T144 MTCUT(- A N n A TT_'V' Mt')"AV. lr)rCPMlPtVR 1..%- 144t - i. la ..u..J IA 4 1A1 AV' Fm \ j J 3 1. L 1Jj J * vara''4 - vc~u~ivnrLI&AD, A 1'z Senate, House Will Be Asked VFPor 10 Billions War-Fund Issue Approved By Both Houses; Small AdjustmentsNeeded PassageExpected WASHINGTON, Dec. 14.-AP)-The first war fund bill-a ten-billion- dollar item for more planes, ships, guns and other equipment for battle -is expected to get swift and final approval from both branches of Con- gress tomorrow. The appropriation bill, in addition to carrying funds to equip an army of 2,000,000 men and supply essential material for another 1,200,000, also will provide more material for lease- lend aid to the nations allied against the Axis powers. Both the Senate and House already have acted on the appropriation legislation, but because there were minor differences in the two bills both branches must approve the final, compromised version. Draft Extension Once the big money bill it passed and on its way to the White House, the Congressional program calls for qick action on the draft extension bill, Both the Senate and House Mili- tary Committees have called meet- ings for Monday to consider the legis- lation whichwould require registra- tion of all men 18 to 64 years of age, inclusive, and would make those aged 19 to 44, inclusive, liable to military service. The admihistration's legislative lieutepants hoped to have the draft bill ready for.House consideration by Tuesday. Recess Out Congress, abandoning any idea of a holiday recess, settled itself to the business of quickly enacting new and revising old laws to fit the pattern of modern all-out war. High up on the list is legislation authorizing President Roosevelt to use some of the wartime powers granted to Woodrow Wilson two dec- ades ago. These powers would permit the President to centralize control r of all communication /and transpor- tation systems, put a, statutory ban on trading with enemy aliens, and to shift various functions of government agencies to coordinate the war effort. Coimittees on both sides of Con- gress are at work on this legislation. The Senate and House Naval Com- nittees have before them bills to aufhorize construction of 900,000 additional tons of fighting ships. The legislation mentions no cost limit and leaves to the Navy Department's' experts the allocation of the tonnage among the various categories. . k Nazis Swept From Soviet CapitalSector sians Claim Repetition Of Napoleon's Retreat By German Forces MOSCOW, Monday, Dec. 15-())- Rampant Red armies declared today they had the Germans on the run in a retreat approaching the scale of Napoleon's cold and dismal retire- ment, from Moscow and had over- taken the backtracking Hitler legions with a headlong campaign of exter- mination. A broadcast war bulletin of the of- ficial information bureau declared the Red Army had recaptured -he railway station of Uzlovaya, 40 miles southeast of Tula, Dubna to the west of Tula, and Verkhove, northeast of Livny, in a day-long battling which raged on all fronts. Uzlovaya and Dubna are in the sec- tor about 100 miles south of Moscow, and Verkhove is in the Orel sector about 200 miles south of the capital, where other Soviet broadcasts de- clared 400 villages and towns have been taken in the Red Army's sweep. Capture of Verkhove followed the an- nouncement yesterday that the Ger- mans had been driven out of Livny. In addition, the Russian's Black Sea fleet was reported vigorously in action. The communique said a naval unit had sunk a huge 25,000-ton Nazi transport. On the southern flank the Sea of Azov port of Taganrog, 40 miles west of Rostov, was said to be completely surrounded by Red army forces. In the Yelets area some 200 miles south of the capital, the Moscow radio reported, cavalry-supported troops have retaken more than 400 villages and towns in a savage counter-offen- sive which has wiped out two battal- ions of German infantry. The bureau's bulletin added that troops defending besieged Leningrad in the north had killed 400 Nazis in driving the Germans out of a forti- fied position identified officially only as "N." (The German High Command re- ported "good success" in artillery at- tacks on military objectives around Leningrad and shipping in the Cri- mean port of Sevastopol. "Otherwise," the communique said, "war activity was restricted to defense against lo- cal enemy attacks.") The Red Army assault, which the official radio said is "giving the Ger- mans no respite by day or night," ap- peared to be strongest on the southern