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September 30, 1941 - Image 17

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The Michigan Daily, 1941-09-30

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Sir A




Annual Program
To Be Sponsored
By Senior Society

Chinese National Day Selected
For 'Double Ten' Benefit Ball



Dormitories, League Houses
Will Hold informal Parties
For Independent Fortnight
Society Will Tap Five

Directs Assembly


At Banquet

Independent Fortnight, held each
year during the two weeks before As-
sembly Banquet, will be sponsored
this fall by Senior Society, from Oct.
28 to Nov. 10 inclusive. It is during
these two weeks that every member
of Senior Society works to increase
the attendance at the banquet.
To cary out the program which
they have planned this year, mem-
bers of the society will be divided ui
into three groups, each of which will
take care of one of the three branches
of Assembly. These three branches
are the dormitories, the League
houses, and Beta Kappa Rho, an or-
ganization for women working here
in Ann Arbor and also attending
To Hold Parties
In the dormitories during the Fort-
night, there'will be a party held after
hours for the residents of the hall.
The program, which will consist of
skits, dances or games, is planned by'
the members of Senior Society which
have that particular group. These
women will also sell the residents of
the dormitory what their standing is
in relation to the activities offered
on campus, and give them informa-
tion as to how to improve that stand-
Certain other members of Seniort
Society will be in charge of the pro-
gram for the League Houses. Theset
women will plan a gathering of they
League House residents, excluding
those hying in sorority annexes. Betat
Kappa Rho members will also be en-1
tertained by a party planned fory
them by the honorary society. I
Banquet To Be No. 10r
When this campaign for better at-s
tendance at the Assembly Banquet,
anyl more unity among the indepen-I
dent women, is over, the banquet it-
self will take place, Nov. 10. During
this event Senior Society will tap fiveI
additional members to be added tot
its present roll. ,I
" independent Fortnight will actu-
ally continue throughout the year as
far as League Houses go, in order to1
increase activity in that group," said
Rosebud Scott, '42. During the re-f
mainder of the year Assembly will
also present its annual ChristmasI
Dance, which is informal, and later
in the year, AssemblyBall.I
Society History1
Senior Society was oiganized in1
1906 and was one of the first, groups
of women to start sponsoring activ-
ities on campus, When Independentt
Fortnight first started, the Society
sponsored much of the entertainment
provided for freshmen, most of which
has now been taken over by the Ori-
entation Program.3
Dean Alice Lloyd and Miss Marie,
Hartwig are the faculty advisers of
Senior Society. .There is also a plan
under way to include some of the
alumnae of the Society as advisers.
Members of the honorary group
this year are president Miss Scott;
vice-president, Jean Krise; secretary,
Donna Baisch; 'treasurer, Pearl
Brown; and the following women:
Doris Cuthbert, Peg Sanford, Emilie
Root, Betty Walker, Dorothy Ander-
son, Peg Polumbaum, Elizabeth Luck-
ham, Mary Virginia Mitchell, Mildred
Curtis, Jean Hubbard, and Rhoda
Coke Bar At Union
Enters Third Year
As Campus Mixer
For the third consecutive year, the
Union Coke Bar will be held each
Tuesday afternoon from 4 p.m. to 6
p.m., beginning the first Tuesday
after the last football game.
Dancing will be held in the small
ballroom and coffee, tea, cokes and
cookies will be served out on the ter-

race. In case there are any who
wish to play bridge, tables will also
be set up on the terrace. ,
Each week, a few campus groups
(sororities, fraternities, dormitories
and league houses) are presented



