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January 08, 1942 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1942-01-08

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Nine Billion Boost War Survey Bomb-Blasted Philippine I
Of Campus
In New Tax Levies OpensToday Decry Enemy's Strafing T
Requested By FDR RedrdB nvriy~a s Strike At Australian ui
In National Etergen
Startled Congressmen Promise Efforts Prjc WilRahDf*esSngl oHldJaa ee Dfnees on
To Find All Possible Revenue Sources; Allec WilRah eedr Sturegts RaHid ar ee deFoureesToys
Further Income Assessments Are Seen A nSdesRAssa, Fus Dstny
In an effort to help the students 10 t 0LAC 'APA$ NGAPAN AirA ssa
discover how they may more effec- -' L-
Roosevelt Puts Ban On Sales Tax; tively help in the national1emergency LAN NU.
* and, also, to aid the University in de- .E'. ./ ' Long Ran ePla e
i. ,tinrmining what W arrr m chne.
Asks Higher Social Security Kate E""fst ute AMPANG A
_______________ ~mittee of 1942 will today begin dis- 3 nS uhS aIlt
evruhlaiciffn a~f ri tfuirit i \ ' O South ea Isl
L~fYJA*t',ttj, LAfl.AIAA U'.A. V J A. JJU.,I

tudenits Can Aid
War Effort ..
U tpost
On Luzon Isle
ed By Enemy
ivilians Killed
[sedIn Raid
d RAF Base

WAShINGTON, Jan. 7.-()-President Roosevelt today requested
$9,000,000,000 in new taxes from the American people next year on top of
$17,852,000,000 estimated to be provided by present levies and startled Con-
gressmen who will have to draft the necessary legislation promptly prom-
ised to do their best to get it.
Chairman Doughton (Dem.-N.C.) of the House ays and Means Com-

mittee, which originates tax measure
to tell how that much new revenue4
could be obtained, but remarked:
"We will raise all the money we
can without, of course, turning the
tree up by its roots."
Based On Collection Facility
Mr. Roosevelt told a press confer-
ence his request for new taxes was
based on the double question of how
much could theoretically be raised
and how much the country could
In additioz to taxes, he looked to
the people to lend the Government
more than $33,000,000,000 during the
year, especially through purchases of
defense savings bonds.
The President laid down only two
rules which he hoped Congress would
follow in raising the new taxes. He
wanted $2,000,000,000 of new Social
Security taxes in addition to the $1,-
364,090,000 of Social Security taxes
expected under present rates. He
asked that the other $7,000,000,000 be
raised through almost any other kind
of levy, except a general sales tax.
Income Tax Raise Seen
This wa expected at the Treasury
t", result in sharp increases in both
individual and corporation income
taxes, corporation excess profit taxes
and estate and gift taxes; and in a
host of increased and new excise
taxes on specific commodities.
The President told a press confer-
ence that although he favored put-
ting special taxes on large number
of consumer articles, especially lux-
uries, he did not want a general sales
tax on everything at this time al-
though future developments might
alter that attitude.
Estimating existing tax laws would
produce $17,852,000,000, taking ac-
count of Social Security levies for
the next fiscal year, his message con-
templated an Unprecgdented total of
$26,852,000,90.0 in revenues to help
offset a $56,000,000,000 war program.
Prediction Surprise Leaders
His predictions on the yield from
present statutes surprised Ways and
Means committeemen almost as much
as the size of his request for new
levies. Previous estimates had been
from $2,000,000,000 to $4,000,000,000
less than that.
To most. persons the biggest tax
boost was slated to come in the form
of a stiffer individual income tax.
This now starts at about 10 per cent
and goes up to 79 per cent, depend-
ing on the size of a persons income.
Some proposals, including some re-
ported to originate at the Treasury,
would put the bottom rate at 25 per
RAF, Free French
Blast Axis In Libya
LONDON, Jan. 7.-(P)-The Royal
Air Force and Free French Air Force
have turned on a full-scale air blitz
against isolated Axis forces in the
stronghold of Halfaya pass in east-
ern Libya, the Air Ministry's news
service reported tonight.
Formations of Blenheim bombers
are roaring over Halfaya every quar-
ter hour in "unceasing procession,"
the news service said,- adding that
the rain of bombs starts at daylight
and contipue until nightfall.
It is a repetition of the furious air
assault against fallen Bardia, it said,
and presumably is having the same
effect on the nerves of the defenders
as that attack.
Fred De mnnano I1niuured

