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December 14, 1941 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1941-12-14

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I1 I

Edited and managed by students of the Univrrsity of
Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control
of Student Publications.
Published every morning except Monday during the
University year and Summer Session.
Member of the Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the
use for republication of all news dispatches credited to
it or not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All
rights of republication of all opber matters herein also
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
second class mail matter.
Subscriptions during the regular school year by
carrie' $4.00, by mail $5.00.
National Advertising Service, Inc.
College Publishers Representative
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1941-42
Editorial Stasff



Managing Editor
. . . . Editorial Director
City Editor

Jay McCormick
Hal Wilson
Arthur Hill
Janet HMt
Grace Miller .
Virginia Mitchell

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. Assistant Sports
* . .Women's
. Assistant Women's
. . . Exchange



Business Staff
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The editorials published in The Michigan
Daily are written by members of The Daily
staff and represent the views of the writers
Trust Americans
o Take It. .
W HAT IS TO BE the American policy
concerning publication of full details
of every military reverse suffered by this na-
tion' armed forces in World War II?
t Are we to be trusted to take the bad, and1
the good, the bad with resilient strength, the
good with moderate calm?
Are we to be trusted to stand the shock of
tremendous losses like those of Dunkirk and
Are we to be given enough military detail
° to be. able to judge accurately the efficiency
our army and navy chiefs?
Are we in summation to be treated as in-
, telligent, responsible citizens of a democracy?
Congressional clamor, OPM rumors, journal-
istic whisperings and the unequivocal statements
of men whose honesty is beyond question add
up. Vincent Sheehan has definitely committed
himself. Secretary Knox's flight to Honolulu
must have a real purpose. Some newsmen pass
the information as confidential, but there can
be no question as to its authenticity.
We suffered naval losses at Pearl Harbor
whih dwarf our ridiculously small wishful
estimates. We suffered such a staggering
blow in the Pacific that a major portion of
our Hawaiian fleet is an almost useless, bat-
tered remnant of its former strong, reliant
The partial concealment of this tremendous
blow is a tragic error. Should this attitude to-
ward informing the public-the attitude evi-
dently supported by President Roosevelt-
continue, the results will be disastrous.
Things shpuld not be thus. They cannot be
We must know and know immediately what
has happened. We must be kept from the smug,
over-confident complacency already all too ap-
parent in the Midwest. We must know definitely
what handicaps we have to overcome, what jobs
are most important ad how important they
are. Only thus can we achieve the greatest pos-
sible result, only thus can we realize the Ameri-
can people's finest potentialities.
T IS FINE to be told of Colin Kelly and all the
other heroes, of the 'magnificent' stand of
the Marines at Wake and Midway Islands. It is
pleasant to hear of successful resistance in the
Philippines, of Japanese setbacks all over the
Far East, but it is disheartening to hear nothing
adverse, to realize that we know only the kind
of things that any Nazi state permits its citizens
to know.
In order to fight as a united people pitched to
the highest intensity- of purpose we must-as the
British do-understand exactly what our mili-
tary status is.
This is no comic opera war. This is a bitter
x war to the finish and the odds are grimly
Only an informed America can change
those odds in its favor.
- Hale Champion
Persimmons Time...
When winter skies are gray above the Deep
South's gardens there's a light as of many
Chinese lanterns over the land. It is the per-