Chinese Music Arrangements,
Oriental Style Show Planned;
Door Prizes To Be Offered
On the 10th day of the 10th month,
exactly 30 years after the shot at
Wu Chang that marked the found-
ing of the Chinese republic, Ameri-
can and Chinese couples at Michi-
gan will gather in the League from
9 p.m. to 1 a.m. for the first formal
dance of the season, "Double Ten.''
Fifty million war victims on the
other side of the Pacific will observe
the national holiday in refugee shel-
ters and demolished cities. For the
relief of these, proceeds from the
Double Ten Ball will be contributed
to the United China Relief Fund.
Oriental Music Planned
Not only current popular songs,
but also ancient Chinese melodies
arranged for dancing will be offered
by Glenn Miller's brother, Herb, and
his orchestra. Oriental love songs
are to be interpreted in plaintive ori-
ental style by a Chinese vocalist, and
interspersed with American vocal
selections. Throughout the ball
American culture will be contrasted
and interwoven with Chinese as a
symbol of goodwill between the na-
Among the door prizes to 'be given
out are a lady's Mandarin jacket, a
woven Chinese tapestry, an embroid-
ered bhg, and other hand-fashioned
Chinese gifts. Favors for, all couples
will be the programs designed in ori-
ental style with Chinese characters
and motifs.
Chinese Models To'Parade
Fashions of China from the 14th,
17th and 19th centuries down to
present day dress will be paraded by
Chinese models during the intermis-
sion. Lynn-Lee Shew, Chicago ex-
pert on Chinese fashion, will lend
her authority for the arrangement
and direction of the show.
Chinese lettered scrolls hung on
the wall, and other oriental decora-
tions will provide atmosphere, and
Chinese couples will be urged to come
in costume rather than American for-
mal dress. Moving among the dan-
cers they will illustrate the mingling
of cultures symbolized by the huge
Chinese and American flags to flank
the central background of the diaz.
Lim-Yuen Is Chairman
Paul Lim-Yuen, '43, general chair-
man of the Double Ten Ball, is assist-
ed by Isabelle Chao, Grad.; Ray-
mond Chen, '44, Lois Wang, Grad.;
David Liang, Grad., ,and Cheng K.
Tseng, Grad., as vice-chairmen.
Decoration chairman is Philip Chu,
'42A, while Che Tang, '43E, is in
charge of publicity and Robert
Chang, Grad, is ticket chairman.
They will be supported for ticket

sales and models by University Chi-
nese students, the largest group from
China on any campus in North Amer-
Details of ticket purchasing will be
announced in the near future.
The idea for "Double Ten" was
conceived this fall when the Chinese
Student group pondered over the
problem of gathering funds to be
contributed to United China Relief's
nation-wide drive under progress at
present. In order to take advantage
of the appropriate date, combining
celebration of the national holiday
with the benefit drive, plans for the
ball have been compiled in a shorter
period of time than ordinarily al-
lowed for a large dance, and may be
enlarged or slightly changed.


Rushees Pause And Ponder Maps



Fall Rushing. Period

ns Open


1942 JUPE
Script Contest
Remains Open
Central Committee Sets Rules
Specifying Two-Act Play,
With Few Male Roles1
Each year, some lucky person gets t
$100. And all for doing nothing moret
than weaving a script for the Junior
Girls' Play out of an idea. Wouldr
you like to try?-c
Of course, if you begin now you'll
have to overcome the three months
head start of your competitors butt
you have until Nov. 1 and that's am-
ple time.. However, the central com-
mittee of JGP will expect a briefI
synopsis of your play before you turne
in the finished product, so they'll
have some idea of what to expect.
'Musts' For Play
There are a few rigid requirements1
which we will dispose of next and
then maybe some of our off-the-
record suggestions might help you
on your way. The play must con-
sist of two acts, with the first act_
longer than the second and with the
climax coming at the end of the
For obvious reasons, the fewer
male characters the better. There
should be many character parts pro-
vided-to keep the class clowns hap-
py-and from 18 to 20 speaking
parts, a minimum of straight parts
and absolutely no love scenes. The
latter requirement is important be-
cause there just isn't anything corn-
ier than a feeble love scene.
To Add Zip!
Extra zip may be added by allow-
ing plenty of room for dance chor-
uses, vocal numbers and solos and
opportunities for original songs and
musical arrangements. Concerning
plots, it seems that campus and fu-
turistic settings are a bit weather-
beaten, so stay clear on anything
that might as much as border on
Incidentally, if ,you're at all musi-
cally minded, youmight try your hand
at writing an original tune. The mere
fact that you've never played an in-
strument in your life or warbled in
a church choir, is most irrelevant.
All you need is a bare tune or a few
lyrics and a mus°school frien will
take care of the technical details.
To The Winner!
Now back to the prize business.
Winner will receive $100 or a round
trip, all-expense paid trip to New
York, including theatre tickets and
passes to other parts of the "night
life." For a week you can live like a
king (or queen) on the JGP commit-
tee or you can pocket the $100 and
later buy a U.S. Baby Bond.
In case of collaboration, which is
not only permitted but encouraged,
the . co-authors may split the
money or 4f there are more than two,
they will be awarded tickets to out-
standing campus affairs, such as
J-Hop. May Festival, Choral Union,
or the Oratorical Series.
a[D ilyTryout Meeting

