___ ___ ___ __ ii N1~iTL __ ___ __CA_ .hr ir g it tt 1 I 1E Editedand managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board' in Control of Student Publications. Published every morning except Monday during the .University year and Summer Session. Member of the Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited inethis newspaper. A1 rights of republication of all other matters herein also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second class mail matter. Subscriptions during the regular school year by car- rier $4.00, by mail $5.00. REPRESENTED POR NATIONAL. ADVERTISING BY National Advertising Service, Ine. CollegePsblisber Representative 420 MADisON AvE. NEW YORK. N. Y. , ICAGo BOSTon - Los aNCeLES * SAN FRANCISCO Membeh Associated Collegiate Press, 1941-42 Editorial Stafff Emile Gel1 . . . . . . Managing Editor Alvin Dan . . . . . .Editorial Director David Lachenbruch . . . . . City Eator Jay McCormick . . . . . Associate Editor Hal Wilson . . . . . Sports Editor Arthur Hill . . . Assistant Sports Editor Janet Hiatt . . . . . Women's Editor Grace Miller . . Assistant Women's Editor Virginia Mitchell . . . . Exchange Editor- Daniel H.' Huyett James B. Collins Louise Carpenter Evelyn Wright Business Staff . . . Business Manager S . Associate Business Manager . . Wom 's Avertising Manager * . Women's Business Manager NIGHT EDITOR: WILLIAM A. MacLEOD The editorials published iA The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. I. Ihternational Thought Is Key To World Peace' 0. W ITH OUR ARMIES on the defensive and oerr slogan "We have not yet begun to fight" more of a truism than is pleas- ant to admit, it may seem soon to concern our- selves with peace terms and post-war aims. But it is- by no 'means too soon. The moment the Japanese began their attack, the American people formed an unalterable and unconquerable # determination to fight to final triumph. How- ever, unless we are prepared both rationally and spiritually to make a just peace when war ends, that peace will be as hollow and ethereal as that of 1917. \ Nothing could be more gratifying than theg# growing realization of -the public and the al- ready apparent realization of our leaders of the importance of such a peace. Roosevelt and Churchill outlined basic post-war principles in theif Atlantic Charta. More recently, Vice- president Wallace expressed his views concern- ing the economic aspect of peace and broadly indicated the post-war role of the United States. Nothing could be more evident than the fact that our government recognizes the importance of America's duty in the world when war ends. flASIC in all planning is the international as- pect of the peace. The United States has. become the economic center of the world- and what it has to -do in this position is oneof the most perplexing problems facing our govern- ment. The shift of economic power from Eng- land to the United States, combined with the changes in world economy, have created, an un- precedented economic situation. One thing is clear, however/vision of economic and political isolationism must forever'be dispelled. It should be clear in the minds of all men that the- United States cannot stand alone in the world unaffected by the other nations. We are ai much a part of the world economic and the world politic as any other nation, and our action or inaction will make or destroy world peace. Thomas Jefferson believed that the less active government' was the better, but now we know that government can act for the good of the people. And although we, too, until re- cently, feared international action as the sure road to war, it is now evident that international coopgration is the only path to lasting peace. WALILACE has emphasized that only the United States will be able to supply the capital so much needed when war ends. Only. with our full support can any ,world federation plan succeed. When peace comes, the deciding factors of lasting peace will be the action of the American people. We must begin now to prepare ourselves for peace. International thinking must supplant our present selfish nationalistic views. Above all we must guard against the thwarting of the peace plans of our leaders through withdrawal of our support at the last moment, guard against repeating that disgraceful episode at the end of World War I. As our vice-presiderdt has stated with deep conviction, world peace depends upon the ac- tion of the American people and we must do everything in our power to make that action a real force for good in the world. -John Erlewine The RepIy Chauriish by TOUCHSTONE AFTER GOING QUITE AWHILE without a bath - it was too cold - I went swimming at the Union the other night. Did four lengths with only brief pauses to hit the side of my head and get the water out of my ears. Several of us waiting around the check room while the girls dried their hair, wishing the girls had p pool all their own and would go swim in it. But it keeps their minds occupied