s, said it was impossible immediately
Speech Group
W ill Consider
Sigma Rho Tau Members
To Formulate Platform
In MeetingAt Union
Striving to cooperate more flly
more than 40 members of Sigma Rho
Tau, national honorary speech soci-
ety representing seven engineeringt
schools in the Middle West, will meett
at 7:30 p.m. today in the Union to
formulate their policy for the com-
ing semester.
Chief aim of the society at the
present time, according to faculty
adviser Prof. Robert D. Brackett of
the engineering English department,
As to be of the greatest possible as-
sistance through speaking to various
groups on subjects which will 'aid
war economy.1
Possible fields which might be cov-,
ered include the application of engi-
neering principles to save wear and;
tear on articles now in use, practical
safety measures or perhaps infor-
mation on the construction of air
raid shelters.-
Secondary purpose of the national;
council meeting is to determine a
subject for inter-chapter debates in
the coming semester. Since last fall
the clubs have been debating the
subject of incorporation of labor un-
Participating in the meeting will
be delegates from the University,
University of Detroit, University of
Toledo, Michigan State College,
Wayne University, Detroit Institute
of Technology and Michigan College
of Mining and Technology.
Among the representatives who
will be present will be Prof. William
D. Godfrey of the University of De-
troit, national president of Sigma
Rho Tau, and Prof. Ralph T. North-
rup of Wayne University, national
British Attack
Norway Coast
LONDON, Jan. 7.-(I)-A team of
British ships and planes raided Hell-
efjord on the Norwegian. west coast;
between Bergen and Trondheim yes-
terday, while British bombers pound-
ed at targets in Germany, Occupied
France and the Netherland coast.
A joint Naval and RAF communi-
que described the Hellefjord foray,
the purpose of which was to inter-
cept enemy shipping.
Light naval forces entered the
fjord during the night and for some
hours worked close inshore in the
inner channels looking for prey. Off
the town of Floro one enemy supply
ship of medium weight was sunk and
two trawlers alongside a canning fac-
tory were also sent to the bottom.
Aviation Cadet Board
Here For Recruitin*
Ready to accept properly qualified
candidates for immediate enlistment,
the state Traveling Aviation Cadet
Board of the Army Air Corps will be
at the HIealth Service all day today
and tomorrow.
The examiners will give physical
examinations, examine credentials

