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December 13, 1941 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1941-12-13

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an Daily


-; -1


Edited and managed by students of the Univirsityl of
Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control
of Student Publications.
Published every morning except Monday during the
University year and Summer Session.'
Member of the Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the
use for republication of all news dispatches credited to
it or not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All
rights of republication of all other matters herein also
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
second class mail matter.
. Subscriptions during the regular school year by
carrier $4.00, by mail $5.00.
National Adv rtising Service, Inc.
" College Publishers Representative
Re nber, Associated Colegiate Press, 1941-42

fditorial Staff
Emile Gelb .
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The editorials, published in "I
Daily are written by membersa
staff and represent the views o
Quash Anti-Labor
Legislation . .

Managing Editor
Editorial Director
City Editor

ant Sports
at Women's


Business Manager
Business Manager
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Business Manager
The Michigan
of The Daily
f the writers

L ABOR has decided to suspend its
immediat, objectives for the sake
of furthering defense. Announce-
ments of longer days are coming to the fore anc)
many unions have alredy voluntarily put no-
strike bans on themselves. Steps to aid the de-
fense effort are what can be logically expected
from labor in any crisis.
The AFL has declared its sympathy with the
administration's foreign policy for some time
now, and the CIO in its Detroit convention an-
nounced its support. Charges of lack of loyalty
against unions and their leaders were frequently
heard before the war, but their magnificent
showing since the fighting has begun absolutely
refutes these charges. ti
Labor is making its sacrifices for the na-
tion and will continue to be one of the most
potent forces in hurryink defense produc-
tion. In return enemies of labor should feel
compelled to suspend their immediate ob-
jectives. Labor-baiting should be perma-
nently stopped during the course of this war
if labor is expected to play a beneficial part
in the war and. post-war period.
r'HE SMITH BILL now pending in CongressI
can be a terrible weapon against the labor
movement. Even if it were once needed, th need
is gone today with labor doing its best to fight
the battle of factories. The passage of this bill
would do little to advance the cause of democ-
racy for it would take much of the spirit'from
organized labor. The obvious course of action is
to kill the Smith Bill.
Further lolicy in regard to labor must be
formulated. Repressive measures are entirely,
out of the question since labor is doing its utmost
to help. What is needed now is sympathetic
cooperation with the unions and understanding
of their ideals. In this way not only production
will be furthered, but labor will do its best to
make the post-war transition easy.
Labor stands ready to work harder and
longer to defend democracy: it is looking
forward to the 24-hour, seven-day week and
has eliminated the threat of strike. It is the
rest of the n'ation's stand from now on. Co-
operation with labor will mean more and
quicker production; repressing, labor will
mean unrest and slowed production.
-Leon Gordenker
Tanks And Labor
The report from Libya that American-made
tanks are the finest of their kind in use on any
battlefront brings to mind a suggestion we heard
made recently by a good friend of labor. This
suggestion was that the morale of American
workers could be infinitely bettered if they were
enabled to learn in some detail how tanks or
any other piece of machinery made in their fac-
tories had stood up in actual combat. The prac-
tical obstacles to carrying out that :suggestion
may readily be seen, but th'e idea remains a good
one. If the workers in X factory could kpow
just how their tanks had fared in, say, the action
around Tobruk, the war would be brought home
to them more sharply than. it could be in any
other way. And a sense of achievement might
supersede11 va ilIffChU Ii aln which -any1

