus Mrs. Kooker
served on the staff of The Daily. She
is a member of Kappa Alpha Theta,
of Wyvern, Alpha Lambda Delta,
Eta Sigma Phi. Phi Kappa and Phi
Beta .Kappa.
Serves On Board
She is also a past president of the
Ann Arbor Junior group of the
American Association of University
Women and a member of the Alum-
nae Advisory Board of Kappa Al-
pha Theta. She also received the
Phillips Scholarship her freshman
and sophomore years in the Univer-
Dr. Kooker received his bachelor's,
master's and doctor's degrees from
the University of Michigan. He was
for some time Regional Director of
the National Survey of Federal Ar-
chives, and later served as Chief
Editor in the Washington, D. C. of-
f ie.'
Was Resident Advisor
While finishing his work on his
doctorate last year, he was a teach-
ing fellow in the history department
at the University.also acting as resi-
dent advisor at CNcago House, West
Mr. and Mrs. Kooker left for a trip
through the South, and will be at
home after the first of February at
Dorset Village, 3125 West 9th Street,
Los Angeles, California.

Dinehart Has Unorthodox Replies
For Ordina' tma r n -


Alan Dinehart, as a Revealer of
All to the great theatre-going public,
respectsnone of the an enities of the
stock newspaper interview.
He has never been to Ann Arbor
before. He has seen neither tall
buildings nor beautiful women in
Ann Arbor-a fact which some may
excuse by saying there are none of
either, but which we hasten to ex-
plain with his addition that he "had
been sleeping until just before the
We Aren't Quite Sure
He isn't quite sure about just what,
exactly, a college audience is and
consequently, cannot say whether he
especially enjoys playing before one.
And he doesn't feel one way or the
other about the weather.
We didn't seem to be getting tooi
far with the careful list of questions
which we had prepared, to ask the
star of "Separate Rooms," the play
now being giyen in Ann Arbor, so
we looked to the Dinehart person
and costume for colorful material.
He Takes It Seriously
He's an actor who, if he isn't mak-
ing an intensely serious business out
of his acting, at least looks as though
he's making a business out of some-
thing. Just a rather average-appear-
ing courteous gentleman with a care-
fully-controlled voice-the only Hol-
'lywood touch about him, incident-
ally-who has reached the age where
one tries to comb the hair from
where it is over toward where it
We've already intimated that tl ere
was very little of the Hollywood
glamor here, so rule out, praise be
to Allah, any ideas of his wearing
either a luggage tan sport coat or a
polo shirt with an Ascotiscarf tuckedi
in at the throat. It was a dark brown
business suit and a yellow and brown
tie, and although campus exquiisites
might have shuddered and paled at
the fact that his socks didn't match


his neckwear, he presented a very
pleasant picture of a very mild, ordi-
nary guy.
We asked him if anything humor-
ous had happened so far during the
play's experiences on the road.
Displays Sense Of Humor
"Humorous?" he said, contemplat-
ively. "Well, now, let's see." Tap-
ping the chin with the forefinger.
"Humor-humor-oh yes-the little
Chihuahua dog used in the play is
just about freezing to death in this
cold weather."
We agreed with him that this was
very humorous, indeed, and decided
to let the whole thing go.
Then, we branched out into the
radical and- asked him if he had seen
any college productions anywhere in
the country, lately. Yes, he had-at
a college whose name he couldn't re-
member at the moment-where they
put the plays on in a sort of show-
boat affair. He gave a few worcs spf
approbation to this project. "The
arrangement was very cute," he said.
We thanked him and left.
Fraternities Report
Elections, Pledgings
Kappa Nu announces the election
of new house officers for the coming
year. They are Bernard Kozel, '43,
president; Milton Zerman, '43, vice-
president; Phillip Baris, '43, treas-
urer; Walter Klopper, '44, secretary,
and Rubin Fried, '43, steward.
The pledging of Melvin Comin, '43,
Chicago; Herbert Forgash, '44, Niles;
Milton Sterngold, '44, Detroit, and
Henry Sterngold, '44, Detroit, has
also been announced by Kappa Nu.
Sigma Alpha Mu has elected its
new house officers. They are Mervin
Pregulman, '44, president; Aarron
Moyer, '43, secretary, and Bruce
Kirchen'baum, '43, treasurer.

