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January 10, 1942 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1942-01-10

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PArtly Cloudy;
Snow Flurries.


/Li ian


International Thought Is Key
To World Peace

. M - -

VOL. LII. No. '75





Wee~kend Tilts
Feature Cage,
Ice, Wrestling
Engagem ents
Wrestlers To Face Nittany
Lions Froin enn State
In Season's First Meet
Fans Expect Close
Encounter' Today
This advance is written expressly
for those interested in seeing a good
scrap this afternoon.
The set-up is this. Today at 3:00
p.m. at the Yost Field House the 1942
edition of the Michigan Wolverine
wrestling team opens its competitive
season against the Nittany Lions of
Penn State and precedent assures
that the affair will be no clam-bake.
The two teams have met six times.
The Wolverines have-won three. The
Penn States have won three. Never
has there been a greater margin of
victory than four points. And always
each team has won four of the eight
bouts, triumph having depended
upon one team's gaining more falls
than the other.
You get the idea. These Michigan-
Penn State grappling sessions are al-
ways dog fights, packed with the
blood and thunder that brings fans
to their feet roaring. And a quick
survey of who meets whom today
promises that the happy tradition
will be continued.
At 121 pounds State offers Charley
Ridenour, who as a sophomore last
year captured the Eastern Intercol-
legiate title. Pitted against this ace
is sophomore Vic Wertheimer, as yet
untried in intercollegiate compedti-
tion, who recognizes the tough job
ahead of him and concedes nothing.
It's soph versus soph in the 128
pound match today, as Sam Harry
(Continued on Page 3)

University Mourns Loss Of Scholar

Struggle In

West Malaya

As Death Ends Prof. Curtis'


* ? ._.

Death ended the prolific career of
Prof. Heber D. Curtis, director of the
University observatories, early yes-
terday morning following a brief ill-
Paying tribute to thb magnitude of
the service which Professor Curtis
rendered the University, President
Alexander G. Ruthven stated, "The
entire University mourns the loss of
Professor Heber D. Curtis, who was
one of our most distinguished schol-
ars and best-loved teachers"
"He was a member of that group
of professional astronomers and ob-
'servatory directors trained here at
Ann Arbor under Brunnow, Watson,
Hall and their successors, which has
often been compared to the school of
naturalists which gathered around

Agissiz," President Ruthven con-
"This tradition he ably carried on,
by his personal researches, his par-
ticipation in eclipse expeditions all
over the world, and by his tactful
encouragemeht of the research pro-
grams of his colleagues in the obser-
vatories here in Ann Arbor, at Lake
Angelus, and at Bloemfontein, which
have brought the University of Mich-
igan very considerable prestige.
"It is rarely that such scientific
abilities and admirable personal
qualities as those of Dr. Curtis are
united in one individual."
Funeral services will be held at 3
p.m. Monday in the Dolph funeral
home, with Dr. Charles W. Brashares
of the Fst Methodist Church offici-
At his office for a short time as

late as Thursday afternoon, he was
found dead in his bed by his family
yesterday morning. Family and
friends alike were shocked at the
suddenness of his death.
Associated Kith the University
since 1924 and director of the ob-
servatories for 12 years, Professor
Curtis was recognized by the leading
societies in the field of astronomical
research and was best known for his
11 expeditions to various parts of the
world to study total eclipses.
Born in Muskegon, June 27; 1872,
the astronomer received his bache-
lor and master degrees at the Uni-
versity and a doctor of philosophy
degree at the University of Virginia.
Before taking his late position at
the University, he had taught at
Napa College, Calif., and the Univer-
sity of Virginia, and was astronomer
(Continued on Page 2)