flank where Nazi forces are seeking to establish a new line along the Mius river. Draft.. (Continued from Page 1) and tomorrow with the present draft age limits of 21 to 35," Hershey said. Secretary of War Stimson request- ed Congress last week to enact legis- lation for the registration of all men from 18 to 64, inclusive, and mak- ing those from 19 to 44. inclusive, subject to military training and serv- ice. This registration. Hershey said, would apply to 41.000 000 men, in- cluding the 17,500,000 who already have registered. But the program as of today, Her- shey. exnlained, calls for the induc- tion of the remaining 1.000.000 ink, the 21 to 27 age brackets; then eligibles in the group from 28 to 35, will be called up, and next the 1,000,000 who become 21 each year. "Having done that, you ought to have a full year's supply of men," Hershey said. In the meantime, there will be a continuing reexamination of men de- ferred because of dependency, em- ployment in vital defense industries and minor physical disabilities. "We must go at this thing calmly and cooly," Hershey said. "We must not take every man regardless of his physical condition or no matter how many dependents he has. But on the,other hand, we have many, many cases where the dependency looks a' little fishy-where people seem to be living together because of conveni- ence." One of his aides said that employ- ers should start thinking about re- placing men now deferred with older men and perhaps women. flershey himself said that Selective Service might have to do a little "po- licing" of industry's requests for de- ferment of men in vital jobs. Nazi Attack On Jews Makes French Uneasy VICHY, Unoccupied Fr&nce, Dec. 14.-(P-The Petain Government in in official communique tonight stated that an order of German authorities for the execution of 100 "Jewish com- munists and anarchists" in occupied France provokes "profound uneasi- ness among Frenchmen." Furthermore, the communique said, the F-'ench government has expressed its sentiment to the German authori- ties. The Germans announced yesterday that the 100 would be shot in occu- pied France in sweeping reprisal exe- cutions for "recent attacks against the 6ccupation troops." At the same time, a fine of 1,000,000,000 francs ($20,000,000) was imposed on Jews in the occupied zone. Japanese ... State Of War (Continued from Page 1)Aet out of commission in the week-old Child Crim e war of the Pacific.C lr A headquarters communique said1 the latest naval damage inflicted How the war may affect juvenle upon American forces included the delinquency in the United States was sinking of a submarine by a Japanese described yesterday by Prof. A. E. destroyer off the Philippines on Sat- Wood, of the sociology department, urday. who cited figures for delinquency in Navy planes which attacked Nich- England in the first year of the war. ols airport at Manila Saturday shot E Professor Wood referred to an ar-' down a United States Interceptor and ticle by the New York Herald Tri- down a United StaesIntrcptoadt .Willinm II destroyed 43 planes on the ground, including nine of the "latest type,"I the communique said. Two of Japan's planes were missing from the raid, it was declared. Mass air raids also werc made on BMergui and Victoria airdromes in British Burma on the west coast of the narrow Malay peninsula by army planes and two transporits were sunk in an attaclh on Penang Island off the west coast of Malaya, said the com- munique. Kuantan airdrome on the east coast of Malaya also was raided. (Authoritative military quarters in London said the Japanese had made an 'advance over the Burma border in the vicinity of Victoria. The Japa- nese evidently were attempting to broaden their hold on the narrow Kra isthmus of thet.Malay peninsula in order to widen the land space separ- ating British forces in Malaya and Burma. Greek.. (Continued from Page 1) Greece, opposing patriot armies wag- ing small scale war. TI Yugoslav government in exile decla ed that under Mihailovic, Serb resistance had reached the propor- tions of full-blown military operations and could no longer be regarded as mere guerilla warfare. . (Greece, according to the BritishI radio as heard in New York by CBS, "Eighteen German and Italian di- visions are being kept busy trying to choke the revolt there." Quoting Emmanuel Tsouderos, Premier of the Greek government in exile, the broadcast said a "regular small-scale war is on in Greece." Kendall Called To Capital 'Prof. Henry M. Kendall of the Geo- graphy department will leave Dec. 