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December 14, 1941 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1941-12-14

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Partly cijd~yg snow.


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Trust Amnerican
T.o Take .Itl



I '


Take Guam, Navy Indicates

At . t -A

* *

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A * *

Litvinoff Declares Russia Will Support U.S. FightAgain

s Axis

Soviet Agent'
Calls Japan
Mutual Foe
Ambassador Says Nothing
_Of Military Operations
rn Far East War Area
Makes No Answer
About Air Bases
WASHINGTON, Dec. 13-(IP)-Rus-
sia virtually took a stand with the
United States in the war with Japan
today when Maxim Litvinoff, Soviet
ambassador, declared Nippon was "a
common enemy" belonging to "the
same bunch of Axis gangsters."
But, in a formal statement on Rus-
sia's position and in answer to ques-
tions at a press conference, the am-
bassador carefully avoided making
at this time any commitments con-
cerning actual Soviet military opera-
tions in the Far East*
Asked About Air Bases
And, when asked whether Russia
would permit allied forces to fight on
Russian territory, or permit the Uni-
ted States to use air bases in Siberia
for attacks against Japan, he replied:
That the Soviet Union "would wel-
come help on any front in the com-
mon cause."
That he could make no answer in
public concerning the question about
the air bases.
Litvinoff received the correspond-
ents at the Soviet Embassy and, seat-
ed at a small desk with a golden bust
of Lenin behind him, first read them
a prepared statment.
"Complete understanding exists, or
will be arrived at," he said, "in de-
cisions concerning the sectors in
which the great powers concentrate
their strength, with the decisions to
be made solely in the interests of
the common cause."
Declaration Interpreted
That declaration was interpreted
generally as meaning that Russia felt
her greatest contribution to the de-
feat of the Axis could be made by
maintaining an offensive on the East-
ern front, with the possibility of war
with Japan in the Pacific depending
on eventualities.,
"We are all in the same boat," the
ambasador asserted, "and must crash
or triumph together over the greatest
rpenace of our times-and we will
He went on to say the.Soviet Union
was "Proud and happy to count our-
self as the ally of your great country."
Then, painting a word picture of
Adolf Hitler as the great enemy of
mankind, he emphasized that Hitler
and Nazi Germany were the powers
that must be destroyed.
'Will Seal Hitler's Fate'
"Hitler's defeat on the Eastern
front," Litvinoff promised, "will seal
his fate forever. He is the chief cul-
prit of the present wars and the de-
struction of Hitler will mean the end
of them all."
Declaring that Russia, after suffer-
ing initial defeats, had struck back
powerfully and was already taking the
offensive agAnst German forces, the
ambassador said that "we have no in-
tention of allowing Hitler to hiber-
"The Soviet," he said, "will smash
at Hitler until his monstrous war ma-
chine has been destroyed. We feel no
one can do this for us or without us
and we will fight to the end."
Asked specifically the attitude of
Russia toward Japan, the ambassador
quickly characterized Japan as "the
tomon enemy" belonging t "the same
bunch of Axis gangsters.'


Excuse Please,
I AmChinuese
University Chinese Students will
soon follow other Chinese stu-
dents all over the nation in wear-
ing identification buttons "to dis-
tinguish themselves as Chinese."
Announcement of this plan was
made yesterday by the Chinese
Students' Club. Commenting on
the plan, Prof. J. Raleigh Nelson,
counselor to foreign students and
director of the International Cen-
ter, said,:
"I think the plan is a good one.
The Chinese students recognize, of
course, that the Japanese on the
campus are Hawaiian or American
born and therefore American citi-
zens. They are anxious to have
everybody understand that in us-
ing these buttons, which the Chi-
nesegthroughout this country are
using, they do not wish to dis-
credit those who are truly loyal
to the United States."
Mass Meeting,
To State Role
Of U' Students.
Governor, Ruthven To Be
Speakers; Elimination
Of Confusion Is Aim
In the hope that every student
on the campus who possibly can will
attend the gigantic war-time assem-
bly at 3:30 p.m: Tuesday in Hill
Auditorium, University officials have
announced' that everyone will be ex-
cused from their 3 o'clock classes on
that day.
The program, featuring talks by
Gov. Murray D. Van Wagoner,
President Alexander Ruthven, other
University officials and Army and
Navy officers, is designed to allevi-
ate much of the confusion which has
run rampant through the student
body since our entrance into war.
The speakers will attempt to clari-
fy the duties, responsibilities and
status of students throughout the'
present emergency.
Realizing that the so-called "weak-
ar sex" must also play an important.
part in the war effort, DeaL, Alice
Lloyd will offer her "Challenge to
the College Woman" in an important
talk to the assembly. 0
Lieut.-Col. Francis Brannan, Com-
mnander of the University ROTC unit,
and Capt. byal Davidson, who oc-
cupies a similar position in the
NROTC, are also to appear on the
.program and will tell the students
what the Army and Navy would like
them to do at this time.

