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December 18, 1941 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1941-12-18

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'THE 'M-1C l1 AN-DlATT

s.J " I14 ,,lt 1 .ll

t r e tr t g tn tt

Edited and managed ',y students of the Univ)rsity of
Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control
of Student Publications.
Published every morning except Monday during the
University year and Summer Session.
Member of the Associated Press
The Associated Press is excusively entitled to the
use for republication of all news dispatches credited to
it or not otherwse credited in this newsp ,per. All
fights of republication of all other matters herein also
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
second class snail matter.
Subscriptions during the regular school year by
carrip" $4.00, by mail $5.00.
National Advertising Service, Inc.
, College PeUbl s.ers Represgntative
fember, Associated Collegiate Press, 1941-42


torial Stafff

tn 4 b " Should We Hate
In Time of War?
was just reading a front-page editorial that man, the Italian, the Jap. You would have to
appeared in a Kansas City paper the day the fight, not for yourself, not for the people, but for
U.S. declared war on Japan. It follows, in part: the Fuehrer or the Emperor or for the Duce.
"The little yellow man is really yellow. I'll grant that most of these people believe in
"About 10 years ago on another unday after- what they are figshting for, but it is because of
noon an admiral of the United States Navy no racial weakness that they elieve; they have
representing the UnitediStateseravy been propagandized and coerced until they be-
Unitedstte sovereign government of the lieve in their form of fascism. Under the cir-
United States of America reachied into the dark v cumstances_ you and T would dd the same thing.
drawer of medievalism and pulled the intellec- utnwhyot ate I Japs if t will hp
tually and physically dwarfed Nipponese out But why not hate the Japs if it will help us
into the light of civilization and education. The wr
" The answer is simple. Firstly, it won't help
"The cycle seems to have come about again win the war. Secondly, if you believe, or say you
and that same navy representing the same soy- believe, that one race is inferior to another, you
ereign government seems duty bound to put are admitting to Hitler that he is right. If
them back into the drawer and into the dark. enough people believe in that way, we won't
"The act of Japan yesterday will destroy, we need any Hitler at all-fascism will take care
hope forever, the prevalent illusion that they of itself in the United States.
were possessed of any brains at all.
"Of the wars in which the United States as ONCE YOU EMPLOY the philosophy of Henry
. .Norman, 'The Kansas City editor, yor
engaged, never did one begin with a deeper NraheKnsCiydto, you are
hatred for an enemy than we have for his admitting that the United States is fighting for
oned .fo nothing. You ,are saying that one fascism (the
U.S.) is fighting another fascisin (Germany).
-And so on and on into the night. The war is no longer a fight to wipe fascism from
Probably everyone who has any intelligence the face of the earth, but an imperialistic strug-
realizes that that editorial is completely untrue gle between two fascist nations.
in its theories and that it is merely an attempt This philosophy, "the little yellow man is
to stir up some of that good.old hysteria. really yellow." . . . "intellectually and physically
Because if that editorial is true we may as dwarfed" . . . is the real, true Nazi philosophy.
well give up democracy right now and surren- Hitler was no doubt tickled to read it.
der to Hitler. This theory, carried to its logical conclusion,
says: "The Negroes are biologically inferior and
WE have a war to fight, and by God, we're should be destroyed." It crawls along your coat
going to win. Nobody has any doubt of that, collar and whispers in your ear: "What race is
But we're liable to neglect one thing. And so inferior that ithas to be wiped out before it
that is that we must fight this war coldly, im- destroys our country? The Jews!" And there
personally and unemotionally. you are.
Unfortunately, we have to kill other human
beings-people who are every bit as good as we QUR WAR gives the amateur and professional
are. And we should accept this killing as un- fascists in this country their opportunity.
avoidable. But under no circumstances should The greatest chance of the United States' turn-
we develop a hatred for the Japanese race or ing fascist comes not from the possibility of los-
any other race. ing the war but from deviating from our demo-
Hatred for what they are fighting for-yes! cratic philosophy during the war.
They are fighting for the destruction of all The Japanese are an easy race for the ignor-
brotherhood of man, for the destruction of equal ant to hate. Their complexions are different
opportunity. Hatred for their leaders, their sys- from ours, their eyes slant. But the Chinese
tem-yes! Hatred for Hirohito, Hitler, Musso- answer a similar description. Should we hate
lini, by all means! But why should we hate the them too?
Japs themselves? We've got to be careful. Our democracy is in
more danger, both from abroad and within,
TRUE, we must kill them. We must beat Japan. than it ever has been in all our history.
But can't we kill without hating? We k11 Let's fight this war honestly and we will win.
them, not because they have yellow skin or be- But let's fight it calmly, coldly. Let our killing
cause they live in Asia, but because they are be done in order to sap the strength of fascism's
tokens, puppets, chessmen of the evil we are forces, not as a symbol of our hatred for another
combating, and they must be sacrificed. They race. Just remember that we are fighting for
are martyrs dying for the cause of democracy democracy and that democracy's main standard
every bit as much as our boys are. is equality.
Picture yourself in the position of the Ger- Let's leave the race hatred to Hitler.
Letters To The EditO~r