with healthy pur- suits, and there are still a few people left who want to keep girls minds occupied with healthy pursuits. When the WAA lady left, we went in and turn- ed on the steam in the steam room and undress- ed. There were two swimming team boys there with nice coats of tan, which made the rest of us a little subdued as befitting our amateur standing. They'were nice guys, and one of them swam very well and was still going strong up and down the pool when I left. The other one disappeared. I don't think he liked the diving board. I washed my hair. It has dandruff, and though the Union soap is not the best shampoo for'it, I save several hours of my time by washing my hair, because thn I do not scratch my head so much, and am able-except for smoking, clean- ing my fingernails, sharpening my -pencils, straightening my desk, talking to the boys in the front room, going but for some coffee to wake me up so I'll really get at the books, sitting and thinking, and just plain sitting - to get a lot more work-done. When I went in to swim, the water- was not as cold as I had thought it would be. That was nice, because usually I get much colder than necessary by not diving in right away for fear my heart will stop or I will have a cramp, but instead I climb down the ladder like a deep sea diver does, step by step, and every step it gts colder, until I fall off, or count to 'ten a few times and duck my head. THEN I WENT OVER - after dressing of course - ,to the coffee shop where I always go, because I do not like the brown water they call coffee at the Union. I sat and had a cup of coffee, which the menu writer praised along with other items like cream and butter and quality in food which do not -perhaps live up to their panegyrics, and talked to some actors who live there. They are in a play. I played the drums on the table for Awhile until nobody bad any more nickels for the juke, and between times and whenever I thought about it, I looked at a girl. Then I started home, but got sidetracked over here at the office, looking for somebody to pester or hit, because I felt frisky, and when frisky, enjoy - cruel - hitting my friends. Two of them said lay off would I and come on over to get some food. I saidl no, I was going home to bed, I had been swimming. THE GIRL WAS STILL THERE. I said I didn't think I'd better have any more coffee - keeps me awake - but on second thought there wasn't anything else to drink except milk or a coke. We sat and looked at the girl and talked about Symphonie Fantastique and the way peo- ple behave - several of them by name - and women and how much chance an artilleryman has of gettifig any sort of medal except the Purple Heart, and listen to the words of He Said No will you, and about then the girl left and we sat there wearing a knitted stocking hat which belongs to- Al, the head night counter man at the place, who doesn't understand double talk. We wore that hat one at a time. It looks very Gaspe Peninsula, or Newfoundland Banks on Rhett, and like the Black Watchon Gunner, and like I had just washed my hair on me. About midnight we went our ways with jolly cries, one to the other, and I went home and called Detroit because my girl's birthday is to- day, the tenth, and then I got in bed and read E. B. White in Harpers, which will explain much to those of you who also read 1. B. White. So long until soon. First University Sacrifice HE- UNIVERSITY OP MICHIGAN ,jhas given of her own. Lt. Gorge H. Cannon, '38E, died on the night of December 7 while his outnumbered detach- ment of United States Marines was staving off a Japanese surprise raid on Midway Island. Yes- terday tl.e War Department informed his mo- ther, Mrs. B, B. Cannon, III, of Ann Arbor, he was "killed in action." Probably ;the first University man to die in America's defense against the "dastardly at- tack," Lt. Cannon had been mortally wounded at his battle-station by enemy shell-fire. He refused toleave his-command until his injured men -had been evacuated to safety. Lt. Cannon's record, both in the service and as a University student, was of the highest rank. A member of Scabbard and Blade, ROTC honor society, he was appointed to the Marine Corps in 1938. 'From basic training in Philadelphia to his last assignment on Midway, Lt. Cannon earned the esteem of both his fellow officers and his men. BUT the death of Lt. Cannon is not a severe blow to the Marine Corps alone. The roll of University alumni can ill afford the loss of a man willing to join America's battle uncondi- tionally-his own life no exception. In Ann Arbor's University community there must be growing today a firm conviction that such men as Lt. George Cannon are the true symbols of a wartime America. Whether in de- fense plant or patrol bomber, the spirit of his unselfish loyalty will stand as an ultimate exam- ple of a free man striving to maintain the birth- Drew Peciso Robert S WASHINGTON-Behind the 'scenes, the big question churning official Washington is