Weather . low Cloudy,lightat si ow. 5k' A tlx Editorial Sehate Election Needs Your Support VOL. LII. No. 64 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 12, 1941 Z-323 PRICE FIVE CENTS H aw aiian A ir R aid Statistics Released; Luzon Area Static A New Uniform For 'Bullet Bob' Air Success Accompanies Unanimous Call For War; U.S. Challenged By Hitler Report States 50 To 100 Planes Attacked Oahu ; 49 Civilians Are Killed Island Is Deelared Under Martial Law HONOLULU, Dec. 11.-(P)-Fifty to 100 enemy warplanes knifed at Hickam Field Army air base, the Pearl Harbor Naval Base and, the Kaneohe Naval Air Base in six separ- ate raids on Oahu Island Sunday. Censorship was lifted partly to- day, permitting disclosure of more details of the Japanese surprise at- tack. The first raiders flew over at 7:55 a.m. Sunday and were followed by other waves at 11:29 a.m., 11:59 a.m., 12:22 p.m., 7:15 p.m. and 9:10 p.m. Forty-nine civilians were killed and more than 100 injured. (In Washington the White House has announced that with Navy, and Army casualties the total probably would be around 3,000, about equally divided between killed and wounded.) Martial law was declared. Police handled the civilian situa- tion beautifully, with only a small amount of subversive activities in.evi- dence. Suspend ,Habeas Corpus Military Governor Walter C. Short suspended habeas corpus proceed- ings.u Blackouts were instituted for an indefinite period with heavy penal- ties for violation. The Japanese Consul was taken in- to custody while he was burning re- cords." Dangerous areas were evacuated and schools ordered closed indefin- itely. Breaks in gas mains caused by the bombing were-sealed and fires started in gasoline tanks -were put dut by heroic efforts. Small craft were ordered detained in Kewalo Basin and all ships were warned they would be fired uponif they approached Oahu Island with- out permission, Fires were soon under control. Saloons were closed indefinitely. Food selling continued but sales were confined1 to. normal quantities and gasoline sales were limited to one half a tankful at a time. Restau- rants remained open throughout the emergency, but any elaboration is not permitted by the censorship. Japanese Position Strengthened In Luzon MANILA, Friday, Dec. 12-(A')- The Japanese have improved their strength in northern Luzon, but "the situation remains unchanged mater- ially," the U. S. Army stated in a commnunique today. The Army said it had received an unconfirmed report that a small force had landed at Legaspi, a port on the Albay Gulf on the southeastern coast of Luzon, the main island of the Phil- ippines. The situation, which was declared materially unchanged overnight, found the American defenders of the Philippines apparently having smash- ed every Japanese effort to set in- vading forces firmly ashore, save pos- sibly for one new thrust by para- chutists. Manila Under Alarm Manila was under air raid alarm for an hour and 40 minutes early this morning-from 3:50 to 5:30 a.m.- but no raiders were reported. The commuique came at the be- ginning of a new day after the Ameri- can defenders had had a series of successes, including the burning and sinking by army planes of a 29,000- ton Japanese battleship off the horth coast of Luzon. (The Navy announced in Washing- ton the bombing and serious damag- ing of a second 29,000-ton Japanese battleship, also off Luzon.) .I Plan Is Made To Legislate CivilianDraft Congress May Ask For Registration Of All Citizens 18 To 65 WASHINGTON, Dec. 11. -(p)_- Registration of all men and women from 18 to 65 years of age may be asked by the Government in an all- out mobilizing of the nation's human resources for the war with the Axis. Brig. Gei Lewis B..Hershey, direc- tor of Selective Service, disclosed to- day this plan was under study as the Army called for 10,000 volunteer nur- ses and Congress swiftly passed leg- islation removing prohibitions against service of selectees outside the West- ern Hemisphere. "We undoubtedly are soon going to consider the registration of women," Hersheytold a press conference. 20,000,000 Could erve He went on to estima 20,000,000 could serve by replacing men in fac- tories, enlisting in civilian defense or with the armed service in non-com- batant capacities. The general proposition of regis- tering and classifying all able-bodied men ard women aged 18 to 65 was de- scribed by Hershey as the "number 1 project at this time." This would require new legisla- tion. Under the present Selective Serv- ice Act men between 21 and 35 inclu- sive were registered. About half of the present 1,600,000 men in the Army were drafted under this act. Hershey estimated 1,000,000 more were immediately available fiom the registered group, though he said this might mean lowering the standards for acceptance. And he made clear the first calls would goto men in this group. "Let's use what we've got first," he said. "I believe we should use the group 21 to 28 now to the limit of efficiency." Restriction Removed Congress wrote into the Selective Service Act last summer a restric- tion against dispatch of drafted men for service outside the Western Hemi- sphere. With Japan's attack on the United States the Administration immediate- ly asked for removal of this re- striction. When legislation to doo this was brought up in the Senate yesterday, Democratic leaders asked for 'mani- mous consent for tis consideration but Senator Hiram Johnson (Rep.