Emile -Gel6 .
Alvin Dann .
David Lachenbruch
Jay MCormick
Hal Wilson
Arthur Hill
Janet Hiatt,:
Grace Miller .
Virginia Mitchell


. Managing Editor
S. . Editorial Director
.. . . City Editor
Associate Editor
Sports Editor
Assistant Sports Editor
Women's Editor
. Assistant Women's Editor
. . .Exchange Editor


Business Staff

Daniel H. Huyett
James 8. Collins
Louise Carpenter
Evelyn Wright


. . . Business Manager
Associate Business Manager
.Women's Advertising Manager
* Women's Business Manager

The editorials published in The N Michigan
Daily are written by members of The Daily
staff and represent the views of the writers
Race Discrinination
And War Hysteria.
time that in a period when complete
national unity is urgently needed, loyal American
citizens should be subject to discrimination
through the fact of racial origin. But when
hoodlums in Detroit beat up Orientals, when
Chinese students in this country are obliged
to wear identification buttons for protection, it
is evident that a disease is spreading through the
hysterical minds of self-assuming patriots which
can only impair dhr war effort.
We hold no brief for the Japanese nationals
in the country; as a potential fifth column they
should be placed under the close surveillance of
the FBI. But for American citizens of Japanese
origin to be the object of hatred and suspicion
will eventually lead to simifar discrimination
against German-Americans and Italian-Ameri-
cans and will divide us racially, as France was
divided politically in her tragic struggle of 1940.
It is for the government, not ourselves, to de-
termine the loyalty of our fellow citizens.
ON OUR OWN CAMPUS there are 18 Japan-
ese-Americans, who will find it highly embar-
rassing when the University Chinese students
begin wearing tokens to distinguish themselves
as non-Japanese. They should ha no causeto
fear violence nor scorn. For if, in the grim years
that lie ahead, we are conscious of the liberty
we are fighting to maintain, we shall abide no
intolerance of race, class or creed; we shall not
cause this country to become a "house divided
against itself."
-Clayton Dickey

VOL. LII. No. 69
Publication in the Daily Official
Bulletin is constructive notice to all
members of the University.
To All Students and Faculty Mem-
bers: The University calendar pro,-
vides that the Christmas vacationl
shall begin Friday evening, Decem-
ber 19, and continue until the morn-
ing of Monday, January 5. All class-
es are to be held in accordance with
the calendar including all such as
may be scheduled for Friday.
The Automobile Regulation will be
lifted for the Christmas Vacation
Period from 12:00 o'clock noon on
Friday, December 19, until 8:00 a.m.
on Monday, January 5, 1942.
Office of the Dean of Students
Choral Union Members: All mem-
bers of the Choral Union are re-
quested to return their "Messiah"
copies to the offices of the University
Musical Society in Burton Memorial
Tower, at once, and to pick up in
exchange their copies of."King Dav-
id" and the Beethoven Ninth Sym-
phony, which will be sung at the
May Festival.
Rehearsals will be resumed after
vacation on Tuesday evening, Janu-
ary 6.
Charles A. Sink, President
To All Students Having Library
Books: Students having in their pos-
session books drawn from the Univer-
sity Library are notified that such
books are due today before the im-
pending vacation.
An extra fine will be charged on
all books taken out of town without
Warner G. Rice
Director of the University Library
Applications in Support of Re-;
search Projects: To give the Re-
search Committees and the Execu-
tive Board adequate time for study
of all proposals, it is requested that
faculty members .haying projects'
needing support during 1942-1943
file their proposals in the Office of
the Graduate School by Friday, Jan-
uary 9, 1942. Those wishing to re-
new previous requests whether now
receiving support or not should so
indicate. Application forms will be
mailed or can be obtained at Secre-
tary's Office, Room 1508 Rackham
Building, Telephone 331.
C. S. Yoakum
Library Hours: During the Christ-
mas vacation period the General Li-
brary will be open daily front 8:00
a.m. to 6:00 p.m. from December 19
to January 4, except on Sundays,
Christmas, and 'New Year's, when it
will be closed all day, and on De-
cember 24 and 31, when it will close
at noon.
The Graduate Reading Rooms will
close at 6:00 p.m. Friday, December
19, and observe the usual holida3
schedule thereafter: mornings 9:00-
12:00 and afternoons 1:00-5:00
Monday through Friday, and morn-
ings 9:00-12:00 on iSaturdays and
on the days preceding the two legal
The Departmental libraries will be
open mornings only from 10:00 to.
12:00 on all Saturdays in the vaca-
tion period beginning with Decem-
ber 20; and regularly mornings from
10:00 to 12:00 and afternoons from
2:00 to 4:00, Monday through Fri-
day, beginning with the week of De-
cember 22nd. They will be closed on
the afternoons of December 24 and
Warner G. Rice, Director

