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January 07, 1942 - Image 4

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1942-01-07

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_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _TfIIE m 'icHIGIAN IAL

u r Ala tgan 473ttly

Edited and managed by students of the Unitrsity of
Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control
of Student Publications.
Published every morning except Monday during the
University year and Summer Session.
Member of the Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the
use for republication of all news dispatches credited to
it or not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All
rights of republication of all other matters herein also
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
second class mail matter.
Subscriptions during the regular school year by
carrier $4.00, by mail $5.00.
National Advertising Service, Inc.
College Publiskers Representative
Iember, Associated Collegiate Press, 1941-42

Drew PecrsoR
Robert S.Alles
WASHINGTON - The American public al-
ready has had a tough blow in regard to the
use of automobile tires. but the inside figures
indicate that the blow will be even tougher in
the future.
The production of synthetic rubber for tires,
begun by Germany several years before the war,
in this country now totals only between 7,865
and 10,000 tons for an entire year.
Moreover, the new synthetic rubber factories,
financed by the Reconstruction Finance Corpor-
ation, will not get into production until April,
at the earliest, and niost of them not until Au-
gust. And when finished, their total production
will be only 48,000 to 50,000 tons yearly.
Thus, a year from today, we may possibly have
a total of 60,000 tons of synthetic rubber -
if we are lucky; if the plants are finished ahead
of schedule; and if they produce a little faster
than is expected.
Compare this 60,000 tons to the 720,000 tons
of rubber consumed by the United States during
the past year, and you get some idea why Leon
Henderson was so tabrupt and tight-lipped about
clamping down on tire consumption.
Rubber Facts
Here are the new synthetic plants under-con-
struction and their schedule of completion:


FRIEND OF MINE showed me a letter from

Emile Gel . .
Alvin Dann'
David Lachenbruch
Jay McCormick
Hal Wilson .
Arthur Hill .
Janet Hiatt
Grace Miller .
Virginia Mitchell

The Humor
of the War

torial Stafff

. . -- Managing Editor
. . Editorial Director
City Editor
. Associate Editor
. . . Sports Editor
Assistant Sports Editor
. . . Women's Editor
. Assistant Women's Editor-
S . . Exchange Editor


Business Staff
Daniel H. Huyett . . . Business Manager
James B. Collins . . Associate Business Manager
Louise Carpenter . .Women's Advertising Manager
Evelyn Wright . . Women's Business M(anager
The editorials published in The Michigan
Daily are written by members of The Daily
staff and represent the views of the writers
The State Department -
Appeasement's Last Fort
THE NATION, very liberal in policy,
very conservative in format, is very
angry. It displayed its wrath by a comparatively
drastic change in its restrained layout. The
reader, accustomed to turning the cover to "The
Shape of Things," was faced in the Jan. 3 issue
with a bold article bearing the headline, "Mr.
Hull Should Resign."
This is an extremely serious request and
we, as did the editors of The Nation, might
be forced by the logic of the article to alter
the generous pattern of our thinking about
Mr. Hull and the State Department.
Mr. Hull will go down in American history as
one of our greatest Secretaries of State, and
with good reason. He has accomplished much
with perseverent backing of many sound foreign
policies. He has earned a popularity among the
people surpased, perhaps, by none other than
the President himself. Unfortunately for a na-
tion dedicated to the destruction of Fascism,
this very popularity may obscure the fact that
his record reveals, in other ways, a lack of es-
sential vision and force. On the basis of glaring
defects in his' record, he should resign as did the
great William Jennings Bryan, Secretary of
State under President Wilson. Both men, despite
their outstanding records and qualities, proved
themselves inadequate for dynamic wartime
THE TRAGEDY of the whole question can
largely be shown by one incident. Last sum-
mer, the Chinese ambassador, the Honorable Dr.
Hu Shih, came to Ann Arbor to address the New,
Education Fellowship's international conference.
He delivered many talks, and in nearly all of
them, and in a personal interview, he affirmed
his respect for Secretary Hull. Dr. Shih termed
him "one of the world's greatest men, one of
the few whose beliefs rest on moral principles."
That the Ambassador was sincere is beyond ques-
tion. Yet he made these statements knowing full
well that American scrap metal, gasoline and
supplies were killing his own beloved people,
that Secretary Hull's appeasement policies to-
ward Japan were largely responsible. He made
these statements even after declaring in an in-
terview before his departure that a refusal by
the United States to sell oil and scrap metal to
Japan would not incite her to attack the strong-
ly-protected Dutch East Indies.
What could better illustrate the folly of
our pre-war Japanese policy than the fact
that our own steel mills face a dangerous
shortage of scrap metal, with many already
closing? No use crying over spilt milk, but
the appeasement attitude still dominates the
State Department. Until it is removed by
way of removal of the persons behind it,
mistakes of equal folly are threatened. One
-the case of the two French islands-has
already crystallized and it is our hope that
now something will be done about the whole
"The St. Pierre-Miquelon affair," writes I. F.
Stone in The Nation, serves notice on the world
that the American State Department is now the
last stronghold of appeasement.-The Free
French are our allies. Vichy is the tool of our
enemies. Yet on Christmas Day Cordell Hull,
with a stupidity that calls for his removal from

