WT ea heir (londy with Snow. '12 Sic igun 4:3,dig"itg Editorial Lastinig Peace Amears Using-Polie Pow er VOL. LII. No, 68 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 17, 1941 Z-323 PRICE FI'VE CENTS Japanese Threaten Base At Singapore; Iongkong In Peril Northern Mplaya Situation Endangered By Large British Naval Losses Raiders Continue Attack On Manila (By The Assoc Ated Press) LONDON, Dec. 16.-A powerful Japanese drive in northern Malaya and Britain's lack of naval superior- ity have created a serious threat to Singapore, an informed source said tonight, and commentators simultan- eously warned the public to be pre- pared for the fall of besieged Hong- kong. British and Indian troops fought to stop a Japanese mechanized pene- tration into the lower part) of Kedah State in northwestern Malaya, where the Japanese gained 40 or 50 miles. On the eastern side of the Peninsula the Japanese apparently were being held south of Kota Bharu. Although Singapore still is some 400 miles from the nearest\ Japanese spearhead, an informed source said: "British lack of naval superiority has changed the entire situation in northern Malaya. The British land defense was planned on the basis of naval superiority, but both the Bri- tish 'and United States fleets have suffered hard blows. "Now the naval situation has al- lowed the Japanese to develop an of- fensive on a large scale. There def- initely is danger-a real threat, to Singapore by land." Far up'the Chinese coast the Hong- kong colony was reported under heavy Japanese air and artillery bombardment. Japanese guns poured shells into the colony from the main- land only a mile away, and the Hongkong garrison was said to lack supplies and munitions for a long siege. Raiders Continue. Attack On Manila MANILA, Dec. 16-VP)-The Jap- anese invaders, apparently hiving been fought to a standstill in thes first -phase of their thrust at the staunch island of Luzon, returned to the attack today only by air-with a raid on the Olongapo naval base northwest of Manila Bay. The headquarters of Lieutenant General Douglas MacArthur, the American commander-in-chief, re- ported no new Japanese efforts ei- ther to seize new beach hearls or to streigthen their hard-won aid costly positions about Vigan and Aparri, in the northwest and northeast of the island, and Legaspi in the extreme southeast. "No change in the situation on the ground," said the succinct afternoon. communique. The-supposition in unofficial quar- ters was that the assailant was rest- ing his aerial forces, repairing his planes and attempting to poise new (Continued on Page 2) Tventieth-Century Odyssey ... By AP BUENOS AIRES, Dec. 16.-)- Argentine press dispatches from Berlin, quoting a Japanese mili- tary spokesman in Shanghai, said today the Japanese had landed tanks and other reinforcements on the eastern shore of the Malay Peninsula. Goodfellows Edge Toward Collection Goal Drive Nears $650 Mark As Final Returns Come From Organized Houses Returns from the seventh annual Goodfellow drive crept hesitantly to- ward the $650 mark yesterday as a slow trickle of contributions from fraternities and sororities kept alive the hope that the drive might yet reach the $759 return of last year. With over $100 yet to go, drive chairmen laid the issue squarely be- fore campus fraternities, sororities and cooperative'houses, as it is only the lack of cooperation and a "re- grettable disinterest" on the part of these groups which keeps success be- yond leach. "Those' houses which, either through negligence or out-right re- fusal to cooperate, won't give their support are evidently ignoring the fact that although the suffering of war is, still relatively localized, the suffering of penury is universal; and Ann Arbor is certainly no exception," they declared. No blanme can be laid to street sales, as the income from that source this year actually netted more than last year. Added to the contributors' honor roll yesterday were Delta Gamma, Pi Lambda Phi, Sigma Clhi, Triangle and Zeta Beta Tau. Other earlier con- tributors were: Alpha Gamma Delta, Alpha Omi- cron Pi, Alpha Phi, Alpha Tau Ome- ga, Chi Omega, Chi Psi, Delta Delta Delta, Kappa Alpha Theta, Ka"pa Nu, Kappa Sigma, Katherine Pick- erell Cooperative, Lincoln Coopera- tive, Muriel Lester Cooperative, Phi Delta Theta, Phi Gamma Delta, Phi Kappa Psi, Phi Sigma Delta, Phi Sig- ma Sigma, Pi Beta Phi, Rochdale Co- operative, Sigma Alpha Epsilon, Sig- ma Nu, Theta Xiand Zeta Tau Al- pha. Still unreported were over 50 houses on campus. No Priority On Politics LANSING, Dec. 16.