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January 06, 1942 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1942-01-06

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Edited and managed by students of the University of
Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control
of Student Publications.
Published every morning except Monday during the
University year and Summer Session.
Member of the Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the
use for republication of all news dispatches credited to
it or not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All
rights of republication of all other watters herein also
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
second class mail matter.
Subscriptions during the regular school year by
carrier $4.00, by mail $5.00.
National Advertising Service, Inc.
*,College Pueblisers Representative
Ufember, Associated Collegiate Press, 1941-42

Editorial St


Emile 0e16
Alvin Dann
David Lachenbruch
Jay McCormick
Hal Wilson
Arthur Hill .
Janet Hiatt .
Grace Miller
Virginia Mitchell

. .



. Managing Editor
. . Editorial Director
City Editor
Associate Editor
Sports Editor
Assistant sports Editor
Women's Editor
Assistant Women's Editor
S . Exchange Editor


H. Huyett
B. Collins

Business Stafft
. Business7
Associate Business
. Women's Advertising
. . Women's Business


The editorials published in The Michigan
Daily are written by members of The Daily
staff and represent the views of the writers

Reuther Plan
In The News Again.

. .

PLAN. Government defense offic-
ials said any such plan for 'converting the auto-
motive industry to defense production was pre-
mature and impractical. So now, because of
their negligence, as many as 400,000 automobile
workers in Michigan face temporary unemploy-
ment, creating a problem as serious as those
during the depression in areas like Detroit.
According to Sunday's Detroit Free Press, Sen-
ator Prentiss M. Brown, commenting on the
crisis, declared:
"It is surprising to me that in all these months
of preparation that we now find neither the
Army, the Navy, OPM or any other branch of
the Government with a plan for converting the
motor industry. It begins to look as though it
took a Pearl Harbor to awaken us to the need
for adequate planning."
But it is gratifying to see that, even at this
late moment, a plan has finally been formulated.
At a meeting yesterday of OPM officials, auto
magnates, and Union leaders a joint worker-
management committee was appointed to map
a complete program for converting the industry
to wartime production. Belated recognition was
given to UAW leader Walter Reuther, author of
the Reuther Plan, by his appointment to the
PRESIDENT ROOSEVELT has estimated that
at least two months will be required to refit
the automobile plants and begin defense pro-
duction. Other sources, however, believe that
the lay off period will be even longer. Fortunate-
ly, both the federal and state governments are
ready to compensate the distressed workers and
somewhat alleviate the situation. The United
States government is willing to take over com-
pletely the Michigan Unemployment Compensa-
tion System and to provide .the funds necessary
to relieve the unemployment. It is expected also
that the Michigan quota of WPA sums will be
substantially increased.
There is, then, the faint hope that great eco-
nomic dislocation, because of the stoppage of
automobile production, in the motor centers will
be averted. It is an inescapable fact, neverthe-
less, that valuable work-days are going to be lost
at a time when increased war production is the
key to victory over the Axis.
THE WHOLE SITUATION offers a sad spec-
tacle to our Allies and is a sad commentary
on the far sightedness of some of the officials
who are managing war production in Washing-
ton. It must be especially surprising to the Brit-
ish;'who early converted their industry to war-
time production, that a nation, supposedly gear-
ed to full production for national defense, should
produce during 1940 the second largest number
of automobiles in its history. If the Reuther Plan
for producing planes in the automobile plants
had been seriously and critically studied, some
satisfactory scheme could have been worked out
in time to avoid the sudden layoff of workers.
Of course, when the UAW leader submitted his
suggestions a year ago, many Americans still had
a sense of complacency about the war.
The new economic crisis brought about by the
switch from civilian to war production will bring
home to many of them in stark reality the realiz-