Chinese Students Pledge
Support To U. S. Effort
(Following is a statement issued by the Chinese
Students Club and presented to President Alexan-
der G. Ruthven of the University. The club felt a
statement was necessary because of the outbreak
of war between United States and Japan. The in-
troductory comment is made by Paul Lim-Yuen,
'43, president of the club.)
Yn the beginnings of China's resistance to the
Japanese invaders, an axiom came to the lips of
her people which has now become the batt'
of the nation: "Ning wvei yu sui, pu wei wa
ch'uan!"-translated, "Sooner a jade in frag-
ments, than a tile in one piece!" That became
the spirit of the war-to preserve at all costs the
jade of free, democratic, noble nationhood from
becoming a tile of ignoble servitude. Today, this
axiom has found its world meaning in the char-
acter of the tremendous struggle between the
democracies and the Axis powers.
The outcome? We as democratic peoples have
ample reason for our sanguine hopes. Japan has
for ten years won a long series of Pyrrhic vic-
tories in China which will indeed of themselves
prove her own undoing. Her attack on America
was obviously in desperation. Germany has been
stopped in Alussia, with staggering losses in men,
material, and morale. Italy has long been a
nonentity. The three are pitted against great
'democracies whose resources will soon exercise
an inexorable influence. Above all, in their mis-
calculation, they are also pitted against great
peoples who have the realism and courage to look
forward with grim determination to a long and
arduous struggle, and whose resolution is epit-
omized by their inspired leaders. Said General-
issimo Chiang Kai-Shek: "With one changeless-
Mess, we will subdue a myriad changes!" Said
President Roosevelt:" . . . we will . . . show the
world that w~e of the United States are one peo-
ple, of one mind, one spirit, one clear resolution,
walking before God in the light of the living ...
Finally, we have a faith in some eterial val-
ues, which no unprincipled doctrine of nihilism
and tyranny ,can ever overwhelm. We believe
deeply in the fundamental justice of our cause,
and we have joined ranks, millions strong and
militant, in that belief.
The Chinese Students' Club of the University
of Michigan, in recognizing the foregoing, and
in recognizing the far-reaching significance of
recent events, have felt called upon to make the
following statement, in the form of a resolution
which was unanimously passed by a special gen-
eral meeting of the Chinese students on Thurs-
day, Dec. 11, 1941; and which was presented to
President Ruthven, of the University:
The United States of America, on December 8,
1941, as a consequence of the treacherous attack
of Japan on her territory, declared a state of war
with the Empire of Japan, and
The United States of America has also declared
a state of war with the other Axis partners, Ger-
many and Italy, and
The Republic of China has also declared a state
of war with the Empire of Japan, against whose
aggressions she has resisted for over ten years,
as well as with Germany and Italy,
That we, the Chinese students of the University
of Michigan, representing the largest body of
students from China in America, pledge to the
President of the United States of America our
wholehearted support, in whatever manner we
can, to assist, by close cooperation with the de-
fense effort at the University and elsewhere, to
prosecute the war against the common enemy
who menaces the highest democratic ideals of
our respective peoples, and
Further, that we reaffirm our firm belief, which
we hold In common with all the students and
youth of China in this countryand at home, in
the ultimate triumph of the immutable princi-
ples of freedom and justice and democracy for
which we fight, and express our deep conviction
that the people of China, with the people of
America and Britain and the other democracies
at their side, will never falter until this final
aim has been achieved.
- Chinese Students Club

Drew Pedrso
WASHINGTON-Last summer Congressman
Martin Dies had investigators make a thorough
suryey of Japanese activities along the West
Coast. The results eventually were suppressed
by the State Pepartment and the President him-
self, but a brief summary of them indicates that
some parts of the United States face a dangerous
problem when it comes to fifth column activity.
Hitler had many ag'ents planted through Nor-
way, France and the Low Countries when he
attacked, but the Japanese, according to the Dies
report, start-out with 150,000 of their countrymen
in the United States. These are all Japanese
citizens, and do not include 50,000 second gener-
ation Japanese born in the United States. The
Dies report shows that 200 key Japanese have
been decorated by the Emperor during the past
two years and that many Japanese are in close
cooperation with the homeland through the
Central Japanese Association which has been
directed by consulates in California.
Dies agents have collected photographs of
various Japanese truck gardens operated along-
side oil tgnks and strategic railroads. Also they
report 5,000 Japanese residing oti terminal is-
lands ii in s Angeles arbor. where are fora (ed