19 for Washington where he has been called to act as consultant for the Office of Coordination of Informa- tion. I unesi ,on on correspon w im en am W. White, who stated that "the in- crease in crime in the fourteen to seventeen-year-old age group was 22 per cent in the first year of war over the last year of peace." The greatest single factor contri- buting to England's mounting juven- ile delinquency is excessive wages paid to teen-age workers, White asserted. Youths earn more in two or three days than they could earn in a week in peace time. High wages promote juvenile ab- senteeism-one of England's biggest production bugaboos. Then too, young people have learned to scorn steady employment and when their over-paid jobs end, sooner or later become thieves, White added. Other reasons are suggested by Pro- fessor Wood as causes of delinquency. "Loose money, free time," and slack- ening of discipline at home since fa- thers have joined the forces and mo- thers are engaged in war industries are blamed. "In fact," Professor Wood asserted, "prosperity is as conducive to juven- ile delinquency as depression." Engine Society To Hear Talk By Kirkpatrick War Uses Of Magnesium To Be Lecture Topic For AIChE President University chemical and metallur- gical engineers will receive a special introduction to "Magnesium, the Cinderella Metal" at 6:15 p.m) to- day in the Union when S. D. Kirk- patrick, national president of the American Institute of Chemical En- gineers addresses the annual joint banquet meeting of the AIChE and AIME. With national engineering interest in the metal at a new peak because of the important part magnesium is playing in war production, Michigan engineers are even more concerned because of the prominent part played by the Dow Chemical Co. in Midland .in developing a process to obtain the metal from sea-water. In order to make the wonders of the important metal even more clear, Mr. Kirkpatrick, who is editor-in- chief of the Chemical and Metal- lurgical magazine in addition to be- ing national president of the AIChE, will show a series of moving pictures depicting various points of his talk. Indicative of the role now played by magnesium, a large plant for ex- tracting the metal from sea-water is now being constructed in Texas under government supervisiop. N Continuing an annual tradition, the AIChE will present an award to its junior member with the highest scholastic average at the banquet, president Bill Collamore, '42E, has announced. Tic1gets may be obtained today in Room 2028, East Engineering Build- ing, or from members of the two so- cieties. It is also planned to have a ticket table in the lobby of the East Engineering Building. Local Group Will Sponsor Service Plan University fraternities and sorori- ties will be given a chance to supply reading matter to the University Hos- pital and Health Service today, to- morrow and Thursday through the latest project of Alpha Phi Omega, national service fraternity. Under the supervision of Jack Nor- ton, '43E, and Bill Ager, '43, old magazines will be picked up from the various houses starting this eve- ning, and will be distributed to the Hospital and Health Service to be read by patients. U'rging full cooperation from every- one, Dick Schoel, '43E, president of Alpha Phi Omega, requested that the houses bundle up the magazines they intend to submit and tie them so as to facilitate pick-up. All fraternities and sororities will be informed of the time of pick-up by telephone, Schoel said. It is planned to continue the project in the future if the success of this ini- tial venture warrants it. Capt. Gillespie To Speak On Air Corps Enlistment Students who want to enlist in the Army Air Corps will have an oppor- titnity to do so when Capt. R. L. Gillespie, district recruiting officer, speaks at 8 p.m. tomorrow at the Union. Captain Gillespie will have appli- cation blanks with him for those interested. All students are urged to attend to find out facts about the Army Air Corps. Capain Gillespie will show two colored movies of life at Cal-Aero Field in California, and is on hand particularly to answer all questions about the~Air Cbrps. Those interested in obtaining in- formation on enlisting may do so at the same time. Ca o . . . iregent Student Publications Bldg. Represents L ong Years Of Endeavor CAIRO, Egypt, Dec. 1,4-()-Ger- man and Italian forces stubbornly withdrawing Uom eastern Libya turned about and fought savage rear guard actions southwest of Gazala, the British reported today, but their positions were said to be