oe Louis Retains Heavyweight Crown By Knocking Out Buddy Baer In First
-(P)-Joe Louis tore the California giant, Buddy
Bair, apart tonight and chopped him down in the
fourth fastest time a heavyweight ctlampion ever,
turned back a challenger.
Working for the fun of it, Joe got all the fun
out of this brief brawl as he turned loose an ex-
plosion of dynamite that never gave Buddy a
chance to draw a breath, that flooied the 250-pound
Goliath twice for nine counts, and that finally left
him beaten, bewildered and broken in two minutes,
56 seconds of the first round of what was to,
have been a 15-roun tussle.
1 This was a= murderous Louis, who ripped and
tore and, above all, fired his torpedoes continuously
so that Buddy never really knev what happened.
This was not the Louis of the Baer fight in Wash-
ington last May, who was knocked out of the ring
by one of Buddy's big paws and who waited six
full rounds before catching up with him.
Louis was strictly a 16-inch gun on target prac-
tice. No one could have counted all the blows he
landed as a near sell-out crowd who turned out
for this fight for the benefit of the Navy Relief
Fund roared and gasped at his power. But he
must have thrown a hundred or more waflops. Two
smashing rights dropped Buddy the first time he
hit- the deck. A long, lightning left put the
crusher on.
This one was a huge job of work. At 206/4 to
Buddy's even 250, Joe looked like a flyweight stand-
ing against the big bad Baer. And when Buddy
charged out of his corner at the starting gong,
caught Louis in his rush and carried him back
into Joe's own corner,,he looked like an Army tank
taking a tiny bush out of his way.
For a moment this confused the greatest puncher
the ring has ever seen. He circled the giant, like a
bird trying to pick out a branch of a tree on which
to land. Then he took aim and let fly. And for
all the rest of the proceedings meant, Buddy mightC
just as well have gone home right there. The
result was inevitable.
Joe charged him into the ropes and hammered
him at will. Buddy, by far the bravest of the
Baers--his brother Max cringed before Louishalf
a dozen years ago-came out punching. He caught
Joe with a left hook to the body and a right high
on the head.
Joe turned the heat loose again and nailed Baer
time after time with deadly depth charges. Fin-
ally a short right that didnt' travel more than eight
inches felled the Californian in midring. He got
up at nine, tried to get out of range. But the only
way he could have done that would have been to
climb into a bomb shelter. A d there weren't any
around. Another barrage, another short, smashing
right-and down went Baer again. He took nine
more, then arose and tried to cover up. There just
wasn't any cover.
Joe caught him in the middle of the ring again,
landed a left that looked as if it could have torn
a hole in a brick wall. Baer started to topple, and
as he went down, Joe just grazed him with a
right. But the left did the business. At four, Buddy
tried to get up. He fell back, then crawled on
his knees to the ropes and pulled himself up, But
he couldn't make it before Referee Frankie Fullam
reached the ten count.
Wrestlers, Puckmen Face Opponents Here
'_ I
Quitet Seeks
First Big Ten
Win Over Illini
Illinois Coach Will Start
Team Of Four Rookies;
Capt Captmill To Play
(Continued from Page 1)
Shemky and Don Holman, recovered
from colds and intestinal infections,
went through their paces at full
The Wolverines, who have already
dropped two conference tilts, will be
seeking their first Big Ten win of
the season against the Illini, while
the visitors from Champaign have
already defeated Wisconsin.
Illinois Is DarkhorseJ
Many basketball fans are calling
Illinois the dark horse pf the confer-
ence title race. At the beginning of
the season, because Doug Mills hadI
but a handful of returning veterans
from wkich to choose a starting five,
Orange and Blue fans were none too
hopeful. But the brilliant play of
four untried sophomores have com-
pletely changed tie picture.
The four rookies who are all well
over six feet two inches tall, give the
1Illini a - decided advantage in height
over Michigan. .
Most colorful player on the fast
moving Champaign five is sophomore
Andy Phillip. The sandy-haired
guard tallied 14 points against the
Badgers last week and has , been a
consistent high scorer. Art Mathisen,
Illini center, was,12th among the in-
dividual high scorers in the Confer-
ence last year.