Causes Heavy Casualties;
Plane Destroys U.S. Ship

Puckmnen Will
Point Edward


In an attempt to marlk up their
first win of the 1941-42 season, the
Wolverine hockey team will face
Point Edward at 8:30 p.m. today in
the Michigan Coliseum. Starting
time has again been postponed in
order that those attending the Illi-
nois basketball game might have a
chance to get to the puck battle.,
Hailing from Sarnia, Canada, the
"Point Edward Club brings to Ann
Arbor a squad of seasoned veterans.
Of the six puckmen on their probably
starting sextet, five were very instru-
mental in handing the Wolverines a
5-2 licking last year.
Those who saw last year's battle
at the Coliseum will well remember
the quick turn of events in the last'
priod which brought defeat to 'the
Wolerines. Michigan was hot that
night and were first to break into
the scoring column early in the
game. Paced by Max Bahrych,
Coach Eddie Lowrey's puckmen held
a 2-1 advantage until the last nine
minutes of the final period. Bahrych
sent the puck singing into the Cana-
dian fnet once in each of the first
two. periods.
After tieing, the score in the first
eight minutes of play in the third
frame, Point Edward set up a terrific
(Continued on Page 3)
Underdog Quintet
To Challenge Illini
A scrappy but underdog Wolverine
basketball team will face a highly
favored Illini five at 7:30 p.q. today,
at Yost Field House in a game which
promises to give the Varsity its stiff-
est competition of the 1941-42 sea-
The Illinois squad, which is unde-
feated in six starts against collegiate
competition, boasts a starting team
that is probably the tallest Michigan
The freshman cagers will play
an intra-squad game starting at
6:15 p.m. which will last until the
start of the Illinois-Michigan
has ever faced. The Orange and
Blue are as green as they are tall
with four out of the five regulars
playing their first season with the
Bennie Oosterbaan, the never-
complaining Wolverine cage coach;
got his first good break in many a
Anav ulo " l-Q rnanr i fni frn "fil

RAF Bombers
Hit Axis Lines
American-Built Fighters
Participate As British
Continue African Drive
CAIRO, Egypt, Jan. 9.--()-
Guarded by American-built Kitty-
hawk fighters, RAF bombers are
dealing smashing new blows to Axis
sea and land supply lines in the Med-
iterranean and, North Africa while
British mobile columns are keeping
General Rommel's retreating forces
under constant attack.
Down Seven Planes
Outnumbered more than 5 to 1,
the Kittyhawks were credited today
with downing seven Axis planes and
damaging others in their latest clash
with n'iore than 50 German and Ital-
ian craft in the area of Agedabia.
These Curtiss models, an improve-
ment over the famed Tomahawks,
were manned by Australian.
General Headquarters here an-
nounced that RAF bomber squadrons
scored direct hits on coastal shipping
bringing supplies from Tripoli, the
chief Axis North African port, to
"beaches at va ious points on the
Gulf of Sirte" as well as on trans-
port columns on the coastal highway.
Axis troops covering flommel's
withdrawal on the 70-mile stretch
southwest from Agedabia to El Aghe-
ila meanwhile admittedly were put-
ting up a stubborn light.
Bad Weather Responsible
The British acknowledged that
well-laid mine fields and bad weather
also were slowing up their attempts
to outflank the Axis army and force
a decisive battle. But there were
some indications tonight that the
Nazi commander, his battered tank
force perhaps already slightly
strengthened by reinforcements from
.the west, might make a further stand
west of El Agpeila on semi-prepared
(London military observers, on the
other hand, thought Rommel more
probably would seek to fight a slow
dela yig action in the hope that con -
stant Axis air raids on the British
base at Malta would smash its
strength and thus crack the blockade
of the Axis supply lines from Italy.)
War Briefs
LONDON, Jan. 9.-(/P)-No Ger-
mans are operdting directly or in-
directly with Japanese forces in
Malaya, the Berlin radio said to-
night in a broadcast heard here.
'* * * -.
LONDON, Jan. 9.-(A')-The Ru-
man ian radio broadcast tonight
that all persons found possessing
firearms or explosives after Jan.
20 would be sentenced to death.
The German radio later said the
order was directed at Rumanian
soldiers "who have returned from
occupied territory beyond the
Dnister and have not yet handed
bac their arms, ammunition and
explosives." It did not explain
why Rumanian soldiers from the
Russian front had returned home.,
* * *
BERKELEY, Calif., Jan. 9.-(/P)-
The University of California's 25,-
000 students, both men and women,
will be required to take some course
related to the war emergency when
they return to classes Jan. 19,
President Robert G. Sproul said to-
The Board of Regents has de-
creed that each student choose one
course each semester from a na-
tional servicn et of clases diret-

