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December 14, 1941 - Image 6

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1941-12-14

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Prof. Dunham
Will Describe
French Wars
Cerele Francais To Hear
struggle Against Europe
Discussed By Historian
Due to the scheduling of the all-
campus meeting for Tuesday, the
Cercle Francais-sponsored lecture or-
iginally to have been given on that
day has been moved forward to 4:15
p.m. tomorrow in Room D, Alumni
Memorial Hall.
At this time Prof. Arthur L. Dun-
ham of the history department will
speak on "La Conquete de l'Europe
par la France pendant la Revolution
et le Premier :empire."
Tickets for this lecture and for the
other lectures of the annual series
may be purchased for a nominal sum
at the office of the secretary, Room
112 Romance Language Building, or
at the door prior to the lecture.
Professor Dunham's talk will con-
cern itself with the 'reasons for and
theefforts of the 22 year war under-
taken against the rest of Europe,
during the French Revolution. The
ideals which prompted this conflict,
he will prove, still live in spite of the
ultimate failure of the French Con-
quest and the present success of the
Nazi effort.
Professor Dunham is qualified to
discuss the ideas and ideals of the
French people, since he has spent
many years among them, including
more than half of the first World
War. At present he teaches European
economic and French history. He
writes in the field of the economic
history of France in the earlier 19th
=- Buy a Goodfellow Edition-

' .

___(Continued from Page 1)
mas gifts for a family should come
from the parents themselves to the
children, even though originally do-
nated by a relief agency. This, in
their opinion, is a strong factor in
strengthening family morale.
Mrs. Dorothy S. Engel, executive
secretary of the Service, has found
many cases in her experience to sub-
stantiate this view. She tells of one
local family in which the understand-
ing of a Service worker made the dif-
ference between sorrow and suffering
and a happy united family.
A misunderstanding came up-the
kind of ill-feeling of which the germs
can be found in almost any family-
between a little girl and her step-
father. The girl, finally, would stay
away from home for hours after
school-sometimes till 10 o'clock; and
the stepfather, for his part, found the
situation more and more aggravating.
At last it got so that the father-
earning eiough to live on, but no
more-refused to buy clothes for his
stepdaughter. Faced with that sit-
uation, the mother went to the Fam-
ily and Children's Service.-
Adroit handling saved the day for
the strained relations within the fam-
ily. In buying the child clothes, the
money went first to the mother; the
clothes as a result, seemed to the
child to come from her parents, in-
stead of from an outside source.
In this way the child felt that her
parents loved her, just as their fail-
ure to provide for her had seemed to
her an indication that they didn't
want her. Her attitude changed, and
the friction in the= family was over-
-Buy a Goodfellow Edition --
Prof. Roy Swinton
Safe In Philippines
Prof. Roy S. Swinton, on Sabbatical
leave in the Philippine Islands with
his wife and daughter Barbara, 19,
was reported safe yesterday by Cor-
poral Stan Swinton, '44, ex-Daily city
editor, now stationed at Fort Custer.
Swinton was notified through New
York sources that his family, which
had been living near Nichols air field
in Manila, had escaped injury during
the Japanese bombardments.
---Buy a Goodfellow Edition -
Coordinator Predicted
WASHINGTON, Dec. 13-()-The
Army and Navy Register, a service
journal, said in an editorial today
that " it would surprise no one," if
Admiral William D. Leahy, present
ambassador to Vichy, was 'given the
job of coordinating all military and
naval commands in the mid-Pacific.

American Heroes Of War In Far East

Engineering Grad
To A ddress AIEE
George M. -Shut of the ,General
Electric Corporation will speak be-
fore a neeting of the American In-
stitute of Electrical Engineers at 8
p.m. Wednesday in the Union.
Mr. Shut, who will speak on the
subject "Motor Application in Indus-
try" was graduated from the Engi-
neering College in 1823 and has been
with General Electric Corporation
since that time.
A short business meeting will fol-
low Mr. Shut's talk. 'Ensian picture
arrangements will be made and plans
for a joint meeting of the Detroit,
Ann Arbor and East Lansing sections
will be discussed.


