THE MICHIGAN DAILY I U1UiSDAY, DECEMBER 18, 194 New 'Technic' To Be 'Dlggest Best' Of Year 'Romance Of Research,' Three Other Banner; Articles Are Featured Has New Section A total of four banner articles will make a 36-page December issue of The Michigan Technic the biggest and best issue of the year when it goes on sale at 8 a.m. today over the Engineering Arch, in the lobby of the East Engineering Building and in front of the secretary's office, West Engineering Building.j Written by Prof. A. E. White of the Department of Engineering Re-I search, the leading article of this month's issue will be "Romance of Research," followed by an article on "Testing Domestic Stoker Coals" by Prof. R. S. Hawley of the mechani- cal engineering department. Student-written articles in this is- sue include "Broaching Rifling in Gun Barrels by John Burnham, '42E, describing a comparatively new pro- cess which is doubly important now that the country's industry is on a war-time basis.1 Will Direct Censorship Freshman Winners Are Picked Band Concert _ __ in LafUWivYi r' (as5Club Contiest 1 dl &' iren Ii Charity Drive Closes Aideyt receiving warm response l il r;League houses and many ~' xcc till hussSanid(-(Oopera- ye the Audieru group sprnsorlirng he collection of clothing for the eedy is closing its final drive today. Twenty freshman law studentsR oger Pineau, Flint, as the leadig tro1 have been judged winners in the an- barristers of the Story Club. Ie nual Case Club contest for freshman Kent Club winners selected by the Winding up its pre-holiday season, - and eight juniors~ have advanced to honorable Willim Butler, 'h4U2LrsyCoceDea- w troitfnasi ter iiso,, are 'Max Wildman, Peru, m.; teUiest ocr adwl the semifinals i their division, an- John Mitchell, Bay City; William El- present a 20-minute broadcast over nounced Jack Shuler, '42L, Club mer, Grosse Pointe; and Thomas the new frequency-modulation sta- chairman yesterday. Deibel, Saginaw. Lion. W45D, at 5:10 p.m. today from The Case Club is divided into small- Junior Semi-Finalists the studios in Morris Hall. er clubs in which teams of two stu- Of the eight junior semi-finalists Featured on this afternoon's pro- dents argue cases before senior law striving for the Campell Award, four dent arue csesbefoe sniorlawwill be selected when the contest is gram will be "Perpetual Motion," by students acting as judges. resumed after vacation. I Paganini. Played recently in Hill Freshman Winners Semi-finalists for Holmes Club are Auditorium by the Chicago Sym- Sem-fialitstforHoles lubar phony Orchestra, the number will Freshman winners in Cooley Club George Schilling, Hinsdale, Ill.; and y prsided over by 'Judge' James John Ryan, Wausau, Wis., Lee Brody, feature the clarinet section of the Guernsey, '42L Fortoria. . were troit, and William Beaney, Forty-a af's concert will be the third Fort, Pa., are top men in Marshall, Toargs serill b the th- John Huston, Ann Arbor; Russell! Club. in a regular series of Thursday af- No Byron Price (above), executive news editor of The Associated Press, has been granted a leave of absence to become the nation's director of censorship, it was announce4 by President Roosevelt.- Here, There And jEverywher> In The WarNews-.. Bowers, Grand Rapids: Marvin Koff- man, Bay City; and Yoshiteru Kaw- ano, Tacoma, Wash. Seymour Spelman, '42L, of Bing- hamton, N. Y., named Richard Kelly. Lisbon Falls, Me.; Richard Saunders, Enid, Okla.; Edward Butts, Bartles- ville, Okla.; and Seymour Goldman, IDetroit, as winners in Hplmes Club. Joseph Merency, River Forest, Ill.; John Hogland, Riversdale, Ill.; John Reuling, Ann Arbor; and Richard Morris, Kalamazoo won in the Mar- shall Club under .'Judge' Lon Barrin- ger, '42L, Charleston, W. Va. Jack Shuler, '42L, Pontiac, desig- nated William Muehl, Birmingham; Millard Parsley, Erwin, Tenn.; Mal- colm Davisson, Berkeley, Calif.; and Society.Ends Drive Today' Story Club semi-finalists are Ernest Rudolph, Sioux Falls, S. D.; and Samuel Estep, Emporia, Kan., while Neil McKray, East Tawas; and Robert Hodgson, Glens Falls, N. Y., will rep- resent Kent Club. Exam Blues Are Caused By- Eyestrain By ED GROSSBERG When you have those "old blue- book 'blues," do you find cramming tougli because you feel drowsy, eyes ache and head throbs after a short attempt? Chances are you're a victim of eye strain caused by faulty glasses or overworked optic muscles, according to Dr. Emory W. Sink, head of the tHealth Service opthalmology depart- ternoon broadcasts by the Concert Band under the direction of Prof. William D. Retelli, conductor of the University bands. I *o4on / 5 LAMP BULBS in homes today are the WRONG SIZE it's a fact! Only 1 out of 5 lamp bulbs found in most American homes today is the correct size for easy, comfort- able seeing. Are YOUR bulbs misfits? Check your lamps and fixtures and make sure you have the right bulb in the right socket. Ask at any Detroit Edison office. The Detroit Edison Company. AO ( HEY, HEADING FOR HOME?.P 9 Star right and easy! Send your luggage round-trip by trusty, low, cost RAILWAY EXPRESS, and take your train with peace of mind.We pick-up and deliver, remember, at no extra char within our reg- -ular vehicle limit in all dies and pri ncipaltowns. You merely phone RAILWA XPRESS NATION-WIDE RAIL-AIR SERVICE Washington WASHINGTON, Dec. 17-MP)-The A second student-written article government today announced