Frosh Play Early h
Mills is still undecided whom he
will start at center. Both Mathisen
andVic TWukoxts have been equally
able so the Illini coach seems to have
the enjoyable position of having too
many good players for one position.
At 6:15 p.m. the freshman cagers
will play an intra-squad tilt that
should reveal many of next year's
Varsity basketball prospects. Coach
Ray Fisher expects all 20 of the
fresh cagers to see action.
* * *
Four Sophoamores .
Big Bill MacConnachie will again
be at one of the guard spots when
the Wolverine cagers tangle with
Illinois' fast-stepping quintet today
in Yost Field House. This young
sophomore has been in the!starting
line-up since the season began.
* * * /
Matmen Open
1942 Season
Against Lions
Penn State Again Brings
Strong Team For Tilt
With Untested Varsity
(Continued from Page 1)
of the Nittany Lions tangles with
Michigan's Dick Kopel. Harry is con-
sidered one of the better varsity re-
cruits down State College way, while
Kopel last year won the trophy given
to the most improved frosh wrestler.
Should be a good close one.
This next one looks to be one of
the day's best. Coach Charlie Spei-
del of the visitors thinks enough of
his regular 128 pounder, Clair Hess,
to move him up one weight division
to meet the challenge of Ray Deane
at 136 pounds. To spot avoirdupois to
anyone a grappler must be good, and
to spot it to colorful, savage Ray
Deane he's got to be plenty good.
1 Hess must be O.K.
Gardner Lindzey, a sophomore,
beat out a senior and a junior in a
triangle fight for the 145 pound
starting berth. That he knows 'his
onions about the grappling game is
evident, then, and he'll need every
bit of his sagacity and chicanery
when he steps out to meet Herb Bar-
nett, the ex-high school champ from
Oklahoma. Oklahoma, you must
know, is the state that turns out more
wrestling champs per square inch
than all the other commonwealths
in the Union ensemble.
Becker Or Hurwitz At 155 Lbs.
State's 155 pound representative
is Capt. Glenn Alexander. That he
is chief of a traditionally great wre -
ling team is proof of his ability. He
matches holds either with eel-like
Mary Becker, who frequently dis-
concerts his opponent by slipping out
of what has been described in the
wrestling handbook as an air-tight
hold; or with sophomore Mike Hur-
The advance dope makes it appear
that, Ralph Sayre of the Penns is
in for an unhappy afternoon. To be-
gin with Sayre is already handi-
capped by a pulled chest muscle. His
further misfortune is that his assign-
ment is to play with one of Michi-
gan's brightest beacons in the mat
sport, Bill Courtright. Corky is even
this early being boomed as probable
1942 national intercollegiate 165
pound champ. Today Bill will be out
to demonstrate that this is not just
Galles At 175 Lbs.
Bob Morgan of State showed so
much promise as a freshman last
year and in pre-season drill this fall
that he has been named to spike the
mat guns of Capt. Jim Galles of the
Wolverines. Jim is Big Ten 175 pound
champion and was undefeated last
year at this weight.
The show will end with a ringing
finale when Jack (Mike) Kerns,
whose nickname "Double-Bubble"
is perchance descriptive of his size
and shape, plays crash and tumble
with Michigan's sophomore Johnny
Greene in the heavyweight division.
Johnny copped the trophy for being
the best freshman wrestler last sea-
son, and a few weeks ago walked off
with the all-campus wrestling crown.
Now John is out to chalk up official
contests, and will start by trying to
prick the Bubble.
Both coaches were asked to pre-
dict the outcome of today's tie-break-
ing encounter. Charlie Speidel
laughed and said he and his boys
didn't come all the way out here to
lose. That was his answer.
Cliff Keen just laughed. Not too
loud or funny-like, just good-humor-
That was his answer.
rrv Bnooks
* Sports Hash For Breakfast
* Al Piel - In The Navy Now
Daily Sports Editor
To See Action.
qiad To Play
Point Edward
pt. Goldsm1itH W4i Lead
arsity li Avengement
f Last Year's Defeat,
Contlnuci from Page 1
A triple-barrelled treat is on the slate for sports fans today . . . with
three of the countrys finest athletic teams in their respective fields tabbed
for action against the Wolverines here.