when and what the President intends to do about the most pressing war problem facing the coun- try-reorganization of his bumbling and headless war supplies machine. Tere is no doubt he is most emphatically aware of the problem. His own inner circle ad- -visers have been pulling their hair about it for months. Also, visiting British leaders tactfully but pointedly told him about it. Further, he him- self has voiced privately his sharp disappoint- ment over. production schedules, and last weel he publicly announced that there must be a tre- mendous increase in both the rate and volume of output to win the war. Yet, despite all this, the President still has not made a concrete move to clean up the soggy administrative muddle. He has been talking about doing so. Only as recently as a week ago, he assured an old friend, who has long urged a drastic reorganization, that it was coming. But the inside word still is that the President has not yet made up his mind. Meanwhile, as the flames of war daily spread further and more fiercely, the vital production machinery of the government bumps erratically along in a welter of confusion and Dollar-A- Year men. Minister Of Supply THERE is a wide variance of view in the inner councils over the form the reorganization should take. The procurement chiefs of the Army and Navy, strongly supported by Bernard Baruch, wise old head of the 'World War I Industries Board, are urging that control over supplies be turned ovel to them, with OPM and the other civilian agen- cies functioning as subordinate auxiliaries. But cabinet and inner circle sentiment is strongly against this, on two counts: 1st, that supply is an industrial and henc a civilian prob- lem to be handled by civilians; 2nd, that the function of the Army and Navy is to fight and they have plenty of that to do without taking up war production. Non-military advisers want the President to set up a Ministry-of Supply headed by a single executive, like Lord Beaverbrook, whose job would be to see to it that the Army and Navy got all the arms and munitions they need, and when they need 'them. Separate Rooms . . A comedy by Joseph Carole, Alan Dinehart, in col- laboratlofi with Alex Gottlieb and Edmund Joseph. THE CAST Gary Bryce.....................Lionel Ince Taggert........................Kirk Brown Don Stackhouse ............ ... . Lyle Talbot Scoop Davis...................Warren Douglas Pamela Barry .................. Virginia Smith Jim Stackhouse.................Alan Dinehart Linda Roberts .................. Blanche Faye Leona Sharpe...................Madora Keene * * * * 4BOUT THE BEST that can be said for Separ- ate Rooms at the Michigan last night is that as it got broader it got funnier. It got quite broad, and fairly funny. But as a play, it stank. Some first class mugging by Mr. Dine- hart held together an anarchistic set of gag lines from which the first fine fuzz of youth has been worn a little, and when the cast began to slap- stick it a bit during the latter part of the second act all- the production needed was a plot and a de-hammer to make it something that even the inscrutable Horatio Alger might well have been proud of. Apparently the method of composing Separate Rooms was the popular Hollywood conference system, with the four authors working hard-al- most too hard, for some real gags, but something the corn belt will get, with a nudge and a wink. We got them. Contrary to the advance billing, there are not three hundred laughs in the play. But does it really matter? There are quite a few, and that's what people like, and the producers know it. I have not in- quite some time seen a play as openly and deliberately aimed right at the ten- twent'-thirty trade rathet than the possible four- forty top of the Big City. WELL, ENOUGH for that for now. I append here a note which appears at the bottom of the program to the effect that Separate Rooms is controlled by Thanks For My Wife, Inc., Hollywood, Calif.. I do not know what this means, unless there were more collaborators, or a group of public spirited citizens thought they had better give the boys a rest, and bought stock. The acting of the piece was of that indefinite nature, neither good nor bad, which I am fin- ally coming to expect of our better and more notorious performers when they tour the prov- inces. I have mentioned that Mr. Dinehart did much to hold the production together and keep it moving. He accomplished this work by some pretty corny, but always successful devices, in- cluding a laugh, a leer, and a quick delivery. Mr. Talbot did nicely in his role, which apparently was written to fit Mr. Talbot. Kirk Brown, as DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN (Continued from Age 2) Carol J. Booth Madalyn Born Lois Fromm Olga Gruhzit Frances Hall Sally Morton Catherine Rodgers Selma Smith All Women students are reminded that they must register any change of residence for the second semester in the Office of the Dean of Women by noon of January 