"LIKE as a father pitieth his children, so the
Lord pitieth them that fear Him. For He
knoweth our frame; He remembereth that we
are dust." (Psalm 103).
Here are joined two significant strains of
Christian truth. Here is pessimism; in the words
of Calhoun: "Good intentions are not enough.
Nor is hard work, nor will power, nor even intel-
ligence and moral devotion enough." Current
history is driving home this theory with hammer
blows of fact. As our own ships get bombed by
the engines and steel and scrap which some of
us sold to a potential enemy only yesterday, we
can see that man, the violator of every sacred
contract, must be made over.
Here, too, is optimism. The Lord is like a
father. Christianity seeks to exemplify God, the
personified Universe. He is concerned about
man, His child, a creature. The inexplicable Soul
of all reality actually 4s interested in me, insig-.
nificant as I am. Here is hope. God is intimately
allied with and bound in the welfare of every
human soul who has faith in Him.
Man is always linked with God. Each transac-
tion is His, not mine alone. To many this is
presumptuous. The only God some persons
can perceive is an austere physical uni-
verse or impersonal law. The idea of an associa-
tion between a free person and a sequence of
blind forces, they say, is pure fiction. Correct.
But the man who can grasp the Christian con-
cept that God is the abiding goal, a configuration
of all of man's ideals, unlike the mechanist, has
an adequate associate. In this alliance, this fel-
lowship with God, this affinity for the All-Good,
growth of worth is feasible. Man is lifted in dig-
nity and made participant in that which is noble
and holy.s
A bond of fellowship or league of believers, is
made available. Just as the sociologist points to
the security which comes from being accepted
and tells of a desire, which when satisfied, gives
stability; just as the psychologist points out that
the ego can acquire persistent force only where
it has a function beyond itself and at the same
time is brought into subjection by balanced in-
hibitions, so Christianity sets down the plat-
form that the individual is made free by faith
to operate within the requirements of a believing
group. It is in the"group that my freedom comes
to significance.
THE COLD NECESSITY by which a. few na-
tional leaders can commit their nations to a
course of action which promises to engulf two,
three or four other nations and the effrontery,
as we see it, of representatives ofaone nation
repudiating, by armed attack, the calm confer-
ence of envoys, raises the question whether men
should ever be entrusted with such power as has
been delegated. "He remembereth that we are
dust." True of the Japanese leaders, you say.
Yes, perhaps. But also true of us and, of our
leaders. It is only as persons subject to the will
of God, penitents, that we can be relied on or can
actually trust in or believe in ourselves.
Here, then, is where we are driven to a re-
reading of the sacred scripture, particularly the
later prophets and the Gospels, where Jesus is
living out His sublime thesis of the triumph of
good over evil. Every American who would spir-
itually and ethically, as well as politically, "en-
list for the duration," owes it to himself to begin
at an altar, seek forgiveness for having helped
to move mankind toward universal war and pay
for grace by which he may comprehend the will
of God.
- Edward W. Blakeman,
Counselor in Religious Education
King Goodman Again;
Hildegarde Wows 'Em
BENNY GOODMAN is now recording for OKeh
records, a fact which should cheer thrifty
lovers of good jazz. His release this week features

the sextet playing his old standby, Limehouse
Blues, and en verso (that's French) If I Had
You. This is the old Benny, even if it isn't the
old sextet. But it's every bit as good and it's
fine and it's hot. Both sides are excellent-,but
then, that's King Benny.
Then there's Glenn Miller's usual Bluebirdisc
this week-two Ray Eberle vocal jobs-and both
romantical-like. The B side, This Is No Laughing
Matter, is the smoother of the two, which in-
clude Humpty Dumpty Heart.
There's a little gal named Hildegarde who's
wowin' 'em at the Savoy-Plaza in New York.
This gal's got a real personality, and so Decca
has promptly put it down in a new set of rec-
ords. Three records. Sample titles-You Irritate
Me So, I Hate You Darling. Incidentally, they're
all Cole Porter songs, from the show, "Let's Face
It." Sample lyric: "You're the fly in my oint-
ment, You're, the frog in my throat, You're the
knock in my engine, You're the leak in my boat."
Good sophisticated stuff.
PLATTER: The new Artie Shaw job, Solid
Sam, is a knockout, reminiscent of his older
swing jobs. On the other side, his new wren,
Paul Kelly, pleads, Make Love To Me (Victor).
'. I may have fallen behind, but Kay Kyser seems
to have discarded singing song titles. At least he
does in his latest coupling, The Nadocky (Colum-
bia), which is all right if you like nadockies. On
other side is The White Cliffs of Dover, which
Tommy Tucker has also recorded for OKeh.
Both records are well performed, though gushy.
The B side of the Tucker disc is The train Song,
a silly, but attractive, little nothing with an ap-
pealing melody.
Assorted Comment: Helen Forrest, formerly
of Artie Shaw and Benny Goodman, is now on