Changes Viewp'oint
T SEEMS that after war was declared
1by the Axis Powers at least two pro-
fessors have called me stupid, absurd, and
ridiculous for my non-intervention stand
prior to the attacks on the United States.
Stupid, no doubt, was my inability to
predict the Japanese assault as these pro-
fessors had done. , And naturally it was
absurd to advocate waiting for an Axis
war declaration before we began hostili-
ties with Germany. I suppose, in fact,
my whole attitude of reluctance to leap
into the disaster and my hope that we
might achieve some measure of peace was
ridiculously idealistic when the inevit-
ability of our participation was generally
acknowledged by the intelligent. So, as
our peace falls to violence, non-interven-
tion quietly dies within me.
Yet, as I view the charred remains of
the torch I have so hopefully flourished,
my feeling of stupidity is somewhat dilut-
ed by a pride that I did what I could to
oppose American aggression, while sup-
porting fully all plans for the actual
defense of this hemisphere. Denying any
sort of appeasement, I am proud that,
contrary to the President's policy, I
'sought any possibility of peace. I am
proud that b was able to maintain up to
the last my stupid resistance to the ag-
gressive policy so vigorously urged by
some of our leading professors; and I am
glad to know I will participate in a war
begun by the Axis and not, as these in-
tellectuals desire, by our President. I
am proud that now, as I reverse my atti-
tude toward the President's policy, I will
not have to recant one statevmzen I made
as a Fon-interventionist.
M INGLED humility and pride, there-
fore, are confused with my de-
sire to contribute my capabilities Ito the
job ahead. Now I am on your side, gentle-
men, whether you like'it or not. I offer
you my stupidity and absurdity for what-
ever ridiculous task they can be em-
ployed. Emile Geli
The Rep'Churish
Open Letter to Santa Claus, Bob Westfall, and
Don Stevenson:
Dear Sirs,
COM MONDAY, I understand you boys are
holding a big party over at the Hill Audi-
torium. Is it all right if I send you my Christmas
letter right now? Well, here is how it is. What
I want very much is something about the Christ-
mas Bureau that I wrote about the other day.
It means a kind of imposition on you, and it
certainly isn't any of my business, except that I
figure we all want pretty much the same thing
for the kids, namely a good Christmas for all of
Now if you run your party the way it always
has been run, it will be a good party and the kids
will have fun, and so will you, but like I said the
other day, all that candy is liable to give them a
stomach ache, and you wouldn't want to give a
bunch of kids the stoniach ache, now would you?
I told all about what the Chri'stmas Bureau is
trying to do this year in the earlier column I keep
talking about, but here it is once more. The

Bureau is trying to arrange things so that the
parents of the kids will give them the presents1
they get on Christmas morning, and if it is at
all possible; the kids will get what they want
most of all. In order to work out their plan, the
people at the Bureau need money about as much,
or in fact more, than they need anything else.
Now maybe you have already bought the things
for the party Monday. I know there isn't much
time left, and a party is a party, and if you are
all set, then ok, I still think it's a fine thing you
are doing. However, just on the chance that you
haven't got everything settled, would you give
me something forChi'istmas? What it would be
is this-instead of inviting the kids to the party,
how about inviting all the fraternity men on
campus to attend themselves, and bring some
dough with them. Maybe a quarter, maybe what-
ever they wanted to chip in, but figure it out
for yourselves, if all the Greeks chipped in even a
little bit, boy what a sum it would make, and how
many things could be bought for kids with it.
DON'T KNOW just what you would do at the
party in case yo'u adopted a plan like this.
Maybe you could sing carols, or adjourn to a
tavern nearby, or maybe it would be enough just
to have that damn good feeling that comes when
you do something nice for somebody and they
aren't there at the time to thank you for, it in
person. All kids like candy and stuff like that.
But they also like other things, like toy trains,
and skates, or a hockey stick. Obviously you can't
foresee all the things the kids want, but believe
me, with the help of the Christmas Bureau, you
can make sure they get them just the same. And
it is a nice idea, having the parents give the
gifts, because then with one gift you'll really be
giving two. To the kids, the actual gifts. To the
base? is [hai t other kind of gift, fthe samie kind-




(Continued from Page 2)
Administration); (General); (Medi-
cal Science). $1,560.
Junior' Engineering Aid (Male),
Further information may be ob-
tained from the notice which is on
file at the Bureau of Appointments,
201 Mason Hall. Office hours 9-12;
Bureau of Appointments and
Occupational Information
The University Bureau of Appoint-
ments has received - notification of
the examination for Motor Vehicle
License Examiner, Bureau of Motor
Vehicles, Department of Taxation
and Finance, State of New York. This
examination is.announced by s the
New York Civil' Service Commission.
Application forms must be obtained
by mail and return postmarked not
later than January 9, 1942. The date
for the examination has been set as
February 14, 1942.
Further information may be ob-
tained from the notice which is on
file at the University Bureau of Ap~-
pointments 201 Mason Hall. Office
hours 9-1L,~ 2-4.
Universityy Bureau of Appointments
and Occupational Information
Women students wishing employ-
ment during the holidays are asked
to register at the Office of the Dean
of Women. There are many oppor-
tunities for employment in private
Byrl F. Bacher,
Assistant Dean of Women
Academic Notices
Zoology 31 (Organic Evolution):
All members of the class should re-
turn their recent examination papers
at once to the boxes near Room 2091
N.S. for an important change in
Bacteriological Seminar will meet
Monday, Dec. 15, at 8:00 p.m. in 1564
East Medical Building. Subject,
"Tuberculin." All interested are cor-
dially invited.
To Students Enrolled for Series of
Lectures on Naval Subjects: Lieuten-
ant John E. Fitzgibbon, Lieutenant
U.S. Navy, Assistant Professor of
Naval Science and Tactics, Univer-
sity of Michigan, will deliver a lec-
ture on "The Naval Reserve" at 7:15
p.m. on Tuesday, December 16, in
Room 348 West Engineering Build-
Concer s
Messiah Concert: The University
Musical Society will present Handel's
"Messiah" Sunday. afternoon at 4:15
o'clock, December 14, in Hill Audi-
torium. The University Choral Un-
ion, the University Symphony Or-
chestra, Palmer Christian, organist,
Marie Wilkins, soprano, Edwina Eus-
tis, contralto, Ernest McChesney,
tenor, and Douglas Beattie, bass, will
all participate,. under the baton of
Maestro Thor Johnson.
Tickets, so long as they last, will
continue on sale at the offices of the
University Musical Society in Bur-
ton Memorial Tower until noon Sat-
urday. On Sunday they will be on
sale at the box office in Hill Auditor-
ium after 2:30 o'clock.
Charles A. Sink, President