House Asked
For Revision
Of Draft Act
Secretary Of War Stimson
Tells Committee Speedy
Action O'n Bill Is Urgent
Move Will Prepare
For Any ventuality
War Department urged Congress to-
day to make swift "all-out" prepara-
tion for any eventuality by requiring
all men, 18 to 64, inclusive, to register
and by making those from 19 to 44,
inclusive, liable for military duty.j
Secretary of War Stimson told the
House Military Committee in a letter
that extension of the present Selec-
tive Service system to youths and old-
er men should be approved with "rea-
sonable promptness" so that a frame-
work could be erected which "will.
accomplish victory."
Brigadier-General Lewis B. Her-
shey, Selective Service Director, told
the committee during a long discus-
sion of the expanded program that
"we are presenting this bill as an all-
out measure."
Hershey Estimates Total
Hershey estimated that, including
the 17,500,000 men from 21 to 35, in-
clusive, who already have registered,
the overall registration total would
reach about , 41,000,000. Of these, it
was believed some 7,500,000 might be
found available for combat duty, al-
though it was made plain there was
no intention to call anything like
that number t% the colors immedi-
Elsewhere on Capitol Hill, a Senate-
House conference committee worked
with war-time speed on a $10,000,-
000,0o military appropriations bill,
and adjusted all differences between
the two chambers, which previously
had passed the measure in differing
Senate Increases Ratified
Conferees said they ratified most
of the $2,000,000,000 increases made
by the Senate. These included $500,-
000,000 for navy fighting planes.
Other portions of the bill contain
money to equip an army of 2,000,000
men fully, and to purchase certain
"critical supplies" for any army of
Congressional leaders went ahead
with plans to draft a gigantic new
tax bill, possibly raising $6,500,000,000
annually for theawar effort.uIn this
connection, Chairman Doughton
(Dem.-N.C.) of the House Ways and
Means Committee said non-defense
spending must be cut to the bone be-
(See DRAFT Page 7)

Luzon, Scene Of Vital

Far East Battle










OLONGAPO...."" i
LiS P1 g
: . ...........