Before World War I:
rM' Students Of 1917 Favored,
Compulsory Military Training

LEFT-Lieut. C. A. Keller, U.S. Navy flier, has been cited at Manila
for bombing the Japanese battleship, Kongo. Admiral Thomas C. Hart,
commander-in-chief of the Asiatic fleet, reported that. Keller sighted
the Kongo or a ship of her class off northwest Luzon andl held contact
a long time despite anti-aircraft fire. RIGHT--Capt: Colin P. Kelly,
Jr., was cited as an army flier who helped even the Pearl Harbor score
by planting three bombs on the Japanese battleship Haruna near the
Philippines, leaving her afire and sinking. He also was listed as dead.
'Rerne -mber Pearl Harbr'
New Battle Cry Of U.S. Recalls Other Expressions
Made Famous In Previous American Wars
WASHINGTON, Dec. 13 - (4) - Today, all that iJ changed. Who
"Remember Pearl Harbor!" was first to coin the phrase may never
Bor lat Sndy i Jaans pace Ibe known. It is not known now for
Born last Sunday in Japan's certain who first said, "Remember the
shattering attack on the great Ame M jaine." The Library of Congress says
ican naval base in Hawaii, the phrase it came to life in a New York City
overnight became the battlecry and barroom, shortly after the battleship
the by-word of the nation. Maine was sink in Havana Harbor in
As such, it ranges itself beside such 1s98.lAnunknown manraised hs
othr fmou exresion inAmei-glass high and said it as a., toast.
other famous expressions i Amep- It became the battlecry ,of the Span-
can history as "Taxation without rep -War.
resentation is tyranny," "Damn the A e,,a
torpedoes-full speed ahead," "Don't "Remember the Alamo," was voiced
give up the ship," and those two by General Sam Houston preceding
others dealing with poignant mem- the battle of San Jacinto in 1836
ories: "Remember the Maine," and when Texas gained its independence
"Remember the Alamo." froni Mexico. The Alamo was a for-
mer Franciscan mission where a band
Prir to Dec. 7, 1941, described by of. gallant Texas soldiers died at the
President Roosevelt as "a date which hands of overwhelming Mexican
will live in infamy," Pearl Harbor I forces.
meant relatively little to the average No World War Battlecry
AecnCuriously, the World War seems to
have had for Americans, at least, no
Sentries Kill Man, one battlecry to ring discordantly on
the ears of the foe. The tribute to
Wound Com anion LaFayette, who aided this nation in
. . the Revolution, was paid by Col.
In ChicagoMishap C. E. Stanton before the Frenchman's
CHICAGO, Dec. 13-(IP)-Sentries "Make the world safe for Demo-
shot and killed one man and wounded ecracy" has been credited both to H. G.
his companion near the Chicago Wells, the English author, and to
sPresident Woodrow Wilson. History
aval Reserve Armory early todayshows President Wilson told the
when the two failed to respond to wseident1 Wilson old the
warning shots and shouted commands mode in 191 "eorlmy."
to halt their outboard motorboat. made safe for Democracy.
Harry Dudley, 65, of Chicago, died e"camn the torm doesmful vpeid
wn BrideH spn-inlalwfro toa Gh Farragut in the Battle of Mobile in
ling, 49, of Chicago, was wounded in184
Lhe arm.""Don't Give Up The Ship"
Armory Commander W. F. Veatch "Don't give up the ship" was an
said the men were shot when they order from Capt. James Lawrence in
veered their boat close to a Coast the War of 1812. "Keep the guns go-
Guard cutter. Subsequent investiga- ing," he said. "Fight her until she
tion appeared to have borne out strikes or sinks. Don't give up thie
Gehrling's explanation that they were ship."
on a duck hunting trip. The famous Revolutionary War
--- Buy a Goodfellow Edition -- taxation slogan came prior to the na-
tion's fight for independence. It is
Miners To Confer iattributed to Patrick Henry.
WASHINGTqN, Dec. 13-(1P)-Sid- 1 Countless others were originated
aey Hillman, O>M associate director, during the wars in which the nation
said today #a Government-Manage- took part, some famous only as local
ment-Labor conference would be held sayings, while others spread over the
here next Thursday to plan continu- country for varying periods of time.
>us operatidn of the entire copper, The latest, however, looks good for
mnining and smelting industry during the duration.
the war. 1 "Remember Pearl Harbor!"