111 Ul~l V U1 U11Ut4 Ou vy U e
More than 7,500 persons will be
asked to fill out carefully the de-
tailed questionnaire. Of a purely in-
formational character, none of the
answers given will put anyone under
an obligation to either the University
or the government.
Although the entire survey is to be
conducted upon a voluntary basis,
both Robert Sibley, '42, chairman
of the Committee of 1942, and Dean
Joseph Bursley asked that every stu-
dent take upon himself the respon-
sibility of turning in a completely
answered questionnaire by tomorrow
The majority of questions are
aimed at discovering what abilities
the student already has or would like
to attain in the near future.
Courses Offered
If enough persons indicate their in-
terest in any subject which is not
at present included on the University
curriculum, Dean Bursley promises
that an instructor will be found and
the course will be offered next sem-
Other questions which are asked
include one to determine student in-
terest in four or five hours of mili-
tary drill a week, and another to dis-
cover how many of the student body
would be willing to contribute some
of their blood for a "blood bank" for
wounded soldiers.
The questionnaires will be distrib-
uted to professional students through
the deans of the various school&
Other men will be reached through
fraternities, cooperatives, dormitories
and the independent men's organi-
Special Tables
Students who are unable to re-
ceive their questionnaires through
any of these channels may obtain
them at special tables to be set up
(Continued on Page 6) .
Nazi Crimean
Forces Face
Total Defeat
HELSINKI, Jan. 7.-(P)-Offi-
cials Finnish spokesmen tonight
denied widespread rumors Finland
is ready to withdraw from the war
against Russia.
LONDON, Jan. 7.-(/P)-The Rus-
sians were threatening the entire sur-
viving German Army of the Crimea
tonight and were smashing forward
in every other vital area along vast
battleline extending to the far north-
ern Finnish frontr
In the Crimea the Soviet garrison
of the Black Sea naval base of Sevas-
topol, formerly a city of German
siege, had been converted into a cen-
tral offensive body.which in coopera-
tion with Soviet forces landed north
and south of the city was moving
toward envelopment of the Nazis.
An operation similar to that which
already had cleared the Kerch Pen-
insula--Crimea's eastern extremity-
appeared to be in motion.
The Soviet night communique said
the southern arm of the Red offen-
sive on the central front had swept;
into Neshchovsk, only 40 miles short
of the Vyazma-Bryansk German de-
fense line in the effort to encircle
the big Nazi army centered at Moz-
The strongest of current Russian
thrusts was developing from the area
of their northernmost landing on
Crimea about Yevpatoriya, some 40
miles above Sevastopol-and there
heavy fighting was reported with
Nazi, troops hurried northward from
Sevastopol itself.
The German High Command in its
(Continued on Page 2)
Engineers Will Be Given
Defense QuesiioIunaires

Subic Ba ' nlla Bay.
Despite an American-Philippine counter-drive (white arrow, 2),
northwest 'of Manila, the defenders in the month-long struggle for the
Pacific islands have been experiencing Japanese tactics similar to the
invaders' treatment of "defenseless towns." Black arrows mark the gen-
eral direction of the Jap offensive on American lines established to
keep the enemy from strategic Batan Province. With the retention
of Batan, the Army would be left an avenue to reach sturdy Corregidor
Island (1) at the entrance to Manila Bay.
Campus Argues War Issues:
Student Senate Winte!' Parley,
Will Open Discussions Jan.16

WASHINGTON, Jan. 7.-(RP)-General Douglas MacArthur, his own
defenders of the Philippines pounded by bombs and kept under a deadly hail
of aerial machine-gunning, decried today similar tactics by Japanese in-
vaders against "defenseless" towns.
Many natives were killed in "merciless" raids, the War Department
said in its evening communique, naming seven towns in Central Luzon as
having been thus attacked-and four of them destroyed-since the Japanese
invaded the main island of the Philippines.
"The Japanese apparently deliberately chose Sundays and religious
holidays for these attacks, knowing that on such days a large number of
civilians would be attending church or on the streets," the Army statement
On Christmas andl New Year's the aerial forays were particularly heavy,
it added. The four towns reported razed by bombing were Baler, Santa