Penn State's wrestling team and Illinois' basketball crew head the
vanguard of inflowing athletes, each having arrived yesterday in order
to become acclimated to Field House facilities and obtain a good night's
rest . . . Point Edward's Canadian hockey combination rolls in today.
T[HE RESPECTIVE MERITS of each of these three teams will be dwelt
upor at some length elsewhere on this sports page . . . so let it be re-
corded here merely that all are top-flight teams in their class of competition
- . . the Illini for instance have swept through a half dozen collegiate tests
without being dumped, including an easy 15 point margin over Wisconsin's
national champions . . . Penn State's mat team, a perennial Eastern
wrestling power, is primed to go all-out in an effort to repeat last year's
14-12 win over Coach Cliff Keen's Wolverine crew . . #, they won all but
one match last year . . . likewise Point Edward is one of the fastest hockey
teams in Canada, performing in the same fast Ontario league as the London
A.C. which already has downed Michigan.
George T. Weems, the Navy's five stripe regimental commander at
Annapolis who received quite a spread in a recent national magazine for
being number one man in the Naval Academy, performed here two years
ago as a menaber of the Middies' touring mat team . . . Weems was a
165-pounder but his stripes meant nothing to Michigan's Don Nichols
who decisioned the Navy lad, 23-5.
flERE'S ANOTHER All-Time All-America to read and forget . this
one's by Jim Thorpe, who should know something about the selections;
and features two Michigan grid immortals . . . Thorpe, of course, failed
to mention himself: Hinkey of Yale.and Muller of California at the ends;
Henry of Washington and Jefferson and Buck of Wisconsin at the tackles;
Heffelfinger of Yale and Spears of Dartmouth at guards; Germany Schultz
of Michigan at center; Eckersall of Chicago, Tom Harmon of Michigan;
White of Colorado, and Nagurski of Minnesota in the badkfield.
Play-maker Johnny Braidford
will hold down his regular center
position today when the Wolverine
hockey team battles Point Ediard.
A sophomore, Braidford has been
one of the best offensive players on
the puck team this season.
* * *
pace and countered three mnoTe mark-
ers before the period was over.
The same front line that blasted
the Wolverines off the ice last year is
back again. Two wings and a center
carried the entire Canadian attack.
Point Edward was paced by its cen-
ter, Tomn Prudence, and its left wing,
Charley Levan. Each* of these men
scored twice with Prudence powering
both of his into the net unassisted.
The other score was turned in by
Stew Cousins, right wing.
Veteran Defense
Adding to this trio, two defense-
men, Al Rutter and Fred James, Point
Edward will ice two lines which are
plenty tough. In the nets will be
Bob Pacard, a second-year man who
has displayed a fine ability as a
Michigan will be led by Capt. Paul
Goldsmith who 'has a. little more
avengence on his mind than prob-
ably any other Wolverine. Goldie
was kept out of last year's tilt with
the flue. This, coupled with other
injured players on the sidelines was
one of the' main reasons why hMichli-
gan lost last year. Goldsmith will
again start at his familiar right wing
spot, flanked by Max Bahrych who
scored those two Wolverine goals last
year against the Point E~dward sex-
tet. Completing the front line will
be sophomore John Braidford, hold-
ing down the center position.
Hull, Reichert To Start
At the defense shots will be Jimmy
Hull and Ed Reichert. Th'ese two
have been the principle reasons fo
the imprbved work in the back line.
In the gets, as usual, will be Hank
Loud who has consistently been turn-
ing in fine work.
Pulling the strings together, one
thing sticks out: tonight's contest
will feature a smart, experienced and
expert stick-handling Point Edward
sextet against a, determined Wolver-
ine squad. It is not expected (as
evidenced by past experience) that
Michigan will have to cope with as
much speed as in previous battles.
Here lies a fact that possibly puts
the squads on a moreeven basis.
* * *
Coach Ken Doherty has completed a renovating job on the Miehi-
gain track schedule necessitated by cancellation of the Illinois Relays
for the duration of the war . . . added to the Wolverines' indoor slate
is Pittsburgh which will invade Ann Arbor, Feb. 27 for a dual meet cash
. . the triangular meet with Michigan State and Michigan Normal has
been shoved up to Feb. 14 and moved from here to East Lansing . . . the
dual engagement with Notre Dame's powerful trackmen has been ad-
vanced a week and is stated for Yost Field House, Feb. 20.I
Illinois Po s.