threatened by an encircling movement. Military quarters said tanks and in- fantry were about three quarters of the way around the Axis string of defenses stretching 40 miles from Gazala on the coast into the desert. Hard fighting was said to be taking. place at two main centers of resis- tance, at Gazala itself, which is about 100 miles west of the Egyptian border, and southwest of Gazala. The communique still said the Bri- tish were closing in on Gazala. - In fighting farther east, about 500 troops were captured, 18 guns taken and a number of Italian tanks de- stroyed at Bir Hacheim, 40 milesE southeast of Tobruk. (A London military spokesman also repqrted the capture of the Axis fron- tier post of Ghirba in the Salum area where a few beleaguered Germans and Italians still are holding their barbed wire and trench systems de- spite shortage of water.) (German and Italian communi- ques declared the British had been repulsed in their attacks "west of Tobruk.") The British bombed Axis transports heavily along the Bomba-Derna road west of Gazala, the Derna airport, and three southwestern Greek ports, Argostoli, Methone and Navarino. Hance Is Guest Speaker Prof. Kenneth G. Hance, of the Speech Department, was a guest speaker this weekend at the Univer- sity of Missouri's annual Debaters' Assembly. Professor Hance spoke on "What Happens to Debaters." MICHIGA N NOW SHOWING! 1~ s / Mika do-it's Not Good ForMichigan Citizens I eAX r MIKADO, Dec. 14-(AP)-This Al- cona county village, which wad christ- ened 55 years ago in honor of the Emperor of Japan, wants to Change Its name. Its 125 citizens are distressed that Mikado is a symbol of a nation with' which the United States is at war. A movement is under way to re-name the town "Roosevelt." rt yl ,ii r.rfi. ~ r ' f >- t CLASSIFIED DIRECTORY CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES Non-Contract $ .40 per 15-word insertion for one or two days. (In- crease of 10c for each additional 5words.) $1.00 per 15-ward insertion for 3 or more days. (In- crease of $.25 for each additional 5 words.) Contract Rates on Request Our Want-Ad Depai'tment will be happy to assist you in composing your ad. Stop at the Michigan Daily Business Of- fice, 420 Maynard Street. By BARBARA JENSWOLD Student journalists in 1903 may not have been able to picture the present Student Publication's Building, but they did show the foresight which 28 years later resulted in concrete ac- tion in the raising of the new head- quarters for The Daily, Michiganen- sian and Gargoyle. It was just ten years ago that the first shovelful of dirt was removed to make way, at 420 Maynard Street, for the $180,000 building. Behind the actual-building process, however, lies a long history of stu- dent endeavor, pointed toward the goal of making Michigan student publications what they are, both to the campus and as related to the country as* whole. The first attempt to organize a stu- dent paper on the campus was in 1867, when the Chronicle appeared. This was followed, in 1882, by the Michigan Argonaut, another weekly FLOWERS Spread Holiday Cheer- VARSITY FLOWER SHOP has an assortment of cheery cut blooms, winter violets, and poinsetta plants -moderately priced. Just Call 4422. FLOWERS are the perfect gift for " all women. Add the personal touch1 to your Xmas gift this year with a bouquet or corsage from UNIVER- SITY FLOWER SHOP, INC., 606 E. Liberty. PAJAMA SETS . ..3 pieces in cotton quilted at $5.95, in seersucker at $3.95, and in broadcloth at $2.95. SMARTEST HOSIERY SHOPPE, Mich. Theatre Bldg. OUR FINEST STOCK in years is waiting for your inspection. Gifts for every writing need and original representing a rifal faction; and a battle for recognition ensued. Within the Chronicle staff itself, too, there arose a controversy on rep- resentation. It had been customary to appoint the managing editor and business manager from the fraternity faction one semester and from tpe non-fraternity group the other, but when, in 1889-90, the question came up as to which group would gain the leading positions for the second sem- ester, the independents left the staff and boycotted -the paper. In the spring of 1890 the University of Mich- igan Independent Association was formed, with a weekly paper one of its projects. In the meantime the Chronicle and the Argonaut combined to put out a tni-weekly paper. Forced by com- petition, the U. of M. Independent altered, its policy to present a daily newspaper. Soon the name was changed to the non-partisan U. of M. Daily, and later to The Michigan