Seniors: College of L.S. and A.,
School of Education, School of Mus-
ic, School of Public Health: Tenta-
tive lists of seniors including tenta-
tive candidates for the Certificate in
Public Health Nursing have been
posted on the bulletin board in Room
4, U. Hall. If your name does not
appear, or, if included there, it is not
correctly spelled, please notify the
counter clerk,
Messiah ;Recordings. Orders for
recordings of the "Messiah" chorus-
es which were made at the perform-
ance last Sunday, may be placed with
the Radio and Record Shop, 715 -N.
University Avenue. Recordings will
be available within a short time.
Women students wishing employ-
ment during the holidays are asked
to register at the Office of the Dean
of Women. There are many oppor-
tunities for employment in private
Byrl F. Bacher,
Assistant Dean of Women
seems unfortunately to fall sometimes
upon those loyal Japanese Americans,
even though we sincerely sympathize
with their position.
However, as a responsible officer
of the Chinese student organiza-
tion, I am truly alarmed if Mr. M's
reaction to the plan is in any man-
ner a more general one on this
campus and would therefore invite
comment to us on the part of both



How Democracy
Fights Dictatorship .


C AN A DEMOCRACY fight an effec-
tive, efficient war? This is a ques-
tion as old as the democratic ideal itself but
the events of the last week give it added import-
ance, and the'~events of the next several years
may decide it once and for all.
The first week of our war with Japan has ade-
quately demonstrated that a democracy certain-
ly cannot throw itself into a war with the daz-
zling stroke of power which a dictator can com-
mand. A dictatorship is always prepared for war
- it is a war government. A democracy, on the
other hand, must adjust itself to a war situation.
Laws must be passed, taxes proclaimed, and
powers dealt to those in command.'A democracy
is built upon the will of the people and the voice
of the people must necessarily command the acts
of its government. That voice has found no
swift, sure smethod for making itself heard.
Even when a state of emergency has been pro-
claimed and the President given almost dicta-
torial powers the government must explain its
moves to the people and wait for their approval.
DICTATORSHIP is built for war. It can
strike with lightning speed and its maneu-
vers are agile and certain. The entire system,
however, depends upon continuous victory in bat-
tle. If a major loss is not carefully camouflaged
the whole structure of government will collapse.w
A dictator governs his people by fear and if

a.R i Fat Ot, AllIas Rs
"Why can't I take off my coat and shoes and smoke my pipe?-WVhy
can't she run out to the curb when he honks, like other girls do?"

'China' Pins And The University
To the Editor:
THE FIRST CASE of war hysteria on the part
of an organized group in this country oc-
curred last week, when, according to Sunday's
Daily, the Chinese students at this and other
universities decided to wear buttons informing
everyone of their national origin. Though the
declared purpose of their use of this device is
"to distinguish themselves as Chinese," its ob-
vious effect will be to distinguish themselves
from students of Japanese extraction, who, ac-
cording to Prof. J. Raleigh Nelson, are Hawaiian
or American born and therefore American citi-
Besides stigmatizing and humiliating those
students of Japanese descent, this attempt by
the Chinese students to distinguish themselves
from a portion of the Americanl citizenry may
lead to serious consequences. If others should
be likewise afflicted with such racial emotion-
alism, we may see students of English or Russian
descent wearing similar badges "to distinguish
themselves as such" (i.e. to distinguish them-
selves as not being of German or Italian descent),
and we may even come across an "unoccupied
WHILE such extreme consequences may not
result from this action on the part of the
Chinese students, though the possibility remains,
there can be little doubt that it will arouse in-
tolerance towards American citizens of Japanese
descent and will tend to increase race-canscious-
ness, the easiest way to introduce fascist ideas
into America.
Let us urge the Chinese students attending
this University, the largest such group at any
American institution of higher education, to re-
consider their action, for we must guard against
such hysteria if we are to preserve in America
that cause which we seek to defend throughout
the world.
- Leonard M. Mendelson
war effort or to restrain insurrection within his
own borders.
A dictator's first stroke is his strongest -
short wars give him a distinct advantage. The
"blitz" technique is certainly a very important
key to Hitler's immense show of power. A democ-
racy, although it starts slowly, gathers momen-
tum with each succeeding day of battle. Victor-
ies need not be fabricated to "'handle" the peo-
ple. In fact, losses may actually serve to arouse
new and further effort.