Date of Completion
Goodrich ...... Late August
Firestone .......... August
U.S. Rubber ........August
Standard Oil of La.
(private financing) late 1942
(private financing) late 1942

In addition, the RFC announced last week
that plans capable of producing 80,000 more
tons would be sponsored by the Government.
But with the entire nation in a race to get de-
fense materials, these plants will take another
year to get into production-even if then.
Thus, unless we are able to send tremendous
labor battalions to the jungles of the Amazon-
and here the scarcity of shipping is important-
it will be seen that the United States has in
effect suffered an economic Pearl Harbor. And
like Pearl Harbor, the rubber defeat came about
largely because we were caught napping.
Bottleneck' Jesse
Complacent, genial Jesse Jones, whose job it
was to lend the money for these synthetic rub-
ber factories, was questioned recently as to why
he had not been more far-sighted. His reply was:
"Hindsight is always better than fore-sight."
However, since we have many other lessons to
learn in this war, and since Mhe first President
of the United States advised his countrymen to
"look back for the purpose of profiting by Dear
Bought Experience", it is worth looking at the
record on rubber.
The record, as written in the WASHINGTON
MERRY-GO-ROUND, shows that as early as
July 13, 1940, eighteen months ago, Edward Stet-
tinius, who had been woefully wrong on alum-
inum and didn't want to be wrong again, an-
nounced that before the end of July, "it is ex-
pected a plan for synthetic rubber production
will have been worked out which in the future
will eliminate our dependence upon imports."
In that same month, Emil Schram of the RFC,
lived up to Stettinius' announcement by work-
ing out a plan with Goodrich and Phillips. Pe-
troleum to finance a rubber plant capable of
producing 100,000 tons yearly, which at that time
was about one-sixth of our consumption. How-
ever, Jesse Jones, who as Federal Loan Adminis-
trator outranked RFC Chief Schram, stopped the
The plan fell through, and Schram, disgusted
with interference and procrastination, later re-
Six months passed. And Stettinius' prediction
that we would work out plans to become inde-
pendent of the Dutch East Indies remained only
in the paper stage.
undemocratic little clique of decayed psuedo-
aristocrats and backsliding liberals who domi-
nate the State Department do not speak for the
American people. . . . In North Africa native
leaders have already been saying to the Free
French, "Why should we take a chance on sup-
porting you when the United States supports
The State Department's rationalizations, such
as the one about the French fleet, do not stand
up under fire. "The President can hardly accept
the State Department myth," writes Freda
Kirchwey in The Nation, "that the French fleet
is preserved from Hitler's control only by the
blackmail paid to Vichy by the United States.
"The only important check on the Petain
collaboration--and on Hitler himself-is the
spirit of resistance that still exists in the
fleet and among the French people, a spirit
which the State Department's behavior last
week was calculated to damage beyond
T HE CONCLUSION is inescapable; the State
Department must be completely reorganized
and appeasement administered a large dose of
sudden death. As an absolute minimum, it must
be demanded that those appeasers under Hull
resign. Admittedly, there is validity to the claim