C e
Drew Pecrsot
RobertS Allen"
WASHINGTON-One week ago today those
who attended St. Agnes's Episcopal Church in
Washington were stirred by a sight they will not
soon forget.
St. Agnes's is High Episcopalian, and is lo-
cated in a Negro section of the Capital. Few
members of the congregation still live in the
And on last Sunday most of those at the serv-
ice were children, for it was at 9:30 a.m.
Leaning forward in one pew was a tall, gaunt
form, which only a few people recognized as
Viscount Halifax, the British Ambassador.
His Lordship followed the service very care-
fully. And when Father DuBois reached that
part in the service where he prayed "for guid-
ance for all Christian rulers,' Viscount Halifax
was visibly and deeply moved.
A few hours later he was to learn how much his
prayers were needed. For already that morning
the Japanese war lords had launched their mis-
sion of death upon Honolulu.
Japanese Newsmen
When war boke, Japanese newsmen in Wash-
ington were rounded up by the President's per-
sonal bodyguard, Tom Qualters. Purpose was
not to detain the correspondents, but to lift
their credentials and deny them further access
to news sources.
Qualters went first to the office of Domei, of-
ficial Japanese news agency, in the National
Press Building. He was looking for Masuo Kato
and Clarke Kawakami, but neither was there.
Later, Kato was found in his apartment, and
Kawakami was tracked dowh at the Union Sta-
tion, about to board a train for New York.
What Qualters wanted most from these two,
plus two other Japanese correspondents, was
the card of the White House Correspondents
Association, which is an open sesame almost any-
Note-The case of Kawakami is exceptional;
though a Japanese correspondent, he is an Amer-
ican citizen, son of a Japanese father and an
American mother, and a graduate with honors
from Harvard. When1 newsmen covering the
State Department tried their hand at a Foreign
Service exam recently, Kawakami did better
than all American correspondents except Law-
rence Todd, representative of Russia's Tass
Vanishing Dollars
Assuming that on Aughst 1, 1940, your dollar
was worth 100 cents, today that same dollar, in
purchasing power, is worth only 881/2 cents.
This is not an imaginary or scare statement.
It is a plain declaration of fact about an ominous
problem that vitally affects the welfare of every
man, woman and child in the country, although
few are aware of it or how serious it is.
On August 1, 1941, the cost of living was 5%
percent higher than on the same date the year
previous. Since last August 1 the cost of living
has jumped another 6 percent, making an in-
crease of 11%/ percent over what it was August
1, 1940. That is, in four and a half months, the
increase in your living costs has more than
doubled. Thus your pay has been cut 6 percent
since last August 1. And that isn't all.
Price Administrator Leon Henderson estimates
that at the rate present uncontrolled economic
factors are snowballing, the cost of living shortly
will begin pyramiding at' the eye-popping pace
of 1%/2 percent a month. That is, you will be tak-
ing a pay cut every month of 1%i2 percent.
That is, you will unless something is done
about it.
Henderson has been frantically trying to get
something done about it since August, when
the President sent his message urgently asking
Congress for price control legislation. Thanks to
a log-rolling combine of Congressional farm and