Drew Pears"p
Robert S.Ales
WASHINGTON - Certain gentlemen who
would like to shift responsibility for Pearl
Harbor have been spreading the yarn that -J.
Edgar Hoover and the FBI were to blame for
the Navy being caught asleep on the memorable
and tragic day of December 7.
Real inside story on this, however, can now be
told, namely that as early as last spring, Head
G-Man Hoover urged that he be permitted to
arrest, or at least oust from the Hawaiian Islands,
the 250 Japanese consular agents operating
Hoover argued that Japan didn't need 250
consular agents in a little place like Hawaii in
the first place. In the second place he produced
concrete evidence that at least one of them had
tried to get information on U. S. fleet move-
General Short, in command at Hawaii, since
removed, objected to Hoover's plan. He said it
would cause too much commotion. Nevertheless,
Hoover persisted, took the matter over General
Short's head to Washington. Secretary of War
Stimson supported General Short and nothing
was done.
After Pearl Harbor, the Japanese consulate
was taken over and it's papers searched. Among
them was found a code of signals by lights; so
many lights would show that the U. S. destroyers
had left Pearl Harbor; so many lights would in-
dicate that the battleships had left; another
light arrangement would signal that the destroy-
ers had returned, and so on. This code com-
pletely corroborated Hoover's contention that
the Japanese consular agents were the main-
spring of Japanese espionage.
Note-Hoover actually caught two Japanese
spies red-handed in the United States, but was
forced by the State Department to send them
back to Tokyo instead of placing them on trial.
One was a full Japanese naval captain caught
with U. S. naval documents in his possession, and
indicted on Hoover's evidence. The othe-r was a
Japanese language student attached to the Jap-
anese Embassy who was caught among the 37
Axis spies who were indicted in New York
through Hoover's efforts. However, the State
Department ordered his immediate release. His
name was not even released to the newspapers.
No. 1 War Botteneck . ..
ON THE SURFACE, most important results of
the Churchill-Roosevelt conversations were
plans for war strategy in the South Pacific and
Russia, plus formal declarations for future co-
operation. Behind the scenes, however, almost
equally important was some tough talking which
Lord Beaverbrook did about the slowness of
American industrial production.
Beaverbrook's lecture has now led to concrete
plans for strict government supervision of the
most vital defense bottleneck-the machine tool
The Machine Tool section of OPM bas pre-
pared a report showing that not more than
$1,250,000,000 of new machine tools will be pro-
duced in 1942, whereas the war effort will re-
quire at least $2,350,000,000 of them. "Unless this
amount is made available," the OPM report
states,"we may expect the arms production to be
dangerously inadequate until mid-1943 or into
The Army-Navy Munitions Board also esti-
mates that Germany now has under its control
(not counting Japan) at least 700,000 machine
tools less than 9 years old; while this country
has only 520,000 less than 10 years old. Further-
more, German tools were built for war pur-
poses, most of ours for peacetime.

Strange Doings ...
SOME THINGS happening in Washington in
the name of defense just don't make sense.
The Securities and Exchange Commission and
the Rural Electrification Administration are two
permanent Government agencies making real
contributions to the conduct of the war. Hardly
a day goes by that the SEC is not called on for
otherwise unobtainable corporate and financial
data for the placing of war orders. In many
other ways it is assisting the war program.
In addition to constantly furnishing crack
power engineers to various war agencies, the
REA is operating and building many power
plants for Army, Navy and Marine camps, and
war industries.
Also the two agencies are among the most
outstanding New Deal achievements, created
only after long and bitter battles that made pol-
itical and legislative history in the 1930's. Time
and again the President has proundly acclaimed
the SEC and REA as two of the greatest reforms
of his administration.
Yet, under an order cooked up by undercover
pro-utility elements in the Budget Bureau, SEC
and REA will be moved kit and kaboodle hun-
dreds of miles away from Washington.
While their utility lobby foes will have free
rein to snipe at them on Capitol hill, and while
the War and Navy Departments, OPM and other
war agencies will be seriously hampered in ob-
taining the valuable services of SEC and REA,
they will be stuck far away in makeshift offices.
Tens of millions of dollars are being expended
to build temporary office buildings all over
Washington and the nearby countryside. Also
there are some permanent agencies, like the Ag-
r,ii,,n,.1 vvinsion nDivision which should

