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December 13, 1941 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1941-12-13

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Occasional Snow Faurrie-



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Quash anti-Lab r

Russians Claim Nazis ollapse On Moscow F





Waged Against Luzon Attackers

Jap Landings
Are Stopped,
Reports Say
U.S. Asiatic Fleet Chases
Enemy Ships At Manila
As Aerial Battle Rages
11 Planes Downed
By Americans
WASHINGTON. Dec. 12.-(A )--The
heroic defenders of Wake and Mid-
way, tiny Pacific islets, continued to
hold the Japanese at bay today, while
on the principal Philippine island of
Luzon, American land, sea and air
forces joined in a terrific struggle to
smash repeated Japanese attacks.
This was the gist of the latest
United States Navy and Army com-
muniques, issued at the end of a day
that saw the Capital move to register
4,000,000 men for possible military
or non-military service, iadrease the
Navy's strength by 30 per cent and
raise possibly $6,500,000,000 through
new taxes to finance the victory pro-
, Repulse Attempted Landings
The Army communique said at-
tempted Japanese landings were re-
pulsed south of Vigan and north of
San Fernando, cities on the west
coast of Luzon. However, a previous
communique indicated the Japanese
not only had succeeded in landing
but were augmenting their forces
The communique acknowledged
some enemy troops had been landed
near Legaspi, in the extreme southern
portion of Luzon Island, as claimed
by the Japanese Imperial Headquar-
Discount Jap Claim
But the Capital discounted the
Japanese claim that the landing at
Legaspi, and also at Aparri, in the
far north of the island, placed the
enemy troops in position to carry out
a pincers attack on Manila., In mili-
tary circles, it was said mountain and
estuary barriers stood in the way of
a pincers' movement from those two
! footholds. By some, the Japanese
blows at Aparri and Legaspi were
regarded simply as diversions.
The view that the real attack was
being made on the west coast of Lu-
zon was strengthened by the com-
munique's statement that "previous
reports of enemy naval concentra-
tions west of Zambeles Province were
U.S. Assumes Offensive
In Air And Sea Operations
(By The Associated Press)
MANILA, Dec. 12-In their first en-
counter with ships of the U. S. Asi-
atic fleet, the Japanese warships have
turned tail and fled to avoid coming
to grips, it was disclosed today' while
the American defenses of this staunch
island were beating back with strong
effect at heavy Japanese aerial as-
In widespread raids seeing to cover
continuing efforts of the invader's
land forces to seize lodgments, 113
Japanese bombers were counted, but
11 planes were smashed by American
Fights Way Out
These attacks were loosed at the
province of Batangas, south of Man-
ila; the U. S. naval base are of Olon-
gapo, 50 miles west of Manila, and
Clark Field, north of the capital.
The afternoon commbinique from
the headquarters of Lieutenant-Gen-
eral Douglas MacArthur announced
a single American pilot, .first Lieu-

tenant Boyd D. Wagner, had shot his
way out of an attack by five Japan-
ese pursuit planes, sending two down
in flames and machine-gunning 12
Japanese ships on the ground, leaving
five of them burning. Only then, with
his gasoline running low, dig he turn
for his base.
Attack Luzon
(This communique made no men-
tion of the immediate situation as to
Japanese land forces. In Washington
during the day, however, the War De-
partment announced the Japanese
were attacking Luzon from several

Cagers Will Meet State;
Skaters Face Canadians

Cartimill Leads Basketball Team Against
Wolverine Sextet Seeks First Victory Of
It will be Michigan's height against,
Michigan State's experience as the
Wolverine cagers open their 1941-42 : .}
season at 7 :30 p.m. today in Yost : r"f 3
Field House.
Led by Capt. Bill Cartmill and two ; r;:; r..;
returning lettermen-Leo Doyle and
Jim Mandler-the Wolverines will
meet a formidable foe in the Spartans r
Admission to the Michigan-'
Michigan State basketball game
tonight is free' to all students
bearing identification cards. The
prices for non-students are $1.00
for reserved seats and 75 cents for
general admission.