labor interests his results so far are zero. In fact,
they are worse than nothing.
After stalling for four months, during which
the cost of living took a 6 percent gouge out of
your pocketbook, the log-rolling coalition passed
a measure in the House that in effect legalizes
dollar-rifling boosts in living costs. Instead of
controlling prices, this bill would force price in-
creases and encourage a veritable Pandora's box
of economic and social evils-strikes and other
labor disturbances over wage demands, profit-
eering, inflation and screwball political panaceas.
Up To The Senate
The sordid House bill is now before the Senate
Banking Committee, one of the ablest commit-
tees in Congress.
In the absence of Senator Bob Wagner of New
York, Senator Carter Glass of Virginia, father
of the Federal Reserve system, is acting chair-
man. If anyone on Capitol Hill is a foe of infla-'
tion it is Glass.
But Glass and his committee are not the Sen-
ate. The same log-rolling elements that massa-
cred the Henderson bill in the House also are
present in potent numbers in the Senate. And
if they can help it, little, if anything, will be
done to restore the measure to its original effec-
tive form.
Meanwhile it will be weeks before the legisla-
tion will reach the Senate floor. With a long
holiday recess in the offing, the measure couldn't
be taken up even if the Banking Committee re-
ported it out quickly. That means that it may be
February before a price-fixing bill finally is en-
Meanwhile, as Congress "fiddles," the cost of
living continues to skyrocket and the buying
power of your dollar, whether wage earner, busi-

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By Lichty

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(Continued from Page 2)
to register at the Office of the Dean
of Women. There are many oppor-
tunities for employment in private
Byrl F. Bacher,
Assistant Dean of Women
Academic Notices
Bacteriological S'eminar will meet
Monday, Dec. 15, at 8:00 p.m. in 1564
East Medical Building. Subject,
"Tuberculin." All interested are cor-
dially invited.
Biological Chemistry Semnar will
be held in Room 319, West Medical
Building on Tuesday, December 16,
at 7:30 p.m. "Selenium - Biological
Occurence, Distribution and Excre-
tion" will be discussed. All interested
are invited.
Zoology 31 (Organic Evolution):
All members of the class should re-
turn their recent examination papers
at once to the boxes near Room 2091
N.S. for an important change in
To Students Enrolled for Series of
Lectures on Naval Subjects: Lieuten-
ant John E. Fitzgibon, Lieutenant
U.S. Navy, Assistant Professor of
Naval Science and Tactics, Univer-
sity of Michigan, will deliver a lec-
ture on "The Naval Reserve" at 7:15
p.m. on Tuesday, December 16, in
Room 348 West Engineering Build-
Messiah Concert: The University
Musical Society will present Handel's
"Messiah" this afternoon at 4:15
o'clock in Hill Auditorium. The Uni-
versity Choral Union, the University
Symphony Orchestra, Palmer Chris-
tian, organist, Marie Wilkins, so-
prano, Edwina Eustis, contralto, Er-
nest McChesney, tenor, and Doug-
las Beattie, bass, will all participate
under the baton of Maestro Thor
Tickets will \be on sale at the box
office in Hill Auditorium after 2:30
o'clock today.
Charles A. Sink, President
Exhibition, College of Architecture
and Design: Collection of pottery,
the work of Mary Chase Stratton of
the Pewabic Pottery, given to the
University by Dr. Walter R. Parker,
is being shown in the ,ground dloor
cases of the Architecture Building.
Open daily, 9:00-5:00 p.m., through
Dec. 19. The public is invited.
University Lecture: Professor G. E.
Moore, Cambridge University, Eng-
land, will lecture on the subject,
"Certainty," under the auspices of
the Department of Philosophy, on
Thursday, December 18, at 4:15 p.m.
in the Rackham Amphitheater. The
public is cordially invited.
American Chemical Society Lec-
ture: Dr. M. N. Mickelon of the De-
partment of Bacteriology will speak
on "Carbohydrate Decomposition by
Microorganisms" at 4:15 p.m. on
Wednesday, December 17, in Room
303 Chemistry Building. The annual
business meeting will follow the lec-
French Lecture: Professor Arthur
L. Dunham, of the Department of
History, will give the third of the
~'Preneh Lectuirgs spn1srd by th

