plical Instruments ae For U. S. Army
Camera Firm First Step In Ford Plant Runways Ep
amera 1r Eberbach Completes Centur y
Builds New Of Precision Manufacturing
Defense Plant Sost ainlseei n
b ef ase lantThe importance of Eberbach and That potion of this enterprise
1 ~Sons to our national scene is well which deals with the manufactur-
InternatinIal Industries demonstrated by the ing of precision instruments is not
only difficulty which the priority by any means the shiny, super pol-
Pr'duces Anti-Aircraft situation has given them has been ished, assembly line which dne
Ins 7tmnt Sights a complicated book-keeping job might visualize. On the contrary,
________ IOne of the greatest laboratory when one enters the plant, one is
supply houses in the country, this struck by the informal, and seem-
War may hve been declared last -firm contributes to defense mainly ingly unregulated pattern which is
Sunday, but International Indus- by continuing its peacetime pur- spread out. Individual craftsmen
tries has been aiding the govern- "+suits, the manufacture and sale of work at their machines and bench-
nent's pce aration program since all types of delicate research in- es. There is little or no divisiob of
its inception an 1939.struments. labor, each man doing his job with
tn ie int' rduconIntHere Since 1843 the utmost of care. They work
In civi'ans production. Inter- Since its inception this business without apparent haste, for qual-
'rations turs ou the Argus cam- 'Ihas been located in Ann Arbor. ity, not quantity, is the goal which
era, but goverment orders have 1 It was founded here in 1843, and must be attained in work of this
filled its assembly lines with opti- uniquely enough it approaches its sort.
cal equipment For gun sights, fire- aq - 'i , centennial still in the hands of the Instruments Uncommon
same family which started it. The instruments built here are
control a .r t is, anti-ahcraft di- t m ry m
We shouldnt let ourselves be de- not the common va..y. In a ma-
rector t and other instru- ous phar- jority of cases. if one heard their
ments -et.rtd by the U. S. Army ,ay vhich is Eberbach and Sons' names reeled off, no familiar con-
Signl C_;.-macy wich s Eerbch ad Sns'notations would be called up. They
Signal COt. only direct contact with the con- t
te mployed suming public. Here on E. Lierty are rarely and infrequently pro-
Interna . ..uow emplo's 600 St., just a few short steps from the duced, and only on specific order.
St. jut afe shrt tes fom heTiese instruments are u ed prin-
men and woin. 'out it plans to Pretzel Bell, is a firm which aloneThee suments are u dpri-
start wore snmdiately in a new in the.Detroit area supplies chemi- y sogical, ''rdl'
plant bui o 'y he Defense Plant cal and scientific equipment, lo- litic me ugic. ass eecto-
corporati . re new building, cally, sufficient to take care of research.
'ostin-g $175,00. sill be devoted industrial laboratories in this sec- Thus on two fronts Eberbach
entirely t war effort production tion. and Sons fights a war. On the
and will requre from two to three Plays or Role home front for scientific advance-
hundred addiional workers. ment, and on the war front, for the
When International first began ' Gravei in the raw being loaded Eberbach and Sons not only acts creation of a more advanced means
cc nstructioe en this new exten- ready for processing A three- as wholesaler and manufacturer of of technological warfare,
si.i, it had planned a building one1s K lilaboratory supplies, but also plays
qcrter- the sire of the present quarter yard shovel scoops the a major role in defense by supply ,
st ucture With 50,000 square feet, * F gravel into the truck, after which ing to the industrial research lab si
of floor space, the addition is near- it is dumped into a hopper and oratories of the many factories in Local civilian flying clubs such
ty one hal the size of an average carried n a belt through the Detroit and surrounding territory, as the University Flying Club and
city block in area. ofanavrae--1t cKil n i the delicate and precision instru- the Ann Arbor Fliers have been
Internationalantwher is stsdcreened ments which are required to ad- hard hit by the recent government
Itsaerasonalsumtillprsduingand washed to specifications. vance the work of national defense order grounding civilian planes.
