Weather Continued Cold. Jr 5k ian juatt Editbrial The State Department=- Appeasement's Last Fol... VOL. LII. No. 72, ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 7, 1942 Z-323 PRICE FIVE CENTS Chinese Claim New Advance As Japs Flee Encirclement Changsha Assault Halted With Heaviest Losses. - Of War To Invaders Japanese Advance TowardSingapore' CRUNGKING, Wed. Jan. 7.-IA'>)- The Chinese announced officially to- day that 7,000 more casualties were inflicted upon remnants of Japanese forces on the Changsha front but that some of the invaders had broken out of a Chinese trap northeast of the Hunan Province capital and were fleeing. ' These new losses were declared in- flicted yesterday after 30,000 Japa- lese casualties already had been counted in this Japanese disaster ri- valling any the Nipponese have suf-. fered in 42 years of war in China. Many Prisoners Taken Besides the dead and wounded, many prisoners were reported taken among what was left 'of the force of between 70,000 and 100,000 used by the Japanese in their third costly and futile effort tc, take Changsha,, rich rice and silk center. The official announcement said the badly-beaten invaders crossed the Laotao River in their northward re- treat and that many were mowed down by Chinese troops lying in wait on the stream's north bank. A Chinese spokesman yesterday said there were some 40,000 Japanese trapped on the plains between the Laotao and Liuyang rivers, but there was no definite figure today on just how many got away. Only a few of them, he said, prob- ably would be able to escape to join the remnants of the original attack- ing army said to be retreating rapidly toward their base at Yochow, 100 miles north of Changsha. Japs Disagree (An official broadcast from Tokyo,. recorded by the Associated Press, de- clared today Japanese forces had oc- cupied Changsha.) Tlie Chinese spokesman said the Japanesq offensive collapsed largly because they were unable to move heavy armam nts across swampy rice fields south o the Milo River. (A Reuters dispatch 'from Chung- king reported heavy rains had turned the battlefield north of Changsha into a sea of mud, further hampering Japanese efforts to crack the Chinese ring. Fighting raged at close quar- ters, with the Japanese beaten back in attempts to cross the two rivers.) Japanese Advance Toward Singapore SINGAPORE, Jan. 6.-W)-Japa- nese troops were less than an hour's flight from Singapore tonight after seizing Kuantan Airport in eastern Malaya 190 miles away, and pene- trating Selangor State in the west] some 240 miles distant. The British acknowledged with- drawals in both areas and this vitalf allied naval base braced itself for expected heavier Japanese air at- tacks, In the land fighting' the Japanese drives appeared to have lost momen- tum. A military spokesmain, without identifying the areas of operation, declared British troops were "under- taking local offensives with most sat- isfactory results," and that "the en- emy's firing power is inferior to that of the British." Campus Leaders Meet To Set !p War Plans Newly Formcd'Committee Of 1942' ToDistribute Defense Questionnaires To All University Men Roosevelt Outlines Breathtaking War Program Before Congress; Proving that University students are determined to play an important part in the national war effort, fifty- two campus leaders met yesterday to take the first positive step in a per- manent program based upon united student action. The first activity of the group- which has been named the Com- mittee of 1942-will be the distribu- tion of a detailed questionnaire to more than 7,500 men students. Part uof an official University survey, the questionnaire is intended to deter- mine student abilities and interests which enable them to play a more effective and efficient part in the war effort, whether they remain in school or enter the armed forces. Careful Answers Required Emphasizing the importance of the survey, Robert Sibley, '42, chairman of the committee, asked that every male student make sure that he an- swers all the questions carefully and truthfully., He pointed out that nothing which is said will place any obligation for future action uron theh individual, but will, rather, aid everyone in ob- taining during the emergency that work for which they are most fitted. Begins Tomorrow Distribution of the questionnaires will begin tomorrow morning and will continue for several days. Pro- fessional students are to receive them through the deans of the respective schools. The rest of the campus will be reacled through fraternities, dorms, cooperatives and at special tables set up in central campus lo- cations. Dean Joseph Bursley has