(Editor's Note: This is the first of
a series of articles dealing with stu-
dent rcacticns before and during the
last war. The material used has been
obtained from The Michigan Daily
files of 1917.)
War in April of 1917 was not a
sudden affair that caught America
by surprise, but rather the result of
a series of incidents and charges
and counter-charges.
The actual declaration was ex-
pected several days before the Presi-
dent asked the Senate for the pass-
ing of the war resolution, and the
University was already considering
measures to be taken.
March 25, 1917. The students of'
the Universty held a mass meeting
to express their sentiments on com-
pulsory military training. With
President Hutchins in charge of the
affair, the student body discussed a
Congressional proposal to supply all
military equipment free of charge.
March 27.,The University was de-
clared placed in a position to aid
the country for the war effort. Stu-
dents were to be organized into ROTC
units under the supervision and con-
trol of the War Department.
Here is the War Department's
statement: "Eligibility requires all
applicants to be able-bodied men,
citizens of the United States and not
under 14 years of age."
The object of the War Depart-
ment's plan was to train men with
as little interference with civilian
life as possible by giving them drill
in addition to their regular, school
March 29. The students voted on
two propositions:.
1) Do you favor military training
as provided by general] War Depart-
ment order No. 49 . . . to be put into
effect as soon as possible with the
Regents making training compulsory
for all freshmen and sophomore stu-
dents in the lit and engineering
Toothless McElveen Is
Keen To Be A Marine
BIRMINGHAM, Ala., Dec. 13-(P)
-James McElveen, 18, who has never
grown a tooth, asked President Roose-
velt today for help in joining the
A Postal Telegraph messenger, Mc-
Elveen wired:
"I would like very 'much to join the
U. S. Marines, but have never grown
any teeth. I am in good condition
in every other way, but they will not
let me in. I can eat as good as any-
body with a good set of teeth. Please
wire back collect if you can help me."

schools, with optional training for all
other schools and upperclassmen?
2) Would you be willing to en-#
dorse compulsory military training
at once for all students, if the Re-
gents deem it advisable?
All ballots were signed, but after
the count was taken they were de-
stroyed so that no, commitment was
There was even agitation that wo-
men be allowed to vote, but the plot
did not go far.
March 30. Results of the voting
showed that a great majority of the
students favored both propositions,
4,336 voting.
Later that day 2,500 students par-
aded down State Street and down-
town carrying a banner reading,
"Michigan for America." They had
a band to 'support them. The par-
ade was "organized by some students
in the medical schol, which depart-
ment also furnished the band."
The editorial page published let-
ters the same day from, irate coeds
who wanted military training too.

Angell Praises
Endorses Role Of Family
In Christmas Giving
The Christmas Bureau, Ann Arbor's
new clearing house for Yuletide char-
ity, was warmly commended in an
interview yesterday by Prof. Robert
Angell, of the sociology department.
Commenting upon the Bureau's
effort to promote family solidarity
by enabling parents to perform their
normal role at Christmas-that of
giver-Professor Angell said: The
Christmas Bureau combines in a
rather original way the reach and
efficiency of large-scale organization
with the sentiment and affection of
our traditional family life. As such
it seems to me it is a most ingenious
and worth while effort."
In further praising the Bureau's
activities Professor Angell said that
the charity administered through it
would have more lasting value be-
cause the Bureau is informed of the
real needs of families.
That both the University and the
community are also aware of the
value",of the Christmas Bureau is
evidenced by the extensive coopera-
tion it has received.

?4 loProIr
J,9 Solved..
Flere are just the gifts to please
a lucky receiver .. . fine hosiery;
tailored or lacy satin slips,
gowns, or panties; unusually
smart and comfortable robes,
nightgowns, and pajamas.
an CKEtrentACD

Gregg or Machine Shorthand
0 For Secretarial Positions in Ann Arbor.
For Congenial Defense Work in Army, Navy or Civil Service.
27th Year William at State
ti j/



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fect way to put new light
into your dark Winter
wardrobe . .. soft shades
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look wonderful under a
fur coat when you are
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vacation. Shetland and
covert cloth.



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Women want wardrobes cf robes, these days, which
gives you a fine clue to a perfect gift - glamorous
hostess gowns, lounge robes for fireside loafing, early-
morning-breakfast ,robes, and warm robes of-all-use
with a flair of style. We offer every version from-
$5.95 to $14.95. Sizes 12-44.



Trick withbeltline chains-beads
and pearls. Wear them single or
tripled. High Fashion Hansen
gloves of Iansi7ede from $1.00, of
leather to r5 00.
Sweaters of all kinds and colors
. . . from $2.00.
Also hosiery, belts, long sox, eve-
ning blouses and many otter
Wearables she's sure to appre-
New Joan Keniley

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Other necklaces, pins, bracelets,
compacts, cigarette cases..

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A lovely Christmas gift box with the
lingering fragrance of Blue Grass, one
of the world's great fragrances, in
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powder and hand soap. 5.25

CLEVERhBAGS, suede calf,
broadcloth .. from $3.00.




sheer blouses

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