10,000 tons
10,000 tons
10,000 tons
10,000 tons
8,000 to 10,000
10,000 tons

one of his friends who happens to be sta-
tioned at Pearl Harbor. The letter is so intensely
interesting, so beautifully-written and so vital
that I herewith reprint it, in part:
"Christmas afternoon finds me with a little
time on my hands, the first I've had since the
attack and the last I'm apt to get for some time.
We've been hitting the ball dawn till dusk seven
days per. It's a grind all right, but somehow
the exhilaration of the war, the desire for re-
venge and determination for victory give an
added zest and an extra energy, so that when a
ioliday comes you hate to take it off. It's an
uphill fight to start with, but in the long run
I think we could start from the ground up and
whip them all, one at a time or all together.
" HAD the rare opportunity to have a bird's
eye view of the first attack, and feel pretty
lucky to be able to tell about it. I took off from
the airport for a flying lesson that Sunday
morning just about 10 minutes before the Japs
dropped from the sky and struck their lightning
blow. It was a beautiful morning and I was
practicing banks and turns and at the same
time enjoying the beauty of the green mountain
island, the beautiful shoreline and volcanic cra-
ters, and the high flying clouds. It's never so
beautiful as from the air.
"Turning back towards the field, we saw
mighty clouds of black smoke curling up from
many points. Then we picked out the planes,
dropping from the clouds and leveling off low
with the speed of bullets. It took a moment for
the full meaning to register. It was war, it
couldn't be anything else. Then the anti-aircraft
and machine guns went into the action on the
ground. The sky was filled with the burst of
anti-aircraft, and planes came down like flam-
ing torches. They shot by us on all sides and we
saw the rising sun emblem on the wings. It all
seemed too fantastic to be true, hard to believe
it was the work of human beings. I had the same
feeling a spectator would have if he accidentally
got out on a football field and got in the way of
an end run. We dived for the field just as it
was being strafed by a, Jap plane, though we
didn't know it at the time. One of the instruc-
tors was lying in a pool of blood, shot through
the head. Two other planes that took off about
the same time we did never came back. Part of a
wing was found on the shore a few days later,
and a man on a barge said he sw them both
shot down. So it was that war came to Hawaii
and to the U. S., and many hundreds of men
were murdered without a chance for their lives,
before they knew the battle was on; while the
Japanese special envoy talked peace in Wash,
"AS A BIT OF TREACHERY it matches Hit-
ler's work very nicely. We are slow to take
up the war club, but I don't think we'll lay it
down till the last of their gang is battered into
submission. You can't blame the little people of
the world for what has happened, but they are
the ones who will have to suffer. You can't
annihilate Hitlerism without stopping his ar-
mies, killing his soldiers, blasting his factories,
and starving his people, and the same thing is
true of the Japanese militarists. The world has
had a great rebirth of tyranny, and I don't see
how there is any hope for human civilization
until it is stamped out, and liberty and dignity
restored to human beings everywhere.
"I wonder if the war is going to break in on
your schooling. You ought to get out on a de-
fense job some place. I wish you were over here.
I don't think there's much danger of the rising
sun ever flying over this island. An attempt to
take it would closely resemble mass suicide. The
boys in the armed forces are crying to get at
them, and they are playing for keeps. A lot of
them lost their buddies. It's hard to realize how
we got into such a hell of a fix, the whole world,
I mean, and nothing to do now but fight our
way out of it.
"Maybe the end will come more suddenly than
we realize. It looks as if Hitler may have reached
his turning point already, his armies are on the
defensive, retreating from Moscow. The Rus-
sians have shown us how to fight-make them
pay for every inch, and when they get in too
deep get after them and keep after them. The

Japs are flying high now too, but there are
chinks in their armor, and their turning point
will come too. By another Christmas there will
be another story to tell.
"BUT enough of this war talk. I didn't intend
to dwell on it so long-it's so fascinating
that nothing else seems important. But such is
life. Wishing you a Mele Kalikamaka, if you
savvy Hawaiian, and a happy New Year, if it's
in the cards."
0 .Harl McDonald Conducts
His Own Composition
McDONALD-Suite "From Childhood"-Edna
Phillips, harpist- Philadelphia Orchestra
under Harl McDonald.
Harl McDonald, boxer, rodeo performer, man-
ager of the Philadelphia Orchestra - great
musician - leads the men he manages in a gay,

