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September 23, 1941 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1941-09-23

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The Michigan Daily

Daily Editor Issues Challenge
To Members Of Class Of '45

Edited and managed by students of the University
Michigan under the authority of the Board in ContrW
of Student Publications.
Published every morning except Monday during the
University year and Summer Session.
Member of the Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the
use for republication of all news dispatches credited to
it or not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All
rights of republication of all other matters herein also
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
second class mail matter.
Subscriptions during the regular school year by
carrier $4.00, by mail $5.00.
National Advertising Service, Inc.
, Colkge Pu4blishers Represerftative
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1941-42

Editorial Staff

Emile Gele



Robert Speckhard
Albert P.' Blaustein
David Lachenbruch
Alvin Dann
Hal Wilson'-
Arthur Hill .
Janet Hiatt
Grace Miller

Managing Editor
. . Editorial Director
it . yCi Editor
. Associate Editor
* . .Associate .Editor
* . . Sports Editor
Assistant Sports Editor
. Women's Editor
. Assistant Women's Editor


YOU who intend to wear '45 after your
name have chosen an interesting
time to be freshmen, just as all of us have
chosen an interesting generation in which
to be born. As you enter a period of
higher education to learn how to think
more clearly, critically, and individually,
there is a growing national tendency to
channel thought into a "united effort for
defense." Some leading patriots think
that any opposition tJ their ideas is un-
American; that free speech is a bottle-
neck in the advance against dictatorship;
that those who refuse to leap on the all-
out bandwagon are intriguing or "uncon-
scious" abetters of Naziism. These patri-
ots believe the only way to defend Ameri-
ca is to suspend democracy.
We of The Michigan Daily disagree
with this viewpoint and offer you a
representative student newspaper, open
to all shades of opinion. Each year we
re-pledge ourselves to represent the stu-
dent body.' And we do, for our staff is
open to everyone eligible to join and our
letter columns are open to all who are
willing to observe the ethics of journal-
ism. At present the staff reflects the
various degrees of opinion from Isolation
to Intervention on the question of Unit-
ed States entry into the current war.
Forum discussions by the staff will be
augmented in the future as in the past by
volunteer contributions to our letter col-
umns from students and faculty. We
are able to give the campus this kind of
newspaper\ because the University has
guaranteed us absolute freedom of opin-
ion within the limits of good taste, accur-
acy, and clear thinking; and if in the
future this freedomis abridged, it wvill
not be The Daily who has let you down.
PROVIDING Associated Press coverage
of world and national events, as well
as campus and local news, The Daily
during its 51 years ,of continuous service
has received more awards than any other
college newspaper in the nation. Every
year since joining the Associated Collegi-
ate Press, The Daily has won the coveted
Pacemaker Award, highest honor avail-
able to a college newspaper. Last year
Sigma Delta Chi, national journalism fra-
ternity, recognized The Daily as the pub-
lication with the best news stories, the
best sport stories and the best editorials of
any college paper in the entire country.
This record of excellence is a foundation
and standard upon which succeeding
staffs strive to build an even better pub-
lication. This is our ambition and we
intend to fulfill it.

a. p. blaustein's

ALONG WITH THIS newspaper we
of The Daily issue the Class of '45 a
challenge. We believe that the students
of the University, from freshmen to
graduates, are as capable of formulating
and expressing opinions as the average
American. We believe that the leaders of
tomorrow have as much thinking ability
today as the common man. We do not
believe that old age and wisdom are the
opposites of youth and enthusiasm, for
recent history has shown that too many
mature people have gained no lesson from
experience, and too many others have
learned to dodge bullets without having
been shot. Our challenge is that you
freshmen start Preparing yourselves now
for the problems being prepared for you
now by your fathers.
We trust you will want to read, criti-
cize, and support an outstanding news-
paper that offers you not only the news
of the campus and the world, but an
opportunity and challenge to study,
think and speak for yourself and the
future of your country.
-Emile Gele
Managing Editor

Business Staff



H. Huyett
B. Collins
Wright ..

* . . Business
. Assistant Business
.Women's Advertising
Women's Business


\ \ \\\'

