THE MICHIGAN DAILY WM C-rjt 3ir,1-pgau 41at LETTER S I I 0 iiww weac74 IW---n Edited and managed by students of the Univrrrsity of Michigan under the authority of the Bgard in Control of Student Publications. Published every morning except Monday during the University year and Summer Session. Member of the Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of republication of all other wtters herein also reseived. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second class mail matter. Subscriptions during the rgular school year by carrie" $4.00, by mail $5.00. REPRESENTED FOR NATIONAL ADVERT1ING BY.. y National Advertising Service, Inc. 44College Pulishers Representative 420 MADISON AVE. NEW YORK. N.Y. CHICAGO * BOSTON * LOS ANGELES * SAN FRANCISCO M ember, Associated Collegiate Press, 1941-42 TO THE EDITOR Writer Urges All To Fight To. the Editor: Cold steel and hot lead have replaced peaceful reasoning and considered judgment. War, with its smashing tanks, terrifying flame-throwers, screaming dive bombers, and ugly mechanical genius for killing, has been thrown at us. This is no time for hindsight lamentations, nurturing literary egos, and basking in the lazy memories * of might-have-beens. Action wins wars-not words. AMERICAN COLLEGE MEN have a definite, courageous place to take in our Army's fight against the Axis-if they have the plain Ameri- can guts to do it. The very fact they are in col- lege gives them a prestige and quality of leader- ship in the eyes of their countrymen, whether or not they deserve it. This is their opportunity to fight for the country that gives them educa- tion, beautiful campuses, and luxurious frater- nity houses. Athletics preach the 'old fighting spirit'-but ap'parenliy many show a reluctance to carry this over to grim realities and hard facts. It is an unpleasant fact that the fight against the Axis ruins, at least temporarily, the personal plans of many of our young people. It is-also an ugly fact that we won't have the pleasure of thinking about personal futures and individual enterprise if the Axis wins. Every, or should be, at his battle' station. The stout spirit of Lexington, Valley Forge, and Yorktown, is ours to carry on. From now till total Axis defeat our only thought-our only action-must be attack, blast, trample their aggressive treaties, and grind their military ma- chines to broken bits. The refined thoughts of intellectuals will have a valuable place when the day of peace comes; our present job is to roll up our sleeves and go to work with a savage, relent- less courage. THE WRITER, under the 28-year-old law, re- cently has been mustered out of the Army, and is now making every effort to get back in.. So the argument that I can say these things with safety to my person can't be leveled at me. - Robert W. Babcock The Reply Churlish by TOUCHSTONE Edit orial Staff Emile Gel . . Alvin Dann . David Lachenbruch Jay McCormi . Hal Wilson Arthur Hill . . Janet Hiatt Grace Miller . Virginia Mitchell . . . Managing Editor . . . . Editorial Director . . . . . City Editor . . . . Associate Editor . . , . Sports Editor . . Assistant Sports Editor . . . . Women's Editor . Assistant Women's Editor Exchange Editor Business Staff Daniel H. Huyett James B. Collins Louise Carpenter Evelyn Wright . . Business Manager Associate Business Manager .Women's Advertising Manager . Women's Business Manager NIGHT EDITOR: HOWARD FENSTEMAKER The editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. 'Lastinig Peace Means Using Police Power. A CHRISTIAN PEACE must be based upon consent, not police power! That sentence, from a letter in Monday's Goodfellow Daily by Micromegus, sums up a lot of wishful thinkinb. Perhaps Micromegus didn't mean it the way it sounds. Perhaps he was talling about the peace treaty to come after this war, perhaps he was warning us against 'another Versailles. If he was, that's different. But if Micromegus believes that a lasting peace can be upheld by any other power than by po- lice power, if he believes that Hitlerism can be wiped out merely by destroying Hitler, if he be- lieves that by the process of gentle persuasion the German people can be made to abandon forever their dreams of empire, we repeat the term "wishful thinking." Statements like that are wishful thinking of the most dangerous sort, the kind of wishful thinking that is responsible for ,the present war. FOR it was on the assumption that all men, Hitler included, are possessed of a sweet and reasonable nature, that peace in Europe could be obtained by "consent" rather than by force of arms, that British foreign policy was based until after Munich. It was on that assumption that the British and French allowed Hitler to march into the Rhineland in 1936, instead. of crushing him with "police power." That march into the Rhineland was a desperate gamble on Hitler's part, undertaken against the advice of his general staff. But