Tinkering with a faulty distributor
in Motor Mechanics class is apt to be
a messy job, while practice of artifi-
cial respiration for First Aid rd Aires
comfortable clothes. These new cov-,
eralls are the latest measure passed
by fashion experts for Civilian De-
Designed expressly for wear by
women working on the assembly lines
of defense production, these suits are
made of heavy serviceable cotton
without hooks, snaps, zips or tricks-
just a surplice, side closing, big patch
pockets, tab and button adjustor.
The buttoned trouser cuffs eliminate
rubber bands or rolled pant legs.
These features make it a practical
outfit for' everything from greasing
a car to lounging in the dorm,

Men Threaten Drastic Measures
If Women's Pants Fad Continues

If you're lucky enough to be going
on a special ski train excursion one
of these week-ends to Grayling or
Cadillac, towns in northern Michi-
gan, you'll be needing a mew ski suit.
At any rate, you may be doing your
bit of skiing in the University Win-
ter Carnival next month, so it's wise
to get that outfit now to do some
Yours should be lightweight as
well as a windbreaker and shoVld
have plenty of room for violent
movement, like the suit illustrated
above. For this reason, gabardine is
practically the uniform of the ardent
skier. Bird-cloth is good, too, being
less expensive than gabardine, but,
we must admit, gabardine surpasses
it in style and tailored beauty.
Houses Brave Cold
Winds To Entertain
It looks like the Kappa Nu's aren't
going to be left out in the cold today
since they are braving the winter
winds to terminate their gala week-
end. Yesterday they held a formal
dance and today they will be giving
an informal radio dance from 9 p.m.
to midnight at the chapter house.
The chaperons will be Mr. and Mrs.
Ben Kessel and Mr. and Mrs. S.
Sigma Alpha Epsilon will have an
ice skating party with Kappa Alpha
Theta and Gamma Phi Beta today.

(Whose opinions are his own and
not necessarily those of the Daily
Women's Staff-Editor)
"That this has gone far enough, is
evident; that something should be
done, is imperative; them women
have to take off them pants." That
is the ungrammatical outburst from
the male student body, occasioned by
coed usurpation of the masculine
long tweeds and high pockets.
It all started when an elixir of cold
wav~e was brewed in the East Lansing
kettle of the Unite States weather
bureau and spilled into this open city.
The mercury-shrinking temperatures-
caused consternation amongst our
fair, gulp, sex and they took to the
shelter of the trouser. TiMidly at
first and then in rapidly growing'
numbers they began.to assume the
attire of man's estate.
The Fad is "Taking"
Michigan men are slow to anger
and being gentlemen hesitated to
complain of the flagrant flagrancy.
They hoped that Dame Fashion
would reassert herself or that tea-
table talk would stifle the fad. But
now it appears that the women in-
tend to go on with the idea and even
improve on it.
Our "fifth column" now begins to
play fickle fashion with the plan.
They compete with ski pants, slacks
and go even unto belting themselves
about with the fraternity wrestler's
uniform-the blue denim "jeans" or
dungarees rolled at the ankle.
They complete the outfit, with
over-sze woolen shirts that hang,
and hang and 'hang like a truck's
tarpaulin. Altogether a sloppy uni-
form that obliterates any initial
The women support their "Clothes
The engagement of Virginia Board-
man, '42, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
H. D. Boardman of Jackson, Mich.,
to Carl J. Holden, son of Mr. and
Mrs. C. S. Holden of Palmer Woods

for Comfort" campaign with the ar-
gument that silk and nylon weren't
made for sub-zero conditions; that
they can't protect themselves in long
woolen unmentionables in any other
Campus males, we repeat, are slow
to anger, but their tone is ominous.
"Them women will have to take off
them pants! There was no "de-
pantsing" at "the freshman-sopho-
more games-but!"

t :
38th and Greatest
upto 50%
If you've waited until now for the "buy"
of the season .this is YOUR sate of
the Smartest, Finest and Most Depend.
able Furs in the Very Newest Styles at
prices that no woman can resist. You
' may choose yours confidently, for each
{'. ' is backed by Zwerdling's absolute guar-
antee. '
Special low rates are
fur remodelingand!
. n/ Lrepairs.



the fact that his socks didn't match Kirchexibaum, '43, treasurer.