who have already demonstrated their
power by whipping Fort Custer, 50-29,
and Central Michigan College, 29-23.
Added to this is the fact that the
East Lansing aggregation has finished
on the short end of the' score in 10
of the last 12 battles, and aim to re-
verse the tide this year.
After yesterday's practice, Coach
Bennie Oosterbaan was still unde-
cided whom he would start at the
spots left vacant by the graduation of
Herb Brogan, last year's captain, and
Mike Sofiak, high point scorer on last
season's quintet. However, it ap-
peared that Mel Comin, the fourth
returning letter winner on the squad,
and husky Bill MacConnachie, an un-
tried sophomore, would start at for-
ward and guard, respectively, in or-
ler to give the team as much height
as possible.
The other possibilities at these two
spots are both sophomores, Bob
Shemky at forward and Morrie Bi-
koff at guard. 'Both of them have
showed up well in practice and will
see action even if they do not start
the game.
Michigan State's all-letter-man
Third Blackout
Covers' 'Frisco
Searchlights Pierce Sky
Across Golden Gate
SAN FRANCISCO, Dec. 12. - (By
telephone to Los Angeles Bureau)-
Unidentified airplanes roared low
over San Francisco shortly before 9
o'clock tonight as the city had its
third blackout of the war.
The San Francisco office of the
Associated Press was in complete
blackness as police ordered even a
kerosene lamp extinguished. This
story was telephoned to the Los An-
geles Bureau by M. A. kaiser from
information obtained by staff men
on the roof of the Chronicle Build-
ing at Fifth and Mission Streets.
Most of the Chronicle staff went to
their bombproof shelters, but the
Associated Press men remained on
duty. .

squad will be led by Capt. Chet Au-
buchon, an All-American choice at
guard for the 1939-40 season. The
(Continued on Page 3)
Varsity Skaters
Face Canadians
Michigan's' hockey team takes the
ice at 8:30 p.m. today at the Coliseum
for a game against Port Dover, an-
other Canadian sextet. The game will
start a half hour later than usual in
order that those who attend the bas-
ketball game might get over to the
Coliseum in time for the puck battle.
tonight's game will show whether
the puckmen have been able to shake
off the bad play which was' demon-
strated against'the London A. C. last
Saturday. And the competition that
the Dover outfit has to offer Will be'
tough enough so that Lowrey's men
will be put to a real test.
Unlike London, Fort Dover is not
an oldt stalemate that comes to Ann
Arbor every year to battle the Wol-
verines. The last and only time that
the two teams met was in the season
of 1935-36. Those were the good old
days of Michigan hockey. They had
a real club that season and the Dover
club came here and gave the fans a
good game. Michigan came out on
fop against their Canadian foe that
year, winning 7-5.
Those unfamiliar with the Dover
(Continued on Page 3)

Swift Action
On Draft Bill
Is Foreseen
New Legislation Provides
For Vale Registration
In 18-64 Age Group
Men From 19-21
Will See Service
WASHINGTON, Dec. 12 - () -
Congress leaders signalled tonday for
swift action on legislation to require
the registration of all men from 18
to 64, inclusive, with a view of mak-
ing those from 19 to 44, inclusive, li-
able for military training and service.
Chairman May (Dem.-Ky.) of the
House Military Committee introduced
the bill immediately after a confer-
ence of House leaders with Secretary
of War Stimson and other War De-
partment officials. He announced
hearings would start tomorrow and
predicted the measure would. be ap-
proved in two hours.
Want Overall Picture
Speaker Rayburn of the House said
the new registration was "necessary
to get an overall picture of the man-
power of the country" and General
Lewis B. Hershey, Selective Service
Director, agreed such a precautionary
step should be taken quickly.-
Hershey said the new registrations,
of course, would not apply to men
from 21 to 35, inclusive, who have
registered previously. He took occa-
sion, too, to deny- the. War Depart-
ment has any immediabe plans for
registering women, a step which had
been reported after Hershey held a
press conference yesterday.
While the new bill obviously was
designed to tap the vast reservoir of
men from 19 to 21 and possibly train
them for combat service, there was
no indication of the disposition that
might be made of men 45 to 64, in-
clusive, who would register but, under
the terms of the legislation, would
not be liable for (ombatant service.
It was believed some of them might
be mustered for vital non-cambatant
Estimate 40,000,000 Met
At Selective Service headquarters
it was estimated there are about 40,-
000,000 men between 18 and 64. Offi-
cials calculated there are 25,000,000
in the 19-44 age group, including the
approximately 17,000,000 already reg-
istered under the present Selective
Service Act applying 'to those aged
The measure would permit the
President to order the deferment from
training of any men whose age makes
such action advisable.
The measure also would permit en-
listments of men up to 45.'
Latest Campus Rumor
Starts Vacation Panic
Unconfirmed sources reported yes-
terday that the Christmas Vacation
would start Wednesday instead of
Friday . . . and this rumor caused,
the Dean's Office plenty of head-'
Numerous telephone calls were
made by anxious students to various
University offices and to The Daily
asking whether the statement was
true. The answer was always a blunt
and disgusted "No."
The rumor attributed the early
vacation date to the fact that author-
ities wanted to prevent congestion of
transportation facilities by crowds of

