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December 13, 1941 - Image 6

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The Michigan Daily, 1941-12-13

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mnor Johnson Defense Talh
Leads Handel's To Highlight
Messiah' Here Engine Dinner
Leading Oratorio Singer.
To Appear Tomorrow
In Annual Presentation
Featuring four outstanding Amer-F
ican oratorio singers, Handel's "Mes-
siah," under the direction of Prof.
Thor Johnson, conductor of the Uni-
versity Musical Society, will be pre-
sented at 4:15 p.m. tomorrow in Tull
Auditorium. -
Appearing this year in the annual
presentation are the soloists, the Uni-
versity Choral Union, the University
Symphony Orchestra and Prof. Pal-
iner Christian of the School of Music S. D. KIRKPATRICK
at the organ. The soloists are Marie!
Wilkins, soprano, Edwina Eustis, con-. Terming magnesium, the "Cindei-
tralto, Ernest McChesney, tenor, and ella Metal," S. D. Kirkpatrick, na-
John Beattie, bass. tional president of the American In-
Miss Wilkinst has given recitals stitute o~f Chemical Engineers, will
throughout the United States and is j review the manufacture and uses of
a member of the faculty of the Uni- this important defense item in his
versity of Kansas. Miss Eustis is a speech before the AIChE, AIME ban-
noted "Messiah" singer and will be quet Monday at the Union.
appearing in Ann Arbor for the first Magnesium is of particular interest
time. Ito Michigan students because of its
McChesney is one of America's development by the Dow Chemical
foremost oratorio singers. Beattie has Company of Midland.
foreuntlyro ingboth Bthe ha Mr. Kirkpatrick is a graduate of the
sung egUniversity of Illinois and at present
and Metropolitan operas. Tickets for editor of Chemical and Metallurgical
the "Messiah" presentation may, be Engineering magazine.r
obtained at the offices of the Univer- Last week in New York the Dow,
sity Musical- Society in the Burton Chemical Company was presented
with an award for Chemical Engi-
Memorial Tower. neering Achievement for its research
in the sea water process of mag-"
rt tx 2 nesium manufacture.
A s I. This award' was presented by Prof.
AA. H. White, chairman of the chem-
ical engineering department on be-
W il Address half of Chemical-and Metallurgical
Engineering. At this meeting Profes-
FrGsor White talked to Mr. Kirkpatrick
about his address here Monday and
the editor told him of his plans.
Continuing the series of lectures This year the Federal government
sponsored annually by the Cercle made a large appropriation for the
Francais, Prof. Arthur L. Dunham of building of a plant in Texas to con-
the history department will speak at vert sea water into magnesium. In the
4:15 p.m. Monday in Rhom D, Alumni manufacture of many airplane parts,
Memorial Hall, on "La Conquete de magnesium has replaced aluminum
1'Europe par la France pendant la because of its light weight.
Revolution et le Premier Empire." Tickets for the banquet are now on
Originally planned for Tuesday at sale in room 2028 East Engineering
planedfor say Building and miay be secured from
the same time, the lecture was moved Bidn n a escrdfo
forward to avoid a conflict with the officers of both groups.
-- Buy a Goodfellow Edition -

Nation United As Never Before
On War Issne,'Says Prof. Slosson
'y JAMES CONANT Igun by an invasion of undisputed
"The people are united as they United States territory since 1812,
have rever been before on any issue, he added; hence the unprecedented
peace or war," declared Prof. Pres- unity of the country, both in and out
on W. Slosson of the history depart- of Congress, which is unparalleled
ent in a lecture at 4:15 p.m. yes- in our history. If it had happened
erday in the Rackham Auditorium. any other way, Professor Slosson ex-I
Prcfessor Slosson, delivering the plained, there might have been
hird of a series of six lectures on protest; "Why die for dear old Bang-
:urrent events sponsored by the kok?" and cries of "economic imperi-
\merican Association of University alism." But since, we were pushed
Women, contrasted this war witli into war, instead of drifting into it,