And A Chinese Re'ply .. .
To the Editor:
LET ME HASTEN to reply to Mr. Mendelson
Let me say first tlWt it is with a sense of
shtck, though also a deep sense of sympathy,
that I am informed of his letter. Let me reiterate
more clearly (if possible) my position and try
to eliminate the gross misunderstanding indi-
cated in his letter, in myn-crank horror that this
misunderstanding may be embraced by others.
Even though it was couched in such appalling
terms, the letter, I am sure, was motivated by
the highest of intentions of tolerance, and fair
play, the things for which we as democratic
peoples fight in common.
I am assured that when Mr. Mendelson
wrote the letter, he had not seen the buttons.
It is well here, then, to point out to him that
they consist of a small flag design and the
rather innocuous word "China" on them.
They were issued by the Chinese Consulate
in answer to a demand for their uwg by Amer-
icans and Chinese alike after repeated em-"
barassments had been suffered by Chinese all
over the nation. They were thus issued out
of sheer necessity.
As for the situation on this campus, let us at
once bare the truth, frankly and completely.
Firstly, University officials were fully aware of
the issuance of the buttons. Further, there has
never been, nor is now, any cause for strained re-
lations #etween the Japanese-Americans on this
campus and the Chinese. Until Mr. M.'s letter,
this, I think, had been taken for granted by the
general public. To suggest for a moment that
they, by virtue only of the fact that they do not
wear the buttons, should immediately be the ob-
jects of ill-feeling seems ridiculous. It would
seem just as absurd to surmise that any Chinese
Whq didn't for any reason wear the buttons were
also so'treated. This is a university, an order of
intellectuals, not an order of the Ku Klux Klan.
And as a matter of fact, the buttons should more
fully answer their purpose outside the university
walls when the Chinese students travel at any
time anywhere else in the U. S-
In bis sentimentality, (which-I frankly share)
Mr. Mendelson also forgets the other side of the
issue. It should already be almost incredible to
him that for many years of suffering from Japa-
nese banditry, murder and outrage to their very
blood relations, the Chinese in this country have
seldom uttered a word of bitterness. Our own
national leader. Chiang Kai-Shek, was the first
to ask his people to distinguish between the mass
of the Japanese people and themilitarists. Here
in America, the Chines residents have sometimes
received the most tragic news. In the face of it,
to *uet him to bssr f~i f-riA o-f beiirng n~k

The Bureau of Appointments has
received notice of the following ex-
United States Civil Service
Medical Guard Attendant, $1,620,
until further notice.
Medical Technical Assistant, $2,-
000, until further notice.
Junior Occupational Analyst, $2,-
000, January 15, 1942.
Principal Personnel Assistant, $3,-
800, January 15, 1942.
Personnel Assistant, $3,200, Janu-
ary 15, 1942.
Junior Personnel Assistant, $2,600,
January 15, 1942.
Principal Personnel Clerk, open to
Seniors, $2,300, January 15, 1942.
' Assoc. Public Health Nursing Con-
sultant, $3,200, until further notice.
Asst. Public Health Nursing Con-
sultant, $2,600, until further notice.
Junior- Astronomer, $2,000, until
further notice.
Chief Inspector, Defense Produc-
tion, Protective Service, $5,600, until
further notice.
Principal Inspector-ditto, $4,600,
until further notice. 6
Senior Inspector, ditto, $3,800, un-
til further notice.
Inspector, ditto, $3,200, until fur-
ther notice.
Assist. Inspector, ditto, $2,900, un-
til further notice.
Junior Inspector, ditto, $2,600, un-
til further notice.
Techhical Asst. (Engineering) $1,-
800, until further notice.
Head Engineer, $6,500, until fur-
ther notice.
Principal Engineer, $5,600, until
further notice,
Senior Engineer, $4,600, until fur-
ther notice.
Engineer, $3,800, until further no-
Associate Engineer, $3,200, until
further notice.
Assistant Engineer, $2,600, until
further notice.
Junior Engineer, $2,000, until fur-
ther notice.
Chief Engineering Draftsman, $2,-
600, until further notice.
Principal Engineering Draftsman,
$2,300, until futher notice.
Senior Engineering Draftsman,
$2,000, until further notice.
Engineering Draftsman, $1,800, un-
til further notice.
Assistant Engineering Draftsman,
$1,620, until further notice.
Junior Engineering Draftsman,
$1,440, until further notice.
the above list includes the closiig
date for applications. Further in-
formation may be obtained from the
notices which are on file in the office
of the Bureau of Appointments, 201
Mason Hall, office hours 9-12 and
Bureau of Appointments and
Occupational Information
- ,
Academic Notices
Doctoral Examination for Marjorie
Williams, Astronomy; thesis: "An
Investigation of the Cepheid Vari-
able Stars in the ;Scutum Cloud,"
today, Observatory, 3:00 p.m. Chair-
man, H. D. Curtis.
By action of the Executive Board
the chairman may invite members of.
tye faculties and advanced doctoral
candidates to :attend the examina-
tion and he may grant permission to
those who for sufficient reason might
wish to be present.
C. S. Yoakum, Dean
Directed Teaching, Qualifying Ex-
amination: Students expecting to
elect Educ. D100 (directed teaching)
next semester are required to pass
a qualifying examination in the sub-
ject which they expect to teact. This
examination will be held on Satur-
day, January 10, at 100vp.m. Stu-
dents will meet in the auditorium of