Local Groups
To Fly New
Ann Arbor civilian Ayers and citi-
zens with any ground or radio train-
ing are flocking to the ranks of the
newly formed Civil Air Patrol which
is supervised by the Army.
Dwight S. Reynolds, C.P.T. flight
manager of the Ann Arbor Airport
was appointed supervisor in charge
of ground, and flight instruction for
this district and Elfred Ingebrigt-
sen, also of the Ann Arbor Airport,
was appointed Squadron Commander
for the Ann Arbor and Ypsilanti
area. Complete plans for the C.A.P.
have not yet been released, but gp-
plications have been issued.
The purpose of the C.A.P., Inge-
brigtsen said, is to organize the ci-
vilian flying forces so they will bel
ready for any Emergency if they
should be called on. He said plans
have been made for night schools to
train pilots anO ground men for their,
duties ii the patrol, but pointed out
that these duties would not interfere
with regular jobs or college.
A pamphlet issued by the C.A.P.
said the volunteer pilots will prob-
ably do such jobs as patroling air-
ports, highways and defense areas,
ferrying army planes and towing tar-
gets for army flyers as they are
Robert A, MacVicar, president of
Ann Arbor Flyers, Inc., said that
most of the club had already sent
in their applications for the patrol,
including several of the girls.
As no local records have yet been
made, Ingebrigtsen has asked all lo-
cal applicants to give hin. their
names and addresses, so there will be
no delay in the organization of this
area which he regards as an impor-
tant one because of the amount of
defense' work being done.

All War Effort
WillBe Guided
By New Board
Faculty Heads Appointed
By Ruthven To Control
All Emergency Efforts
Formation of an over-all War
Board to correlate campus war ef-
forts and to make plans for meeting
the war emergency in all phases
of the University's activities was an-
nounced yesterday by President
Operating under the Board of Re-
gents, the new War Board will re-
place apd take 'over the subcommittee
structure of the deans' National De-
fense Committee which has func-
tioned since October, 1940. As such
it will be empowered to form new
faculty committees and enlist the
cooperation .of individual faculty
members to deal with particular
problems which arise.
The members of the Board, as ap-
pointed by President Ruthven, are:
Dr. Louis Hopkins, director of the
Summer Session and secretary of the
,University Council and Senate, chair-
man; Dr. Clarence S. Yoakum, vice--
president in charge of educational
investigations and dean of the Grad-
uate School; Dean James B. Edmon-
son, of the School of Education; Prof.
Harlow Heneman, of the political
science department; and Prof. Lay-
lin K. James, of the Law School,
Eight . committees of the former
National Defense Committee which
are now in existence will continue to
function, but will report to the new
War Board in the future. '
The Board is to make its head-
quarters in the University Council
room, 1009 Angell HalL

Royal Air Force Bombs:
3 japanese Troopships
iringing Reinforcement
Artillery Eniployed
Against Tank Attack
SINGAPORE, Jan. 9.-(VP)--The
British and Japanese fought in West
Malaya today with a deadly urgency
that took many lives on both sides
and RAF bombers pounded Japa-
nese ships which apparently were
trying to land reinforcements from
the China Sea for the comparatively'
weak invading force on the east
The British fliers reported they
scored a direct hit on one 4,000-ton
Japanese ship and damaging "near-
misses" on another in the Kuantan
Estuary and that they also made sev-
eral direct hits on a Japanese ship
north of Anambas Island, between
Malaya and Borneo. No British
planes were lost.
, Cling To Ragged Line
In the mounting fury of the land
fighting, the British Imperial troops
clung doggedly to a ragged line run-
ning through swamps, forests and
rubber plantations in the Slim River
area 50 miles north of Kuala Lum-
pur, but were under constant attack
along the main road 290 miles above
Singapore by the moast powerful tank
forces the Japanese have yet em-
Artillery. was called into action at
close range to stem these Japanese
thrusts in southern Perak state.
A communique said tonight that
the Japanese hurled waves .of in-
fantry, .then tanks, then more in-
fantrymen against the British in a
savage all-day battle yesterday in
which both sides suffered heavy cas-
ualties. ,
British Hold Firm
The outcome of that battle for con-
trol of the highway was not stated,
but an earlier communique said the
British firmly held their positions.
(The British radio, hinting at
widespread Japanese fifth column
activity, said "in Selangor the enemy
evidently had complete knowledge of
the roads through the rubber estates
which enabled them to launch sur-
prise attacks in armored vehicles."
(A Tokyo broadcast claimed the
Japanese were more than 20 miles
beyond Tanjong Malim, or only 30
miles from Kuala Lumpur, the Ma-
layan capital and crude rubber cen-