-Calif.) objected. Under the rules, a lone ob- jection meant consideration must be deferred until today. Frosh, Senior Committeemen Are Announced* Tom Williams, '42E, of German- town, Pa., was elected chairman of the Senior Ball committee, and Ste- phen Selby, '45E, Grand Rapids, Frosh Frolic head in yesterday's balloting for committees to run the annual dances of the oldest and youngest classes on campus. Of the 13 Senior Ball committee members chosen, five are from the literary college. They are Jean Hub- bard, Detroit; Lee Cleary, Hinsdale, Ill., Ted McOmber, Ann Arbor, Burt Rubens, Rochester, N., Y., and Ray- mond Dietz, Detriot. Dietz was tied with Jim Collins, Orange, N. J., and the two drew cards to determine the winner. The other victorious candidates from the engineering school are Bob Getts, Lansing, and Lawton Hammett, W. Englewood, N. J. Phoebe Power, Bethesda, Md., was selected from the architecture school, Betty Johnson from the education school and Ches- ter Ewing, Flushing, N. Y., from the forestry school. Dorothy Anderson, Philadelphia, had already been selec- ted as the music school representa- tive, and Elizabth McFillen, Toledo, O., as the member from the nursing -Daily Photo by Bob Kilins In the absence of the kid himself, Bob Westfall, '42, captain of the 1941 Wolverine football team will play the part of Santa Claus at the Inter- fraternity Christmas party at 3:30 p.m. Monday in Hill Auditorium. Second on the ballot was Prof. Pres- ton W. Slosson, but with this one ex- ception Westfall swept through the line of candidates as if he were run- ning against Columbia again. Even now Rapid Robert is prac- ticing for his part, trying on beards, sorting out Christmas presents for the party and absorbing vitamins so that he will be plump enough to carry the part through in, the best style. Unfortunately, no statement could be obtained from Westfall as he was trying on personality whiskers when interviewed, and it was discovered that Bob was barely able to breathe. However, in answer to specific questions which could be answered with a nod of the head, Westfall as- sured the 'children who will attend the party and his constituents, (the guys who voted for him) that he will make every effo'rt within his means to assure all present of having a good time. Mad Damselle 1941 Swim Gala Appears Today' Opens Tonight Gargoyle's Parody Issue Seventh Annual Carnival Is Dedicated To Style Exhibits Local Talent No extra edition is heralding her By BUD HENDEL arrival in Ann Arbor, no newsboys That biggest of big water carnivals, shout her praises, but nevertheless the 1941 Michigan Swim Gala, moves Gargoyle's Mad Damselle is here. into the Sports Building Pool at 8 With belles on her colorful cover p.m. tonight for a one night stand of and belles throughout, Garg's annual natatorial entertainment. parody issue, this time dedicated to Sponsored jointly by the Wolverine "Mademoiselle," nationally distribu- swimming team and the Women's ted women's magazine, will sound off Athletic Association and under the on the men's ideas regarding women, direction of Coach Matt Mann, to- Reputed to rival the "Life" issue night's Gala will be the seventh an- of last spring, this new,, bigger Qar- nual production of this sort staged goyle is stuffed with cuts a la "Made- in Ann Arbor. In past years the Gala moiselle." The entire magazine has has proved to be one of the highest been planned to coincide with "Made- spots in the realm of Maize and Blue moiselle's" layout, even to the type sports attractions, and this season's face used. Sprinkled through the is- show"gives fair promise of upholding sue will be fashions, as per "Made- the long-standing tradition. moiselle," only offering, in addition, Coach Mann, who has directed all the rare touch of Garg. of the past tank shows, claims that So enlarged is the December Garg, this one will be the best yet, and to and so closelydoes it parallel "Made- support his contention he has an all moiselle" that it has been necessary star cast ready to display their wares to raise the price slightly for this one before the 1000 spectators who will issue. ' jam the natatorium. But it's the big issue of the year Headlining the program will be and, say the editors, well worth any Michigan's varsity mermen, holders price ! So the Mad Damselle adds a of the Big Ten and National Collegi- little reminder that, to be sure of get- ate crowns. The Wolverine crew, ting a copy before the cugtomary sell- characterized by a well nigh impreg- out, the "early bird gets the woim!" (Continued on Page 3) p All-Campus Assembly Tuesday Will Clarify Duties Of Students Mussolini Links Italians' Destiny With Japanese; Broadcast Reviles FDR Nazis Arrest 400- Amnerican Citizens BERLIN, Dec. 11.