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September 30, 1941 - Image 15

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The Michigan Daily, 1941-09-30

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30, 1




Quiz Kids

Highly-Touted Faculty Brains To Meet I
Famed Quiz Kids In Challenge Match!

Craig To Shaw
Color Movies

Maurice Evans Will Perform
Great Shakespearean Scenes

<° _v'



Hilarity and good fun, and lots of
it, are in store Nov. 24 when the
famed Quiz Kids meet five prominent
faculty men who have accepted their
challenge to match wits with them.
Prof. John L. Brumm of the jour-
nalism department will serve as mas-
The audience is warned to expect
the worst fkom their mentors, for this
will not be the first time that the
,Quiz Kids *have challenged their eld-
ers and beaten them decisively.
Touted brains of the University of
Chicago faculty were pitted against
the youthful brains of the Kids and
the touted brains went down, 275
points to 140.
President Robert Maynard Hutch-
in- forecast they result, having said
t fore the event, "I stippose you all
came to Mandel Hall to see the profs
showed up by the Kids."
The stately professors wore black
caps and gowns, and later on, some
red blushes. Is the same in store for
The Quiz Kids are all "little gen-
iuses." Their "anchor man" is Ger-
ard Darrow, age 8, who answers, it'
is said, questions on ornithology, biol-
ogy and mythology, one after the
other, slap-bang.
As an example of their ability,
here is one of the questions asked at
the University of Chicago.
"Miss Gilson (faculty member) this
is cur last question and it seems to
be in your field, economics. Would it
be more economical to buy a fur coat
Pulitzer Winner
Will Give Talk
Anne O'Hare McCormick
To Present Opiions
A woman's views on the present
situation and its possible outcome
will be piesented by journalist Anne
O'Hare McCormick in the se'cond lec-
ture of the series, to be given Nov.
13. Subject of the lecture wil be
"After the War, What?"
Mis McCormick has recently re-
turned from Europe, where she served
for many years as a foreign corres-
pondent. Her travels have given lier
first-hand iniformation on the diplo-
matic intrigues of the nations of the
She was the first woman to receive
the Pulitzer Prize for distinguished
work in the field of foreign corres-
pondence. At present she is a
member of the editorial board of the
New York Times and is engaged in an
extensive lecture tour.
Tickets For Series
To Go On Sale Today
Season tickets for the series are
priced at $4.00 for the main floor,
$3.00 for the first balcony, and $2.00
for the second balcony, which is re-
served for students only.
Single admissions will be $1.00, 75c
and 50c.
The Hill Auditorium box office will
open this morning for the sale of
tickets. mHours will be from 10 a.m.
to 1 p.m. and from 2 p.m. to 4 p.m.
daily through October 10. The office
will be closed Saturday afternoons
and Sundays.
Single admission tickets may be se-
cured at the Hill Auditorium box of,
fice the day before and the day of
each lecture. Tickets for the Maur-
ice Evans recital will not be avail-
able until Oct. 9.1

at one store for $300, or a second coat
just like it at another store, if there
were $40 between the price of the sec-
ond coat and the price of a third coat,
three-fourths of the cost of the sec-
ond coat being equal to two-thirds
the cost of the second?"
While the professors floundered
hopelessly, Richard Williams the
A bassdor
Hugh Gibson
To Speak Herq
Well versed in the field of inter-
national politics is Hon. Hugh Gib-
son of the United States Diplomatic
Service, who will speak here on the
international situation Feb. 17.
Ambassador to Belgium shortly be-
fore the recent war, Gibson will
bring to his Ann Arbor audience a
fresh memory of Europe as it was be-
fore the Nazi machine began to sweep
the small countries of the Continent
out of existence.
Gibson has been in the diplomatic
service almost continuously since his
first appointinent as secretary of the
American legation at Tegucigalpa,
Honduras, in 1908, a year after his
graduation from the Ecole Libre des
Sciences Politiques, Paris. ,