IHistory, will give the third of the
French Lectures sponsored by the
Cercle Francais on Monday, Dec. 15,
at 4:15 p.m. in Room D, Alumni
Memorial Hall. The title will be:
"La Conquete de l'Europe spar l
France pendant la Revolution et la
Premier Empire."
Tickets for the series of lectures
may be procured from the Secretary
of the Department offRomance Lan-
guages (Room 112, Romance Lan-
guage Building) or at the door at the
time of the lecture for a small sum.
Holders of these tickets are entitled
to admission to all lectures, a small
additional charge being made for the
annual play. These lectures are open
to the general public.
Events . Today
The sound-color motion picture
filip "Symphony of Young America,"
filmed at the National Music Camp
last summer, will be shown for the
first time today, 1:15-1:37 p.m. All
former National Music Camp stu-
dentsand others interested are in-
vited. No admission charge. Due
to the affiliation of the National
Music Camp with the University of
Michigan, the film is of particula in-
terest at this time.
General Linguistics Study Group,
International Center announces that
Professor C. L. Meader, Professor
Emeritus of General Linguistics, will
speak on "The Historical Develop-
ment of Contemporary Methods in
Language Study" in the Recreation
Room of the International Center
today at 2:30 p.m. The public is cor-
dially invited.
. The Lane Hall Work- Shop will be
open today and also during the eve-
ning to complete the job of painting
and repairing toys for Christmas for
Ann Arbor's needy children. There
will be plenty of work for all who
can cone at any time during the day.
Wear old clothes.
The 'nter-Cooperative Council is
holding a dance tonight, 8:30-12:00,
at the Wolverine. All Co-op mem-
bers and applicants are cordially in-
The Suomi Club will have a Christ-
mas party tonight at 8:30 in the
International Center. There will be
an exchange of ten-cent gifts, so
please bring one.
Graduate Christmas Dance will be
held tonight, 9:00-12:00 p.m. in the
Assembly H1ll of the Rackham
Building; also bridge, carol singing
and refreshments. All graduate stu-
dents and faculty invited. Admis-
sion-proceeds to 'be 'given to the
Family Welfare Bureau as a contri-
bution to the needy.
Women's Bowling Club: Women
students who are interested in join-
ing the bowling club must sign up
at the Women's Athletic today.
Coming Events
German Table for Faculty Mem-
bers will meet Monday at 12:10 p.m.
in the Founders' Room Michigan
Union. OMembers of all departments
are cordially invited. There will be
a brief talk on "Die wirtschaftliche
Bedeutung von Niederlandisch-In-

By Lichty

"I think it's just fine to buy defense bonds, Edgar-but I feel that
civilian morale is important, too!"