---< 1 I


Pros and cons on nearly every wart
issud are repr'esefited in the facultyi
panel leaders chosen yesterday fort
the annual Student Senate Winterx
Scheduled to open its two-day ses-c
sions Jan. 16, the parley has adopt-t
ed "America At War" as a discus-s
sion theme with four panels aimed
at sounding student opinion on the
major aspects of this topic.
As announced by parley commit-k
tee co-chairmen Jake. Fahrner 43,
and Jack Edmonson '42, the firstr
panel will be concerned with the
working of America's mushroom warl
machine. Profs. Arthur Smithies,
Shorey Peterson, both of the eco-
nomics department, and Arthur
Bromage of the Department of Poli-
tical Science will lead the student
discussion of "America At Arms."
The second panel, planned to de-
termine the part played by educa-
tion both during and after the war,
will include Dean Alice Lloyd, Profs.
William A. Paton of the economics1
department, Burton D. Thuma of the1
Department of Psychology, Harlow
J. Henemnan of the political sciencet
department and Claude Eggertson of
the School of Education.
"Crisis in Morals," topic of the1
Welles To Confer
IIIIti eJaniro
WASHINGTON, Jan. 7.-- (-) -
Sumner Welles, Undersecretary of
State, and a corps of advisers will1
leave tomorrow for Rio de Janeiro,
for the conference of American for-
eign ministers called to plot the
hermisphere's course in a world at
Dispatches from South America
indicated the issue of the conference
--fulfillment of the Pan-American
declaration that aggression against
any one American state shall be con-
sidered as aggression against all-
was rapidly crystallizing.
The Uruguayan cabinet announced
Foreign Minister Alberto Guan
would propose that all American re-
publics sever diplomatic relations
with Axis powers and their allies,
ven Women Begiln
To Get Cold S'houlder
A frigid sub-ten degrees was the
best the mercury could do late last
night but the weatherman expects
a better showing on thermometers to-

third panel, will include the grow-
ing problem of civil rights in a war-
time America. Profs. Richard C.
Fuller of the sociology department,
Mentor L. Williams of the English
department and Preston Slosson of
the Department of History will pre-
side at this group in addition to
SRA Director Kenneth Morgan.
The actual fighting of a war will
be taken up by the fourth panel un-
der Capt. Robert Cassidy of the
NROTC and Prof. Howard Ehr-
mann of the history department. The
ROTC also will be represented.
Exiled King Carol
Anntounces Plans
Of 'Free Rumania'
MEXICO CITY, Jan. 7.-(/P)-Ex-
iled King Carol of Rumania, denying
he ever abdicated, but only delegated
his royal powers, announced today
he had placed himself at the head of
a "Free Rumania" and would go soon
to the United States.
Carol, whose action had been pre-
dicted reliably for some time, said
he hoped to leave Mexico in two
weeks and establish contact with the
Free Rumanian Committee in the
United States.
The next step will be formation of
his free government, with himself
entitled "Regent of the Kingdom of
Rumania," the exiled King declared.
He planned to take with him to
the United States his faithful palace
chamberlain, Ernes Urdarianu, but
did not mention Mme. Elena Lupescu,
his companion-in-exile.
Broadway Play,
To Open Today
'Separate Rooms' Co-Stars
Alan Dinehart, Talbot
As a relief from the impending
bluebook menace, "Separate Rooms,"
one of Broadway's breeziest come-
dies, will make an Ann Arbor ap-
pearance opening at 8:30 p.m. today
at the Michigan Theatre.
Co-starring two veteran perform-
ers, Alan Dinehart and Lyle Talbot,
and aided by the well-established
actress, Virginia Smith, the play will
have the same cast that kept sophis-
ticated New York audiences in the
aisles for two years.

CDVO Drive
For, Volunteers
Ann Arbor's men remembered
Pearl Harbor yesterday as they
equalled the number of women to en-
roll with thle Civilian Defense Vol-
unteer Office in the Armory.
The CDVO's drive, to continue to-
day, tomorrow and Saturday from 2
to 8 p.m., is aifned at all Ann Arbor
residents and members of the Uni-
versity staff. Student registration is
handled by the Committee of 1942.
Volunteer interviews usually last
15 minutes, and the applicant is
asked to give information on special
skills, physical condition, and time
available for defense work. Volun-
teers need not be available for im-
mediate assignments after register-
ing, since the CDVO also plans to
create a man-power reservoir for
''acute emergencies."
The CDVO also announced yester-
day that men and women wishing to
do volunteer Red Cross work may
register in its campaign. Their
names will be turned over to the
local Red Cross organization
Civilian defense volunteers were'
not the only applicants received dur-
ing the first day of the drive. Sev-
eral job-seekers had to be turned
away, after they had confused the
CDVO with the U. S. Employment
Unusual abilities were almost the
rule. Sign painters werediscovered
to be skilled machinists and a large
number of volunteers were acquain-
ted with foreign languages.