announ- ced that the University will rely upon results of the survey to determine what new courses to include on the curriculum next semester. For instance, the students are asked to indicate if they would like to 'take credit courses in topics like Principles of Coastal and Geodetic Surveying, Maintenance and Repair of Telephone and Telegraph, Radio Operation, Field Fortification and others. None of these are now on the curriculum, but if enough stu- dents evidence interest in any one of them, that course will be offered next semester. The Committee of 1942 is com- posed largely of the heads of campus To Be Shownv By Art Cinema "Circle of Fire," a colored motion picture of the nations dominating the Pacific-"inside Japan," close-ups of Shanghai, Hongkong and Singapore, America's vital defenses in Hawaii- will be shown with a lecture accom- paniment at 8:15 p.m. Sunday in the Rackham Auditorium by the Art Cin- ema League. To produce this film and lecture, Francis R. Line, a University grad- uate, spent five months in the Orient in the summer and fall of 1940 and travelled 25,000 miles-by clipper, auto, horse, and steamer-to virtu- ally every "hot spot" in the Far East. "Circle of Fire" contains the last professional colored motion pictures to come out of Japan and full pic- tures of Java, center of life in the Dutch East Indies, the Philippines and Guam. Tickets are on sale at the League and a State Street bookstore. organizations and is based upon the close collaboration of all organiza- tions and all students on the entire campus. At the meeting yesterday the 52 initial members of the committee pledged themselves to an "all out" effort. They placed themselves and their organization at the service of the committee in its job of making the University an integral cog in the war machinery. Other activities are to be begun immediately. An intensified defense stamp and bond sale is contemplated for the near future and the estab- lishment of a "blood bank" in co- operation with the University Hos- pital is also being discussed. Counter-Drive Still Continues, SovietReports Army Retakes Positions, Kills 10,000 Germans During Last Five Days (By Tihe Associated Press) MOSCOW, Wed. Jan. 7.-The Red Army has retaken 572 villages and killed 10,000 Germans in five days, and the big counter-offensive still is rolling westward, the Soviets an- nounced today. Vast quantities of war booty were sized from the retreating Nazis. Russian naval forces also an- nounced the sinking of three enemy transports, one of them a troopship, in the Brents Sea in the arctic. The post-midnight communique reported two German planes were shot down yesterday in the Moscow area, and 14 the day before on the western front. The Soviets said they lost six planes. The Kerch Peninsula in the Cri- mea, across the strait from the southern Caucasus, was now wholly cut off by Russian troops which turned northward from Feodosiya on the peninsula's Black Sea coast and drew a line which reached the Sea of Azov on the peninsula's northern coast. Detachments from the besieged Soviet naval base at Sevastopol, in the southwestern Crimea, simultan- eously burst out, smashed a series of German outposts and fortifications and, in cooperation with the Soviet Black Sea fleet, put under heavy as- sault German columns seeking to withdraw from the Sevastopol area to go to the aid of the imperilled Nazi forces on Kerch. The new success beyond Tim again extended the width of a vast thrust apparently converging on the Rzhev- Mozhaisk-Bryansk and Smolensk quadrangle with Vyazama at its cen- ter. Nazis Criticize French Actions Gerian-Controlled Paper Scores Petain Tctics VICHY, Unoccupied France, Jan. 6.-VP)-German troops may seize French North Africa unless Marshal Petain's government quits its alleged flirting with the United States and swings closer to the Reich, the Nazi- controlled Paris newspaper Nouveaux Temps said tonight. This sensational article, signed by Jean Luchaire, also warned that Ger- many might take territorial moves in metropolitan France which would forever partition the country. As one of the ways in which Ger- many might be "led" into Africa, Lu- chaire raised the possibility of a "desperate adventure against Ger- many" by the French in Africa them- selves under a plan which he attribu- ted to the United States. This was the second anti-Vichy outburst in as many days. Marcel Deat, another prominent French col- laborationist, yesterday accused the Petain government of stalling off the Germans while hoping for an allied victory. Detroit Fixes Increased Penalties On Tire Thefts DETROIT. Jan. 6. -(.4') Drastic JapNaval Losses Are Announced War Depairtment Report Indicates Reavy Blow By American Bombers U.S. Planes Active In Philippine Area WASHINGTON, Jan. 6.