FDR Signs Declaration With Angry Pen1

other wars both in the sentiment of tie country is united.
the people regarding it and in the j Professor Slosson made the same
gay it started. observation in the case of Germany.
"We were as definitely attacked There again, he said, if we had driftedr
and invaded as Poland, Norway, Yu- in "we would have entered the fight
goslavia, Belgium, or Greece," stated a somewhat dubious and divided peo- i.
Professor Slosson, pointing out that ple." But the initiative was Ger-!
Hawaii is not disputed territory or i many's and Italy's, and we responded.
even a region like the Philippines with a unanimous declaration of war,
over which we are relaxing our. con-- with only Jeanette Rankin of kJon- }
trol, but an integral part of the tana voting "present." -
United States which has even aspired Wars of the past in which, the
to statehood. United States has played a part were
This is the first time war has be- summarized by Professor Slosson. He
showed how in each case-in the I
Revolutionary War, in the War of!
}Ie1812, in the Mexican, in the Civil'
Nev 1?ISWar, on both sides, in the Spanishux
Glean d Fromparandn othe Wrlde opoa gr
G r maroportion of the people opposed our His teeth clenched, President Roosevelt's pen scratched angrily as
participation, ash contrasted to the he signed a declaration of war against Germany. Observing were, left
present situation. to right: Vice-President Henry A. Wallace, Speaker Sam Rayburn, Sen.
C pi T yThe military dewveloprnents of the Warren Austin (Rep.-Vt.), Sen Charles L. McNary (Rep.-Ore.), Re.
l war were then discussed by Professor John W. McCormick (bem.-Mass.), Sen. Carter Glass (Dem.-Va.),
Slosson. The advantage to date, he Sen. Alben W. Barkley (Dem.-Ky.) (behind Glass), Sen. Tom Con-
Air Corps Speaker - - * admitted, has gone to our Japanese nally (Dem.-Tex).
Students interested in fighting the assailants, but they too have incurred ------ ---.- ----
War of the Air will have a chance heavy losses. He pointed to the long-.
to et first hand information from standing Japanese tradition of sul- IJ tuEcrItheBeb ate Ikhi3mPuEf
Capt. R. L. Gillespie, chief of Army cidal courage as responsible for the $UIlA*j
Air Corps recruiting inothis area, in "military suicide" involved in the de-
a meeting at 8 p.m. Tuesday at the struction of the Prince of Wales and Two members of the men's varsity The proposition under considera-
Union. Repulse by bombers. debate squad will represent Michigan tion is the 1941-42 high school ques-
Captain Gillespie will present two Russia, said Professor Slosson, will at a debateiwhich will be held against tion. It is, Resolved: That every
color movies showing\ Air Corps lc- not make peace with Germany, since the University of Missouri this eve- able-bodiel male citizen in the United
tivities at Cal-Aero field in Cali- she would have nothing to gain by ning at Columbia, Missouri. States should be required to have one
fornia. and will answer all questions such a move and everything to looe. Chester Myslcki, '42, and Arthur year of full-time military training be-
concerning this branch of the serv- She will, he went on, enter the war Biggins, '42, taking the affirmative fore attaining the present draft age.
Ice. against Japan, either by her own side, will be the first and second This debate will serve as a demon-
action or by Japan's. speakers respectively. I stration meet for high school debaters

County Office
For Defense
Is Organized
Enrollment Of Civilians
For War-Time Work
Instituted By Council
Washtenaw County moved yester--
day to organize further its home de-
fense front with the announcement
by Harrison H. Caswell, chairman of
the Washtenaw County Defense
Council, of the creation of a Civilian
Defense Volunteer Office for enroll-
ment of men and women over 18 for
defense work.
Mrs. Theophile Raphael, of Ann
Arbor, will act as chairman of the
new agency.
Stressing the value of civilian mor-
ale in the nation's war effort Mrs.
Raphael said, in explaining the pur-
oose of the enrollment: "The war hasj
created the need for a broad program
of services essential during tht war,
and equally important for the post-
war period. 'these services include
the protective program, the bulk of
which iS already well under way un-
der the Red Cross, the police depart-
ment and the fire department.
"Other services are health, famil'
security, child welfare and educa-
tion, nutrition, recreation and social
The office will work under the
program set up by Mayor Fiorello La-
Guardia, national civilian defense di-
rector. It will seek to organize vol-
unteer citizensi In immediate defense
fervice, each in accordance with his
Several groups participating in v91-
unteer defense work have pledged co-
operation with the bureau, and other
groups and individuals are. urged to
do so in order that the volunteer de-
fense activities of the county may be
coordinated. Headquarters *111 be set
tip in the National Guard Armory in
Ann Arior as soon as possible.


v t

alp-campus assembly at 3:30 p.m.
Professor Dunham's lecture, given
in French, will center around France's
22 year war with the rest of Europe
during the French Revolution.
He had drawn his knowledge from
extensive study of European economic
and French history. Having spent
many years in that country, including
more than half of the first World
War, Professor Dunham has also had
long personal contact with the French
Tickets for the entire lecture series
are available.

Prof. Brown To Discuss
Bill Of Rights Over WJR
The Bill of Rights will be discussed
by Prof. Everett Brown, acting chair-
man of the Political Science Depart-
ment, in a radio address scheduled
for 5:45 p.m. today, over WJR.
A .joint resolution of Congress and
a special proclamation by the Presi-
dent have been issued, urging all citi-
zens to observe Dec. 15 as Bill of
Rights Day, in commemoration of the
150th anniversary of the ratification
of the Bill.

ma iamsee iett s rt
Another sellout was tabulated yes-
terday by Gargoyle as the last of
the "MademoisepIk" parody copies
available to the xan-subscription
publiq, disappeared from' the sales-
men on campus.
A number of Mad Damselles, how-
ever, have been retained in the Gar-
goyle business office on the second
floor of the Student Publications
Building, for those holding year's
subscriptions who have not as yet
called for their copies.
Those who do not have their Mad
Damselles but who have paid for
them are urged to obtain them as
soon as possible.
131eader To Speak.. .
"The Historical Development of
Contemporary Methods in Language
Study" will. be the subject of a talk
by Prof. C. L. Meader, professor
emeritus of general linguistics, at
2:30 p.m. today before the General
Linguistics Study Group at the In-
ternationlal Center.



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r ,
n Omercan Csto
is that of Ghristmas gift giving. Less than a week remnains in
which to buy them. Merchants' stocks are rapidly being depleted.
Don't be caught in the rush of last-minute shoppers at homne.
Make your purchases today, in Ann Arbor.
Watch for the big 'shopping values offered in the columns
of The Daily. Be sure to take acopy with you, and do your gift
buying TODAY.
y 4

T 1ra




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