Go Ups Five Nationalities Celebrate Christmas Plan Meeting + -j J*.L 1 v ..4 .U.a R. t 17 C1-x..1 1-41XWNESDAY, iDECEMBERl 17, 1911 I so that any interested students can for distribution to needy Ann paint and repair the last of the toys h o1 children at Christmas time, Five Michigan students, represent-, ing the Michigan Chapter of the Stu- dent Defenders of Democracy, will be among the delegates to the National Merger Convention which will be held at Harvard University from Dec. 27 to! 30. The convention has been called for the purpose of uniting the many lib- eral youth organizations, in order tq gain greater effectiveness, and to eliminate duplicating effort hndsserv- ices. Many nationally known youth groups will be represented. Besides the Student Defenders of Democracy, the Student League for Progressive Action and the College Division of, the Committee to Defend America will also take part in the proceedings. The Michigan delegation led by Homer Swander, '43, will be com- posed of Don O'Connor,''42, Harry Stutz, Grad., Hale Champion, '44, and Herbert Edelhertz, '43. CIASSIFIED AIIVEITISINto - Daily Photo by Bob Kimns Children of five nations-Argen- tina, China, England, United States and Turkeyrcommemorate Christ- mas in the traditional' 'American manner at the annual Christmas party at the International Center. They are the sons and daughters of foreign students studying at the University. 11 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES Non-Contract $ .40 per 15-word insertion for one or two days. (In- crease of 10c for each additional 5 woris.) $1.00 per 15-word insertion for. 3 or more days. (In- crease of $.25 for each additional 5 words.). Uon tract Rates on Request Our Want-Ad Department will be happy to assist you in composing your ad. Stop at the Michigan Daily tusiness Of- fice, 420 Maynard Street. TYPING TYPING: ,L. M. Heywood, 414 May- nard St., phone 5689. MISS - ALLEN-Experienced typist- 408 S. Fifth Ave. Phone 2-2935. - 90c HELP WANTED MAN for heavy cleaning, 4 hours weekly. 7605. 178c STUDENT to shovel walks when necessary. 911 Olivia. 7605 180c MAN or WOMAN companion for children during vacation. 7605. 179c MAN or WOMAN for occasional care of children. Live in or out. 7605. 177c MISCELLANEOUS MIMEOGRAPHING -Thesis bind- ing. Brumfield and Brumfield, 308' S. State. 6c WASHED SAND AND GRAVEL- Driveway gravel, washed pebbles. Killins Gravel Company, phone 7112. 7c SOUND-RECORDING STUDIO Voipe - Instrumental - Conversational messages for Christmas presents. For information telephone 3100. 162c FOR, SALE TWO GOOD SEATS Saturday mati- nee, Dec. 20, "The Rivals," Detroit. Call 49'8. 181c CANARIES--Beautiful singers, love- birdi, cockatiels, finches; bird sup- plies, cages. 562 S. Seventh. Phone 5330. 173c FOR SALE - Remington Noiseless Portable Typewriter. $30. Phone Dave Lachepbruch, 2-26-24, after 5 p.m. - TRANSPORTATION WANTED-Ride to Chicago early Friday A.M., Delc. 19. Share gas bill.-Phone 2-4224. 175c DRIVING THRU to Texas, Arizona IOLA typist,; public STEIN-Experienced legal also mimeographing. Notary Phone 6327. 706 Oakland. WANTED TO BUY CASH for used clothing; men and ladies. Claude W. Brown, 512 S., Main, St. Phone 2-2736. Sc LOST and FOUND ROSES ARE RED, violets are blue, and so am I, with cold. All that meat and no reversible. Wilbur McWheelbase Dawson. BUSINESS SERVICES FOR RUG AND CARPET CLEANING work this vacation, call Edward Kelly, 6051 mornings, or 2-4389 af- ter 1 p.m'. HEAlNG FOR HfOME ? Start right and easy! Send your 1uggage round-trip by rusty, low- cost RAILWAY ExPRWss, and take your train with'peace of inind.We pick-up and deliver, 'remember, at no extra charge within our reg. ular vehicle Iimitskin all cities and principaltowns.You merely phone and Colorado, Sat., Dec. 20. Oldsmobile. Share expenses, 1 or 2 passengers. Ph. 3031. 