Chinese CUaM
Jap Southern
Lines Dented
Nippon's Hold On Hunan
Provinee Threatened
By New Offensive I
(By Tie Associated Press)
CHUNGKING, Jan. 9.-The Chii-
nese claimed tonight that a broad-
scope offensive had piercedthe outer
defenses of two of the most impor-
tant Japanese-held provincial capi-
tals in South China and threatened
to break the Japanese grip on three
more key cities.-
At the same time, a military{
spokesman said other troops of Gen-
eralissimo Chiang Kai-Shek are mov-
ing 'up to "designated positiops" in
Burma, and more are ready to fol-,
low them when and if they are
The fledgling Chinese air force,1
having bombed centers of Japanese
power in northern Hunan province,
was reported in an army conmuni-
que tonight to have shot down seven
Japanese planes and to have dam-
aged' at least four and possibly eight,
when the Japanese rose to give battle.
The communique said that various
points of Hunan were attacked today
by 10 Japanese planes, half of them
concentrating on Heng-Yang, 95
miles south of Changsha. Japanese1
land forces were said to have re-'
treated to points between 20 and 30j
miles northeast of Changsha. °
Coupled with these blows by Chi-
nese land forces, China's resurgent
air force was reported to have turned
back eight Japanese planes attempt-
ing their first raid of the year on this
provisional capital. This announce-
ment heartened Chungking residents
who heretofore have seen th ir city
blasted time and again virtu ly un-
challenged from the air.
Soviet Forces
Sweep Length
Of War Front
Russian Juggernaut Rolls
In Continued Advance
Against Forces Of Nazis;
LONDON, Jan. 9.-()-The Red
Armies, thrusting forward along the
whole length of the Russian front,
claimed tonight virtually to have,
lifted the sieges of both Leningrad
and, Sevastapol and to have con-
verted both great garrisons into of-
fensive forces threatening to smash
the German north ,and south an-
At the center the Soviet drive
rolled on, the Red Command an-
nouncing the recapture of half a
dozen additional towns, presumably
somewhere along the line of the con-
tinuing advance toward the Nazis'
Vyazma-Bryansk defense front, and
the Moscow radio jubilantly pro-
claimed to the world:
Enemy Continues Retreat
"The enemy continues to retreat
in many sectors of the front, losing
a great number of men, tanks, trucks
and guns. The initiative has been
torn out of the enemy's hands. The
German machine is broken!"
iThe midnight Soviet communique
broadcast from Moscow announced
that Red troops had swept into Mo-
salsk, a town 47 miles west of Kalu-
ga and about 30 miles short of the
Vyazma-Bryansk line.
The nearby town of Serpeisk also
was retaken in the drive of this south-
ern Red arm seeking tq encircle Moz-

haisk, 57 miles west of Moscow. Moz-
haisk thus far has barred a direct
central drive toward Vyazma, but
Russian armies now have by-passed
that point.
Unable To Halt Retreat
In London, the opinion strength-
ened among expert observers that
Hitler might not now be able to halt
his retreat at the center short of a
naturally strong line formed by the
Luga and Dnieper rivers at Smolensk
-210 miles west of Moscow on the
road back toward the areas of Ger-