guages (Room 112, Romance Lan-
guage Building) or at the door at the
time of the lecture for a small sum.
Holders of these tickets are entitled
to admission to all lectures, a small
additional charge being made for the
annual play. These lectures are open
to the general public.
Events Today
The All-Campus Carol Sing will
be held at the steps to the Main
Library tonight at 9:00. Professor
David Mattern will lead the general
singing, and special selections will be
rendered by the University Glee Clubs
and a mixed chorus. The Carol
Sing is sponsored by the Student
Religious Association. All students
and faculty are invited to take part.
Pi Lambda Theta and Phi Delta
Kappa are sponsoring a tea honor-
ing the faculty of the School of
I Education this afternoon at the
I Michigan League, 5:30 to 7:30. All
members of these organizations are
cordiagly invited.
Phi Eta Sigma initiation today at
5:30 p.m. at the Union. Dinner will
be served-at 6:30 p.m.
The Slavic Society will meet at
3:00 tonight in room 305 of the Mich-
igan Union. The evening will be de-
voted to Slavic Folk dancing during
which instructions will be given. All
those interested, both members and
non-members, are invited.
Polonia Society Sunday night sup-
per will be held at 6:00 p.m. in the
Russian room of the League.
Graduate Outing Club will meet
today at 2:30 p.m., west rear door.
Rackham School. Program depends
upon the weather.
Congregational Student Fellow-
ship: A party for underprivileged
children will be held tonight at 7:30.
by the Congregational Student Fel-
lowship. Each boy is asked to bring
a twenty-five cent gift for a male
youngster; the party will be held in
the church parlors.
Wesley Foundation: The Graduate
Group will meet for discussion at
6:00 p.m. today. Dr. Blakeman will
lead with the subject "Religious
Equipment for Graduate Study." This
group will join with the undergradu-
ates for Tea at 7:00 and for the pro-
gram at 7:30 p.m.
Coming Events
Botanical Journal Club will meet
on Tuesday, December 18, at 7:30
p.m. in Room 1139,N.S. Reports by:
Frances E. Wayne, "The Apocynac-
eous Flora of the Yucatan Peninsula;"
Beth Woolsey, "Studies on the blos-
soming season;" Alma Hunt, "Edible
Wild Plants;" Robert Lowry, "The
development of the peristome of Au-
lacomnium heterostichum."
The Research Club will, meet in
the Rackham Amphitheatre on Wed-
nesday, Dec. 17, at 8:00 p.m. The
papers to be read are: "Blood Clot-
ting Experiments, Old and New"
(with demonstrations) by Professor
John H. Ferguson, and "The Prob-
lem of Inflation" by Professor Arthur
German Table for Faculty Mem-
bers will meet Monday at 12:10 p.m.
in the Founders' Room Michigan
Union. Members of all departments
are cordially invited. There will be
a brief talk on "Die wirtschaftiche
Bedeutung von Niederlandisch-In-

rarrr nrwrwrwwr rw..+n arr rwrw

"Junior's not really a total loss, Otis! After all, he's been worth
a $400.00 exemption on your income tax for 17 years!"