19411 with 176c CARS FOR CALIFORNIA. No wait- ing for responsible parties. Suite 1160, 5050 Cass Ave., Detitoit. Tele- phone CO 0100. WANTED-PASSENGERS TO NEW YORK! *Passengers to Chicago. Ride to Buffalo. Ride to Pitts- burgh. These are typical wants of students during, the pre-holiday period. Why not advertise in The Daily for passengers or cars going your way? We reach everyone you're trying to reach! LAUNDERING Doctor Guthe Will Address ASCEGroup Dr. Carl E. Guthe, director of the University museum will speak at 6:30 P.m. today in the Union before a joint dinner meeting of the state and University student chapters of the American Society of Civil Engineers. Dr. Guthe, who is well known for his archaeological excavation in New Mexico, Guatemala, and the Philip- pines, will speak on the subject "Pre- Columbian Indian Calendars." His talk will deal particularly with meth- ods used by the Central Amercan Indians to calculate time. Professor Emmons of the Trans- portation engineering department who is faculty adviser for the student chapter explained that since all life members of the ASCE have been in- vited to attend the banquet this will be an excellent opportunity for stu- dents to "rub elbows" with senior members of the nation wide organi- m ation. Prof. Lewis M. Gram, head of the civil engineering department, will act as toastmaster and Prof. Henry C. Riggs also of the civil engineering de- partment will welcome three new life menbers into the group. Among the new life members is Prof. John S. Worley of the transportation engi- neering department. John Auferoth, '42E, publicity di- rector of the society, said, "Our meeting is to be especially honored by the presence of Frederick W. Fow- land, national president of the ASC.E." Although Mr. Fowland is visited the dinners as a guest, he is expected to make a short talk. U' High Plans Welfare Work School Children To Help Needy Local Families Less fortunate families of Ann Ar- bor will be. provided with a more plentiful Christmas this year, through the efforts of University High School students. During th past month the Moderri Social Problems class, co- operating with the Family Welfare Bureau and the Salvation Army, has worked out a plan whereby each homeroom will outfit an anonymous family, providing them with food, clothing, money and toys. The high school has carried out this program for five years, with the pur- pose of teaching its students to share with others, and to meet important social problems. With this in mind, the relationship between benefactor and recipient will be kept impersonal and family names will not be revealed. Although eacp homeroom works in- dividually to outfit a family, the plan is unifiedi by the exchange of extra goods through a general clearing house. All articles are repaired, pack- aged and labeled, before a University truck carries them to the Family Wel- fare Bureau where families will ob- tain them. All footwear is taken to the Salvation Army headquarters to be fitted. Speech Study Club Will HoldMeeting The Graduate, Study Club of the Department of Speech will meet at 4 p.m. today in the East Conference Room of the Rackham Building. Typical research material for mas- ter's theses in speech correction with particular, emphasis on the research I RAILWA aXPRESS AQ1lNC'v INC. NATION-WIDE RAIIRSEVC LAUNDRY - 2-1044. Careful work at low Sox price. darned. 2c irr.i WEARY, FOOTSORE, CIIRISTMAS LIST STILL A MILE LONG? - said lost will be a pleasant memory if, solved with "GIFTS TO WEAR" from our large col- lection. OPEN TONIGHT 'TIL 8:30 and thru next Tuesday 3he f Y. &fzaedthe cbreronStte0 s0p 'round the corner on State ~i -! s /5 / . WISHING YOU ALL A. ME RRY C HR ISTMAS andQ .