homecommng service men and stu-


Van Wagoner Will Define
Role Of Student Body
In AidingWar Effort
President Ruthven
Will Offer Advice
Joining in an effort to instruct the
students of .the nation as to what are
their, duties in the present crisis, Gov.
Murray D. Van Wagoner will offer his
advice to University students at the
all-campus assembly at 3:30 p.m.
Tuesday in Hill Auditorium.
This action fills out an already im-
posing list of speakers on the student-
sponsored program.
President 'Alexander G. Ruthven,
realizing that many: young people

By Governor

'M' Assembly
To Hear Talk

Local Group's
Clothing Drive
Yesterday's snow flurries may mean
a white Christmas with sleigh bells
and holly to you, but to several hun-
dred unfortunates in this vicinity, it
only means so much more cold to be
endured without the aid of warm
With this $n mind, students are re-
minded of a collection now taking
place on campus, with the express
purpose of supplying' these needy in-
dividuals with the necessary warm,
overcoats, sweaters, shoes and un--
derclothes tor see them through the
The collection group, which may be
reached at Lane Hall through Mis&
Pjatty Zander, has been busy canvass-
ing individual students in the past
week for garments. The final anc
complete collection for League
Houses, cooperatives and rooming
houses will be today, from 12:00 noon
to 6:00 p.m., during which time truck:
will call for the clothes at the differ-
ent houses. The limit for dormitories
sororities, and fraternities has beer
extended to Wednesday.
As soon as these clothes are collec-
ted, the group plans to distribute
them through such notable local or-
ganizations as the Red Cross, the
Salvation Army and the Friends Serv-
ice Committee. All three of these or-
ganizations are going to combine thii
rive to aid needy civilians in war
time with their reguldr Christmas
That these people are really de-
serving of this aid, is explained by
Brigadier John Ellis, local director of
the Salvation Army.
"Most of these people want to work,
and do earn scant wages of five to
ten dollars a week-barely enough to
eat on," he said. "But because they
do work, they are exempt from gov-
ernment relief. Result: Bare subsis-
tence without enough clothes to keep
them warm."


Red Army Declares
German Loss .Heavy
Communique States Enemy Troops Fleeing On Both
Flanks Of Encirclement Front Along Frozen Plain;
Cossack Divisions Slash Through Opposing Lines
MOSCOW, Dec. 12.-(P)-Russia announced the utter defeat of a
crumbling German army of 750,000 men on the Moscow front tonight with
85,000 Germans killed and 23 of an original 51 divisions either smashed,
routed, surrounded or retreating.
A special communique reported German troops in flight on both flanks
of the encirclement front on the frozen Moscow plain. Red Cossack de-
tachments were said to be slashing through the German lines, isolating divi-
sion after division and leaving them behind for battles of annihilation
to come.
"Fiasco of German plans for surrounding and capturing Moscow," was
the title of the announcement wirelessed abroad by the Soviet Information
(The German High Command announced early this week that with the
setting in of winter the Nazi troops had entrenched themselves and that
Moscow and Leningrad could not be

are completely confused about what
they should do to help in the war
effort, will speak on "The University
of Michigan Student in the Present
. Presenting the problem from, the
women's viewpoint, Dean Alice Lloyd
will offer advice to the local coeds in
her "Challenge to, College Women in
the Emergency"
Lending an official note to the
program, Lieut.-Col. Francis Brannan,
Commander of the University ROTC
unit, and Capt. Lyal Davidson, Chair-
man of the Department of Naval
Science and Tactics, are scheduled to
discuss the present attitude of the
Army and Navy toward students.
Other speakers will be Dean Joseph
Bursley and Prof. Louis A. Hopkins,
Chairman of the University Defense
Committee. Dean Bursley is to open
the program and set the tone for the
meeting, while Professor Hopkins will
discuss the relation of the University
to the nation during war-time.s