(Continued from Page 2)
ned Fruits and Vegetables) $2,000,
February 16, 1942.
Plate Printer (established piece
rates) February 5, 1942.
Printer's Assistant, $.66 per hr.,
January 26, 1942.
Printer-Proofreader (per hr. $1.32,
40 hr. week), February 5, 1942.
Senior Pharmacologist, $4,600, un-
til further notice.
Pharmacologist, $3,800, until fur-
ther notice.
Associate Pharmacologist, $3,200,
until further notice.
Assistant Pharmacologist, $2,600,
until further notice.
Senior Toxicologist, $4,600, until
further. notice.
Toxicologist, $3,800, until further
Associate Toxicologist, $3,200 until
further notice.
Assistant Toxicologist, $2,600, un-
til further notice.
Expediter (Marine Propelling and
Outfitting), $3,200, until further no-
Principal Research Chemist, $4,600,
until further notice.
Senior Research Chemist, $4,600,
until further notice.
Research Chemist, $3,800, until
further notice.
Associate Research Chemist, $3,200,
until further notice.
Assistant Research Chemist, $2,600,
until further notice.
Associate Analytical Chemist, $3,-
200, until further notice.
Assistant Analytical Chemist, $2,-
600, until further notice.
Senior Galley Designer, $4,600,
March 2, 1942.
Galley Designer, $3,800, March 2,
Associate Galley Designer, $3,200,
March 2, 1942.
Senior Kitchen Layout Specialist,
$4,600, March 2, 1942.
Kitchen Layout Specialist, $3,800,
March 2, 1942.
Associate Kitchen Layout Special-
ist, $3,200, March 2, 1942.
Junior Supervisor of Grain In-
spection, $2,000, February 16, 1942.
Principal Technologist (Any spe-
cialized branch) $,600, until further
Senior Technologist, $4,600, until
further notice.
Technologist. $3,800, until further
Associate Technologist, $3,200, un-
til further notice.
Assistant Technologist, $2,600, un-
til further notice.
Junior Technologist, $2,000, until
further notice.
Principal Meteorologist (any spe-
cialiged branch) $5,600, until fur-
ther notice.
Senior Meteorologist, $4,600, un-
til further notice.
Meteorologist, $3,800, until further
Assistant Meteorologist, $2,600, un-
til further notice.
Associate Meteorologist, $3,200, un-
til further notice.
Plumber, $1,680, February 5, 1942.
Steamfitter, $1,680, February 5,
Deputy United States Marshal,
$1,800, February 16, 1942.
Head Engineer, $6,500, December
31, 1942.
Principal Engineer, $5,600, Decem-
ber 31, 1942.
Senior Engineer, $4,600, December
31, 1942.
Engineer, $3,800, December 31,
Associate Engineer, $3,200, De-
cember 31, 1942.
Assistant Engineer, $2,600, Decem-
ber 31, 1942.
Defense Production Protective

Chief Inspector, $5,600, until fur-
ther notice.
Principal Inspector, $4,600, until
further notice.
Senior Inspector, $3,800, until fur-
ther notice.
Inspector, $3,200, until further no-
Assistant Inspector, $2,900, until
further notice.
Junior Inspector $2,600, until fur-
ther notice.
Junior Engineer, $2,000, June 30,
Chief Engineering Draftsman, $2,-
600, December 31, 1942.
Principal Engineering Draftsman,
$2,300, December 31, 1942.
Senior Engineering Draftsman,
$2,000, December 31, 1942.
Engineering Draftsman, $1,800,
December 31, 1942.
Assistant Draftsman, $1,620, De-
cember 31, 1942.
Junior Engineering Draftsman,
$1,440, December 31, 1942.
Junior Astronomer (Naval Observ-
atory), $2,000, until further notice.
Associate Public Health Nursing
Consultant, $3,200, until further no-
Assistant Public Health Nursing
Consultant, $2,600, until further no-
Multiith Cameraman and Plate-
maker, $1,620, June 30, 1942.
Multilith Press Operator, $1,440,
June 30, 1942.
Junior Occupational Analyst, $2,-
000, January 15, 1942.
Principal Personnel Assistant, $3,-

"It is funny, come to think of it-there haven't been any air raid alarms,
but our husbands have been out every night on air-warden duty!"