-(P)-Contro- versial issues, unless concerned with the national defense problem, will be kept from the floor of .a forthcoming special session of the legislature, Gov- ernor Van Wagoner pledged today. FDR Granted New Powers Of Censorship Selects Price As ' Director Of New Set-Up; Walker Reveals Mail Inspection House, Senate Pass Bill Simultaneously WASHINGTON, Dec. 16- (P)- Vast new powers for President Roose- velt to prosecute the war were voted unanimously by Congress Poday and the Chief Executive announced he would promptly set up a censorship to prevent all inforiation of value from reaching the enemy. At the same time Postmaster Gen- eral Walker disclosed that censor- ship of foreign mail, both outgoing and incoming, already was under way. He added that no details of its opera- tions would be made public for the present. , Price To Head Censors The President told a press confer- ence that he had selected Byron Price, executive news editor of the Associa- ted Press, as Director of Censorship and that Price, on leave of absence from the news organizaion, would take over his duties here as soon as Congress completes action. Both Senate and House passed sep- arate bills almost simultaneously. They authorize the President not only to establish censorship, but to re- distribute government functions, re- vise defense contracts, and exercise control over alien financial transac- tions and an estimated $7,000,000,000 of alien property in the United States. Since the Senate added a few re- strictions to its text, a move was on foot tonight to have the House sub- stitute the Senate measure for its own tomorrow so final enactment might be speeded. The House Judici- ary Committee will meet tomorrow to study the parliamentary situation. To Cover Domestic Publication Chairm n Van Nuys (Dem.-Ind.) of the Senate Judiciary Committee, in charge f the Senate bill, told Sena- tor Vandenberg (Rep.-Mich.) that only censorship of outgoing foreign communications was involved, but the President said the machinery to be created would cover domestic pub- lication of certain information. The censorship, he said, would be partly voluntary and partly manda- tory and would apply to the press, radio, cables, mail and other medi- ums. AFL Extends Labor Peace Offer To CO WASHINGTON, Dec. 16-(P)-The American Federation of Labor ap- pealed to the CIO tonight to heal the breach in the labor movement for the "common defense of our nation against mortal danger.d The peace offer was extended on the eve of a management-labor con- ference called by President Roosevelt to adopt a no-strike policy for the duration of the war. It was con- tained in a declaration of war labor policy; adopted by national AFL of fi- cers and presidents of varius AFL unions. The declaration did not mention the CIO by name, but expressed "sin- cer; regret" at the "destructive riv- alry in organization that has beset the American labor field for the past few years." CIO officials withheld comment, asserting their position would be out- lined in a proposal to be submitted to tomorrow's conference of labor and industry representatives. The con- ferees include six members each of the CIO and the AFL, 12 representatives of business and two moderators ap- pointed by President Roosevelt. The latter are William H. Davis, chair- man of the National Defense Media- tion Board, who will preside, and Sen- ator Elbert Thomas (Dem.-Utah), chairman of the Senate Labor Com- mittee. ON LY ! -4' Hawaii iBombed Again As Roberts Is Named To Head Investigation; Roosevelt Seeks Lower Draft Age Van Wagoner, RuthvenStress Value 'Of College Training During Wartime -Daily Photo By Stu Gildart Gov. Murray D. Van Wagoner who was a freshman at the University at the beginning of World War I, tells yesterday's war assembly the duties of the student as a participant in the present war effort. 't~6~ * *' * By HOMER SWANDER It is just as patriotic to stay in college and continue essential training as it is to join the armed forces, Gov. Murray D. Van Wagoner advised almost 6,000 students who crowded into Hill Auditorium yes- terday in the hope of learning just what part they should play in the national war effort. Agreeing essentially with the six other speakers on this point, he em- phasized that it is particularly truel for scientific, engineering and medi- cal students. Individual Choice All of the speakers, however-es- pecially President Ruthven-empha- sized that the problem of enlistment is one of individual choice. "You must determine what you can do best," he told the students. "If you honestly believe you will be of more value as a sailor or a soldier at 'the present time, you should, offer your services at once." "If, on- the other hand, you believe education would increase your value in the struggle, then with no apolo- gies to anyone, you should remain in school until you are called." President Ruthven pointed out. that After The Assembly: Student Opinion Still Confused As To Position In Present War. By BOB MANTIfO and HALE CHAMPION They filled Hill Auditorium yester- day--those 6,000 students whose val- ues