-(A)-The Army's aerial slash at Japanese naval forces in southern Philippine waters took on the proportions of a major victory today when the War Depart-' ment announced more than one de- stroyer was probably sunk and that other vessels appeared to have suf- fered "extensive damage." The victory list for the raid had already included a destroyer certain- ly sunk, and three direct hits on a battleship, so today's supplementary report emphasized that a heavy blow had been dealt the Japanese. The communique disclosed for the the first time that the target of Army bombers near Davao, on the southeastern island of Mindanao yes- terday, was a strong flotilla consist- ing of a battleship, five cruisers, six destroyers, twelve submarines and twelve transports. Seven Planes liit The/urther details on the sea-air fight were announced less than eight hours after a report the defenders of the island of Luzon, squeezed but still hitting back on all sides, had fought through a four-hour air at- tack by a half-hundred bombers and hit at least seven enemy planes, The Japanese air raid was concentrated on the fortifications of Mariveles, across Manila Bay from the capital city, and Corregidor. Island, guard- ing the entrance to the bay. In the same communique in which it recorded the new Japanese naval loss, the War Department said Gen- eral Douglas MacArthur, Far East commander, reported Japanese oc- cupying Manila brought with them clever imitations of the paper money of the Philippine Commonwealth. Money Circulated Japanese troops in the capital "are circulating large quantities of paper money in various* denominations," the War Department said, citing the influx of money as "further proof of the long-range preparation of the Japanese." In the fight against planes at- tacking Mariveles and Corregidor, anti-aircraft gunners kept up a not- able record of accuracy. The raid- ers, kept high by the bursts, caused only "light" damage and few casuaN ties, the morning commniique said. Nation's Leaders Offer United Support T PresidentW hI Plan WASHINGTON, Jan. 6.-(P)-"O.K., Mr. President, we'll do it!" was the prompt and unanimous reaction of industrial and governmental officials today to President Roosevelt's call for the production of 60,000 planes, 45,000 tanks, 20,000 anti-aircraft guns and 8,000,000 deadweight tons of ships this year. But most industrialists, while accepting the challenge enthusiastically, emphasized they would have to be assured of the necessary raw mater- ials to guarantee delivery of the finished goods; and some mentioned adequate tools and cooperation of labor as well. "It would seem that before the Government could determine whether or not they could receive that number of airplanes it would be necessary to make a survey of material sources," observed Glenn L. Martin. In Congress, which must vote the appropriations and the taxes, both Democrats and Republicans applauded the vast production goals and other phases of the President's message on the State of the Union. Wendell L. Willkie recommended, however, that the President re- vamp his administrative organization and declared flatly that the goals could not be realized under the present setup. "It is a magnificent program," said the 1940 Republican presidential nominee in New York. "It is to be hoped that he immediately reorganizes his government and policies to the end that these accomplishments may be made possible. They cannot be brought about by his present organi- zation and administrative methods.' Abroad, the President's references to sending American armed forces to fight in any quarter of the globe also attracted attention. British observers in London who have been predicted a direct offensive against Germany saw it as "cinched" now. Speech Society To Meet Here For War Plan Sigma Rho Tau Convenes Tonorrow Il Union; 4 SchoolsParticipate Members of the University chap- ter of Sigma Rho Tau, national hon- orary engineering speech society, will be hosts to student delegates from four other engineering colleges in this vicinity at 7:30 p.m. tomorrow in the Union when the organization holds its annual national committee meeting to make plans for the com- ing semester. Realizing the importance of the present war and the role it is play- ing in the nation's engineering col- leges, the stump speakers' society will attempt to determine its proper place in the defense program at the meet- ing. It is expected that full cooper- ation will be pledged to the National Defense Council. Also scheduled for the evening is ,a discussion of a suitable topic for U.S. Planes Actire inter-chapter debates next semes- In Philippine Areai ter. This semester the chapters have been debating the advisability of in- TOKYO, Jan, 6.