misled by wishful think- ing, the British let it go through. To bring the point a little closer to home: it was on the assumption that everlasting peace would be obtained by treaties and disarmament, that the future of the world had been made se- cure when the Kaiser was beaten that the United States scrapped its newest battleships by the Washington pact of 1922, providing for naval disarmament. OURGOAL for the future may be world peace. Our goal may be a world federation of na- tions, liviig together in prosperity and harmony. But the way we will obtain this goal is not by any milk-and-water notions of international "consent," but by a vigorous and unlimited use of the technical and military power that is America. The kind of a world which that picture calls to mind, a world ruled by force, dominated by armed might, is not a pleasant one for Ameri- cansa. It's not the kind of world we'd like to live in. \But, as the blow on the jaw which. we took at Pearl Harbor indicates, we are living in it. It's the same old world it's always been, in spite of' plans and dreams of international peace. A world which has always been ruled by force and power politics-whether the force of Roman arms, which kept peace for centuries, or the all- embracing strength of British imperialism which has kept the international ship of state on an even keel for the last few centuries. AFTER THIS WAR, as after every other war, it will take a strong coalition of countries, led by one vigorous nation, to enforce world peace. If Hitler is beaten, this coalition will be the Allies-that is, unless the Allies are qce BY WAY of catching up on correspondence, I print here a letter received last week from a rather irate Mimes man concerning the recent production of the Union Opera. I wrote the re- view on the Opera, and so with lowered head, let the Mimes man speak first: To the-Editor: This letter is inspired by the unfortunate review of th'e 1942 Mimes Union Opera. Many hours of sweat and toil went into the produc- tion of this show-actors welched on school work to memorize lines,--dancers added to the bunion poplation,--composers labored over the sharps and flats,-girls wrestled with the tremendous job of costuming,--all this effort was conspicuouly lacking of men- tion in the review. True, the Opera, like any amateur undertaking was loaded with faults. But there was much to be commended. It must be very encouraging to the cast and the staff to read such a glowing appreci- ation of their efforts. Especially will the ticket chairmen welcome the cooperative spirit of the Michigan Daily. It seems that as sont as a member of the Daily staff drags in a B-plus in English 226, "Critical Analysis," he is put to work cru- cifying the efforts of people who are trying their damndest to revive aireal Michigan tra- dition like the Union Opera. I'm sure the Opeta personnel appreciate the expert analysis of the gifted reviewer; however, a smqall note of praise here and there would go a long way to putting the Opera back on its feet. If "Full House" plays its remaining en- gagements before an empty house,the Mich- igan Daily can claim part of the credit for their generous contribution. * * * NOW as an old Mimes man myself, I can agree sincerely with the expressed desire to revive the tradition of the Union Opera. However it sounds to me a little like passing the buck to say that poor ticket sales and sabotage of the revival are due solely to a rather unfavorable review in The Daily. Naturally the cast is en- titled to get a little sore at being panned-I never knew a cast anywhere, ever, which failed to re- sent being told they Were not so red hot. I shall ignore the sarcasm in the letter. I do not° feel personally one way or another about such mat- ters, and after many hours of sweat and toil, I can well understand a certain rancor in the breast of the letter writer. The reason, though, that there is a Michigan tradition of Union Operas is that the Operas were good. They were so good that they toured through the East playing professional engage- ments. It is not enough simply to call a thing a tradition and work hard at it. It must also be good. If it is good, it can stand on its own feet, and whatever a nasty reviewer may say about it-assuming that th' reviewer is actually anti- Opera, which in this instance was not so-the word of mouth approval of the people who see it will insure that it will be financially and thea- trically a success. BUT WHAT ACTORS-including Union Opera acors-usually fl to ralizeisf that re- c 1h he Drew Persos ad RbertSAllen WASHINGTON-Those who knew General Douglas MacArthur in France are not surprised at the superb job he is doing in defending the Philippines. DURING THE LAST WAR he was one of the Army's bravest and most picturesque higher officers. Once when he wanted some informa- tion about the enemy he went over the top him- self, took a German dugout