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January 06, 1942 - Image 6

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The Michigan Daily, 1942-01-06

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OrdnanceInspection Course To Start;
'U' Plans Technical Training In City

- -----------r..

Organization Of Special Work Is SetI
To Answer Current Defense Needs

T rO Continuing the plan to fill current

u p lt

New to the list of Engineering, Sci-
ence and Management Defense
Training courses to be presented in
Ann Arbor and largest of the 34
courses to be opened this month will
be a recently announced 12-week
course in ordnance inspection to be
conducted by Prof. o. W. Boston of
the metal processing department.
Unlike the other eight-week
courses, this course will require that
applicants for enrollment be credited
with a minimum of one year in an
engineering college or two years in a
literary college. A second difference
is that enrollees will - be paid $125
monthly during the period of in-
One of 13 similiar programs now
being organized in the national ord-
nance districts, the training course
will supply inspectors to the Detroit
Ordnance District, which is already
feeling a need for additional inspec-
The first contingent of 100 men
is expected to start studying Jan, 19
and 100 more men will be enrolled
each succeeding month. Training will
consist of eight hours of instruction
five days a week.
Courses to be offered in the pro-
gram include mathematics, blue
Prof. Carver
Plans To Give
Flying Course
Math Teacher Will Enter
Regular Army Class
For FlightTraining
Harry C. Carver, fifty-one-year-
old professor of the University's
" mathematics department, has signed
with the Army Air Corps to take its
flight training course preparatory to
teaching a course in aeronavigation
here, he said yesterday.
Carver, who often works out with
the track team, will go to Kelly Field
in San Antonio, Tex., next month
following the close of the semester.
There ,he will join a regular army
class for the fifteen-week training
period, duringwhich he will spend
100 hours in the air. He will then re-
turn to the University and inaugu-
rate the planned aero-navigation
Students taking this course will be
able to join the air units of United
States armed forces,Carver says,
with a background that, will lighten
the burden imposed on the service
instructors by the country's huge war
Professor Carver, who in his youth
indulged in motorcycle racing, was
the fir4 professor in the University
to solo some 13 years ago.
A powerfully built man, he used to
challenge his classes to athletic con-
tests, notably a decathlon which in-
cluded checkers and chess, exempt-
ing those who could beat him from
final examinations.
As recently as six years ago, while
a guest professor at U.C.L.A. he won
the first seven track events from a
class and refused to go on, expressing
his disappointment at the lack of
the famed Western ability and chid-
ing the class, saying that even in
his younger days he could beat no
Michigan class that badly,
The dynamic energy of Professor
Carver is best illustrated by his pro-
cedure in arranging his flight train-
ing plan. The idea cane to him dur-
ing a talk with President Ruthven
a week before vacation. Leaving that
night for San Antonio, he found he
lacked but one year of being twice
as old as the maximum age. A trip to
Washington fixed that and every-
thing was set to go one short week
after the idea was born.

print reading, industrial materials,'
procedure manufacture, machine tool
operation, visits to industry, inspec-
tion practice and laboratory inspec-
No definite announcement has'
been made as yet but it is expected
that Selective Service headquarters'
will take steps to defer the men who
enroll for the program.
More than 250 engineering em-
ployes received inspection training in
the first series of ES&MDT courses
held last fall, making that course
the largest of the 30-odd which gave
additional engineering training to
more than 900.
Engine School
May Shorten
Second Term
Dean Crawford Spikes
Rumors Of Shortening
First Semester Length
Courses Condensed
Persistent rumors that engineers
would have no final examinations
this semester because of a condensed
curricula to meet defense needs were
dealt a death-blow yesterday when
Dean Ivan C. Crawford of the College
of Engineering officially stated that
no change is planned in the pro-
gram for the present semester.
"There is no plan to shorten any
of the work of the present semester,"
he declared, "though it is quite pos-
sible that some action may be taken
to shorten the second semester to
a small extent."
Fresh from a meeting of the Na-
tional Advisory Committee to the
U. S. Office of Education on Engi-
neering, Science and Management
Defense Training, Dean Crawford re-
ported that the committee's recom-
mendations were two:
"Sound Programs"
"1. That institutions offering de-
grees in engineering be advised to
graduate the present seniors (1942
class) as early as possible consistent
with the maintenance of sound engi-
neering educational programs; and
"2. That a plan be developed to
secure Federal support so that col-
leges and universities will be in a
position to. expedite the graduation
of other engineering classes without
financial loss to the institutions or
l undue hardship on the students."
The standing committee of the
engineering college is studying these
proposals at the present time, Dean
Crawfordrevealed, but there is no
plan to shorten any of the work of
the present semester. It is entirely
possible that spring vacation will be
cut out for those engineers who
would normally graduate this June,
he admitted.
Three-Week Semester
Among the plans being studied by
the faculty committee is one advo-
cating a year of three 16-week sem-
esters, leaving four weeks of each
year free. This plan is favored by
engineers throughout the country
"But in order to do this is would
be necessary to have additional funds
from either the Federal or state gov-
ernment," Dean Crawford pointed
out. "Should such a plan be put into
effect, many students who normally
earn a portion of their expenses dur-
ing summer months find it difficult
to attend the summer session."
Prof. A. H. White of the chemical
engineering department, national
president of the Society for the Pro-
motion of Engineering Education,
which sponsored the committee
meeting, accompanied Dean Craw-
ford at the meeting.