The editorials published in The Michigan
Daily are written by members of The Daily
staff and represent the views of the writers
To The Class
Of 45 .
TUDENTS entering Universities and
colleges lately have acquired the
habit of referring to themselves as "the doomed
generation:" Constructive action in our time ap-
parently is ebbing, as youth settles back into its
deep-cushioned apathy, basking in the futility of
living A a' time like this.
The outlook of the student in our time should
not be "we who are about to die," but "we who
are about to live," for the only real way to main-
tain, and improve upon, our democracy is to
make use of it. rather than to allow it to atrophy
while we fall back into the comfortable pessimism
that is fertile ground for totalitarianism.
Is EkPECIALLY. IMPORTANT today that we
lead a rich, full life and enjoy all of the priv-
ileges afforded to us by a democracy, at the same
time fulfiling our obligations. And we can lead
our full life at the University of Michigan by
branching out into many fields and taking ad-
vantage of as many of the University's facilities
as possible.
It is not wise to devote all of one's energies to
one particular field, completely exclusive of all
othes; in fact, it is a practical necessity that
one's attentions be spread throughout as many
fields as possible to create in one a well-rounded
personality and produce a citizen with a liberal
outlook-one who is entitled to assume his posi-
tion as a guardian of our democracy.
It is important to maintain an open mind, for
tolerance is the cornerstone of democracy. With-
out tolerance liberty, equality and fraternity per-
ish. As long as the youth of our country leads the
full, rich life to which it is entitled it will be able
to "see through" veiled proposals alternative to
demnocracy, and it will cherish tolerance as the
one main virtue essential to democracy.
YOU can lead your full life here at the Univer-
sity of Michigan by entering as many of the
open fields of endeavor as possible. Study hard,
but not to the exclusion of the other privileges
- offered to you. Enjoy social events, join organi-
zations where your opinions may be heard and
where you may enter discussions with other stu-
dents and faculty members, attend lectures, go
to concerts and art exhibits and try out for extra-
curricular activities. Attend athletic events, "go
out" for some sport if you like.
Taking advantage of your facilities is the most
important way to be sure that they will be pre-
served. Use your right to free speech by being
a frequent contributor to the letter column of
The Daily and by entering into forum discussions
and "bull sessions."
The four freedoms will never be vestigial or-
gans if they are an essential part of our lives.
We must take advantage of our prerogatives-we
owe it to ourselves and to our ideal of democracy
to live the full, rich life which is possible only in
America today.
-Emile Gele
A. P. Blaustein
David Lachenbruch
Alvin Dann
Conditioned Thinking?
Some sincere and able observers within the
OPM say, however, that they have seen no evi-

DURING the past few months, the words "my
friends" have been conspicuously absent
from President Roosevelt's fireside chats. Maybe
someone told FDR that Hitler has been listening
* * *
If the coming Louis-Nova fracas does noth-
ing else it should at least prove whether or not
"voo-doo" has a fighting chance with "boogie-
HITLER Hitler,
World belittler,
How does your Third Reich grow?
"With Jean Darlans, Phillippe Petains
And Quislings all in a row."
*. * *
A lot of people we know are having a hard
job figuring out who writes , Lindbergh's
speeches. So far opinion seems about eqaully
' divided on Ann Morrow Lindbergh (his wife),
Paul Joseph Geobbels and Douglas "Wrong
Way" Corrigan.
FOLLOWING in the footsteps of such well-
known athletes as Dom Dimaggio, Bob West-
fall and Johnny Rigney, is Ralph Schwartzkopf,
crack Michigan two-miler, who also was unable
to meet the army's physical qualifications. Rea-
son: flat feet. We are very happy to report that
we are not athletes-and are feeling pretty