by surprise and came back with a prisoner. He got bawled out for it, because no general is supposed to expose himself to fire. But his men worshipped him. As Chief of Staff in Washington during the Hoover Administration, MacArthur was an ener- getic go-getter Vor anything the army needed, and a good organizer. In the Philippines this organizing ability has been one of his greatest assets, for he has had the task not only of build- ing up a Philippine army, but getting coopera- tion with the U.S. Army, the Air Corps and the Marines. Incidentally, MacArthur is following in the footsteps of .a soldier father, General Arthur MacArthur, who became famous for cleaning up the Philippines after the Spanish-American war. America First ONE PLACE where the surprise Japanese as- sault really created consternation was in in- ner America First circles. The isolationist generalissimos were as com- pletely sunk as the ships bombed to the bottom of Pearl Harbor. Just a week previous, America First leaders had embarked on a new line of operations-open political activity-and had even gone so far as to spend a large sum of money for the campaign of an isolationist candidate in the Seventh Mass- achusetts District. Their No. 1 limelight attraction, ex-hero Lind- bergh, was all set to take the stump in this fight. Also, he was quietly weighing whether to toss his hat into the 1942 congressional elections arena. But the Japanese attack blasted all these ambitious schemes to smitherees-including the America First Committee itself-though not until after a sharp dispute among the inner leaders. They split over the future of the organization. One group, led by General Robert Wood, favored immediate dissolution and full support of Pres- ident Roosevelt in the prosecution of the war. Another group wanted to hold off for a while to see what develeoped. Politics First AMONG THOSE who wanted to wait were Ed~/ win S. Webster, secretary of the New York Chapter, and leaders of the Bronx Chapter, all bitter Roosevelt haters. Webster felt so hotly over dissolution of the Committee that he talked of rushing out to Chicago to try to persuade Wood to change his mind. He contended the America First organization should be kept intact to take advantage of any opportunities for continued political warring on the President; and to oppose any presidential candidate who advocated Roosevelt policies in 1944. Lindbergh is Webster's White House candidate and he wants America First to stay in business to push the flier. Webster has certain opinions about the outcome and aftermath of the war and thinks there is a big political future for Lindbergh. Following a meeting of the America First Executive Committee in Chiogo, however, Gen- eral Wood's plan was approved and the dis- banding order went out, Note: Certain leadets of the die-hard faction consider starting a new America First organiza-j tiWn under different trappings. The new outfit would take the guise of a super-patrotic move- ment beating the drums of ultra-nationalism. tion of a stage presentation. A reviewer does hot work for the publicity department of a producer. He works for a newspaper. And his responsibility lies in telling his readers honestly and impartially what he thinks of the show. Many of the verbal complaints about the review in question were to the effect that on the second night things got better. Unfortunately a reviewer does not write a review of every performance. He writes al- ways about the first night, and if a production is to receive a favorable review, it must be good on the first night. h The spirit of this letter is a sort of accusation of unfairness on The Daily's and on my part. Actually The Daily leaned over backwards in alloting publicity space to advance stories on the Opera. The number of pictures and feature stor- ies devoted to the Opera on the front page of the paper was out of all proportion, despite the fact that you all worked hard rehearsing, to the news value of the production. The Daily cannot be accused of failing to cooperate. And as to the review itself, those who were here in the office when it was being done know that it was written with great difficulty in the attempt on the one hand to give you the break which you seem to feel you did not receive (if you will read the re- view again you will find that there is a certain amount of praise for those spots in the show which were even good considering all the things you ask to be considered, using the amateur as the yardstick), and on the other hand, assuming you were given your break, it was also necessary WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 17, 1941 VOL. LI. No. 68 Publication in the Daily Official Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the University. Notices Applications in Support of Re- search Projects: To give the Re- search Committees and the Execu- tive Board adequate time for study of all