SUNDAY, DECEMBERR14, 1941 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE THE Amazing Bed -Warmer Invention Crobalt Builds, Construction Insures Total Defense For Alaska Grinds Parts Firm Works <+___For Machines At Ypsi Plant By AXEL, MANDY and RUDDY ping, and then, immediately the criminal who leaps into the bed from the depths of the West voice of Bing Crosby singing "Pin- and picks up a bo(C to appear in- Continued fro Page_) Winter will not keep the Ann Engineering Building a cry has nies From Heaven." The air raid nocent like a lamb. Unfortunately, Arbor Construction Company from issued forth that will. rock the causes Bing to drop one of his pin- other weapons of modern warfare. world, or blow up Buck Dawson, nies, which so startles the hen that the book he selected turns out to Crobalt. Inc., is engaged in the 0?, who is the howling success in she lays an egg. be a detective story. production of the perishable parts completion of the vital Ford Bomb- the case referred to above.' The Ubangi girl seizes the egg for I Retribution Is Solution of machine tools-such as drill er Plant in Ypsilanti, Raymond F. "This invention," Dawson gig- an egg shampoo, but before she can As the criminal reads about the bits and sharp cutting tools-which Hutzel, manager of the building gled, "is none other than a pseudo- do that, she must make up. So she surderer bring put into the eec-wear out with little use and must supply department of the company hydro-therapy-synthetic-mesmer- takes a tube of lipstick and applies tiidcrar viin t is t el constantly be replaced. disclosed. ized-bed warmer for Alaskan., air- it judiciously. This uses up the i The firm was formerly located in All the facilities of the com- raid wardens complete in one op- whole tube and she throws it away. io ikes pass i review before him, Ietrot and moved here in Janu- pany's transit mix plant in Ypsi- eration, provided the proper ele- Barrel Rolls Out cost like Richard III, and he be- ary, 1940, in order to gain more lanti have been turned over to ments are present at the outset Clinking against the bedatand.(horror, he tears off the collar and plant capacity. About 85 per cent laying 50,000 yards of concrete in of bed warming operations." Cof the firm's production is for de_ the bomber plants foundation. the tube rouses a St. Bernard rushes out of the room, accident- de-t y b e t k Revealed By Dawson which immediately strolls around ally leaving the hot collar in the fense. It supplies the aviation and Daily 25 company trucks are con- Wearing the full dress uniform the room making the 1iquor in his bed. military transportation divisions of stonily, hauling sand and gravel of a brigadier-general in the Camp barrel swish and slosh. This heats up the bed so that the Ford, Buick, Pontiac, Conti- from Killins gravel pits to Ypsi- Fire Girls, Dawson conducted the This causes a Swiss mountaineer when the air-raid warden comes nental and Packard automobile lanti. Twenty exta men have been huddling three into the abase- to leap to his feet and yodel. The home tired, but happy, he falls into companies and the machine gun hired and some o the workers are menta of the structure where the St. Bernard rushes over to the a warm bed csying "Heaven bless division of the A-C spark plug working overtime. contraption was revealed before us. mountaineer and they greet each Buck Dawson" to the accompani- manufacturing company. Over Busiest Year Dawson did it with one grand ges- other with enthusiastic cries of ment of a chorus of Vestal Virgins one-half of this production goes Two large government orders tore which threw him to the floor. "Why, Joe, you old horse thief." singing old Roman war songs in into aviation, and the firm's exec- have made this one of the com- A bed in the full dress uniform All this commotion awakes a the background. utives expect the proportion to pany's busiest years since its of a brigadier-general in the Camp inrease. foundinig n 1920. In the early Fire Girls' stood in the middle of Both Crobalt and its subsidiary summer months the Ann Arbor the floor. In various stages of Ub e Plans R er Plantations are located in the same plant. Cro- Construction Company was con- decay around the bed were a mid- -"- P a s balt casts 'the tools, and the Ann tracted to build two theatres at get, a criminal, one hen, a fetch- Arbor Grinding Company grinds Fort Custer in collaboration with ingly clad Ubangi girl, one detec- Faced with the serious possibility hundreds of people into the local- them