The Reply
AS LONG as the advice-to-fresh-
men department got into town
ahead of me, and since politics in an
orientation issue would be grounds
for divorce, this is going to have to
be a columnist's delight, or out-to-
lunch, or random-notes job because
I haven't any other ideas and I do
random notes so well.
About personalities-they are only
somebody in his best suit at an ac-
tivities banquet. The female of the
species is the more obnoxious, for
some reason I have never been able
to get quite clear, unless it is that
they merge what cannot be merged
in any locale except college, the wo-
man of affairs-nice affairs-and
the debutante. They get League
points for doing things about poor
people and dances and decorations
for things, but it isn't that-it's sort
of, well you know, feeling like they
have something to do in the world,
sort of useful, and Susan B. Anthony:
and more able to face the world,
kind of.
THEY don't know which one is
their alter ego, and are liable
to go date-girl on you any time a
business discussion takes an adverse
turn, or want to talk over the sale
of tickets for something when the
moon is that way and so are you.
Glamour girls are only in the
movies. Anybody here who looks
like one is just on her way to a sor-
ority rushing party or to pour tea
for the president's Wednesday p.m.
And here, because she read it in
one of those autumnal newspaper
features about what-to-do-if-you're-
tle-old-college-this-fall, Betty Coed
will strive to make herself agreeable
to her chums in skirts, maintaining
the just-us-girls conversational level
that in days of old led to the nasty
grafting men keeping vote away
from the fair sex. This banding to-t
gether for mutual discussion of hatst
and dates and aren't men the silly<
things though, does not,unfortunate-}
ly, cease with graduation. Colleges
breed alumnae to a far greater extent
than they do alumni. Out in thei
cold world, deprived of the activet
ego-bolsters of their collitch daze,j
the college woman attends reunionst
of things, and joins a woman's club
where girls who have attended col-
leges may get together for a little
chat and bridge, and by the lordt
Harry, when they turn fifty-five or
sixty, they still call each other girls,r
and do little things like all attend-
ing a matinee somewhere, or sending
some money they had left over from
the musicale (nothing as commonI
as a cake sale) to the Chinese.,
NOT SO RANDOM, is it? I'm as;
surprised as you are, ladies, but
that's the way I run the column, so
get used to it. Enough for the wo-
menfolk anyhow. To sign off, I'll
only say that patterning behavior
on your own mother is a better bet3
than too close adherence to the mass
hysteria and saddle shoes that is'
America's Sweetheart.
About the male personalities, many
of them are surprised that they are,
and feel like freshmen right up un-
til the time they get that gulpy sen-'
sation that means tomorrow is Com-
mencement. The others, those con-
scious of their position, usually wear:
a slight frown, a cigar, and some-
times even a moustache, and are
very hail-fellow-well-met and forget

names in a polite way. That's all
for the thing that looks biggest and
farthest away to the frosh, those
oh-so-wonderful, oh-so-confident, oh
so-impossible BM and BWOC's. So
long until soon.





By Lichly

"This pact marks a big step towards friendship among nations-a
bond between our countries that won't bear the usual 3 !per cent."



WASHINGTON - Chief questions dio commentator and author of the
being asked of the Senate's in- "Tower of Babel", a booklet scath-
vestigation of Hollywood are: Who ingly critical of Hollywood.
Rusell Mack--(real name Ma-
is really behind it? Who persuaded a Russell f k-rmto pc me sa-
sub-ommtteeto roced wth a hoey)a former motion picture scen-
sub-committee to proceed with an ario writer, who visited Germany
unauthorized probe? shortly before the war started.
The Senators who introduced the Winfield Sheehan-husband of the
resolution, Nye and Clark, admit that famous opera singer, Jeritza. Shee-
they haven't seen the movies which han was a producer for Shirley Tem-
they are criticizing. Yet they are ple and Will Rogers.
armed with a great mass of data
which someone must have dug up SHEHAN had some lucky breaks-
for them. The other members of the and some unlucky ones. He was
sub-committee also admit they have lucky enough to be with 20th Cen-
not seen the alleged propaganda pic- tury and Fox just at the time Shirley
tures. And the Senate as a whole re- Temple and Will Rogers were in their
jected the investigation and declined heyday. But on the other hand, he
to appropriate any money for it. had no success whatsoever with Alice
But despite all this, five Senators Faye, who went over big only after
are going ahead anyway, spending Sheehan left.20th Century.
considerable money and even more Subsequently for Metro-Goldwyn-
time to stake a solemn investigation Mayer he produced "Florian", sup-
of Hollywood. posed to be the story of his wife, Jer-
itza, with the plot laid in a Spanish
THE ANSWER to thie mystery has riding school in Vienna. The film was
for some time been in the hands a.flop, and Sheehan has been down
of Wendell Willkie, counsel to the on Hollywood leaders ever since.
picture industry. But he has no right
of cross-examination, and so far this LAST SUMMER G. Allison Phelps,
has prevented his making public the Los. Angeles radio commentator,
solution. went to Washington. There he hung
However, he has significant evi- out at the office of isolationist Sen-
dence that for several weeks the ator Reynolds, of North Carolina, and
America irst Committee has had a conferred at length with the iso-
group of research people busy in lationist Senators who, now have
New York studying the movies and turned up on the sub-committee in-
radio programs. They have been vestigating motion pictures.
working under the direction of John Returning to Los Angeles, Phelps
T. Flynn, head of the New York boasted over the radio that he had
America First Committee. And one accomplished big things in Washing-
research worker hired to listen in on ton. And sure enough, on August 1,
radio programs was Guy Juneman, Senator Clark, of Missouri, intro-
a henchman of the famous Joe Mc- duced a resolution demanding an in-
Williams, Christian Front leader in vestigation of Hollywood. Two days
New York. These were the people who later, Phelps in his radio broadcast
dug up part of the dope for the Sen- commented on the Clark resolution
ators. as follows:
"And now, friends, this is but the
Holly o Ghosts beginning. I wish I could read you
But even more important than the letters I have received within
this New York group has been the the last two weeks from certain Sen-
little group of ghosts in Los Angeles, ators bearing on the investigation. I
who helped inspire the present Sen- wish I could read t you one tele-
ate investigation. Its members in- gram I received from Senator Char-
lude: -les W. Tobey (now on the investi-