For Women
Stil .Lacki ng
Even before the summer had start-
ed it was pretty clear to any girl
planning to go to Michigan State
College that it would be a tough
fight, maw, for a dorm. In fact, if
a person even had a telephone booth
two or three miles from campus she
was considered the luckiest of crea-
tures. There was one report of a
prospective State coed who couldn't
get accommodations, saying wistfully
that she envied a friend who was
"fifteenth on a waiting list for a
recreation room!"
The housing problem at State has
gotten steadily worse, but Michigan
students no longer chortle; they hae
a situation of their own, now. Ann
Arbor is finding it hard to turn up
enough nooms for an unprecedented
rush of freshman women.
Expansions in established league
houses are being made, as far as it
has been possible, and the number of
the houses, themselves have almost
doubled. Last year, the Office of the
Dean of Women listed 33 houses and
this year, the list has swelled to 60.
Emulating State's trick of turning
"rec" rooms into at least temporary
dormitory accommodations, women's
residence halls here are putting their
council rooms to use in the same
The bitter thing about the whole
business, of course, is that it is the
women's accommodations which are
scarce. With 200 more women than
men entering the literary school this
year, the older gals of the upper
classes are preparing their holes for
hibernation and all the men of all
the classes are looking forward to a
banner year.


Freshmen Marcia Sharpe, Barbara Brown and Marilyn Moser stop
to puzzle over a campus map before proceeding to the sorority houses
for rushing parties, which continue this week and next.
H illel Foundation Makes Plans'
For Full Year's SocialProgram

Pei ti sPommesdeTerre
The social season, as we blue bloods call it, has started, you lucky people,
and from this day, henceforth, the campus will be just one gay, mad whirl
of collegiate fun-(it says here.) You know how it will be-you've seen it
often enough in the movies, haven't you? There will be tremendous crowds
going to tremendous football game, at which the boy with the broken ankle

Hillel Foundation, social and re-
ligious center for Jewish students on
campus, has planned a full socialt
program for the coming year, Robert3
Warner, '43, student director of the
foundation announced.
Opep house after the sun has set
on the Day of Atonement, at 8 p.m.
tomorrow, will be held at the Founda-
tion. Refreshments and dancingI
will be on the program, Sylvia Fore-
man, '43, and Robert Morrison, '43,
co-chairmen of the social committee,
said.< ,
First 'P.M.' Thursday
The first afternoon "P.M."-a
weekly affair including dancing, re-'
freshments, ping-pong, bridge and
record playing will be given at 3 p.m.
Thursday at the Foundation.'
Conservative services read by Jack
Lewin-Epstein, Herbert London and
David Krohn will be held at 7:45 p.m.
Friday, after which Hillel leaders will
lead a fireside discussion. Both
"P.M.'s" and Friday evening services
and chats are a regular feature on
Hillel's program.
Membership Drive
To launch this year's membership
drive ,a luncheon will be held at
12:15 p.m. Saturday at the Union
for all those participating in the
drive. Materials and information
will be distributed to all committee
members at that time.
Following the Michigan vs. Iowa
game, Saturday, Hillel will hold open
house with refreshments and danc-
ing and for the entire football sea-
son, open houses will be held after
every game and during every #game
To Hold Succoth Party
A party in honor of the Succoth
holidays is scheduled for 8 p.m. Sun-
day at the Foundation; there will be
Assembly To Give
Tea For Freshmen,
Transfer Stodents
Assembly, independent women's
organization, will entertain fresh-
manand transfer orientation groups
with their advisers at a tea to be
given at 3:30 p.m. tomorrow in the
League. Following tea the groups
will proceed together to the last
formal function of orientation, Dean
Lloyd's address at 5 p.m. in the
Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre.
Independent sophomore or upper-
class women who are not acquainted
with Assembly activities are invited
to attend the tea as well as freshmen
and transfer orientation 'groups, an-
nounced Jean Hubbard, '42, president
of Assembly. They may join the
orientation groups in the League
Ballroom any time from 3:30 p.m. to
5 p.m., at which time they will have
an opportunity to meet Assembly of-
ficers, and make any inquiries about
the activities of independent women.
Informal functions designed to
help orient freshmen will continue
next week with the first of the PACI
t~n. riA~nr r Pi pa *~ Mfr~fihmn