had been changed by their coun- try's sudden plunge into all-out war. They came to have their problems settled but many left with a solution still to seek. At least, such was the reaction voiced by the average lit school stu- dent as he emerged from an All- Campus Assembly designed to clar- ify the student's position in World War II Although they found the speeches highly informative, most lit students complained that the conflict between the civil and military needs of the nation was not sufficiently high- lighted. Typical was the statement of Rich- in the air forces of both the army and navy," he declared. James Vine, '43, summed up the opinion of most students aproached when he said: "I'm just as confused now as I was before the Assembly." Three freshmen-Stanley Mesirow, Ralph Roth and Ben Zolo-substan- tially agreed with Vine. "We're still wondering what to do," was their combined opinion.? Remarking that "lit students fit pe- culiarly into the present situation," senior Bob Weinberg believes "the Assembly didn't clarify our war-time status." Jim Hagen, '45, introduced a new note by stating that the sum effect of the speeches had strengthened his conviction that he should transfer to the engine school. Only thus, he felt, could his education become of some importance in the victory ef- fort. Sam Bloom, '4,exemplified those Col. Brannan To Leave Post Head Of ROTC To Rejoin Atmy During Vacation, Leaving the University to return to duty with troops,'Lieut. Col. Francis M. Brannan w#l1 end more than a year's servce as Professor of Military Science and Tactics and chairman of the ,nilitary department when the Christmas vacation begins. Colonel Brannan has been trans- ferred to the general staff of the 5th Infantry Division at Fort Custer. During his tour of. duty at the Uni- versity the ROTC unit underwent the severe changes necessary to gear it to the tempo of defense prepara- tions and now of war. It was under his direction as commandant that the practical aspects of instruction received the increased emphasis they now enjoy. Replacing Colonel Brannan, Col.' W. A. Ganoe will come from 1st Army Headquarters at Camden, S.C. His duties will begin with the re- turn of the regiment of cadets from college students have so far been de- ferred in large numbers because they "form an important reservoir of men from which must be drawn the ex- perts and leaders at a later date. Every day spent in school should increase the value of the service you are capable of giving to your coun- try." Student Activities Both Governor Van Wagoner and President Ruthven listed several ac- tivities which students can take part in right here on campus? to help in the national emergency. The Governor's recommendations includede do your best every day in your classes; give some of your spare time to the civilian defense program; BULLE TINS MOSCOW, Wednesday, Dee. 17- (IP)-Red Army troops have routed six German divisions of 90,000 men and recaptured strategic Kalinin, 90 miles northwest of here, Russia, anounced officially today. * * * NEW YORK, Dec. 16-(IP)-The BBC reported in a broadcast heard by NBC tonight that the Nazis in Belgrade, Yugoslavia, had executed 64 more persons today and imprisoned 150. ""* * * SAN JOSE, Costa Rica, Dec. 16- IP)-The Costa Rican Foreign Of- fice today invited representatives of the Central American foreign offi- ces to meet at Guatemala City Dec. 20 in advance of the Rio de Janeiro conference of all the American re- publics BUENOS AIRES, Dec. 16-(-P)-The Argentine cabinet tonight declared a state of siege throughout the country. *, * * MEXICO CITY, Dec. 16-(P)-A measure permitting naval vessels and planes of any American nation to station themselves in Mexican waters and ports for periods of more than 30 days was sent to Con- gress tonight by President Manuel Avila Comacho. * * * WASHINGTON, Dec. 16-P--The Treasury said today a survey of lead- ing cities showed purchases of defense learn or teach first-aid at the Red Cross; volunteer for auxiliary fire and police squads; take such courses-as home nursing, nutrition, canteen corps, hospital and recreation corps; and, finally, help lick the fifth-col- umn menace. The recommendations of President Ruthven were that students should greatly increase their interest in foreign languages and in mathema- tics. He also stressed the importance of keeping in good physical condi- tion. Speaking to the hundreds of coeds in the audience, Dean Alice Lloyd told them that women would be ac- tively involved in this war as never before, because of the manner in which modern warfare cuts into civil- ian life. Dean Lloyd Speaks Referring to the gigantic task un- dertaken by the women of England, China, Russia and Germany, she said, that "it is no. longer true that though/the men can rush out and en- list, the women have to take a