.0" Advice For

"Well, I ain't goin' fur, but if ye like ye
kin hop on in back with the hawgs. Some-
times it don't ride so well back there, but ye
kin jump off any time ye like."
Hop on, class of '45, for some classy advice.
Everybody else is giving you advice, so Tom
Thumb, who is about as unqualified as any
other advice-monger, hereby takes the oppor-
tunity to offer some really helpful pointers that
will never be offered by official sources.
binder of the $3.50 notebook Aunt Edna
gave you as a going-to-college present and
refer to them constantly:
1. The men's room in the Natural Science
Building' is on the third floor; one door north
of the library.
2. That thing across from the League on In-
galls Street is a fountain. Don't report it to
the water company; it was built that way.
3. The best place to neck on week day nights
is the roof of the Rackham Building.
4. You, don't really have to take Saturday
5. On your first two days in English I, they'll
make you write a theme. Everybody gets a D,
so don't worry about it.
6. The five-cent beers downtown are poison-
7. You can pass the freshman Hygiene exam
without attending any classes.
8. Madame Perkins is really Mrs. Wilson.
9. Don't believe everything you read in Eng-
lish I or the DOB.
10. You can be hep without reading The New
York Times.
11. Only the small, stupid minds drink beer
at the bell.
12. All right, minds don't drink.
13. Tear up your frosh bible (handbook).
14. The Arboretum is the only place that you
can kick a bush and it will swear at you.

20. Don't buy a frosh pot -it's a racket.
21. Forget about Tor Harmon.
22. You can get free lemonade at the Union
taproom by taking the lemons intended for
iced tea, squeezing them into a glass of ice wa-
ter, and seasoning to taste.
23. Buyused textbooks.
24. Scotch and gin together don't make a
drink; that's an explosion.
25. Don't call up Thursday for a date Fri-
day-all dates should be made three weeks in
26. If he calls Thursday for a date Friday
give him hell, and stay home. All dates should
be made three weeks in advance.
27. Don't hold hands with a coed unless you
intend to marry her.
28. If a fellow tries to hold your hand he has
an evil mind.
29. All college men believe in free love, and
admit it.
30. All coeds believe in free love, and won't
admit it.
31. You don't have to be in class until seven
minutes after the hour.
32. Keep an open mind by not attending any
University lectures and not listening to any-
thing anybody tells you.
33. Students are often exploited by employ-
ers. If you're working your way through col-
litch, don't (a) work for less than 40 cents an
hour, (b) join a fraternity.
34. Don't bring a portable radio to the foot-
ball game.
35. Read Going My Way constantly. Published
every other day in alternate issues of The Mich-
igan Daily (adv.) Your fan mail is solicited.
36. Don't take notes in class. It's completely
unnecessary. There's always some fool with a
good set of notes.
37. The only time you really have to, study
is the night before exams. That way you can
get along O.K. and still have time for the outside


G: Allison Phelps-Los Angeles ra-'

gating committee).

1. '



180 Issues ;..9$4.00 (one year)

1 11

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