-(Official radio received by AP)-Adolf Hitler de- clared war against the United States today and announced Germany, Italy and Japan were pledged in a new alliance to fight it together to a finish. In the course of an address to the Reichstag which lasted an hour and a half, Hitler repeatedly and violent- ly attacked President Roosevelt, and expressed on behalf of "the German people" relief and satisfaction with the Japanese attack on America. Before he spoke the declaration of war was handed-at noon, Berlin time (5 a.m. EST)-to U.S. Charge d'Affaires George L Brandt by Joa- chim von Ribbentrop, Hitler's For- eign Minister. This declaration, which was not made publi until it was announced by Hitler, did. not mention Japan, but accused the Unit- ed States of acts of war at sea against Germany. It concluded: "The Reich Govern- ment therefore severs diplomatic re- lations with the United States of America and declares that under these circumstances, brought about by President Roosevelt, Germany al- so, commencing today, regards her- self in a state of war with the United States of America." A number of U.S. citizens in Ger- many were placed under arrest, a Wilhelmstrasse spokesman declaring that as many were being taken into custody in Germany as German citi- zens were arrested in the United States. This, by German count, is 400. Italian Destiny Linked. With Japanese Struggle/ ROME, Dec.,1.-(Official radio re- ceived by AP)-Premier Benito Mus- solini today linked Fascist Italy's des- tiny with that of "heroic Japan" by declaring war on the United States in a 5-minute speech from the balcony of the Palazzo Venezia. "I say to you, and you will under- stand," he told party faithfuls below him, "that it is a privilege to fight with them (the Japanese). . . . Ital- ians! Once more arise and be worthy of this historical hour. We shall win. A Propaganda Ministry broadcast quoted the Fascist ruler as saying President Roosevelt was "the real tyrannical democrat," who wanted the war and had prepared for it day by day with diabolical obstinacy." Thus Japan joined its fortunes with German and Japan in a world strug- gle precipitated by the tri-partite Axis alliance (a pact which provided, hiw- ever, that Italy and Germany were to go to Japan's aid only if Japan were attacked.) PR To Select Student Senate In Vote Today With every University student eli- gible to cast a ballot, the semi-an- nual Student eletion will be held to- day from 9:J a.m. to 5 p.m. When the vote-counting is com- pleted late tonight, 12 candidates out of 34 passed by the Board of Elec- tions will be members of the only campus organizationchosen without regard to University class standing or affiliations. Since the balloting will be under the Hare system of proportional re- presentation, each voter is required to mark his choices in order of pre- ference. He may vote for as many candidates as he wishes. As stated by the Board of Elections, every student will be required to present an identification card before voting. The Board has also author- ized ballot box workers to prohibit any electioneering within 50 feet of the polls. A ortiincr ton Ravu jDvis_ '4.F ISTANBUL, Turkey, Dec. 10-(de- layed) - (P) - Late reports from Greece, believed here to be reliable, said today that on Nov. 29-30 and Dec. 1 starvation deaths In Axis-occupied Athens numbered more than 800 each day, and that the figure since had risen. CHICAGO, Dec. 11-(P)-Gen- eral Robert E. Wood, National Chairman of the America, First Committee, announced tonight the group would be dissolved, and urged persons who had followed its lead to give their full support to the nation's war effort until peace is attained. KUIBYSHEV, U.S.S.R., Dee. 11- (RP)-A Russian peace with Germany would be made only by joint agree- ment with Britain and the United States, Soviet officials declared to- night in announcing Germany has held out peace feelers to the Soviet Union. HAVANA, Dec. 11-VP)-Cuba's declaration of war against Germany and Italy was approved unani- mously tonight by the Chamber of Deputies and sent to the Senate. The Senate concurred soon after by acclamation. MEXICO CITY, Dec. 11-(IP)- Mexico broke off diplomatic relations with Germany and Italy tonight. The break was as curt and abrupt as the Mexican severance with Japan last Sunday. SAN JOSE, Costa Rica, Dec. 11 -(P)-Costa Rica, the first nation of Latin America to declare war against Japan, toay declared ar against Germany and Italy. * * * CIUDAD TRUJILLO, Dominican Republic, Dec. 11-(P)-Congress to- night declared war on Germany and Italy. - Be a Goodfellow Dec. 15 --- Loeal Group's Clothing Drive Is Nearing End Students Are Requested To Contribute Clothing Practical For Winter Four people living in a chicken coop, a baby of eight month< wrapped in dirty muslin rags, child of five, peaked, and with n clothing save the barest essential to cover his body. The above case is an actual one, and is only one of many facing a student group in its drive to collect clothing for needy civilians. The drive, which was initiated as an aid to take some pressure off the government because of war activities. is also attempting to aid these un- fortunates in time for Christmas. With the collaboration of the local Salvation Army, Red Cross and Friends Service Committee, thi group has already begun collecting garments through differeht clubs or campus and through the dormi- tories. Clothing from cooperatives and independents should be in by 6 p.m Saturday, and trucks will be in use from 12 noon to 6 p.m. for the sole purpose of collecting. The time lim- it in sororities, fraternities and dor- mitories, however, has been extend- ed to Wednesday of next week. The group, may be contacted at Lane Hall in the person of Miss Patty Zander. Students are asked to try and con- tribute useful, warm clothing, and even though the group is grateful to all good intentions of the lads and lassies of fraternity and sorority life, the group begs them not to send in high heel shoes, formals and off-the- head hats, as the sharecroppers are not holding their annual formal this year. 