Sii in s one of his fe personal appearances
head mathmetician of the Quiz Kids, IPcn th lecture platform.
gave the solution: 'Shakespeare in the News",will be
Danger is his business.
"If three-fourths of the second is Ee d . gillustrated by Evans' readings of
eqaltotw-tirs f hethrd Explorer, deep-sea diver, photogra-
equal to two-thirds of the third pher of unusual places and adventur- many of the greatest scenes Shake-
icat, then one-forth of the second ous action--this is Capt. John D speare ever wrote.
is two-ninths ef the third. So one- Craig. who will make his third Ann Happily for both American and
third of the third minus two-ninths Arbor appearance March 12 in the T:Bitish audiences. the commercial
ef itself (the same as one-fourth of final lecture of the series, a timely . wE
the second) leaves one-ninth, the tcareer for w ich Maurice Evans
difference between the cost of the address on "The Philippines Today,
difrnebtentecs ftedocumented with his own full-color seemed destined. never materialized.
Etcand and third coats, in relation dm ted with his nd fl-co N Had it done so, the high standards set
motion pictures of scenes and life of N~~
to the third. Thus, if $40 is the dif- bhat remote possession of this coun- by him in "Twelfth Night," "Ham-
thre nt cf st, rie 4svisotychich today, more than ever, is -let' and other plays would have been
fcrczie in ost, time 40wgiish todatyas onthe stengthofehipir;
#priced carded a vital key to international, tte oen opefu eams
$360, and the second cat would be rel ationstin theewesternoPacific.r-
320. Threforietter buy the first nlaetionn in the western Pacific.don's
one." Pliiic. industry, agriculture, edu- .ranren"Hetd an
atn nd srocietyof the Philippines, rdiin- nceeOdV cide
Whew! No wonder, those kids are e usd and woven together utre M intic decided
cno th aibringbimtoAecao play Ro-
cn the radio. into a colorful panorama of life in meo to Katherine Cornell's Juliet.
Joe Kelly, who was chosen after the islands by the young adventurer, MAURICE EVANS Encouraged by the reception accord-
long searching to act as chief quiz- whose past assignments have taken * * ed him on Broadway for his appear-
zer, has admittedly a very meager him into 43 countries and across five Portraying his famous theatrical ances in "Romeo and Juliet," "Saint
educational background. But he was Continents with his equipment and Joan""St. Helena" and "Richard
the best-liked by the children and staff of technicians. roles in a dramatic recital, Maurice I Maurice Evans returned to Times
he seemed to get the most from them In addition to his vivid photogra-- Evans, acclaimed as "the greatest' aure Evan r nd tuTies
in etra ommnt aterSquare after a long and successful
in extra comment after the questions phy, Captain Craig's story-telling has Shakespearean actor of our day," tour of "Richard" in the guise of
themselves had been answered. _-een praised wherever he goes. will honor Ann Arbor on Oct. 10 with actor-manager.


Diplomatic posts which he has held
have carried him to London, Havana,

* * *

/ * * *

Santo Domingo, BuenOs Aires, Lux-
emburg, Paris, and Geneva. He was
the first American minister appoint-
el to Poland, in 1919, and followed
that term with a three-year ministry
in Switzerland beginning in 1924.
Between the years 1927 and 1933
he was envoy extraordinary and min-
ister plentipotentiary to Luxemburg,
followed by an ambassadorship to
Brazil until 1987, after which he re-
turned to Luxemburg.
- }Gibsorn has been a membr of a
number of American delegations sent
on various diplomatic missions. In
19 7 he' was chairman of the Ameri-
cai delegation to the Conference for
the Limitation of Naval Armament,
later being chosen chaifman of the
He was acting chairman of the
American delegation at the Geneva
Disarmamrent conference in 1932. In
1935 he was sent to Buenos Aires as
representative on the Mediatory
Group to'end the Chaco War, and
remained there later that year as
delegate to the United States at the
Chaco Peace Conference. 1




1941-42 Lecture Course
3%N MARCH 12
Capt. John3eI. Craig

with Color






l awrence Thaw
explorer :

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