ration- will be "American Society of Mechan- ing of automobile tires will begin Jan. ical Engineers," b§ John Templer, 4, with sales prohibited ,except to in- '42E, president of the University stu- dividuals possessing ration cards, or dent chapter of the ASME. The to fill military orders. article will describe the work of both Price Administrator Leon Hender- the national and the student chap- son told a\ press conference stoppage; ters of the organization. of Far Eastern rubber imports had Introduced to the campus in,, a forced a reduction of nearly 80 per regular Technic. feature, "The, Tech- cent in the nation's crude rubber nic' Presents," will be Prof. G. G. consumption, that civilian consump- Brown of the chemical engineering tion would be limited to 10,000 tons department,George D. Gotschall a month-compared with 47,000 used '42E, former chairman of the Uni-' now-and that such non-essential '4E foMrrchirBanotiotni- ,goods as tennis and golf balls, bath- versity Marching Band's formations 'comiteeand ,Bill Collam ore, '42E, rng suits and rubber" toys probably prsidn ifthendUiC rsiy 4h2Eer' would be elminated "for the dura- re ent of the University chaper' tion." ical Engineers To effect a drastic reduction in the pricipal use of crude rubber-for A new feature department im this tires and tubes-civilian, rationing issue will be "The Technic Rambles," boards will be set up throughout -the the first of a series of interviews with country to issue purchase certificates'. University men doing unusual jobs. These will go only to agencies .and Lead-off man for the series will be individuals able to show their tife Arthur Limpert of the naval archi- purchases are necessary to the "main tecture department, who builds all tenance of industrial efficiency and tle model boats used for testing oper- civilian health." ations in the naval tank. "The Technic Reflgcts," another regular feature, will also appear, Cairo . presenting the words and music to "St. Partick Was An Engineer." The CAIRO, Dec. 17-(AP)-British des- issue's cover picture ' will be a shot ert troops hammering at the (waning of the high voltage generator in ;the tank strength of Gen. Erwin Rommel Randall Laboratory Building. amid raging sandstorms were more than 150 miles inside Libya tonight and still advancing. Engine School The main battle areas still were at Alem Hamza, 30 miles southwest of M, Sp d- Up Gazala, and at Halegh El Olebam, about the same distance west of Gaz- ala. At the latter point the British S Its fCurricUlU Irapidly outflanked Axis reserves and supply bases in a battle of annihila- tion with which they hope to open An cceleration of engineering up the road to Dernz . education may become more than Gazala' itself was 'a third battle' just a possibility today as Dean Ivan scene because some Axis units were C. Crawford of the College of En- clustered along the seacoast thfre, but the British apparently regarded gineering and Prof. A. H. White of this area as little more than a mopup the chemical engineering department job. i t t t r i y Buenos Aires .. BUENOS AIRES, Dec. 17-V(P)_ Germany has plotted to sabotage the export of Bolivian tin and lead to thi United States by wrecking railway over which the important war meta are shipped, it was reported today These rail lines run through Chi as well as Bolivia. The Nazi plot has been thwarte it was stated in information receive here from Bolivia, where the govern ment has imposed a strict censorship All of Bolivia's large tin and lea production goes to the United State under a purchase agreement. Thl Germans were reported to have plan ned to sabotage the rail lines betwee the mines and the Chilean ports a Arica and Anitofagasta. - Uavana . . HAVANA, Dec. 17-(P)-Police an nounced tonight the discovery of Nazi:plot to irlstall military reflector capable of signaling planes and ship at sea from' a mountain range com -manding a broad view of the Atlanti Ocean off Cuba. With models and drawings of tb scheme, for which surveys. alread3 had been made, they seized one Rein hold Hahn, 61, whom they identifie as a erman Gestapo agent and en gineer who oame to Cuba on a tour ist card issued in Berlin. kr In Russia . . . WITH THE RED ARMY on th Moscow Front, Dec. 17-(P)-Crunch ing down on the rear of the retreat ing German Army, the Russia steamroller has rumbled forwar more than 40 miles beyond the start ing point on the flanks of the Mos cow front, pushing the invaders back to a distance that means security fo the Soviet capital. Five Nazi divisions have fallen north of Moscow and several mor have been destroyed to the south a the Red Army defeated the German in the greatest battle and first majo anti-Axis victory in this war in Eur opg. Over icy, snow-packed battlefield the Soviet forces are continuing to rush forward. le ie Is y. le d, LOWANOW Life Iusurance still available without WAR RISK CLAUSE PROVIDENT MUTUAL LIFE INS. CO. OF PHILADELPHIA FRANCIS J. CON TN First National Building Office: 2-4282 'Res ence:7005 Group Gathers Readting I I finish their work with a national committee working on that problem in Pittsburgh. At the time of its formation about a year. ago, the Committee on Acel- eratiori of Regular Engineering Pro- grams recommended that engineer- ing programs be left unchanged. In view of the war and the need for en- gineers and technical men in all fields, however, the committee is