for final use. The latter the USO. Then in June the com- tive story, several reversibles, one hnrd fpol notelcl pine tuby, s lisik, one of losing our far eastern rubber ity. company also does some business pany started to lay the first foun- pin, one tube of lipstick, one St. for other manufacturing firms in dations for the new Ford Bomb- Bernard, one Swiss mountaineer, sources, the government plans to Recently, Professor Bartlett fAnn Arbor engaged in defense er Plant. At present its defense a kiddie cycle, Bing Crosby, vision distribute freely its new rubber brought bock to Haiti 7600 grafted AnAbdfnee ln.A rsn t ees plants of the 133 best strains of the work. orders exceed its civilian projects. of past felonies, one hot collar, and strains from our experimental sta- Philippines, which can be estab- Crobalt uses a cobalt alloy in its Built Medical Dorm a choral group of Vestal Virgins. tion in Haiti throughout Latin lished as far south as Bolivia, products. The cobalt is imported The Ann Arbor donstruction Dawson rode madly around the America, and possibly, to re-de- though the best location is the from the Belgian Congo, and tung- Company has played an important room on a kiddie cycle, working up velop Amazon wild rubber com- Amazon valley. Many new plan- sten, which is alloyed with the co- part in the construction of our enough pressure on the siren to merce, Prof. Harley Bartlett and tations will probably start up in balt, is imported from China. For- campus buildings. It erected the throw the invention into opera- Prof. Carl LaRue of the botany Central America to replace the merly, most of the world's supply Victor Vaughn House, medical stu- tion, and Dawon into a corner, department said. banana plantations wiped out by of cobalt was refined in Belgium dents' dormitory, and also the sub- , Midget's Hair Rigid At least half of our normal needs disease, and Finland, but since the out- structures for the internes' quar- The midget's hair stands on end can be obtained from wild, rubber With less than a year's supply of break of the war in Europe, re- ters and the Dental Building. when he hears the siren, lifting a in the Amacon basin, despite poor rubber left, and synthetic rubber fineries have been built in Canada Its duties may even be said to be lever which drops a trap door and labor and transportation condi- at one and two dollars a pound, and in the United States at Niag- "cyclonic" for it also accepts jobs allows the hen to come out of its tions, if a well organized program plantation rubber can thus be sold ara Falls. of moving buildings and houses coop. were formed in cooperation with at a profit as low as 12 cents a At the present time the two "en masse." When Hutchins Hall The immense surprise which fol- Brazil, Dr. LaRue stated. Quick pound. Besides being able to get firms are working one shift per was to be built a few years ego lows the entrance of the hen onto transportation could be provided it inexpensively, the government day, but expett to be called upon the company moved the Theta the scene causes complete silence, by plane, if necessary, and a rub- would be able to further the "good to increase their output as America Delta Chi house across State Street broken by the sound of a pin drop- ber boom would probably bring (continued on Page 7) begins to achieve peak production. to its present location. AER I r F , k$' sa6 M wa a _ ,,: a'_e , ; sG+ , be r :s p ry r ,y5 T f 1 h W , a.ab, / lni . + ,. ._ WWWW ,"''.fFFFF 7:, N"m -i AMERICAN equipment is aid- ing manufacturers in the produc- - tion of all types of first line de- fense equipment. AMERICAN broaching equip- ment produces flats on tank track connectors; AMERICAN equipment is used by aircraft manufacturers for broaching pro- pellor hubs, for broaching faces of split line bearings and various other operations. Openings in bearing cages for for main crankshafts in torpedo boats are AMERICAN broach- ed. Also on our roster are trans- . mission and differential gears used in army "jeeps" and half- tracs. In addition to the above, AMERICAN developed the hydraulic gun rifling machine for rapid rifling of 105 MM Howitzer barrels as well as rif- ling machines for various can- non down to and including the 20 MM Aircraft cannon. " It is because of this wide va- riety of experience and contin- ued development that AMERI- CAN is now able, and proud, to turn its full effort to AMERI- CAN DEFENSE! AMERICAN BROACH & MACHINE COMPANY ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, U.S.A.