19. They must also inform their househead of their intention by that date. Senior Engineers: Mr. A. J. Acker- man, Representative of the Dravo Corporation, Pittsburgh, Pa., will visit the Engineering College on Tuesday, January 13, to interview Senior stu- dents in Mechanical, Civil, Electrical. Marine Engineering and in Business Administration. He is also interested in seeing a limited number of Juniors of high standing in these Departments, for summer employment. Students may sign interview sched- ule on the Mechanical Engineering Department Bulletin Board. Academic Notices Qualifying Examinations for Di- rected Teaching (Educ. D100) will be given today at 1:00 p.m. in the audi- torium of the University High School Comprehensive Examination in Education will be given today at 9:00 a.m. in 2021 U.H.S. (also at 2:00 p.m. in 2432 U.E.S.). English 190: Junior Honors. Stu- dents wishing to elect English 190 should arrange to see Mr. Weaver. Each student should present a tran- script of his academic record. Room: 2218 A.H. Hours: Wednesday, 1:45' 2:45; Thursday, 2:30-3:30. Bennett Weaver Concerts Alec Templeton Concert Tickets. The counter sale of tickets for the Alec Templeton concert to be given February 26, will begin Monday morning, January 12, at the offices of the University Musical Society, Burton Memorial Tower. Tickets, including tax, will be priced as fol- lows: main floor 95c, first balcony 75c, and second balcony 55c. Tickets for the Robert Casadesus concert (in the Choral Union Series) January 19, and for the Roth String Quartet concert in the Second An- nual Chamber Music Festival. Jan- uary 23 and 24, are also on sale at the same office. Exhibitions Exhibition, College of Arclitecture and Design: Student drawings of competitors for the Edward L. Ryer- son TravelingrFellowship,at Illinois Institute of Technology, University of Illinois, University of Cincinnati, Ohio State University, Iowa State College, and University of Michigan, are being shown in the third floor exhibition room, Architecture Build- ing. Open daily 9 to 5 except Sun- day, through January 12. The pub- lic is invited. Lectures Lecture: Dr. Gregory Ilastos, Pro- fessor of Philosophy at Queen's Uni- versity in Ontario, will be the last speaker on the series on "The Fail- ure of Skepticism?" sponsored by The Newman Club, The B'nai B'rith Hillel Foundation, and Inter-Guild, at the Rackham Lecture Hall on Sunday, January 18, at 8:15 p.m. To Students Enrolled for Series of Lectures on Naval Subjects: Lieuten- ant Commander John- E. Fitzgibbon, U.S. Navy, Assistant Professor of Naval Science and Tactics, University of Michigan, will deliver a lecture on "Navy Regulations" at 7:15 p.m. Tuesaay, 13 January 1942, in Room 348 West Engineering Building. R. E. Cassidy, Captain, U.S. Navy, Professor of Naval Science and Tactics. Lecture, College of Architecture and Design: Mr. R. Harold Denton, Executive Assistant in the Bureau of Research and Statistics, Washington, D.C., will speak on "Research in Re- duction of Housing Costs" on Mon- day, January 12, at 4:15 p.m. Room 102 Architecture Building. The pub- lic is invited. University Lecture: Miss Margaret Bonfield, former member of the Bri- tish Cabinet, will lecture on the sub- ject, "How Labor Fights," at 4:15 p.m., Tuesday, January 20, in Rack- ham Auditorium, under the auspices of the Department of Economics. The public is cordially invited. EvdsToday Bowling Tournament - Women Students: Girls in bowling tourna- ment must play off' next match by today. Coming Events n." - / O hOY c Sg " :7 T ,;. "I always give a can of sardines for a bridge price so the winner won't waste time stopping at a delicatessen on the way home!" GRIN ANDM BEAR IT Society of American Bacteriologists. Time: 8 p.m., January 12, 1942.k Place: 1564 East Medical Building. All interested are cordially invited.E Phi Eta Sigma "Ensian" picturel at Rentschler's, 319 E. Huron, at 3:45, Sunday, January 11. A meeting at the Union will follow at 4:15. Prof. Bennett Weaver will speak. Meeting of the Merit System Com- mittee Monday in the League at 4:30. Display of Far Eastern Art: Pro- fessor James Plumer has invited theE students of the International Center and their friends to see his loan ex- hibit of Far Eastern Art at 7:30' Sunday evening in Alumni Memorial Hall. The invitation is extended not only to foreign students but also to others interested. Acolytes: Mr. I. Franks, of Detroit, will present a paper on "Observations on the Aesthetics of Poetry" Monday, January 12, at 7:45 p.m. in the East Conference Room of the Rackham Building. Everyone interested is wel- come. The University Hospital Alumnae will hold a meeting January 15, 1942, at 8:00 p.m. at the Michigan League. Dr. Henry Vaughan of the School of Public Health will speak on "The Place of the Institutional Nurse in Future Teachers of America meet- ing Tuesday, January 13, at 4:15 p.m. in the Elementary School Li- brary. The speaker will be Mrs. Ofelia Mendoza of