The Reply Churlish
BIGGEST RESOLUTION for the new year, to
get tough and stay that way. A hard thing
to do, especially when you have to grind these
things out by sheer sitting and staring at the
typewriter many's the day. Maybe this isn't a
bad time to make a few apologies to various
citizens who feel that there are times when
schmaltzy is the word for Touchstone. Anyhow,
today for a change I shall talk about how a col-
umnist works.
In the first place, apropos of that big resolu-
tion, it is not an easy thing to maintain a con-
stantly critical attitude toward the world at
large. Try it some time and see. Nobody talks
to you, and they throw bricks through your win-
dows and hiss when your face appears in the
newsreels. Sometimes you hiss at yourself.
USED TO VIEW the big timers with con-
siderable scorn because they printed stuff
that so obviously wasn't what they really
thought that it hurt. In any syndicated column
you will find material and writing of such a
childish nature as to make you sit back at first
and wonder how the hell that guy ever got in .
with the big leagues. But now, without ever
having been a big timer, I can at least sympa-
thize with those laddies whose pictures appear
in the country's papers. I don't want to fall in
line with them-I try hard not to, because I
feel that with a circulation of whatever we have
for The Daily, and don't let the business staff
fool you on that one, I have a far better than
average chance to get away with what I believe
to be the truth than any columnist on a metro-
politan paper has. And yet there are times
when I put up my nasty pen and write about
the weather.
ANOTHER THING about truth, particularly
in a town like this, is that your position is
not clearly and sharply determined. You may
be as smart as you can be, and I think I am
pretty damned smart, but if you are of a certain
youthful appearance, any open disagreement
with the gentlemanly attitude which is to a
university town the equivalent of the you-
scratch-my-back-I'll-scratch-yours attitude I
deplore among my professional colleagues of
the fourth estate (migod what a sentence, it
grows and grows just like Topsy), is-to return
to the predicate subjunctive above or some-
thing-greeted by the greyheads with wise nods,
"you'll find outs," and very little else by way of
an argument. On the other hand if you say
anything that really strikes you as being true,
but which clashes gently with the rather mun-
dane and unquestioning tastes of the student
body, they call you snob. Since it is often quite
impossible to draw them a diagram showing
just how you know certain things, you must let
it go at that, and for now, I'll let it go at this,
and Norman Anning will be on my neck tomor-
row for that long sentence, and for right now,
so long until soon.
Answer To Champion . .
To the Editor:
AN EDITORIAL appeared in The Daily on the
subject of trusting Americans to meet the
unpleasant realities of the Far Eastern war with
courage and equanimity. It is quite proper that
Americans be trusted; indeed as Mr. Champion
says, it is essential. But he dangerously under-
estimates both the extent to which they must
be trusted, and the intelligence which they must
use, and for which they must be given credit, in
the present crisis and those to come. He insists
that the details of American losses be announced
to the American public. He does not seem to
have observed that up to now the inconsistent
and various claims of the Japanese indicate that
they themselves do not know exactly what dam-

age they have done, and that the announcement
Mr. Champion so.desires is just the announce-
ment the Japanese High Command has been
trying to goad us into making, that afirmation
or denial of their communiques is just what
would help them most, and therefore is the
quickest and most efficient way -of jeopardizing
the lives and future success of our forces in
Hawaii and the Far East. It is true that unless
the American public knows all about the "tre-
mendous blow" which has rendered our Hawai-
ian fleet "an almost useless, battered remnant,"
it will be complacent, it will not exert the de-
termined energy necessary to defeat the enemy?
Those who trust the American people can scarce-
ly think so. If we hope for success the American
people must have the foresight to restrain their
desire for details, knowing that they are with-
held not because they are discouraging but be-
cause they are valuable to the enemy. They must
have the intelligence and courage to act as if
they knew these details, they must work for our
national safety with the same appreciation of
the danger and the same resolution to defeat
it they would have if driven by shock and fear.
ASSUREDLY we must protect free speech, and
critical examination of publications to in-
sure that facts are not withheld by the adminis-
tration merely to spare itself and prevent know-
ledge of its mistakes is indeed now more than
ever necessary. But we must not allow this de-
fense of our rights to degenerate into curiosity.
Certainly we have the right, which we could
on exercising, to know the effect of every bomb
and every shot. Mr. Champion says that we
must understand it so well that when the mili-
tary status requires secrecy to prevent informa-
4. .inn ivhi ,',u iIA r A cvarin. m,.,an li vesand