dances, songs, and refreshments. An-
other social event in the offing is a
membership mixer planned for 4
p.m. Thursday, Oct. 16.
A gala jamboree in honor of the
Michigan State Hillel group, who will
be visiting that day, is planned for
Dec. 6. A debate, a basketball game.
tour of campus and a dinner will
precede the culmination of the cele-
bration in the annual Fall Frolic to
be given in the evening at the League.
Important plans for second semes-
ter social activities include the Hillel
Player's major production to be given
at the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre
sometime in MVarch, and the annual
Spring Formal which will take place
at the League in May.
A pre-membership mixer last Sat-
urday at Lane Hall was the first
item on the social list for Hillel.
48 Women Fill
Campus Coops
Entry Application Is Detailed;
Need, Scholarship, Important
In league with the times is the
Michigan campus with its fairly re-
cent cooperative movement, and the
women are right in step with the
men in recognizing this practical
method of getting a college educa-
Three women's cooperative houses
on this campus house 48 women, all
of whom are very carefully picked to
fill these responsible positions. Reg-
istration application for entry into
the houses is very detailed, with
special emphasis on scholarship rat-
ings, need, and ability to assist in
management and household care.
Followed Men's Example
The women's cooperative move-
ment followed closely upon the
men's, beginning about two years
after the first actual cooperative liv-
ing quarters had been set up. Pre-
vious to this, there had been coop-
erative eating establishments, the
oldest of which had its beginning in
Lane Hall, and has now evolved into
the Wolverine Restaurant.
First of the women's cooperatives
was the Alice Freeman Palmer
house, begun in 1936. This was fol-
lowed by the Catherine Pickerell
house, in 1939, with the Muriel Les-
ter house coming into existence dur-
ing the last school year.
Sophomores Eligible
Women who have made good scho-
lastic records are eligible, their sec-
ond year on campus, to join a coop-
erative house. These houses are un-
der the same student government
plan as the League houses, and are
counted as League houses. Each
house has a chaperon, chosen by the
women residents, and approved by