Choral Union Series, January 19,


Roth String Quartet in the Second
Annual Chamber of Music Festival,
Friday evening, Saturday afternoon
and evening, January 23 and 24, in
the Lecture Hall, Rackham Build-
Alec Templeton, pianist, in a spe-
cial concert, Thursday, February 26,
at 8:30, Hill Auditorium.
Tickets may be procured at the
offices of , the University Musical
Soeiety in Burton Memorial Tower.
Charles A. Sink, President
Exhibition, College of'Architecture
and Design: Collection of pottery,
the work of Mary Chase Stratton of
the Pewabic Pottery, given to the
University by Dr. Walter R. Parker,
i ;being shown in the ground floor
cases of the Architecture Building.
Open daily, 9:00-5:00 p.m., through
Dec. 19. The public is invited.
Exhibition, College of Architecture
and Design: Original Chri tmas cards
by students in Decorativ Design 5
and Dr'awing 21 are shown in the
ground floor corridor cases, Archi-
tecture Building. Open daily 9 to
5, except Sunday through December
19. The public is invited.
University Lecture: Professor G. E.
Moore, Cambridge University, Eng-
land, will lecture on the subject,
"Certainty," under the auspices of
the Department of Philosophy, to-
day at 4:15 pm. in the Rackham
Amphitheater. 'Ph, public is cordi-
ally invited.
Events Today
La Sociedad Hispanica will not
have a regular meeting today. Con-
versation and regular meetings will
however, continue after the Christ-
mas holidays.
Lutheran Student 4 seciation:
CarQiling Party will be held tonight.
A capella choir members will meet at
the Zion Lutheran Parish Hall at
6:50 p.m. They will leave from the
Hall to carol the ladies in the Bach
Home. All other students are to
;meet at the Parish Hall at 7:30 p.m.
After carolling, the group will be
;served refreshments by Mrs. Paul
Kauper and Mrs. Henry O. Yoder at
the Yoder home.
Bridge Tournament: The eighth
in -the regular series of duplicate
bridge tournaments will be held in
the Concorse of the League tonight,
7:15-11:00. Prizes are offered. Stu-
dents, faculty, and townspeople are
Hobby Lobby: There will be no
meeting of Hobby Lobby tQday. The
next meeting will be held on Thurs-
day, January 8.
Corning Events
International Center: The Inter-
national Center will be open during
the Christmas holidays as follows:
"Week days, 9:00-12:00 a.m.; 2:00-
5:00 p.m.; . 7:00-10:00 p.m. Sundays
and Holidays, 2:00-10:00 p.m.; on
New Year's Eve until 12 midnight.
A series of record programs of
folk music will be given from 7:30-
8:30 p.m. in the Lounge of the Cen-
Monday, Dec. 22, Chinese; Tuesday,
Dec. 23, Roumanian; Wednesday,
Dec. 24, Latin American; Friday,
Dec. 26, Arabian; Monday, Dec. 29,
Hawaiian and Tahitian; Tuesday,
Dec. 30, Slavic; Wednesday, Dec.
31, Spanish. Anyone interested will
be welcome to attend this.
Tea will be served on Tuesday, Dec.

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