Location: State and William Streets
Minister: Rev. Leonard A. Parr
Director of Student Activities: Mrs. Vera
Bucknell Thompson.
10:45 A.M. Services of public worship, held in
Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre. Dr. Parr will
preach the sermon, "Prophets orb'Yes-men'?"
5:30 P.M. Ariston League in Pilgrim Hall. Prof.
Preston W. Slos on will talk on "New 'Year
Prospects." Supper.
7:15 P.M. Student Fellowship in the church
parlors. The speaker of the evening will be
former Professor of Modern European History
William A. Frayer, who has visited Europe
some 20 different times, and who has studied
graduate work in two German universities.
Prof. Frayer will discuss "The, Delusion of
Pacifism." Townspeople as well as students
are invited. Refreshments.'
Tuesday, 4-5 P.M. The weekly Congregational
student teas will be resumed by Mrs. Thomp-
son in Pilgrim Hall. All students are invited.
409 S. Division St.
Wednesday evening service at 7:30.
Sunday morning service at 10:30, subject: "Sac-
Sunday School at 11:45.
Free public Reading Room at 106 E. Wash-
ington St., open every day excepts Sundays
and holidays from 11:30 a.m. until 5 p.m.,
Saturdays until 9 p.m.

StatesStreet between. Washington and Huron
Ministers: Charles W. Brashares and
J. Edward Lantz
Music: Hardin Van Deursen, director
Mary Eleanor Porter, organist
9:30 A.M. Student Class in the Wesley Founda-
tion Assembly Room. Professor Kenneth
Hance, ,leader.
10:40 A.M. Church School for nursery, beginners
and primary department. Young children
may be left in these departments during
worship service.
10:40 A.M. Worship Service. Dr. Brashares'
subject is "Noah Weathers the Storm. s
6:00 P.M. Wesleyan Guild Meeting for Unver-
sity students and their friends. Wesley Foun-
ation Room. Mrs. Chambers, formerly a mis-
sionary and teacher in the University of
Shanghai in China wil speak on the situa-
tion in that country. The graduate group will
meet with Mr. and Mrs. Robert Whitely at
6 for a discussion on "Religion in our Voca-
tions," in the Recreation Room. Fellowship
hour and supper follows these meetings,
7:30 P.M. Newly-Weds. Discussion and refresh-
ments. Dr. Brashares will lead a discussion
on "Wedding Vows." This is. the beginning
of a series of discussions on "Family Prob-
Place of meeting: Second floor, Y.M.C.A.
Building, 110 N. Fourth Ave.
10:00 A.M. scripture study. Lesson topic: "The
Infancy and Boyhood of Jesus."
11:00 A.M. Morning Worship. Garvin M. Toms
will preach on the subject "The Changed
7:30 P.M. Evening preaching service. Sermon
themer "Religious Sinners."
Wedtesday, January 14, 7:39 P.M., Scripture
study. Lesson text: Matthew 5: 21-32. Every-
one is invited. to all services.
Division at Catherine
The Rev. Henry Lewis. Rector
TheRev. Frederick W. Leech, Stdent
The Rev. John G. Dahl, Curate
George Faxon, Organist and Choirmaster
8:00 A.M. Holy Communion.
9:00 A.M. Junior Church Teachei's' Meeting,
Michigan, League.,
10:00 A.M. High School Class.
11:00 A.M. Kindergarten, Harris Hall.
11:00 A.M. Junior Church.
11:00 A.M. Morning Prayer and Sermon by the
Rev. Frederick W. Leech.
4:00 P.M. H-Square Club, Harris Hall.
6:00 P.M. Evening Prayer.
Sunday, 7:30 P.M. Episcopal Student Guild
Meeting, Harris Hall. Speaker: Prof. Palmer

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sponsored jointly by
Zion and Trinity Lutheran Churches
Zion Lutheran Church,
E. Washington St. at S. Fifth Ave.
10:30 A.M. Church Worship Service. Sermon by
Vicar Clement Shoemaker.
Trinity Lutheran Church,
E. William St. at S. Fifth Ave.
10:30 A.M. Church Worship Service. Sermon by
Dr. Carolus P. Harry, Secretary of the Board
of Education of the United Lutheran Church.
Lutheran Student Association,
Zion Parish Hall, 309 E. Washington.
4:$,0 P.M. A Cappella Choir Practice.
5:30 P.M. Association Meeting. Speaker: Dr.
Carolus P. Harry of the Board of Education
of the United Lutheran Church and Advisor
of the National Lutheran Student Association
in America.
William P. Lemon, D.D., Minister
Mark W. Bills, Director of Music
Franklin Mitchell, Organist
9:30 A.M. Church School. Classes for all age
groups. Mr. and Mrs. Class meets in Piggott
10:45 A.M. Morning Worship. "Focusing Your
World," sermon by Dr. Lemon.
10:45 A.M. Nursery during morning worshim



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