Wednesday, December 17, at 7:45
p.m. in the East Conference Room
of the Rackham Building, Mr. W.
H-. Auden will speak on "lellenic and
Hellenistic Scholarship." Graduate
students in English and other inter-
ested persons are welcome.
Alpha Omega Alpha, honorary
medical society. will hold its fall ini-
tiation on Tuesday, December 16, in
the Michigan Union at 5:45 p.m. Dr.
Harry Goldblatt, Professor of Experi-
mental Pathology of Western Reserve
University, will be made an honorary
member and will deliver the address
at 8:00 p.m. in the Lecture Hall of
the Rackham Building. His sub-
ject is "Experimental Observations
on the Pathogenesis and Treatment
of Hypertension." The lecture is open
to the public.
Third session of the House of Rep-
resentatives will be held on Wednes-
day December 17, at 3:15 p.m. in
I 2203 A.H. All members please be pres-
ent to approve final draft of Consti-
tution. Have some bills ready to lay
on clerk's table so they may be re-
ferred to a committee.
Constitutional Committee meeting
of the House of Representatives, new
political science organization, will
meet in the Union at 8:00 p.m. on
Monday, December 15. All members
concerned meet at the mai'n desk.
Women students: Extra-curricular
leadership recreational group will
meet in the Dance Studio of Barbour
Gymnasium at 4:15 p.m. on Monday,
December 15. All women are welcome.
Bring gymnasium shoes.
Wesley Foundation: Bible Class on
Monday at 7:30 p.m. in Room- 214
with Dr. 'Brashares. The subject for
discussion in the series "Developing
Religious Ideas" will be "Guidance."
Faculty Alumni Dance: Second in
series to be held Tuesday December
16, at the Michigan Union from 9:00
to 12:00 p.m.
Faculty Women's Club: The Mon-
Jay Evening Drama Group will meet
:n Monday. December 15, at 7:45
p.m., at the Michigan League.
Health Rechecks are required for
every girl interested in wiorkirg on
any committee of JGP. Please make
appointments as soon as possible at
Health Service.
First Baptist Church: 10:15 a.n.
Graduate Class taught by Professor
Chas. Brassfield in the church. Un-
dergraduate Class, taught by Rev. C.
H. Loucks in the Guild House,
11 a.m. Sermofi, "Where is He?"
6:30 p.m. Roger Williams Guild.
"Christmas in Song and Story."
9:00 p.m. The Guild will attend
the Carol Sing in a group.
First Methodist Church and Wes-
ley Foundation: Student Class at
9:30 a.m. with Prof. Kenneth Hance.
Morning Worship at 10:40 o'clock.
Dr. Charles W. Brashares will preach
on "His Gift to Me." Wesleyan Guild
meeting in charge of the Kappa Phi
group. Tea and fellowship at 6:30
p.m. Program 'of Christmas pictures
and music beginning at 7:30 p.m.
Zion Lutheran Church: The church
worship service will be held at 10:30
Sunday with sermon by Mr. Clem-
ent Shoemaker on "Jesus Judges The
Deeds of All."
Trinity Lutheran Church: The
service of worship will be at 10:30
on Sunday with Rev. Henry 0. Yoder
using as his theme, "'The Greatest
Trust Ever Given to Man."
First Church of Christ, Scientist:
Sunday morning service at 10:30.

Subject: "God, the Preserver of
Sunday School at 11:45 a.m.
St. Andrew's Episcopal Church:
Sunday:. 8:00 a.m. Holy Commun-
ion; 10:00 a.m. High ,School Class;
11:00 a.m. Kindergarten, Harris Hall;
11:00 a.m. Junior Church; 11:00 a.m.
Litany, Ante-Communion and Ser-
mon by the Rev. Frederick W. Leech;
4:00-6:00 p.m. High Square Club
Meeting, Harris Hall; 6:00 p.m. Chor-
al Evensong and Address by the Rev.
John G. Dahl; 6:45 p.m. Christmas
Party for Episcopal University'Stu-
dents at Little Whitewood Lake.
Leaving Harris Hall at 6:45 p.m.
(after "The Messiah"). Supper, car-
ols, games, compline. Bring 10c gift
toy to exchange and later give to Toy
Library. 'IR ansportation provided.
Reservations requested-call 8613.
First Presbyterian Church: Morn-
ing Worship, 10:45, "The Divine:Ex-
periment" subject of the sermon by
Dr. W. P. Lemon.
Westminster Student Guild: Sup-
per at 6:00 p.m. The Dramatics
Committee will present "The Dust
of the Road." This will be the last
meeting before Christmas. All are
cordially invited.
The Church of Christ will meet for
Scripture study Sunday at 10:00 a.m.
in the Y.M.C.A. At 11:00 a.m. Gar-
vin M. Toms will preach on the theme
"I Am Debtor." The evening serv-
ice is to be held at 7:30 p.m., at which
time the sermon topic will be: "Not
Far From the Kingdom of God."
Midweek Bible study will be held at


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