meeting to reconsider its recommend- ations at that time. The committee was formed through the interest of the Society for the Production of Engineering Education, of which Professor White is national president, and is composed of men holding high positions "in engineer- ing education all over the country. At present, the committee is pri- marily concerned with a careful study of present engineering programs, with an eye toward increasing the present output if possible. The first meetings of the committee were held yesterday, and the study will be com- pleted today. War Sentiment Closes . Pulitzer Prize Drama War sentiment has its reverbera- tions even in the entertainment busi- ness. "There Shall Be No Night," Pulitz- er prizewinning play by Robert E, Sherwood starring Alfred Lunt and Lynne Fontanne, which had been booked on the winter play series by the Michigan Theatre, will leave the footlights after tonight's perform- ance at Rochester, Minn. The play, which deals sympathet- ically with Finland's fight -against Russia, was withdrawn by the author despite solid bookings in various cities for the next few weeks because of a possible misunderstanding of motives that might result. Since the traveling company start- ed the tour, the average gross has been about $2,000 weekly, with good possibilities for a long run in play- houses throughout the country. ' - . Material For Sick ment. - . This is one of the most common d The latest project of Alpha Phi complaints received from students. S Omega, national Scout service fra- But don't get excited-this is no ex- e ternity, will be brought' to a cn- cuse to stop studying because normal LETftT .lbeibro uht oaicon- eyes are not injured by reading, and clusion today when the organization only. fundamentally faulty eye-sight.. f Imakes its .final round of fraternities: is affected. and sororities in search of reading One of the chief Causes for accentu- matter for patients confined to their ated eye strain lies in improper light- beds in ing conditions. If the illumination is p s d I too dim, too bright or from the wrong Blooming pants and cut or the Health Service. angle, it may result in that tired feel- - Started late last week, the drive is 'ing when you hit the books for a long flowers glowingly ex- a being handled by Jack Norton, '43E, session. rs and Bill Ager, '43, who are supervis- Dormitories and libraries with per- press the warm spirit of s ing pick-ups and will see to the 'is- manent fixtures incorporated into 1 - ribution to the Hospital and Health the desk constitute a menace to stu- Christmas Send them iC Servicer when the drive is completed. dent visul well-being. AdjustableC s .t. The houses to be visited will be lamps are by far the most desirable as this y n notified by phone before the pick-up way of avoiding trouble from lighta gift s year and y crew calls, Dick Schoel, '43E, presi- reflected into readers' eyes. make the season bright dent of Alpha Phi Omega, has an-I-In recent years the trend seems tom d nounced. be for students to be wearing glasses - Full cooperation has been received more than ever before, but this is-y' - from the houses visited so far, and attributed by Dr. Sink to the demands , it is hoped that the remaining houses of finer reading and scientific work will be equally helpful and/bundle and and better diagnosis rather than to tie the magazines which they wish any racial deterioration. to have the collectors pick up. Students bothered by slight eye 0HELSEA FLOWER SHOP 1e strain are advised to interrupt their studying every half-hour to get up 243 East Liberty Phone 2-5616 Lisbo* . . . and look at pictures or distant objects ' to give the focal muscles a chance to I LISBON, Portugal, Dec. 17-(AP)- relax. The government announced late to- night the cabinet had held a special kmeeting "to deal with grave events r which may have occurred in the col- ony of Timor." n It did not say what these events 9 e were, but said clarification was being k I awaited before informing the countryJ s fully. r -Timor is an island, half Portugese - and half Dutch, lying in the East Indies between Java and Australia.,g s lamsk, key to the central front north- o west of Moscow. Its fall appeared imminent .tonight. an] WILD'S ItaJ'nothinele! Isaw OUR STORE is filled with clothes that will give pleasure and you r use for many months to come, for on America's ,gift lists "something nice to wear" is the No. I choice. WANT AD Ours is a Specialty Apparel Store, a store devoted solely and simply to the clothes that well-dressed men of all ages in the wear, a store built around Quality clothes and Quality stand- t 'Y " ards, and serving representative American families. DA 1'.." We do not look on Christmas as a "catchpenny"" season. We believe that now, more than ever, intelligent people want merchandise of dependable quality, authentic fashion, cer- -they speak the value of tain usefulness. The fact that they can find it at Wild's, where ing for rooms or roomers, the moderate prices obviously do not include a stiff "cover f charge" for ''atmosphere," is perhaps a good reason why 1 specialized help, seekingyy 1 r'}r fi~11 a Want Ail your Christmas list may very sensibly start at Wild's. r A LAST MINUTE GIFT- SA FOR THE FOLKS AT HOME The 4 MICHIGAN CALENDAR r.' These are magic words- a genuine service. Look tutors or those in need o rn h~ m nr v- ki - en c~1