needs for men trained in technical
fields, the University will open a
new series of Engineering Science
and Management Defense Training
courses Jan. 12 in eight lower Mich-
igan cities.
Of the 34 training courses to be
conducted in Detroit, Dearborn,
Highland Park, Royal Oak, Ecorse,
Jackson. Flint and Ann Arbor, three
will be presented in Ann Arbor, in-
struction to be offered in ordnance
inspection, mechanical drawing, de-
scriptive geometry and ultra-high
frequency techniques.
Unlike the other courses, which
will be open to present employes of
engineering industries, the ultra-
high frequency course will be open
only to senior and graduate electrical
engineers, who may take the course
during the second semester for credit.
Prof. Lewis N. Holland of the elec-
trical engineering department will
conduct that course, while Prof.
Maurice Eichlbrger of the egi-
neering drawing department will
teach mechanical drawing and Prof.
J. C. Palmer of the engineering draw-
ing department will teach descrip-
tive geometry.
The second of three such training
series to be presented this academic
year, this series was preceded by the
initial series held last fall, which
turned out more than 900 engineer-
ing trainees. The third series is now
being planned and will be conducted
this spring.
Among the courses to be offered
starting this month are such sub-
jects as welding, engine design, dy-
namics, die casting, metallurgy and
air conditioning.
As in the courses presented last
fall, the classes will meet for two
hours on two nights of each week
for a period of eight weeks.
Civilians Register
For Defense Work
Here Tomorrowi
(Continued from rage 1)
ship, education for democracy and
recreation for both children and
Set up on a county-wide basis,
the CDVO includes mayors, village
presidents, and representatives from
such groups as labor unions,
churches, manufacturers' associa-
tions, and the County Defense Coun-
cil. Future registrations will be held
in each of Washtenaw County's three
cities and four villages.
According to a statement issued
by the CDVO, volunteers may be
used in any all-out mobilization
against future air-raids. The general
registration is expected to build up
a reservoir of available man-power
for help in evacuation, rescue par-
ties, bomb-shelter construction and
blackout organization if these serv-
ices are needed.
The University defense council has
already assured the CDVO that
"some volunteers from the Univer-
sity personnel will be available for
assignment to defense posts in the
community at large as well as in the
Graduate Outing Group
SponsorsSquare Dance
To ease the after-Christmas
"grind," the Graduate Council and
Graduate Outing Club will sponsor
their second square dance of the
semester at 8:30 p.m. Friday in the
Assembly Hall of the Rackham
Those planning to attend are
warned to come early as it may be
necessary to limit the size of the
group for the safety of the dancers.
Faculty members and graduate stu-
dents are urged to attend with or
without dates.
---- ---



Is not what
pretty lady would

the picture above of the inquiring reporter and the
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young lady were asked, she'd say that one thing she appreciates in a
man is a well-groomed personal appearance. If asked, could you say what

contributes to this in a man?

A large partrof the answer will be neat cloth-

ing, especially as to shirts that are fresh, and other washables giving the
wearer invisible assurance.
This is not the only question we can answer for you, however. If you
are one of those who send their laundry home many miles, have you ever
asked yourself why it should be necessary to go to this'trouble and ex-
pense when the independent Ann Arbor laundries are ready and willing
to give you their quality service at an economical rate. Send your next

laundry to them and obtain real satisfaction

in your own appearance.

For convenience, a sample student bundle is listed below.
We Coil For and Deliver to Your Front Door

3 Pairs of Soy
6 Handkerchiefs
2 Suits of Underwear
1 Paoma' Suit
2 Both Towels



meded al aan
Dried omi
uqif Irgned.

oiur Rlcord

City Roused From Lethargy:
New York Takes Precautions
Against Possibility Of Attacks

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Decca: :1743 .....,......e..
Victor: 20895, 22803 4...
Decca: 2476
Victor: 26293, 21296
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Approximate Cost... $1.10

(Special to The Daily)
NEW YORK, N. Y.-Jan. 5.-Still
recovering from what may be its last
New. Year's hangover, the' biggest
city in the world is now a vital
coastal seaport target for enemy
Realizing this, New Yorkers are
disconnecting pilot lights in gas
ranges and shopping in big base-
ments for blackout curtains. Every
apartment house and office build-
ing carries air-raid instructions in
its elevators with kerosene lanterns
set aside on each floor for power-
failure emergency use. Evacuation
drills are held several times a week
in city elementary and high schools
with children being sent to. their

tire rationing, are now subject to en-
forcemnent of an all-night parking
ban. With garages and parking lots
raising already-expensive rates, the
automobile may become more of a
nuisance than a necessity in this
Although the city has been calm
and typically blas6 during air-raid'
drills, several instances of hysteria
have already been reported.
During the last week of Decem-
ber, one of the B.M.T. subway sta-
tions was tied up for nearly half an
hour while passengers and policemen
prepared to approach an apparent
bomb lying on the platform. Armed
with pails, detectives seized upon it.

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