--(Official broad- coi'porating labor unions. cast recorded by AP-A Domei dis- Schools participating will be the patch from Philippine headquarters University, Wayne University, De- today reported United tates aircraft troit Institute of 'echnology, Uni- still active in that theater of war versity of Detroit and University of . - ,.. , . l Toledo. CDVO Opens New Volunteer Drive_ Today Townspeople, University Staffs Will Be Enrolled! For Defense Effort Civilian volunteer defense registra- tion for Ann Arbor residents and University staff members will open at 2 p.m. today in the Armory head- quarters of the local volunteer office. For four days trained registrars will record applicants' special abili- ties, physical qualifications, and training preferences in order to place civilians where their services are most needed, Under the direction of the Civil- ian Defense Volunteer Office, appli- cants will fill out cards to set up an occupational classification structure for emergency purposes. Such tfields as first aid,, home nursing, occupa- tional therapy, transportation, and, home economics are included in the organization's immediate plans. Although registration for auxiliary police and fire department forces has already opened, men will have an ad- ditional opportunity to enroll in these services with the CDVO this week. Their cards will be turned over to police and fire chiefs for volunteer training and assignments. Ann Arbor's civilian registration program is under the chairmanship of Mrs. Theophile Raphael with John F. Moore of the Council of Social Agencies temporarily serving as di- rector. Nearly every trade and occupation, from machine operation to radio- script writing, is represented in the volunteer services. Civilian morale preparation is a major part of the CDVO's work, and entertainers are needed as much as demolition crews. Both the business man and the farmer are also included in the CDVO list of needed occupations. De- fense garden project instruction and' community managerial work would be among phe tasks that could be per- 1 formed by these groups. In addition to its immediate prep- aration, the CDVO will also classify (Continued on Page 5) Senate Will Debate Price Control Bill WASHINGTON, Jan. 6.-MP-The touchy question of who should apply wartime curbs to farm prices split the Senate today as it prepared to open debate tomorrow on the broad price control measure. The Senate farm bloc, underkthe leadership of Senator Bankhead Greater Production Of Arms Planned In Victory Effort */ Military Might Is Promised WASHINGTON, Jan. 6. -()- A breathtakingly mammoth arms pro- duction, Americanforces fighting on many fronts, and an eventual hard- hitting attack upon the enemy's own territory were woven into a unified war plan by President Roosevelt to- day and presented to an enthusias- tically receptive Congress. \All this, the President told a joint session of the National Legislature, must lead inevitably to "total vic- tory"-the "militarists of Berlin and Tokyo started this war, but the massed, angered forces of common humanity will finish it." Outlines Program There were gasps and whistles of' amazement from some members of Congress as he outlined the arms production program: This year 60,000 planes; next year 125,000. This year 45,000 tanks; next year 75,000, This year 20,000 anti-aircraft guns; next year 35,000. This year 8,000,000 tons of ship- ping; next year 10,000,000. "These figures," said the President, "and similar figures for a multitude of other implements of war will give the Japanese- and Nazis a little idea of just what they acqomplished in the attack at Pearl Harbor." And as a thunderous outburst of applause subsided, he departed from his prepared text to ad lib: "And I rather hope all these figures I have given will become conmon knowledge in Germany and Japan." Increased Expenditures The President indicated the size of the war program had been increased since he talked about it to reporters last Tuesday. At that time he said the aim was to spend in the fiscal year beginning next July about half the estimated national income of $100,000,000,000. Today he estimat- ed the expenditures at $56,000,000,- 000, or considerably more than half. Behind such a great productive effort, he said, was the purpose not of providing a "slightly superior sup- ply of munitions," but a superiority "so overwhelming that the Axis na- tions can never hope to catch up with it." This great store of weapons is to supply not only the forces of the United States, but of all the nations with which it is allied, and he re- patedly emphasized that the United States is fighting on the "same side" with the British, the Russians, the Dutch, the Chinese and the exiled governments of the invaded coun- tries. 