Entertaining To Be Continued
With Desserts And Dinners
Throughout Next Week
Women Representatives
Of Numerous Colleges.
Approximately 660 women, the
largest group ever to register for
:ushing at the University, will attend
lesserts today at the 19 sorority
louses on campus. The rushees, in-
Jluding both freshmen and transfers,
ire taking part in the period of for-
nal rushing now underway, which
vill be climaxed by pledging Sunday,
Dct. 12.
Formal rushing will continue this
veek and next with the sororities en-
ertaining at desserts from 7:30 p.m.
;o 9:30 p.m. today, tomorrow, Thurs-
lay, Friday, and Monday, buffet sup-
>ers and breakfasts Saturday and
Sunday, and formal dinners on the
ollowing Wednesday and Thursday,
ifter which a silence period between
sorority and non-sorority members
vill precede pledging.
May Still Register
Although the registration booth
vhich Panhellenic Association oper-
ted in the League lobby throughout
*rientation Week is now closed,
reshmen and transfers who desireto
>e rushed during the present period
>f intensive rushing may see-Virginia
Osgood, '41,, in Miss McCormick's of-
fice in the League during this week.
According to Patricia Hadley, '42,
president of Panhellenic; women may
attend initial teas upon invitation
without having registered for rush-
ing, but they must pay the registra-
ion fee 'at the League before any
iorority is permitted to invite them
,, a second function.
Come From Far And Wide
The majority of rushees are resi-
lents .of Michigan, with near-by
states well-represented. There are
ilso women registered from such re-
note parts of the country as Arizona,
Texas, California, Maine and Florida.
To represent the distant territories
>f the United States are three women
.rom Oahu, Hawaii; Manila in the
Philippines, and Anchorage, Alaska.
As evidence of the growing bonad
between Latin America and the
Jnited States, particularly in regard
to the exchange of students are two
;women. One is coming to the Uni-
iersity from Santiago, Chile, while
,he other has lived in Aruba in the
Netherlands West Indies, the island
being situated off the coast of Ven-
Many Transfers
A large number of junior colleges
ind colleges are represented by the
Transfer women who have registered
nor rushing. Among the colleges are
Albion,. Alma, Antioch, Arizona, Car-
eton, Chicago, Columbia, Denison,
DePauw, Duke, Hofstra Hollins,
:Iood, Illinois, and Kalamazoo.
Also Marygrove, Michigan ; State,
Dberlin, Randolph-Macon, Rockford,
Smith, Stanford, Texas, Wayne,
Wheaton, Wooster, and Vassar. Wo-
mnen have also transferred to Michi-
;an from Briarcliff, Colby, Flint,
brand Rapids, National Park, Penn
EIall, Pine Manor and Stephens jun-
or colleges.
Following this period of intensive
rushing there will be an opportunity
for women who are still interested
to register for informal rushing which
will continue throughout the semes-
ter. This will be announced at a
later date.
Wyvern, Alumnae
croup To Be Guests
At Tea Next Tuesday
Alumnae scholars of the freshman

,lass will join members of Wyvern,
junior women's honor society, at tea
oext Tuesday as guests of Dean Byerl
Bacher. The purpose of the meeting
will be for the scholars and juniors
to get together for personal greetings
and discussion following summer cor-
respondence and informal meetings
between individuals.
After meeting in the lobby of the
League at 4 p.m. they will proceed to-
gether to Miss Bacher's home. Those
who will be detained by classes until

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will kick the winning field goal in the last % second
of the game. There will be gigantic fraternity parties
where a gorgeous coed whom, strangely, no one has
noticed before, will break into some remarkable bit
of hoofing and become the belle of the ball. And
there will certainly be a lagoon where everyone
canoes madly about, and 20 violin-orchestras play
with a Kostelanitz effectiveness and where your
date, naturally will rip off a chorus 'or so of the dark
horse on the hit parade, in a rather tired tenor voice.
Michigan's In The Swing!...
We are quoting these little items so that in the
future, when we mention some brilliant social event

you will realize that Michigan, too, overlooks nothing. All these will be
present. If they're not, don't blame us.. We believe what we see in the
But, in the meantime, Aunt Cobina feels that she should give you one
more little heart-to-heart talk. (It's clear we've been seeing too much of
the Hardy Family) with a garnish of her usual
splendid advice, before allowing you to edge into /
the crool campus on your own, as it were. We
decided that the most malignant of current
social affairs should be torn apart and shown in-
all its horror as our final gesture to etiquette at sZ .
Michigan. /
Well, sisters, we didn't have to take any Gal- .. j
lup polls as to what fits that malignant bill; for
sheer sad apples the "mixer" (or, as we call it,
back in Skunk Hollow, more simply, "Sadie Haw-,
kins Day") certainly takes the biscuit. It is a
pretty generally recognized fact that "mixers" are-
beyond human aid, but if we join the scouts m =
I ..-',. ;i nr th

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