.ts cameras for consumers, but at '
an ever-decreasing rate. Accord- The most important defense -~ ::.. -..- . .. - --
ing to advertising manager J. L. contract for the Killins Gravel Co.
McCoy "we'll get into total defense is that of supplying concrete
production as soon as the contracts footings for the Ford Bombe
come in.'foig fo th FodBme
com sii i ins"ade Plant in YpsilantiA
McCoSasodeclared that Inter- Since early spring the companyA
national had been substituting for has been working on these foot-
copper, brass and aluminum parts ings which are used to support
ured in its products. Priorities the steel structure. Previous to
have made these metals unattain- the commengement of actual
able for any non-military uses. building in August, preparations
International was one of the were extensive and the employes
first factories in Ann Arbor to em- worked in shifts to keep the cin-
ploy women on jobs held by men pany open day and night. GENERAL CONTRACTORS
before the draft. Girls have been In addition to the footings,
used to rem turret lathes and drillIscreens have been made to speci- BUILDING SUPPLY DEALERS
presses in addition to their light fication. During the summer
assembly tine work. eight large shovels were continu- COMPLETE ROOFING SERVICE
With increasing anti-sabotage ally in operation. The American
precautions being taken, a strong Federation of Labor was helpful
guard has been set up around the in organizing the men and super--TRANSIT MIX CONCRETE
plant, McCoy said. Every employe vising the trucking that went on
is required to wear an identifica- with the operation of the night
tion badge bearing his or her pho- shift.
tograph Killins Gravel has diverse uses
- in connection with the bomber CONCRETE
plant. The main job, that of
Foundry st asts building 30 miles of runways each .FOR THE BOMBER PLANT
20 feet wide on the airport, took
M etal Fittings 120,000 cubic yards of stone and The very first concrete on the huge Ford Bomber Plant at Ypsilanti
60,000 cubic yards of sand.
The Chase Road, one of the ap- was poured by our trucks. These trucks are still pouring hundreds of
Sub-Contracting Benefit poches to the plant, was built yards of Guaranteed Strength Concrete daily for this vital defense
To Town Companies of material, while the larger Wiard project. Over 50,000 cubic yards have been poured to date.
Road used 6,200 cubic yards. Cas-
One of the local concerns which ings were built for the wells and
is turning much of its production 12,000 cubis yards of gravel were
used in the footings for the fence
into the defense effort is the Annu s ts. ASPHALT PLANsfAT:
Arbor Foundry Company, whose The Killins Company was the
specialty is making iron castings. first to supply material to the! ANN ARBOR, MICH. PONTIAC, MICH
No direct contracts have been re- Ford Bomber Plant. That was last
ceiVtd by th company from the spring and next spring the gravel
Federal government. but the foun- plant will be in action again on a TRANSIT MIX CONCRETE PLANTS T
dry's volume comes from sub-con- planned addition to the Ypsilanti ANN ARBOR, MICH. YPSILANTI, MICI.
tracting br other companies who factory.
hold orders from Uncle Sam. -__t
A parallel of York, Pa., a con- Ann Arbor Was Ready
munity which broke down their de- .
ense orders so as many home- Although Japan went to warAA R O ' N T CT
town companies as possible could without any advance notice, many N R BQR ONST RU 10 '
benefit, may be seen here in Ann local firms had already taken'N.
Asbor from the foundry's list of anti-sabotage precautions. In BUILDING HEADQUARTERS
focal customers. They supply cast- some cases property has been
igs for American Broach and fenced in, while a close guard is. 221 Felch Street Phone 4106
Machine Company, Buhdr Machine kept on most plants. Several com-
Tool Company, Economy Baler panies have had thefr property
Company, and International In- checked by the Federal'Bureau of,
dtstries Inc. Investigation.__