'Wiped Out On Luzon,
Communique States Tha Midway, Wake
Islands Continue To Resist Enemy
(By The Associated Press)
WASHINGTON, Dec. 13.-The United States probably has lost Guam
Island, the Navy announced tonight, but an eye-witness reported that Fili-
pino soldiers had wiped out hundreds of parachutists who invaded the
mountainous region of Luzon Island last Thursday.
The Navy also announced that a fishing vessel of American registry,
carrying 10,000 gallons of Diesel oil had been turned back by naval airmen
in the Gulf of Nicoya off the west coast of Costa Rica and that there were
seven Japanese in the crew.
Significance of the discovery, especially the" fact that the boat was carry-
ing a huge amount of oil, which might have been used in submarine opera-
L tions, was not explained by the Navy
B fTLET IYATThe probable loss of Guam came as
no surprise. The island, 1,600 miles
southeast of Tokyo, has been reported
captured by the Japanese, and the
TOKYO, Sunday, Dec. 14.-(Of- President said earlier in the week that
ficial radio received by AP)-The Americans should be prepared for its
Navy section of the Japanese Im- fall.
The terse communique about the
peral Headquarters announced to- fate of the island, which Congress
I day that a Japanese destroyer sank had repeatedly refused to fortify
an American submarine off the heavily on the ground that it might
Philippine Islands yesterday. stir Japan up to make war, said:
* * 4: "The Navy Department announced
WASHINGTON, Dec. 13.-(I)-The -hat it is unable to communicate with
Hungarian Government informed the 3uam either by radio or cable. The
United States today it considered a Iapture of the island is probable. " A
state of war to exist between Hun- mall force of less than 400 naval
gary and the United States. personnel and 155 marines were sta-
* * j.oned in Gfam. According to the
NORFOLK, Va.., Dec. 13.-()- st reports from Guam, the island
"An unidentified dirigible" was gad been bombed repeatedly and Jap-
sighted off the Atlantic coast last inese troops had landed at several
night by a Navy vessel, causing :oints on the island.
blackouts to be put into effect at Islands Resist
the Naval operating base and Nor- "Wake and Midway continue to
folk Navy Yard, it was announced "esist.
today at the fifth naval district "The above is based on reports until
public relations office. ) a.m. today."
It was feared that a large number
BERLIN, Dec. 13.-(Official radio >f civilian construction workers may
received by AP)-United States news- lave been captured on the island.
papermen will be interned with V.S. But while the United States,appar-
diplomats at a south German Spa xntly lost Guam, the hard-bitten de-
until they are repatriated, and a dis- :enders of the Philippines struck a
patch from Rome tonight said Ameri- elling blow at Nippon by chopping
can reporters there have been placed >ff and liquidating a sea-borne en-
in a rooming house under police sur-J my spearhead thrust ashore north
veillance. )A Manila.
** * The defenders wiped out a Japa-
LOS ANGELES, Dec. 13.-(P)-- iese force which had landed at Lin-
Los Angeles radio stations went off ,ayen, smashed at Japanese bombers
the air from 10:22 a.m. (PST) to- tn breath-taking dogfights, and
day until 11:27 a.m. on Army orders 'ruggled to thwart enemy efforts to
which were unexplained. .tablish imp'rovised airports in the
Headauarters of the fourth inter. slands.



Latest communiques from Manila report that the Philippine Army
wiped out Japanese forces which had landed on the western coast of this
small island near Aparri (1). Japanese troops have also attempted to
land at Legaspi (2), the War Department reports. Japanese bomb-
ings were concentrated on Clark Field, Olangapo and Manila, which
reported yesterday its worst bombing since the war began. Seventy-


five were killed and 300 wound
Arizona Sunk

ed in this attack.



Charity Army Is Mobilized:
Goodfellow Donations Grow;
Drive Will Be Held Tomorrow

Nippon Clailns Land Drive'
Seals Fate OfHongkong.
TOKYO, Dec. 13-(Official radio
received by AP) - The Japanese
claimed tonight that a land drive in
their week-old Pacific-Asiatic offen-
sive had "sealed the fate" of Hong-
kong while the campaign at sea, they
said, had run up a total of 140,000
tons of British and American war-
ships sunk.
A communique from the naval sec-
tion of Imperial Headquarters added
the 32,000-ton U.S.S. Arizona to its
list of battleships claimed sunk, say-
ing without explanation that her de-
struction "is now confirmed."
A new British-Chinese move, pos-
sibly destined to open a new theater
of conflict in the Far East, mean-
while was indicated in a Bankok dis-
patch to the Tokyo newspaper Nichi
It said that British and Chinese
forces from Burma had invaded
northern Thailand near Cheingrai
and that a battle had been in progress
since Friday with Thailand forces
driving the British and Chinese back
across the- border.
Thailand now is closely bound to
Japan, having thrown down her arms
in the face of Japanese troops pour-
ing in from French Indo-China.
The army section of Imperial head-
(See TOKYO Page 2)
IBritish Claim
Italian Flotilla
ISunk In Batt le
(By The Associated Press)
LONDON, Dec. 13-An entire flo-
tilla of three Italian cruisers appar-
ently was wiped out between dusk last
night and dawn today by submarines
and British and Dutch destroyers in
the Mediterranean, successive Admir-
alty communiques indicated tonight.
Trael -t+1 T ritic i-ahtrvemrs the

Thor Johnson To Lead
Annual 'Messiah' Today
Continuing its annual tradition,
the University Musical Society will
present Handel's "Messiah" at; 4:15
p.m. today in Hill Auditorium,
Under the direction of Prof. Thor
Johnson, conductor for the Univer-
sity Musical Society, the presenta-
tion will headline four outstanding
American oratorio soloists, the Uni-
versity Choral Union, the University
Symphony Orchestra andProf. Pal-
mer Christian, of the School of Music,
at the organ.
The soloists are Marie Wilkins, so-
prano, Edwina Eustis, contralto, Er-
nest McChesney, tenor, and John
Beattie, bass.