interested, both members and non-
members, are invited.
Congregational Student Felow-
ship: A party for underprivileged
children will be held Sunday, Dec.
14, at 7:30 p.m. by the Congrega-
tional Student Fellowship. Each boy
is asked to bring a twenty-five cent
gift for a male youngster; the party
will be held in the church parlors.
Wesley Foundation: Bible Class on
Monday at 7:30 p.m. in Room 214
with Dr. Brashares. The subject for
discussion in the series "Developing
,Religious Ideas" will be "Guidance."
Wesley Foundation: The Graduate
Group will meet for discussion at
6:00 p.m. Sunday. Dr. Blakeman will
lead with the subject "Religious
Equipment for Graduate Study." This
group will join with the undergradu-
ates for Tea at 7:00 and for the pro-
gram at 7:30 p.m.
Faculty Women's Club: The Mon-
day Evening Drama Group vill meet
on Monday, December 15, at 7:45
p.m., at the Michigan League.
Conference of Counselors: Presi-
dent Ruthven and Professor Hopkins
will present information sto "The
Emergency" to the counselors at a
luncheon meeting at the Union, Room
102, on Monday, December 15, 12:15
First Baptist Church: 10:15 a.m.
Graduate Class taught by Professor
Chas. Brassfield in the church. Un-
dergraduate Class, taught by Rev. C.
H. Loucks in the Guild House.
11 a.m. Sermon,. "Where- is He?"
6:30 p.m. roger Williams Guild.
"Christmas in Song and Story."
9:00 p.m. The Guild will attend
the Carol Sing in a group.
First Methodist Church and Wes-
ley Foundation: Student Class at
9:30 a.m. with Prof. Kenneth Hance.
Morning Worship at 10:40 o'clock.
Dr. Charles W. Brashares will preach
on "His Gift to Me." Wesleyan Guild
meeting in charge 6f °the kappa Phi
group. Tea and fellowship at 6:30
p.m. Program of Christmas pictures
and music beginning at 7:30 p.m.
Zion Lutheran Church: The church
worship service will be held at 10:30
Sunday with sermon by Mr.. Clem-
ent Shoemaker on "Jesus Judges The
Deeds of All."
Trinity Lutheran Church: The
service of worship will be at 10:30
on Sunday with Rev. Henry 0. Yoder
using as his theme, "The Greatest
Trust Ever Given to Man."
First Church of Christ, Scientist:
Sunday morning service , at 10:30.
Subject: "God, the Preserver of
Sunday School at 11:45 a.m.
St. Andrew's Episcopal Church:
Sunday: 8:00 a.m. Holy Commun-
ion; 10:00 a.m. High School Class;
11:00 a.m. Kindergarten, Harris Hall;
11:00 a.m. Junior Church; 11:00 a.m.
Litany, Ante-Communion and Ser-
mon by the Rev. Frederick W. Leech;
4:00-6:00 p.m. High Square Club
Meeting, Harris Hall; 6:00 p.m. Chor-
al Evensong and Address by the Rev.
John G. Dahl; 6:45 p.m. Christmas
Party for Episcopal University Stu-
dents at Little Whitewood Lake.
Leaving Harris Hall at 6:45 p.m.
(after "The Messiah"). Supper, car-
ols, games, compline. Bring 10c gift
toy to exchange and later give to Toy
Library. Tpnsportation provided.
Retervations requested--call 861'3.
First Presbyterian Church: Morn-
ing Worship, 10:45, "The Divine Ex-
periment"" subject of the sermon by
Dr. W. P. Lemon.

Westminster Student Guild: Sup-
per at 6:00 p.m. The Dramatics
Committee will present "The Dust
of the Road." This will be the last
meeting before Christmas. All are
cordially invited.
The Church of Christ will meet for
Scripture study Sunday at 10:00 a.m.
in the Y.M.C.A. At 11:00 a.m. Gar-
vin M. Toms will preach on the theme
"I Am Debtor." The evening-serv-
ice is to be held at 7:30 p.m., at which
time the sermon topic will be: "got
Far From the kingdom of God."
Midweek Bible study will be held at
7:30 p.m. Wednesday. To all serv-
ices everyone is cordially invited.
First Congregational Church: 10:45
a.1h. Services in Lydia Mendelssohn
Theatre of the Michigan League. Dr;
Leonard A. Parr, minister, will preach
on "Turn to the Strongholds." (There
will be no meeting of Ariston League
on account of the Messiah concert.)
7:15 p.m. Student Fellowship will
entertain a group of under-privi-
leged boys at a Christmas party in
the church parlor. Features of the
evening will be a Christmas tree,
movies, food, andSanta Claus.
Unitarian Church: 11:00 a.m. Ser-
mon by. Mr. MiAley, "The Christmas
7:30 p.m. Student Meeting, "Stra-
tegy iA the Pacific", conducted by
Mr. Edward W. Mill,
Memorial Christian Church (Dis-
ciples): 10:45 a.m. Morning Worship
Rev. Frederick Cowin, Minister.
'720 Oppn. (Pli'( Jqoram.


Exhibition, College of Architecture Pi Lambda Theta and Phi Delta
and Design: Collection of pottery, Kappa are sponsoring a tea honor-
the work of Mary Chase Stratton of ing the faculty of the School of
the Pewabic Pottery, iven I the Education on Sunday afternoon, Dc-
Uni'iit it' by , Vr Wal 'i1"c ri, cemub'v 1.1, .1 he M Vchjgt;U11LcAgE.j

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