Honduras. Mem- bers and friends are invited to at- tend. Joseph Starobin, of "New Masses," will speak on "Offensive in '42" at 8 p.m., Tuesday, January 13, in Room B, Haven Hall. Spo\sored by Karl Marx Soiety. The Art Cinema League is pleased to announce that Francis R. Line, University, of Michigan graduate, will present his colored motion picture "Circle pf Fire," the story of the. Hawaiian Islands, Dutch East In- dies, Philippines, and French Indo China. The film also contains the last mption pictures to come out of' Japan.' Mr. Line will accompany his film with a lecture. Tickets are- available at Wahr's and the League. The film will be presented at the Rackham Lecture Hall Sundy, Janu- ary 11, at 8:15 P.m. German Table for Faculty Mem- bers will meet Monday at 12:10 p.m. in the Founders' Room Michigan Union. Members of all departments are cordially invited. There will be a brief talk on "Der Turm als Sym- bol der Stadt," by Mr. Percival Price. Faculty Women's Club. The Mon- day Evening Drama Group will meet Monday, January 12, at 7:45 pim at the Michigan League. This will be the anhual Husbands and Guests night meeting at which a modern- mystery comedy will be given. Churches, Wesley Foundation: Bible Class Monday night at 7:30 o'clock. Dr. Charles W. Brashares will lead the discussion on "Prayer." Wesley Foundstion: Graduate Dis- cussiontgroup at 6 p.m. Sunday in Recreation Room. The theme will be "Religious Challenge in My Chos- en Vocation." Margaret Baskervill and Wendell Miles willtalk and then there will be group discussion. First Methodist Church and Wes- ley Foundation: Student Class at 9:30 a.m. Prof. Kenneth Hance will lead the discussion. Morning Wor- ship at 10:40 o'clock. Dr. C. W. Brashares will preach on "Modern Your World," subject of the sermon by Dr. Lemon. Westminster Student Guild, supper and fellowshiphour at 6 o'clock. Dr. Arthur W. Ratz of Fort Street Pres- byterian Church of Detroit will be the speaker of the evening. The sub- ject will be "God's World-Order. What Is It?" All are cordially in- vited. ' First Congregational Church: 10:45 a.m. Services in Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre. Dr. Leonard A. Parr, min- ister, will preach the sermon, "Proph- ets or 'Ye-Men'?" 5:30 p.m. Ariston League, high school group, in Pilgrim Hall. Pro- fessor Preston W. Slosson will talk on "New Year Prospects." Supper. 7:15 p.m. Student Fellowship in the church parlors. Professor Williamn A. Frayer, former Professor of Modern European History, will speak. l;is subject, "The Delusion of Pacifim." Tuesday, 4 to 5 p.m. The weekly Congregational student teas will be resumed by Mrs. Vera Thompson, Student Director, in Pilgrim Hall. All students are invited. Memorial Christian Church (Dis- cibles): 10:45 a.m,, Morning Worship, Rev. Frederick Cowin, Minister. 6:30 p.m., Disciples Guild Sunday Evening Hour; Miss Hypatia Ycas of Lithuania, a graduate student at the University of Michigan, will speak to the Guild on "A World-Wide Christ- ian Youth Fellowship." The meeting will be held at the Guild House, 438 Maynard Street, instead of at the church. A social hour and tea will follow the program. r The Church of Christ will meet for Scripture study Sunday, January 11, in the Y.M.C.A. at 10:00 a.m. The morning worship will begin at 11:00 a.m., the sermon being "The Changed Life." The evening service will start at 7:30 p.m., at which the sermon subject is to be "ReligiousSinners." The midweek Bible Study will be Wednesday at 7:30 p.m. Everyone is invited to all services. The First Baptist Church: 512 E. Huron St. Rev. C. H. Loucks, min- ister, Mrs. Geil Orcutt, associate stu- dent director. 10:15 a.m. The Church at Study. Undergraduate class with Mr. Loucks in- the Guild House, 50 E. Huron St. Graduate class wh Professor Leroy Waterman in the church. 11:00 a.m. The Church at Wor- ship. 6:30 p.m. Roger Williams Guild meeting at the- Guild House. Rabbi Jehudah M. Cohen will speak on "Worship in Judaism." Trinity Lutheran Church: William Street at Fifth Avenue. +Church'wor- ship service, 10:30. Sermon by CaMe- olus P Harry, secretary of the hoard of Education of the United Lutheran Church. Zion Lutheran Church: E. Wash- ington at Fifth Avenue. Church wor- ship services, 10:30. Sermon by Vicar Clement Shoemaker. The Lutheran Student Assocation will hold its' regular supper' hour at 5:30 and its forum hour at 7:00 Sun- day evening at Zion Parish Hall, 309 E. Washington Street. Dr. Carolus P. Harry, secretary of the Board of Education of the United Lutheran Church, will be the speaker. First Church of Christ, Scientist: 409 S. Division St., Sunday morning service at 10:30. Subject: Sacrament. Sunday School at 11:45. Episcopal Students: Professor Throop of the history department will be the speaker at the meeting of the Episcopal Student Guild at 7:00 p.mt Sunday in Harris Hall. Com- pline, refreshments and games. All students invited. < '(i " By Lichty ,: 'p 1 " e* , C >21) &-^yxIg i owl 11 il im I OM