Daily. Although the paper was run forI profit, any gain disappeared each. year in the form of staff beer parties, till in 1903 the University purchased the paper and established a Board in Control of Student Publications: Under the direction of Prof. Edson R. Sunderland, business manager of the Board, the paper's savings were put into the special fund which in 1923 made possible the purchase of a Hopwood Not 0es Saturday marked the close of lo- cal Mimes Week, when Ray Ing- ham's prize Hopwood story, "Full House," was presented for the fifth and most successful time. Ingham, who copped a major award with this script in last spring's conr- test, proved his versatility by writ- ing the lyrics to most of the songs in the show and by quite capably taking the part of "Doc," a diamond- studded, bowler-hatted, W. C. Fields type of character in the all-male cast. * * c* duplex press and in 1931-32 the build- ing whichnow houses the three pub- lications. Although on April 22, 1932, staff members and guests from among the campus leaders were entertained by Sigma Delta Chi, national honorary journalistic society, at a Gridiron Dance in the new building, it was not until June 27, of the same year that publications we're definitely estab- lished in their new home. Previously their offices had been at 317 May- nard Street, on the second floor of. the Ann Arbor Press Building. Thus, when summer school students received their first Daily on June 27, 1932, it was a product of the new facilities of the paper. For its first summer under the new arrangements, moreover, the paper was run for the first time by professionals, three graduate journalists directing the work to assure a better paper as a positive financial move. Since then' The Daily and its fellow publications have expanded year by year in an effort to represent fully the student body and to feel that the service they have offered has repaid the efforts of their respective pio- neers. k- STom Harmon * Professor Slosson By BERYL SHOENFI ELD Two mike personalities unearthed Nader. r But this is a simple task at Morris Hall will be exposed to you for the man who can give the high- in this column. We'introduce to you lights of world history covering 3,478 the Kings of Brain and Brawn. years in 45 minutes, sans script. * * * * * * Prof. Preston W. Slosson is a re- In contrast is another local mike markable man. celebrity, speech major Tom 'Har- I Each Monday, Wednesday and Fri- mon. The all-American halfback day he arrives at the campus studio, (greatest since Red Grange),- reads removes his inevitable grey fedora his script in a resonant, pleasing with its brim curling up all 'way voice, always to a crowd of admirers. 'round, begins to broadcast an inter- A hat figures in his broadcasting rit- pretation of world news promptly at ual too; he keeps his flexible model 6:15 over WWJ, courtesy of Sam's on the back of his head and through- Cut Rate. out his sport survey twists, rolls, The mike gallery marvels at his folds, and similarly exercises the brilliant history teacher who presents brim. his understandable original version Harmpn, who has been employed of current events over the air extent- by the Ford Motor Company as poraneously. With never a note to sports announcer to supplement guide . him, Slosson broadcasts his Harry Wismer over WJR, must ex- well-outlined critique without repeti- change his comparatively new career tions or unnecessary pauses and fin- for a defense program position as ishes right on the nose, every time. member of the Army Air Corp. He His perfect timing is a constant leaves in one month for training source of delight to technician Frank camp. BRAHMS SYMPHONY NO. 4 KOUSSEVITZKY - BOSTON SYMPHONY Album of Five 12" Records -- $5.25 PR OKOFIEFF LIEUTENANT'KIJE SUITE KOUSSEVITZKY - BOSTON SYMPHONY Album of Three 12" Records - $3.67 BEETHOVEN MOONLIGHT SONATA " PLAYED BY PADEREWSKI Album of Two 12" Records - $2.62 SRilAUSS WALTZES PLAYED BY KOSTELANETZ Album of 't'hree 12" Records - $3.67 _ : itLO f me y c! . Macs in ya It!§ See these etadraa i tfe ent m 1 setlto MIs It'§ a From the best- ...-- NOW! CLAUDETTE SKCYLARKS with two men. ata time! TYPING TYPING: L. M. Heywood, 414 May- nard St., phone 5689. MISS ALLEN-Experienced typist. 408 S. Fifth Ave. Phone 2-2935. 90e VIOLA STEIN-Experienced legal typist, also mimeographing. Notary public Phone 6327. 706 Oakland. MISCELLANEOUS MIMEOGRAPHING -Thesis bind- BETTY GRABLE VICTOR MATURE CAROLE LANDIS LAIRD CREGAR in .1 'mIs s/1 A' Claudette Co I b ert~ WILLIAM GARGA4 dAIAN MOlWBRAY