'Instead, saddle shoes, overcoats, sweaters and warm underclothes are As Lineups Shape WASHINGTON, Dec. 11-('P)-A series of hammering a~d destructive blows at Nippon's navy were announ- ced today as Congress took up Hit- ler's gage of battle and put the United States formally into the war against Germany and Italy. Official communiques said: 1. Army bombers sank the 29,000- ton Japanese battleship Haruna off the northern coast of Luzon, Phil- ippine Islands. 2. The American forces protecting Wake Island, tiny stepping stone halfway between Hawaii and the Philippines, repulsed four enemy at- tacks, and sank a light cruiser and a destroyer from the air., Battleship 'Badly Damaged' 3. Navy patrol planes scored bomb hits on a Japanese battleship off Lu- zon and, in the words of Admiral Thomas C. Hart, commander of the Asiatic Fleet, left it "badly damaged." This battleship was unnamed, but was of the Kongo class, the same class as the Haruna. There are four ships in this category. All are old battle- wagons built before the last world war. They were rebuilt during the period of 1926-30 and made more for- midabe, however. Without a single vote of opposition both houses of Congress today passed resolutions making the United States a full and formal participant in the worldwide fight against Axis domin- ation. President Roosevelt, who had asked for the declaration immediately upon learning Germany and Italy had de- clared war on the United States, signed the war resolutionstas soon as they were received at the White House. Russia Expected To Act Thus the tremendous lineup of the world powers for the prosecution of World War No. II was complete with one major exception. eussia, which is at war with Germany and Italy, has yet to declare itself against Ja- pan, but Secretary of State Hull ex- pressed confidence it would do so. Just before going into conference with Maxim Litvinoff, the Soviet ambassador, Hull told reporters: "We for our part have no doubt that the government and the people of the Union of Socialist Soviet Re- publics will -do their full part in standing side ly side with all liberty loving people against the common mnenace." The Navy Departmenrt annoui ced ;he garrison on tiny 'Wake Island, ibout half way between Hawaii and ;he Philippines, had repulsed four ;eparate enemy attacks, and in the ?rocess had sunk a light cruiser and % destroyer from the air. Churchill Proclaims Solidarity With Allies (By The Associated Press) LONDON, Dec. 11-With five sim- )le words-"We are all in this" Winston Churchill proclaimed today 3ritain's proud determination to tand at the side of the United States ind maintain at any and every cost he mighty barricade now thrust up across the world against the Axis narauders of Europe and Asia. Speaking before Germany and Italy -ad declared war upon the United States, but in consciousness of the in- :ninence of that last step, he told the ?arliament: "Our foes are bound by their am- ,itions and their crimes to seek im- Alacably the destruction of the Eng- lish-speaking world and all it stands for. It is the supreme barrier for all heir kind. 'We Are Prepared' "If it should be their resolve we are prepared to meet it.' If they should leclare themselves resolved to con- pass the destruction of the English- 3peaking world, I know I speak for ;he United States as well as for the British Empire when I say we would :ather perish than be conquered. "On that basis, and putting it at BULLE TINS British Premier Pledges Full War Cooperation Against 'Margaders' Russia Still Mute N . ONLY! With the purpose of getting the average student's feet back on the ground and clarifying his duties, re- sponsibilities and status in the pres- ent emergency, an all-campus assem- bly will be held at 3:30 p.m. Tuesday in Hill Auditorium. Led by President Alexander G. Ruthven, the long list of speakers includes Dean Joseph Bursley, Dean Alice Lloyd, Lieut-Col. Francis Bran- nan, Commandant of the University ROTC, Prof. Louis Hopkins, Chair- man of the University Defense Com- mittee, and Capt. Lyal Davidson, Chairman of the Department of Naval Science and Tactics. Robert Sibley, crisis and yet are uncertain as to just what this entails, campus leaders and university officials felt that such a meeting would alleviate much of the confusion. Student organizations which are supporting the plans include the Union, the League, The Daily, the In- terfraternity Council, Men's Judiciary Council, Panhellenic, Congress, Wo- men's Judiciary Council, Assembly and the M-Club. Not intended to be an isolated ac- tivity, the program will be the key- note of a future campus-wide defense plan intended to solidify local war- ti e r,'r, 4 nanarl tor nn',,dAi'y, a +athem.