(Continued from Page 2)
(Fresh Fruits and Vegetables) $2,600,
February 16, 1942.
Assistant Marketing Specialist
(Canned Fruits and Vegetables) $2,-
600, February 16, 1942.
Junior Marketing Specialist (Can-
ned Fruits and Vegetables) $2,000,
February 16, 1942.
Plate Printer (established piece
rates) February 5, 1942.
Printer's Assistant, $.66 per hr.,
January 26, 1942.
Printer-Proofreader (per hr. $1.32,
40 hr. week), February 5. 1942.
Senior Pharmacologist, $4,600, un-
til further notice.
Pharmacologist, $3,800, until fur-
ther notice.
Associate Pharmacologist, $3,200,
until further notice.
Assistant Pharmacologist, $2,600,
until further notice.
Senior Toxicologist, $4,600, until
further notice.
Toxicologist, $3,800, until further
Associate Toxicologist, $3,200 until
further notice.
Assistant Toxicologist, $2,600, un-
til further notice.
Expediter (Marine Propelling and
Outfitting), $3,200, until further no-
Principal Research Chemist, $4,600,
until further notice.
Senior Research Chemist, $4,600,
until further notice.
Research Chemist, $3,800, until
further notice.J
Associate Research Chemist, $3,200,
until further notice. t
Assistant Research Chemist, $2,600,o
until further notice.s
Associate Analytical Chemist, $3,-1
200, until further notice.
Assistant Analytical Chemist, $2,-
600, until further notice.
Senior Galley Designer, $4,600,
March 2, 1942.
Galley Designer, $3,800, March 2,
Associate Galley Designer, $3,200,1
March 2, 1942.s
Senior Kitchen Layout Specialist,t
$4,600, March 2, 1942.f
Kitchen Layout Specialist, $3,800,
March 2, 1942.
Associate Kitchen Layout Special-
ist, $3,200, March 2, 1942.
Junior Supervisor of Grain In-
spection, $2,000, February 16, 1942.t
Principal Technologist (Any spe-c
cialized branch) $5,600, until further
Senior Technologist, $4,600, until,
further notice.
Technologist, $3,800, until further,
Associate Technologist, $3,200, un-
til further notice.
Assistant Technologist, $2,600, un-
til further notice.
Junior Technologist, $2,000, until
further notice.
Principal Meteorologist (any spe-
cialized branch) $5,600, until fur-a
ther notice.
Senior Meteorologist, $4,600, un-
til further notice.
Meteorologist, $3,800, until further
Assistant Meteorologist, $2,600, un-
til further notice.
Associate Meteorologist, $3,200, un-
til further notice.
Plumber, $1,680, February 5, 1942
Steamfitter, $1680, February 5,
Deputy United States Marshal,
$1,800, February 16, 1942.
Head Engineer, $6,500, December
31, 1942.
Principal Engineer, $5,600,, Decem-
ber 31, 1942.
Senior Engineer, $4,600, December
31, 1942.
Engineer, $3,800, December 31,

Associate Engineer, $3,200, De-
cember 31, 1942.
Assistant Engineer, $2,600, Decem-
ber 31, 1942.
Defense Production Protective
Chief Inspector, $5,600, until fur-
ther notice.
Principal Inspector, $4,600, until
further notice.
Senior Inspector, $3,800, until fur-
ther notice.
Inspector, $3,200, until further no-
Assistant Inspector, $2,900, until
further notice.
Junior Inspector $2,600, until fur-
ther notice.
Junior Engineer, $2,000, June 30,
Chief Engineering Draftsman, $2,-
600, December 31, 1942.
Principal Engineering Draftsman,
$2,300, December 31, 1942.
Senior Engineering Draftsman,
$2,000, December 31, 1942.
Engineering Draftsman, $1,800,
December 31, 1942.
Assistant Draftsman, $1,620, De-
cember 31, 1942.
Junior Engineering Draftsman,
$1,440, December 31, 1942.
Junior Astronomer (Naval Observ-
atory), $2,000, until further notice.
Associate Public Health Nursing
Consultant, $3,200, until further no-
Assistant Public Health Nursing
Consultant, $2,600, until further no-


Junior Personnel Assistant, $2,600,
January 15. 1942.
Principal Personnel Clerk, $2,300,
January 15, 1942.
Further information may be ob-
tained fror the notices, which are
on file in the offices of the Univer-
sity Bureau of Appointments, 201
Mason Hall. Office hours 9-12 and
Bureau of Appointments and
Occupational Information
Academic Notices
Teacher's Certificate, February
1942 Candidates: The Comprehen-
sive Examination in Education will
be given on Saturday, January 10,
from 9 to 12 o'clock in 2021 U.H.S.
(and also from 2 to 5 o'clock in 2432
U.E.S.) Students having Saturday
morning classes may take the ex-
amination in the afternoon. Printed
information regarding the examina-
tion may be secured in the School
of Education office.
Directed Teaching, Qualifying Ex-
lmination: Students expecting to
elect Educ. D100 (directed teaching)
next semester are required to pass
qualifying examination in the sub-
ject which they expect to teach. This
examination will be held on Satur-
day, January 10, at 1:00 p.m. Stu-
dents will meet in the auditorium of
the University High School. The
,xamination will consume about four
siours' time; promptness is therefore
Biological Chemistry Seminar will
be held in Room 319, West Medical
Building on Wednesday, January 7,
it 7:30 p.m. "The Biochemistry of
the Eye-The Lens and the Retina-
Visual Purple and Vitamin A" will
be discussed. All interested are in-
Seminar in Physical Chemistry
will meet on Wednesday, January
7, in Room 410 Chemistry Building
at 4:15 p.m. Prof. L. . Brockway
will speak on "Location of atoms on
the basis of electron diffraction con-
tour diagrams."
Zoology Seminar will meet on
Thursday, January 8, at 7:30 p.m.,
in the Amphitheater, Rackham
Bldg.Reports by Mr. Raymond E.
Johnson on "Distribution of Nebras-
ka Fishes" and Mr. George A. Moore
on "The Adaptations of Fishes to
the Silty Water of the Great Plains."
The Botanical Seminar will meet
Wednesday, January 7, at 4:30 p.m.
in room 1139 Natural Science build-
ing. Professor H. H. Bartlett will
give a paper entitled "The Cultiva-
tion of Cinchona and the World
Need for Quinine." All interested are
To Students Enrolled for Series
of Lectures on Naval Subjects: Lieu-
tenant K. S. Shook, U.S. Navy, As-
sistant Professor of Naval Science and
Tactics, University of Michigan, will
deliver a lecture on "The Navy En-
listed Man" at 7:15 p.m. on Tues-
day, January 6, inRoom 348 West
Engineering Building.
Paleontology Lecture: Dr. Bruce
L. Clark, Professor of Paleontology
and Geology at the University of Cali-
fornia, will speak on the subject,
"Tertiary Paleontology and Strati-
graphy of the Pacific Coast," at 2:00
p.m., Thursday, January 8, in Room
1532 University Museums Building.
All persons interested are invited to
Geology Lecture: Dr. Bruce L
Clark, Professor of Paleontology and