Menke F
Smiley F
Mathisen C
Phillip G
Vance G
Horton Smith,
Capt ures Golf
LeadWith 68,
LOS ANGELES, Jan. 9.-(/P)-Gal.-
lery favorite Horton Smith, display-
ing his old time magic on the greens,
knocked four blows off par to take
over the leadership at the end of the
first round of the annual $10,000 Los
Angeles Open Golf Tournament to-
* The lanky Pinehurst, N.C., profes-
sional shot a 68, after collecting six
birdies and missing par but twice on
the par 72 Hillcrest course.
One stroke back of Smith, long an
idol of -California link fans, were
Harry Cooper, two-time winner of
the open; Herman Barron of White
Plains, N.Y., and Chet Beer, driving
range pro from Los Angeles, admit-
tedly somewhat surprised to find
himself in .such par-bursting com-
Ben Hogan, a strong threat to win
the tournament, saw his chances for
a tie or the lead go awry on the diffi-
cult eighteenth when his approach
was short and rolled back down the
steep incline.
Tl e little Hershey, Pa., champ
jioney winner of 1941, settled for a
70, tied with Lawson Little, 1940 win-
ner of the Lot Angeles Open; Johnny
Revolta of ihicago and Willie Gog-
gin, White Plains, N.Y.,
Tied at 71 were Sammy Snead, ex-
champion Denny Shute and Jim Tur-
nesa, veteran New Yorker.
Included in the 72 group were By-
FRANR McCARTHY, junior high hurdler, broad and high jumper, enjoyed
a little vacation at the expense of the Sugar Bowl Track and Field
Committee . . . enjoyed up to a certain extent, that is . . . Frank made
the trip to New Orleans but felt ill before his 120-yard high hurdle event
and just jogged through.
Purdue fans down at West Lafayette last week became irate when the
referee called a decision against the Boilermakers in thie Michigan game
one fan threw a half dollar- on the court . . . which the ,ef calmly
pocketed . . . most students probably missed the incident which oc-
curred at Yost Field House in the Notre Dame game the night vacation be-
gan . . at the exact instant the halftime gun sounded some fan, timing
the noise with perfection, bounced a dead duck on the hardwood floor . . .
out of season, too.
MICHIGAN TRACK CAPTAIN Al Piel, who volunteered for the Naval
Air Corps, has been ordered to report Jan. 15 at the Chicago Naval
Air Corps Station . his request for a three week deferment until
the end of the semester has not yet been answered . . . but his loss for
the track season is as definite as it is injurious to the Wolverine team
Lou Boudreau, young Cleveland Indian manager who also serves as
Illinois' assistant basketball coach, is in town with the 'Illini . . . this
probably has no social significance-but an experiment conducted yesterday
at the pool revealed that hairy chests are not only at a premium, but prac-
tically non-existent among Michigan's National Championship swimmers.
One of Coach Eddie Lowrey's
promising young sophomores is
Doug Hillman, who has shown
great improvement since the sea-
son started. His general stick
handling and his' down ice 'play
have been one of the bright spets
in the Wolverine play so far this
year. Besides playing hockey, Doug
is quite an accomplished tennis
Michigan POS.
Hull RD
Reichert Lm
Braidford C
Goldsmith (c) RW
Bahrych LW
Point Edward
Although lie has not started any
of the Wolverine basketball games
so far this season, Morrie Bikoff,
promising sophomore from Flint,
has shown considerable ball -hand-
ling ability in the short time he
has seen action.
Wiscousin Seeks First
Big Ten Win Tonight
CHICAGO, Jan. 9.--(A)-Wiscon-
sin, cuffed around in its first two Big
Ten starts in fashion unbecoming a
defending champion, will sound out,
Iowa's Hawkeyes tomorrow night in
one of five conference games, with
hopes of moving into the win column
for the first time since league activ-
ity began a week ago.
Beaten by Illinois and Indiana, the
Badgers will clash at Iowa City withf
an Iowa club that won its first two
. I
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