1 ,I 4
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By Lichty

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sity Bureau of Appointments, 201
Mason Hall. Office hours 9-12 and
Bureau of Appointments and
Occupational Information
Academic Notices
Teacher's Certificate, February
1942 Candidates: The Comprehen-
sive Examination in Education will
be given on Saturday, January 10,
from 9 to 12 o'clock in 2021 U.H.S.
(and also from 2 to 5 o'clock in 2432
U.E.S.) Students having Saturday
morning classes may take the ex-
amination in the afternoon. Printed
information regarding the examin-
tion may be secured in the School
of Education office.
The Botanical Seminar will meet
today at 4:30 p.m. in room 1139 Na-
tural Science building. Professor H.
H. Bartlett will give a paper entitled
"The Cultivation of Cinchona and
the World Need for Quinine." All
interested are invited.
Seminar in Physical Chemistry
will meet today in Room 410 Chemis-
try Building at 4:15 p.m. Prof. L. O.
Brockway will speak on "Location of
atoms on the basis of electron dif-
fraction contour diagrams."
Biological Chemistry Seminar will
be held in Room 319, West Medical
Building today at 1:30 p.m. "The
Biochemistry of the Eye-The Lens
and the Retina-Visual Purple and
Vitamin A" will be discussed. All
interested are invited.
Directed Teaching, Qualifying Ex-
amination: Students expecting to
elect Educ. D100 (directed teaching)
next semester are required to pass
a qualifying examination in the sub-
ject which they expect to teach. This
examination will be held on Satur-
day, January 10, at 1:00 p.m. Stu-
dents will meet in the auditorium of
the University High School. The
examination will consume about four
hours' time; promptness is therefore
Exhibition, College of Architecture
and Design: Student drawings of
competitors for the Edward L. Ryer-
son Traveling Fellowship, at Illinois
Institute of Technology, University
of Illinois, University of Cincinnati,
Ohio State University, Iowa State
College, and University of Michigan,
are being shown in the third floor
exhibition room, Architecture Build-
ing. Open daily 9 to 5 except Sun-
day, through January 12. The pub-
lic is invited.
Paleontology Lecture: Dr. Bruce
L, Clark, Professor of Paleontology
and Geology at the University of Cali-
fornia, will speak on the subject,
"Tertiary Paleontology and Strati-
graphy of the Pacific.Coast," at 2:00
p.m., Thursday, January 8, in Room
1532 University Museums Building.
All persons interested are invited to
Geology Lecture: Dr. Bruce L.
Clark, Professor of Paleontology and
Geology at the University of Califor-
nia, will speak on the subject, "The
Geological Structure and Stratigra-
phy of California," at 8:00 p.m.,
Thursday, January 8, in Room 2065
Natural Science Building.
Lecture: Dr. Gregory Vlastos, Pro-
fessor of Philosophy at Queen's Uni-
versity in Ontario, will be the last
speaker on the series on "The Fail-
ure of Skepticism?" sponsored by
The Newman Club, The B'nai B'rith
Hillel Foundation, and Inter-Guild,
at the Rackham Lecture Hall on

gan's recent conversatians with re-
ligious leaders of the eastern sea-
board will be the basis of the discus-
sion. The group is open to any
The Slavic Society will meet to
night at eight o'clock. Place: In-
ternational Center,
U. of M. Flying Club: There will
be a short but extremely important
meeting today in the East Engineer-
ing Building at 7:30 p.m. All mem-
bers should attend as plans will be
made at that time for the ' future
operation of the club.
Alpha Phi Omega: Regular meet-
ing will be held in the Union at 7:30
Women's Archery Club: Meeting
tonight at 7:30 in Waterman Gym-
nasildm. Bring own arrows.
JGP Dance Committee meeting to-
night at 7:30 in the Grand Rapids
Room of the League. All memhbers
with last names A through L and
those others who have been given
3pecial permission are requested to
Hillel Players: Tryouts for the
Players' major production, "Awake
and Sing", will be held at te Foun-
dation today starting at 3:00 p.m.,
Thursday at 7:00 p.m., and Friday at
3:00 p.m. Everyone interested is in-
vited to try out.
Michigan Dames Book Group:
Michigan League, today, 8:00 p.m.
Program of Recorded Music: The
weekly concert of recorded music held
in the International Center will be
given today at 7:30 p.m The pro-
gram for this week is as follows:
Haydn: Symphony No. 104 in D.
Handel: The Faithful Shepherd
Richard Strauss: Don Quixote.
Anyone interested may attend.
Coming Events
La Sociedad Hispanica conversa;
tion group will meet Thursday, Jan-
uary 8, at 8:00 p.m. in the Michigan
League. All members are urged to
ittend. See Bulletin in League for
room number.
Portuguese Conversation Class:
rhe first meeting of a class and
round-table in spoken Portuguese
will be held in the International
Center at 7:15, Thursday, January 8.
All persons who have a groundwork
in Portuguese may attend these ses-
sions each Thursday. Registration
may be made in the office of the In-
ternational Center or at the organiza-
tional meeting. There will be a
small fee.
German Round-Table: The Ger-
man Round-table for those who wish
to become proficient in spoken Ger-
man will be held on Wednesday eve-
ning, January 7, at 9:00 in the Inter-
national Center. Advanced students
in German and others who can con-
verse in German are welcome to at-
tend the German Round-table.
Social Service Seminar: Dr. En-
gelke of the Washtenaw County
Health Department will speak to
the Social Service Seminar in Lane
Hall, on Thursday, January 8, at
7:30 p.m. on the health problems
arising in this industrial defense
area. This seminar meeting will be
open to the public.
Badminton - Women and Men
Students: The badminton courts in
Barbour Gymnasium are open for
use of women and men students on
Monday and Friday evenings from
7:30 to 9:30.




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