speaker on the series on "The Fail-
ure of Skepticism?" sponsored by
The Newman Club, The B'nai B'rith
Hillel Foundation, and Inter-Guild,
at the Rackham Lecture Hall on
Sunday, January 18, at 8:15 p.m.
Events Today
Public Health Assembly: Dr. John
E. Gordon, Professor of Preventive
Medicine, Harvard University Medi-
cal School and School of Public
Health, and Director of the Harvard
American Red Cross Hospital Unit
in England, will speak on "The
Health Program in England" at an
Assembly period for all students in
public health to be held today at
4:00 p.m. in the Auditorium of the
W. K. Kellogg Foundation for Grad-
uate and Postgraduate Dentistry. Al
tudents in public health are expect-
ed to be present and those interested
are welcome.
Junior Research Club: The Janu-
ary meeting will be held tonight at
7:30 in the Amphitheater of the
Elorace H. Rackham School of Grad-
iate Studies. Program:
"Visualization of the Interior of
he Human Stomach," by H. M. Pol-
lard, Department of Internal Medi-
"Alloy Steels in Wartime," by C.
A.. Siebert, Department of Metallur-
;ical Engineering.
Choral Union: Members of the
horal Union are reminded that the
first rehearsal after vacation will
;ake place tonight at 7:00 o'clock,
n the School of Music Auditorium.
Viembers of the Chorus are request-
,d to return their "Messiah" copies,
end pick up their copiesofhthe Bee-
;hoven Ninth and Honegger's "King
David," before that time, at the of-
fice of the University Musical Society
in Burton Memorial Tower.
Aquinas Seminar: The seminar
group studying the works of St.
Aquinas will meet in Lane Hall to-
lay at 4:10 p.m.
The Tuesday evening concert of
recorded music in the Men's Lounge
of the Rackham Building at 8:00 will
be as follows: Quintet for Strings in
C Major by Mozart, Beethoven,
Symphony No. 7 and Prokofieff,
Classical Symphony.
, Iota Sigma Pi will meet today at
8:00 p.m. in the East Lecture Room
of the Rackham Building. Mr. Je-
rome Karle will speak on "The Chem-
ical Aspects of Sanitation." Re-
Sigma Rho Tau will resume its
activities at 7:30 tonight in the Un-
ion. All members are requested to
be present. A new debate topic will
be presented and assignments made.
JGP Central Committee meeting
today in the League at 4:30.
Episcopal Students: Tea will be
served for Episcopal students and
their friends at Harris Hall this
afternoon, 4:00 to 5:30.
Christian Science Organization
will meet tonight at 8:15 in the cha-
pel of the Michigan League.
The Bibliophiles Section of the
Faculty Women's Club will meet at
the Women's League today at 2:30
p.m. Mrs. George Brigham and
Mrs. Norman Nelson will be hostesses.
Coming Events
Intercollegiate Sailing Pictures:
The Michigan Sailing Club will show
pictures of Intercollegiate sailing in
the Chart Room of the N.R.O.T.C.
in the basement of North Hall, Wed-


"I never will get this recipe right if they keep butting in with bulle-
tins! So far I've got 1 cup of flour, one Jap cruiser sank, 2 eggs and
the blackout instructions for tonight!"



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By Lichty

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