'I'H MICHIGAN DAILY I TUESDAY, THE MICHIC.AN.l.llY TUESDAY i." .... vvf av a Senate Las.Plans for Tag Day Drive (Continued from Page 1) day. Thirty students chosen under the Hare system of proportional rep- resentation, constitute this body-the only Michigan organization repre- senting all campus groups. With Todd as president, its other officers are Vice-President Roger Kelly, '42, and Treasurer Robert Krause,'42. The Student Senate was first cre- ated in 1935 in order to perpetuate the annual Spring Parley. Since then it has added the Winter Parley to the list of University discussion forums. I I I Health Service Report Reveals Student Statistics I By EDMUND J. GROJSSBERG Health Service examined 4,810 stu- dents during the school year 1940- 41, according to the annual statisti- cal analysis, and found students af- flicted with the usual crop of colds, measles, appendicitis, cuts, bruises and imaginative ailments. German measles had a big year with some 33 cases reported-most of them coming during January and February along with a number of mild cases of influenza. Athletic Michiganders succumbed to 124 bone fractures, 454 sprains, and 406 strains. Despite the annual trichinosis bo- gey only one case of the disease was reported during the school year. By far the most numerous cases turned out to be what medicine terms "acute respiratory infection" better known as the "cold." Some 4516 of these cases were treated at Health Service. More serious respiratory infec- tions resulted in 66 pneumonia cases, with lesser disturbances such as bronchitis accounting for 117 ill- nesses. About 1300 sore throats turned up among the students. Appendicitis patients totaled 168 while some 553 gastrointestinally up- set patients were reported-making the odds about 5 to 1 that the stom- achache you have may turn out to be appendicitis. This fact has caused the Health Service staff to urge any student who has what may seem to beonly a harmless stomach upset to check it with a competent physician. Concussions of the brain sent 32 members of the student body to Health Service. Migraine headaches accounted for 35. Haisley Renamed As Superintendent (Continued from Page 1) rampant. Supporters of Louis Ayres and Mrs. Flora Ward, anti-Haisley, charged Haisley with "Russian meth- ods," secrecy in regard to the bud- get, and hinted at graft. These charges were vigorously de- nied by backers of candidates Mrs. Alex Dow, Courtney Maulbetsch, in- cumbent member, and Ashley Clague. They appealed to the citizens for fair play, searchingly questioned why the board majority refused to grant a hearing to the superintendent, and (Continued on Page 8) i , i I I haven't a thing to wear I just sent my last outfit to GREENE'S w r - 3 r i ''}d : 7 /' r { f A:._ 1:- L ยข". y. } / A But . little need she worry for with I ' j Greene's rapid cleaning and delivery service her outfit will be back before she can turn around. i _ 4 GREEN E'S ' Micro clean 516 E. Liberty Phone 23-23-1 1209 S. University 0N e 4'{ UNDER THE MICROSCOPE I* Pr Michigan's Leading Drycleaners s PROMPT SERVICE on Short Notice ie8633 KNITS BLOCKED to measurement REPAIRS MADE by Experts CHARGE ACCOUNTS by Request I 11 U U-a .- lr ?UW &-%u-rwi-c- e i .a I s rra Y_- lr -XL __- "i VVT TTFUV 1 . 7i __- 7m ____Y