'Hit The Enemy' To "hit" the enemy and "hit him again wherever and whenever we can reach him," to "eep him far from our shores, for We intend to bring this battle to him on his own ground," it was necessary not only that these arms be produced, but that American expeditionary forces join in the battle wherever they can help. Thus, he foresaw American forces soon in action at "many points in the Far East," on "all the oceans," tak- ing "stations in theI British Isles,- and protecting this hemisphere and bases outside the hemisphere "which could be used for an attack on the Americas." Congress took it all at one enthusi- astic gulp. Again and again it in- terrup ted his remarks with loud and prolonged outbursts of handclapping and cheering. Grave Delivery The President was grave and no- ticeably subdued and restrained in his delivery. There were no smiles. Toward the end-it was perhaps the longest speech he has made before Congress-he lowered his voice, and by contrast with his usual peroration, reduced his tone to one virtually of ordinary conversation, His hearers were grave, too, and neither for them was it an occasion for laughter. They sat tight-lipped and intent as Mr. Rnoevlt snnke. The Car Dealers' Last Standf Reuther To Inspect Factories For Idle Auto Machine Tools The dispatch said a single fighter of,. the Curtiss P-40 type was shot down by anti-aircraft fire wren it at- tacked a Japanese position. The Japanese reported heavy at- tacks by bombers on Mariveles, on the mainland behind Corregidor, the village of Limay and Balanga on the Batan peninsula and Subic bay. Ten ships and 146 trucks were declared destroyed in raids since Friday. Domei's reports from Malaya said Japanese troops occupied Kuantan airdrome, 190 miles north of Singa- pore, the night of Jan. 3 after rout- ing a force of 1,000 Austialians in a night attack. The airport is about four miles south of Kuantan. Japanese dispatches said 550 pris- oners were captured, along with 70 motor trucks and some of their eight heavy guns, eight morta -s and light tanks. Ruthven Kills Rumors- Of Short School Year Old Dame Rumor and President Ruthven almost came to blows again yesterday as the latter was called upon to squelch the most recent ru- mor rampage to hit the campus. Ruthven emphatically denied that any official University action has as Prof, Ferdinand N. Menefee of the engineering drawing department was scheduled to speak at a regular meet- ing of the University chapter last night, on the St. Lawrence Water- way Project, but was unable to ap- pear. Storm Troops Lose prestige In Nazi Party BERN Switzerland, Jan. 6.--(')- Reliable information arriving from Germany indicated today Adolf Hit- ler's brown shirted storm troop( s8 no longer plan an important role in the Nazi party and may soon cease to function altogether. The organization, called the S. A. (Sturm Abteilung) has always borne the brunt of the party's heavy work since early days. It was said to be slipping since shortly after the be- ginning of the campaign against Russia. The first indication came when the organization's newspaper, Die S. A., ceased publication in August with no official explanation. Members who inquired were told simply the action was taken because of a paper short-' age. WASHINGTON, Jan. 6.--(P)--The War Department sent Walter P. Reu- ther, CIO automobile union leader, and an army officer on a tour of armaments plants today to see where idle automobile machine tools may be put to use with best advantage. Reuther: won attention a year ago by insisting unused machine tools in automobile factories could be utilized to turn out 500 warplanes a day. Accompanying him on the tour isl Lieutenant Colonel A. Robert Gins- burgh of thie office of Robert P. Pat- terson, Undersecretary of War. Among other places they will visit are the Mack Truck Company's plant at 000 retail automobile dealers flocked to Washington to find out what their future is under the government or- ders freezing the sale of cars and trucks pending the establishment of a rationing system. Saying the dealers are confronted with ruin, the National Automobile Dealers Association proposed among other things: That any automobiles or trucks produced, except those designed es, pecially for military service, be hand- led through dealers. That all cars requisitioned or pur- chased by the government from deal- ers be purchased at full list price.