proposals, it is requested that faculty members having projects needing support during 1942-1943 file their proposals in the Office of the Graduate School by Friday, Jan- uary 9, 1942. Those wishing to re- new previous requests whether now receiving support or not should so indicate. Application forms will Ike mailed or can be obtained *at Secre- tary's Office, Room 1508 Rackham Building, Telephone 331. C. S. Yoakum The Automobile Regulation will be lifted for the Christmas Vacation Period from 12:00 o'clock noon on Friday, December 19, until, 8:00 a.m. on Monday, January 5, 1942. Office of the Dean of Students To All Students and Faculty Mem- bers: The University calendar pro- vid that the Christmas vacation shal begin Friday evening, Decem-I ber 19, and continue until the morn- ing of Monday, January 5. All class- es are to be held in accordance with the calendar including all such as may be scheduled for Friday. Seniors: College of L.S. and A., School of Education, School of AIus- ic, School of Public Health: Tenta- tive lists' of seniors including tenta- tive candidatesfor the Certificate in Public Health' Nursing have been posted on the bulletin board in Room 4, U. -Hall. If your name does not appear, or, if included there, it is not; correctly spelled, please notify the I counter clerk. Public Health Assembly: All stu- dents in the School of Public Health are expected to be present at the as- sembly period to be held on Wednes- day, December 17, at 4:00 p.m. in the Auditorium of the W. K. Kellogg Foundation for Graduate and Post- graduate Dentistry. Dr. Haven Em- erson, Professor Emeritus of Public ; Health Practice, Columbia Univer- sity, and Lecturer in Public Health Practice at the University of Vichi- gan, will speak on "Defense Health." Visitors are welcome. To All Students Having Library Books: Students having in their pos- session books drawn from the Univer- sity Library are notified that such books are due Thursday, December 18, before the impending vacation. An extra fine will be charged on all books taken out df town without permission. Warner G. Ricea Director of the Universi Library, Women students wishing employ- ment during the holidays are asked, to register at the Office of the Dean of Women. There are many oppor- tunities for employment in private homes. ByrI F. Bacher, Assistant Dean of. Women Choral Union Members: All mem- bers of the Choral Union are re, quested to return their "Messiah" copies to the offices of the University I/usical Society in Burton Memorial Tower, at once, and to pick up in exchange their copies of "King Da- id" and the Beethoven Ninth Sym- phony, which will be sung at the May Aestival. mas vacation period the General Li- brary will be open daily from 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. from December 19 to January 4, except on Sundays, Christmas, and New Year's, when it will be closed "all day, and on De- cember 24 and 31, when it will close at noon. - The Graduate Reading Rooms will close at 6:00 p.m. Friday, December 19, and obsetve the usual holiday schedule thereafter: mornings 9:00- 12:00 , and afternoons 1:00-5:00 Monday through Friday, and morn- ings 9:00-12:00 on Saturdays and on the days preceding the two legal holidays. The Departmental libraries will be open mornings only from 10:00 to 12:00 on all Saturdays in the vaca- tion period beginning with Decem- ber 20; and regularly mornings from 10:00 to 12:00 and afternoons from 2:00 to 4:00, Monday through Fri- day, beginning with the week of De- cember 22nd. They will be closed on the afternoons of December 24 and 31. Warner G. Rice, Director Academic Notices The Botanical Seminar will meet Wednesday, December 17, at 4:30 p.m. in room 1139 Natural Science building. Dr. John T. Baldwin will give a paper entitled, "Cytogeogra- phic Analyses of Certain Plants." All interested are invited. Doctoral Examination for Robert Vincent Rosa, Economics; thesis: "The Monetary Powers of Some Fed- eral Agencies outside the Federal Re- serve System," Wednesday, Decem- ber 17, East Council Room, Rackham Building, 1:30 p.m. Chairman, L. L. Watkins. By action of the Executive Board the chairman may invite members of the faculties and advanced doctor- al candidates to attend the examina- tion and he may grant permission to those who for sufficient reason might wish to be present. C. S. Yoakum, Dean Doctoral Examination for Marjorie Williams, Astronomy; thesis: "An Investigation of the Cepheid Vari- able Stars in the Scutum Cloud," Thursday, December 18, Observatory, 3:00 p.m. Chairman, H. D. Curtis. By action of the Executive Board the chairman may invite members of the faculties and advanced doctoral candidates to attend the examina- tion and he may grant permission to those who for sufficient reason might wish to be present. C. S. Yoakum, Dean 'Directed Teaching, Qualifying Ex- amination: Students expecting to elect Educ. D100 (directed