A Weekend's Even Break:
-M' Quintet Triumphs, 37-20;
Dover Defeats Ice Squad, 2-1

ceptor command said it had no
statement to make and the sher-
iff's office, connected by private
wire to the air raid warning cen-
ter, said no alert had been posted

Funds and offers of help contin-
ued to roll in to The Daily offices
yesterday as the hour drew close for
the seventh annual Goodfellow Drive.
With contributions from fraterni-
ties, sororities and cooperatives added
to those of Daily advertisers, the
drive at the moment appears to have
good prospects of exceeding last year's
total of $759.
A virtual army has offered itse'serv-
ices to sell Goodfellow Dailies to-
morrow through the enthusiastic co-
operation of prominent campus or-
War or no war, and weather for-
bidding or otherwise, nearly 300 stu-
dents have volunteered tp do their
best to make this only annual all-
campus organized and sponsored
charity drive have a warm place in
the hearts of Ann Arbor's unfor-
tunate families.
Faculty members and University
officials have promised their support
as in years past and, again the cam-
",7 11;11ho ++nf d m.rnprthoa dA

On The Court ...
Michigan's green but rangy basket-
ball team successfully opened its 1941-
42 season last night by trouncing its
age-old rival, Michigan State, 37-2%
in Yost Field House before 4,000 rabid
cage fans.
Led by center Jim Mandler who
scored 15 points, the Wolverines took
a commanding 11-1 lead before the
game was six minutes old and were
never once headed. At half time, the
Maize and Blue had garnered 20
points to the Spartans' nine.
Coach Bennie Oosterbaan started
two untried sophomores, Bob Shemky
at forward and Bill MacConnachie at
guard, and they showed up surpris-
ingly well. Although MacConnaclhie
scored only one point, he held Chet
Aubuchon, Michigan State's captain
and All-American guard of the 1939-
40 season scoreless. Shemky played
good ball in his Michigan debut, scor-
ing four points and helping to set
up numerous scoring plays.
Two minutes of the game had

On The Ice -.-.
Playing their hearts out in an at-
tempt to enter a victory on their
record, Michigan's puckmen went
down to a close deefat last night at
the hands of the Port Dover sextet,
Eddie Lowrey's team fought all the
way, but again the = final scoring
punch was lacking. In the grueling
2-1 loss, the most important feat-
ure was the vast improvement of the
Wolverines' defense. Taking over the
right "defense position in his first
collegiate start, sophomore Jimmy
Hull played an instrumental part in
keeping the score down.
In the nets again, Hank Loud
turned in a sparkling performance.
Playing close to a save-a-minute
game, Loud turned back 54 Canadian
Less than a minute after the game
had started, it looked like Michigan
was really going places. John Braid-
ford fired a shot into the Sailors' net,
but in a disputed decision, Michigan

Bombs Wound Many
Japanese bombers aiming at Nich-
'Is Air Field in Manila wrecked more
han 100 small stores and residences
sear 4the field, killing at least 75 per-
,ons and wounding 300; At least four
>f the planes attacking objectives in
he Manila area were reported shot
A graphic dispatch from Mania
told how hundreds of Japanese para-
chutists floated down into the moun-
tains of North Central Luzon Thurs-
day only to be wiped out in hand-to-
hand struggles with Filipino soldiers.
As for the situation in Hawaii, be-
lated reports to the WarDepartment
declared that more than 20 Japanese
planes were destroyed in the surprise
(See GUAM Page 2)
iFrC Will Hold"
Holiday PartY
For Children
With the Santa Claus situation well
in hand, the Interfraternity Council
is looking forward to a real Christmas
party for the local children at 3:30
p.m. tomorrow in Hill Auditorium.
Bob Westfall will be the man be-
hind the beard as St. Nick scatters
gifts, favors and candy through the
packed auditorium.
In addition, the program will in-
clude the second University concert
band, Prof. William D. Revelli direc-
ting, the University cheerleaders and
tumblers, a magician, Lyle Albright,
'43E, and movies, which will be shown
fthrough the courtesv ofa l oal thea-


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