8,000 Ton Rutli Alexander
Abandoned After Attack
In East, Indies Waters
Submarine Activity
Of Eifemy Reduced
WASHINGTON, Jan. 9.---(P)-The
Navy announced tonight the destruc-
tion of an 8,000-ton American ship by
an enemy plane in liar Eastern wa-
ters, while the nation awaited word
of a renewed attack upon the" gal-
lant defenders of the Philippines.
,The vessel was the Ruth Alexander
of tle American Presidents Lines.
She was formerly owned by the Pa-
cific Steamship Company and was
once in regular passenger service be-
tween Los Angeles/and Seattle.
One member of the crew was killed
and four were injured. The remain-
der of the ship's personnel was said
to be safe in a friendly port, The air
attack, in Netherlands East Indies
waters, apparently did not sink the
vessel but inflicted such damage that
she had to be abandoned as a total
Sub Operations Continue
Making this announcement, the
Navy added that operations against
enemy submarines in the central Pa-
cific were continuing, and that off
the West qpast the activities of un-
dersea raid rs had been reduced. An
investigation of reports of an enemy
submarine off the New England coast
had produced nothing definite.
Meanwhile, the weary fighting men
of General Douglas MacArthur were
Ateeling themselves to withstand an-
other savage Japanese effort to drive
them off their rocky, grimly-held
peninsula and into the sea.
Enemy Gathers Strength
The enemy was obviously 'gather-
ing his slength and forces for a ma-
jor attack, moving fresh troops and
equipment into the areas of direct
Meanwhile, the actual fighting had
reduced itself to sporadic jungle skir-
mishes, the apparent result of chanMd
encounters between advanced patrols.
The interim at least gave the Amer-
ican and Filipino defenders an op-
portunity for the thing which in ad-
dition to airplanes and ground rein-
forcements, they needed most-rest.
At home, meanwhile, officials
scoffed at a blantly boastful Tokyo
claim that Japanese troops will even-
tually land on American soil and find
it a "simple matter" to sweep every-
thing befo=e them. The statements
were made in the Japan Times and


First Ann Arbor Casualty Of War
Is Marine Lieut. George H. Cannon,


Prof. Barltt

A long period of anxiety ended in
sorrow for Mrs. Benjamin B. Cannon
III when the Marine Corps informed
her yesterday that Lieut. George H.
Cannon was killed in action at Mid-
way Island Dec. 7, 1941.
The first Ann Arbor casulty of the
war, Lieut. Cannon was a University
graduate with an outstanding college
record. Only, the following letter
from the Marine Corps can tell of
the heroism of his death.
"I deeply regret to inform you
that your son, George H. Cannon,
First Lieutenant, U. S. Marine
Corps, was killed in action by en-
emy shell fire on the night of De-
cember 7, 1941, at Midway Islands,
North Pacific Ocean. 'Your son's
action on this occasion was most
creditable. When an enemy shell
hit George's battle station, seri-
ously wounding him and some of
his men, he refused to be evacu-
ated until his wounded men had
been carefd for.
"Your son was held in high es-
teem by both his fellow officers
and men. He 'mbodied the fine
qualities of an officer and a gen-
tleman. While George's death is
a severe. loss to this battalion his
unselfishness, loyalty, and' high
sense of duty has set a standard
which we all hope to attain during
these critical times. Please accept
my heartfelt sympathy."
The letter was signed by Lieut.
Col. H. D. Shannon, Commanding
Iriff ir r Qm nfnP n - nlit

LWill Git*veT'alk/
America's biggest battlefield, the
Philippines, will be discussed by Prof.
Harley H. Bartlett, chairman of the
botany department, in a public lec-
ture at 4 p.m. tomorrow in the Rack-
ham Lecture Hall.
Professor Bartlett, who will speak
under the auspices of the Committee
to Defend America, recently returned
from a spdecial investigation of 'the
Pacific territories' value to the United
States as a source of quinine and
rubber. He undertook this research
as a special agent of the Department
of Agriculture.
In addition to his Far Eastern work
as a botanist for the United States
Rubber Company, Professor Bartlett
spent the year 1935 'with the Univer-
sity of the Philippines as exchange
professor. At that time, he became
a charter member of the islands'
National Research Council.
Professor Bartlett, director of the
University Botanical Garden, began
his East Indies' studies in 1918. Since
then he has gained an extensive
knowledge of the Filipinos and their
"America and the Philippines" will
be the first Committee to -Defend
America lecture since the beginning
of Far Eastern hostilities. Welsh
coal miner Jack Jones and Prof.

I :..: :.:.... ..: :: :.. ..:::: :: ......: ..: . ... .. ... .,. . . . ....


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