teaching) next semester are required to pass a qualifying examination in the sub- ject which they expect to teach. This examination will be held on Satur- day, January 10, at 1:00 p.m. Stu- dents will meet in the auditorium of the University High School. The examination will consume about four hours' time; promptness is therefpre essential. Graduate Students in Speech are urged to attend the December meet- ing of the Graduate Study Club at 4:00 p.m. today -in the East Confer- ence Room of the Rackham Build- ing. The discussion will deal with graduate study in the field of speech correction. German 159 will meet today, 4:00- 6:00 p.m., in 407 Library. Nordmeyer "Is Ret.U h4 Pat. abff usiAesll ?"Rts R cs f"'-' "Is that a business call?" DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN GR IN AND BEAR IT By Lichty -: :' . ., t.'; : ." ,.. a' Friday evening, Saturday afternoon and evening, January 23 and 24, in the Lecture Hall, Rackham Bufld- ing. Alec Templeton, pianist, in a spe.. cial concert, Thursday, February 26, at 8:30, Hill Auditorium. Tickets may be procured pt the offices of the University MIusical Society in Burton Memorial Tower. Charles A. Sink, President Messiah Recordings. Orders for recordings of the "Messiah" chorus- es which were made at the perform- ance last Sunday. may be placed with the Radio and Record Shop, 715 N. University Avenue. Recordings will be available within a short time. Exhibitions Exhibition, College of Architecture and Design: Collection of pottery, the work of Mary Chase Stratton of the Pewabic Pottery, given to the University by Dr. Walter R. Parker, is being shown in the ground floor cases of the Architecture Building. Open daily, 9:00-5:00 p.m., through Dec. 19. The public is invited. Exhibition, College of Archite ture and Design: Original Christmas cards by students in Decorative Design 5 and Drawing 21 are shown in the ground floor corridor cases, Archi- tecture Building. Open daily 9 to 5, except Sunday through December 19. The public is invited. Lectures University Lecture: Professor G. E. Moore, Cambridge University, Eng- land, will lecture on the subject, "Certainty, under the auspices Pf the Department of Philosophy, on Thursday, December 18, at 4:15 pm. in the Rackham Amphitheater. The. public is cordially invited. American Chemical Society Lee- ture. Dr. M. N. Mickelson of the De- partment of Bacteriology will speak on "Carbolydrate Decomposition by Microorganisms" at 4:15 p.m. today, in Room 303 Chemistry Building. The annual business meeting will follow the lecture. Events Today. The Research Club will meet iln the Rackham Amphitheatre today at 8:00 p.m. The papers to be read are: "Blood Clotting Experiments, Old and New" (with demonstrations) by Professor John H. Ferguson, and ",The, Problem of Inflation" by Pro- fessor Arthur Smithies. " The Romance Language Journal Club will meet today at 4:15 p.m. in the East Conference Room of the Rackham Building. The following papers will be heard: Professor A. J. Jobin "Recent Trends in Canadian Nationalistic Literature" Professor Julio del Toro "The Treatment of Foreigners in the Ar- gentine Novel." All graduate students in the de- partment are cordially invited. The English Journal Club will meet today at 7:45 p.m. in the East Con- ference Room of the Rackham Build- ing. Mr. W. H. Auden will speak on "Hellenic and Iellenistic Scholar- ship." Graduate students in Eng- lish and other interested persons are welcome. Alpha Phi Omega: Initiation of the new members and installation -of officers will be held tonight at 7:30 in the Union,. Phi Tau Alpha will have its an- nual Saturnalia today at 7:30 p.m. in the ,Rackham building. All Latin and Greek students are invited. Theta Sigma Phi will hold a pledg- ing service today at 5:00 p.m. at the League. Old members will please be there at 4:30 p.m. Third session of the House of Rep. resentatives will be held today at 3:15 p.m. in 2203 A.H. All members please be present to approve final draft of Constitution. Have some bills ready to lay on clerk's table so they may be referred to a committee. Freshman Discussion Group: The Freshman Discussion Group, spon- sored by the Student Religious As- sociation, will meet at Lane Hall to- day at 7:30 p.m. Properties Committee for J.G.P.: Meeting at 3:30 today in the League. J.G.P. Programs ' Committee meet- ing today at 4:00 in the League. JGP Bookholders' committee meet- ing today at 4:00 p.m. in the League. Room number will be posted. JGP Properties Committee meet- ing today at 3:30 p.m. in the League. Room numiber will be posted. Please come promptly. The Association Discussion group, sponsored by the Student Religious Association, will continue its study of the problem of evil as presented in Job, in its regular meeting this eve- ning at 7:30 in Lane Hall. Episcopal Students: There will be a celebration of the Holy Communion faf I.I( ficm ril nI~~fnW I