pass- ive part." The women in the audience learned that immediately after vacation they will be given an opportunity to regis- ter with the University, giving their skills and signifying the special training they desire. Dean Lloyd emphasized that "What we all need is a new defense psychol- ogy, free from hypocrisy and senti- mentality, free of racial or social pre- judice, founded on clear, honest thinking, on high courage and strength of chaarcter." The college woman of today, she said, can show this strength by sticking to their work here, choos- ing their courses and ordering their lives that they may be ready when the nation needs them. Also on the program were Capt. Lyal Davidson, retiring chairman of the Department of Naval Science and Tactics, and Lieut.-Col. Francis Brannan, Commandant of the Uni- versity ROTC unit. 'Navy Needs Men' The former began his talk with the frank statement: "The Navy needs men-200,000 of them 'within the next year." He went on, how- ever, to say that officers are desired more than anything else and they must have a college education. "The problem of enlistment," Dav- idson declared, "is one for the indi- vidual; the answer found through self-analysis. In this Clo1nel Branna~n areed. b ut Military Men To Complete Five Man 'Board; Japs Shell- Outlying Islands House Bill Retains Former Minimum WASHINGTON, Dec. 16,-('P)-To determine why United States armed forces were not on the alert when Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor, President Roosevelt tonight appoint- ed a five-man board, headed by As- sociate Justice Owen J. Roberts of the Supreme Court. He announced his action soon after a Navy disclosure that enepy war- ships had struck at the Hawaiian area again by shelling Johnston and Maui Islands in the last 24 hours. The valiant little marine garrison at Wake Island, said the. Navy, drove off two more enemy air attacks, and con- tinued to hold out. In addition to Roberts, Mr. Roose- velt named the following to the board of inquiry: Board Listed Major General Frank R. McCoy, re- tired. Brig. Gen. Joseph P. McNarney of the Air Corps. Rear Admiral William H. Standley, retired, former Chief of Naval Oper- Rear Admiral Joseph M. Reeves, former Commander-in-Chief of ,the United States Fleet. The group will meet tomorrow for organizational prposes, the White House said, and proceed' to Hawaii for an on-the-spot investigation .at an early date. Chief Justice'Stone granted Roberts leave of absence from the Supreme Court to become chair- man of theboard. Meanwhile, Secretary Knox added to the list of heroic American ex- ploits during the attack on Pearl Harbor, a tale of four reserve en- signs, only surviving officers of teir destroyer, who took their vessel to sea in pursuit of the enemy and met all emergencies like veterans. First Since Opening Attack The attack at Johnston, where an American naval base was "bombard- ed by ships of the enemy" and at Maui, where the shipping center of Kahului was shelled by a submarine, was the first assault in the Hawaiian area since the Japanese began the war with their raid on Pearl Harbor. At both points, the Navy said, dam- age was slight, and "naval operations are continuing against the enemy." Maui is situated about 100 miles southeast of Honolulu, and Johnston about 700 miles to the southwest, roughly in the direction of Wake Is- land.-' Against that much-battered out- post, the Navy reported, the Japan- ese delivered two more attacks from (Continued on Page 2) Senate Comnittee Passes Draft Bill WASHINGTON, Dec. 16 - ()- President Roosevelt told Congress to- day he fully endorsed the War De- partment request that men aged 19 through 44 be made subject to com- pulsory military service, but the House proceeded with plans to consider draft legislation retaining theh present 21- year minimum age for active service. The Senate Military Committee, however, approved without a dissent- ing vote tte 19-year age minimum and consideration of theh bill prob- ably will start in the Senate tomor- row. The House also will consider to- morrow the bill of its Military Com- mittee. In other details the Senate and House measures were alike and no op- position was apparent to their other provisions. They would raise the maximum age 'for compulsory mili- tary service from 35 to 44 years, in- clusive, and require all men from 18 through 64 to register with the gov- ernment. Officials estimated the measure, to- gether with the existing draft act, would bring about 40,000,000 persons under government registration. Senator Chandler (Dem.-Ky.) of the military committee said an 8,000,- 000-man army was envisioned eventu- ally. He quoted Brigadier General Wade H. Haislip, assistant chief of staff, as telling the committee a 1,000,000-man air force would be cre- ated as quickly as possible. Chandler U I I " A