taken before spring.)
"The cannibal Hitler," an earlier
communique said, "decided to choose
a different corner for his pranks and
left the eastern front for Berlin in
order to disclaim responsibility."
The communiques were broadcast
from~ Moscow.
Germany was said to have thrown
13 tank divisions, 33 infantry divisions
and five motorized infantry divisions
into the "second general offensive"
against Moscow that started Nov. 16.
Between Nov. 16 and Dec. 10 the
total results of successes are: ,
Large Nazi Losses
"We captured or destroyed (with-
out taking airforce operations into
account) 1,434 tanks, 5,416 lorries,
675 guns, 339 trench mortars, 870 ma-
chine-guns. During this period Ge-
man losses amounted to over 85,000.
killed. These figures are incomplete."
In the "wearing down" period from
Vov. 16 to Dec. 6 Red troops killed
)5,00 Germans assaulting their posi-
-:ions, the communique said. In the
sounter-offensive from Dec. 6 to Dec.
L0 they were said to have killed 30,-
)00 Germans and recaptured 400
The Moscow victory meant Rus-
:ians held the initiative on both the
eitral and the southern fronts,
vhere Germanaftroops still were on
the defensive after the flight from
Cold Takes Toll
In the north an official announce-
nent indicated the Germans were
'uffering gravely from the Leningrad
iefenders' war of attrition and from
he advent of severe cold.
Many German companies before
Leningrad were sid to have lost as
much as 50 per cent of their men and
iany troops there were still wearing
summer uniforms.'
In all ten tank divisions and 13 in-
fantry divisions were reported smash-
ed, routed or pushed back In the five
days of heavy fighting on the Moscow
ft ont.
Manila pol iceC
Thwartt Axis
Fifth Column!
MANILA, Saturday, Dec. 13.-P)---
Fifth columnists set off red flares in
Manila last night in a new outbreak
of fifthncolumn activity and rifles
blazed in the blacked-out streets as
sentries fired under orders of "shoot
to kill."
The rockets were sighted from
downtown Manila early in the eve-
ning and others were seen from the
bay front.
Rifle fire was heard immediately
from both directions.
Sentries and members of the con-
stabulary, under orders to enforce the
blackout and ask no questions, fired
on several houses from which lights
could be seen.
Pedestrians and motorists who
failed to respond to challenges after
the curfew hour alstdrew rifle shots
from the sentries.
The firing lasted several hours in
one district. There a large neon-

Students Support U.S. Effort:
Note Sent To President Ruthven
Pledges Chinese Loyalty In War

A Great Day For The Irish:
Don O'Connor Leads Election'
As 12 Senate Posts Are Filled

Pledging their wholehearted sup-
port to the war effort~ o~f the United
States, University Chinese students
yesterday presented a resolution
adopted by the Chinese Students'
Club to President Alexander G. Ruth-
ven. The resolution will be sent to the
Chief Executive in Washington.
The resolutionereaffirmed the be-
lief of the Chinese "in the ultimate
triumph of the immutable priciples
The complete statement of the
Chinese Students' Club is printed
on the editorial page of today's
of freedom and justice and democracy

the highest democratic ideals of our
respective peoples."
President Ruthven issued the fol-
lowing reply:
"I have received the Resolutions
presented by the Chinese Students'
Club.of the University of Michigan
and have submitted them to the
President of the United States with
my endorsement and with an ex-
pression of my high appreciation of
the loyalty of our Chinese stu-
dents." .
The Chinese. Students' Club has
also decided to purchase, with the
contributions of every member, a
United States Defense Bond. The
Chinese group at the University is the
inorrnc , 4 n,,nv nivncifid .,n ipnrn

The long arm of America's one-
week war reached into Ann Arbor
yesterday and made Don O'Connor,
'42, Student Defenders of Democracy
candidate, top man in the Student
Senate election.
O'Connor's 195 votes placed. him
first in the semi-annual poll which
saw the Michigan Party organization
take six of twelve posts open to 34
Under the system of proportional
representation, the five candidates
who passed a quota of 156 votes are
O'Connor, William Ager, '43, Buck
Dawson, '43, David Lynch, '44, and
Hoe Seltzer, '42. Dawson and Ager
ran on the Michigan Party ticket,

than last year's poll. The vote count,.
started at 7 p.m., was finished in a
haze of cigarette smoke and coke
bottles by midnight.
A breakdown of the returns reveals
that no senate incumbents on the
stump were returned to office. Ed-
ward Tann, '43, Jack Frazier, '43, and
Orval Johnson, '43, all members of
the senate this semester, failed to
gain enough support for re-election.
Theo battle of the organizations saw
the Michigan party come out on top
with little difficulty. No other party
was able to elect more than one mem-
ber, and the Dormitory Independents
did not succeed in placing any of their
finmo indie,,nli nf the snlIIf, ture~

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