Rosa, Calamba and Tarlac, the latter
the largest with a population of
about 55,000."
In three others,--Arayat, Camiling
and San Fernando---Japanese planes
swooped over the streets with ma-
chine guns spattering, the Arniy said.
San Fernando, with a population of
about 35,000, is about 35 miles north-
west of Manila, halfway between the
occupied capital and Tarlac.
All the towns are north of the
bravely-defended line the American
and Philippine soldiers have estab~
lished to hold the invaders out of
strategic Batan Province, the tip of
land that is on the western side of
Manila Bay. It leaves the Army an
NEW YORK, Jan, 7,.--)-The
Columbia Broadcasting System
reported late today it had heard
the Tokyo Radio quoting the Navy
section of Imperial Headquarters
as saying "the Japanese Fleet is
fighting the United States Fleet
in the Pacific."
avenue to reach the fortifications of
Mariveles on the southern coast of
Batan and sturdy Corregidor Island
at the Bay's entrance.
Bombs and raking machine-gum
fire blasted and slashed the front
line soldiers, too, the Army said in
an earlier communique, but the de-
fense was as valiant as the attacks
were fierce.
To wear doivn the determined
Americans and Filipinos who have
braved the worst the Japanese could
throw against them in the month-
long battle for the Islands, the Nip-
ponese concentrated on the unbroken
defense rim the soldiers hold just
north of Manila Bay.

British Resist
Jap Onslaught
Strong Nipponese Forces
Penetrate British Lines
SINGAPORE, Jan. 7.-()-Brit-
ain's forces tonight were stubbornly
contesting a renewed Japanese on-
slaught along a semi-circular west
Malayan front which was spearhead-
ed by the Japanese Fifth Division,
veteran shock force of a -dozen cam-
paigns in China.
With strong support in the air
and armored, units to tip its thrust,
the Japanese force was acknowledged
by Brit'ish quarters to have made a
penetration of the Imperial line at
one point in lower Perak.
But in general, the British said,
the defenders were holding firm
along a line extending from the
southeastern Perak hills southeast-
ward across the railroad to the west
coast of the Malay Peninsula near'
the mouth of the Selangor River,
240 miles from Singapore.

Australian Air Force Base
Withstands Two Attacks
CANBERRA, Australia, Jan. 7.-
(P)- Long-range Japanese flying
boats struck twice at the RoyalAus-
tralian Air Force Field'at Rabaul
last night and, today, following up
the feeler attacks made recently up-
on that South Seas outpost in the
Bismarck Archipelago.
The latest raid was believed to
have been in greater force than any
of the others, although details were
not known.

In the night attack, when Austra-
lian interceptor planes chased the
raiders off to the north, little dam-V
age and no casualties were reported.
Rabaul, 800 miles north of Austra-
ha in New Britain, was bombed twice
last Sunday, the second time by 11
planes, which presumably came from
Japanese-mandated islands, nearest
of which is Greenwich, or Kaping-
amarangi, 400 miles away to the
(Rabaul is approximately 2,000"
miles from Davao in the Philippine
Islands. The Dutch Island of Am-
boina, nearly 800 miles from Davao,
also was bombed by the Japanese.)
In Sydney, Lieut. Gov. H. J. Van
Mook of the Netherlands East Indies
and Prime Minister John Curtin were
reported authoritatively to have
reached complete agreement upon
the technical details of co-ordinat-
ing Australian and' Dutch mutual de-

Williams Will Direct
Student Registration
Although local plans for student
draft registration Feb. 16 have not
yet been formulated, Assistant Reg-

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